What is the naughty thing about the two little guys? When they come back? I knew that the situation was very obvious. The two little guys were encouraged by their uncle. That's why such a situation happened. To put it bluntly, it's not worth mentioning!

As for why we encourage the two little guys, does this need to be explained? ha-ha! I didn't expect that he should have such courage. What's the lesson? You really need to give it a little heavier, otherwise he doesn't know the power of it! Can he move his own son and daughter at will?

As for what Taixi said? It's not difficult for me. Some things really need to be discussed with Bruno to see what kind of attitude and consideration he has. It's been quite a long time since I came out with two children? It seems that all of us are so powerful!

Looking at the time, it seems to be a long journey. Now it's time for him to get up. And the situation was not unexpected. After a few minutes of waiting, the phone was connected. "I should say this is a relatively rare time. You actually connected the phone the first time!"

Bruno on the other side of the phone also heard a hearty laugh, "other people's calls can not be answered, or even refused to answer, but your phone is not afraid not to answer, the absolute God of wealth! Such a person can't afford to offend him! "

"Yes, on purpose?" Ding Yu is also merciless, is a small joke, this is also a way of mutual contact between each other, there is no other meaning, from this can also see that the relationship between each other is very good! If the relationship really has the so-called bad pool, is not able to say such words!

"What do you say? Are you ready to go out again? " Bruno was a little cautious when he said that.

"I don't have any idea about it yet!" Ding Yu said quite happily, "this has no action yet? The people behind the buttocks have emerged in an endless stream. If there is any action, I wonder whether all the people on the left and right will be full of people. When they want to move, they can't help themselves? "

"You! Sometimes it's so kind? " Bruno also exclaimed.

We have heard a lot about Ding Yu's affairs. After all, it's unrealistic to hide such things from people's eyes. If it's someone else, it doesn't matter who you follow. Does it have anything to do with me? As long as I feel a little wrong, then look at it!

The world is so big, how many places to bury bones? Don't care so much. It doesn't mean that Ding Yu is a little bit deep. It's not like that. Sometimes he thinks a little bit too much!

Of course. What about inside? Do not deny that there are some other reasons, each has its own consideration! But anyway, I appreciate his way of doing things, and the friendship between them is also quite good! That's enough!

"I wanted to let you go, but after thinking about it, I still can't afford to entertain you when you come here. What's the time now? What do you think of it

Bruno was also a little distracted, and then he was overjoyed, "you fellow! Sometimes? It's really over cautious. I know about it! " I have already understood the hidden meaning of Ding Yu's words. I originally wanted to mention it to myself, but why is it inconvenient? That is to say, let Sun Yingnan do it for you.

But what about sun Yingnan's identity? With Bruno or poor grade, so Ding Yu personally called himself this call, not too abrupt, this thing to do? It's really nothing to say.

"Say it! What is the matter, even let you all call in person, although I want to put on airs, but think about it or forget it! I don't want to be avenged by you. "

"Where's the mother of the baby? I mentioned some things with me, involving the fashion circle, I know you such an old lecher! But Taixi said that your coffee seat is too big. If you are invited to come here, you are really killing a chicken with a knife! So help me find two people to come here! "

"That's it. There's no problem!" But Bruno really didn't mean to put down the phone. "By the way, I feel a little thirsty recently! You know that! "

This old guy really doesn't suffer a loss! Ding Yu also smiles, "I want you to send it to you! You've never suffered a loss. Smoking is harmful. You don't know that! Still smoke a little better! Isn't it? "

However, before Ding Yu's words are finished, Bruno over there has already hung up the phone. Just like a joke, who knows if Ding Yu will give himself some credit for this reason, then the gain will be more than the loss!

As for Ding Yu's request, for Bruno, it is a matter of sesame size, which is not worth mentioning. To be more practical, Ding Yu doesn't need to call himself at all. In his current position, would you like to find a candidate in this field? It's so easy!He just wants to pass on a message to himself, so he also uses this to say things. Generally speaking, this is the situation that these people can't help themselves. Sometimes? Need to be quite secretive!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also contacted sun Yingnan and Jin. How to contact him? It is through the phone, using a special channel and encryption method, there is no way to talk about the matter? There are too many interests involved. What will be the consequences if it is known to the outside world? Not too many people are willing to face and undertake!

So it's not a bad thing to be cautious. Don't wait for an accident to wipe your butt. It's not worth the loss! At night, Ding Yu takes a rest later, but what about the nanny? I haven't dare to close my eyes all the time. Who knows when my husband will have what kind of needs?

This also led to the nanny wake up the next morning, the spirit is slightly a little bit depressed, looking at the husband who has completed the exercise, what about the nanny's heart? I really don't know how to describe it!

Abnormal human, normal person how to have such a appearance, but this word? Think about it in your heart. If you say it, do you want to do it? Do you want to know where you are? I don't know how many people are watching!

It's not to say how famous the lady is. She really doesn't have any relationship with this. She is no longer a child, so she has long been indifferent to such a thing. What's important is that she is in this position? Rich salary makes me speechless.

In a place like South Korea, how about looking for such a job? It's really more difficult for a person of his age. How about many women? This age are squatting in the farmers' market, after all, is a male dominated society!

Ding Yu's breakfast is very rich, and the nanny is also well prepared for this aspect. His wife has already warned himself before, but what about the husband's diet? It is true that there are so many frightening people. After eating, Ding Yu also went to read books and deal with work, but he really did not mean to leave home.

It's true that Ding Yu doesn't mean to leave, but it doesn't mean that other parties don't pay attention to Ding Yu at all. When Ding Yu comes to Korea, Samsung can't have any information about this aspect. It's unrealistic!

But obviously, what about Ding Yu's coming this time? It's not for business, so what about everyone? I really don't want to bother him too much! What's more important? There are many consortia in South Korea, but what about the people who have connections with Ding Yu? It is really not many, at least not many people can be seen by Ding Yu!

What is the reason? No one can say it clearly. Anyway, what about Ding Yu? A little bit mysterious and low-key. What about SK? Everyone's heart is really pinched a cold sweat, if Ding Yu really meddle in South Korea's affairs, even if we unite, not hurt, but also will have a few teeth.

Indeed, what about Ding Yu's hand? There may not be too many industries, but the problem is his power? Too large, in the capital market, it really makes people have so many difficult to stop, it is just South Korea, there are really so some powerless!

However, it is obvious that there are so many white worries, Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect, or because South Korea is too small! If Ding Yu is interested, we are really worried, even frightened, but what about Ding Yu's lack of interest? South Korea is really quite a grudge!

You know, although Samsung is superior in comparison, what about in South Korea? It's not that he's the only one in the family, is it? There are other consortia with considerable weight. Why can they cooperate with Samsung but not with other parties? Samsung has what conditions, we can also achieve!

Why did this happen? In fact, why? It's really very simple. After getting on Ding Yu's car, Samsung has already transferred other consortia? To pull down a long way, and now? Everyone even can't see the tail light. It's too exaggerated!

What about Samsung? It's very arrogant, but it doesn't say that it's monopolistic. But now? Samsung is really a few people can't understand, but who brought all this, Li Jianxi? It's an important part, but what about it? You can't really ignore Ding Yu.

If there is no Ding Yu, it will certainly not be the current situation. Even if Samsung wants to be the dominant one? It is also more difficult, Samsung can get, we can also!

What about Samsung? It's impossible to have no feeling at all. Samsung is on the fast track. Is there a very important reason? It was at the beginning that I boarded Ding Yu's ship. Judging from the current situation, I have made a lot of money!

What about Ding Yu's boat? It's a coincidence, but what about the subsequent development? Ding Yu does not really have much meaning for South Korea, except for the incident of Taixi, there is no other meaning! From this point of view? It has already given Samsung this face!If Ding Yu has the meaning of this aspect, even if it is to throw out the intention of this aspect, everyone will surely rush to it, but Ding Yu did not do so! But what about inside? Li Jianxi is not worried at all. What about the people in his family who have a good relationship with him? Myself and my daughter!

As for his own son? For those who are pro European and American, their relationship with Ding Yu can be said to be extremely general. At most? That is to maintain a superficial relationship, there is no other contact, this is really let Li Jianxi have so many worries!

In the future, Samsung must be handed over to his son. But what about Ding Yu's current situation and his relationship with Samsung in the future? Will it still be like this? If there is any problem, Ding Yu may not bite his face, but he will never help!

What about Samsung now? It is in the top position, and it is backed by Ding Yu, so even if there are any problems and conditions, it can be supported. But what will be the situation when Rong takes over Samsung? What about Li Jianxi? I have no confidence at all. Can my son control this empire?

Of course, I know about other families? What about Ding Yu? There are so many covetous meanings, but? Ding Yu has always been unable to contact him, but there is a saying that as long as the Kung Fu deep iron pestle is ground into a needle, if they are followed by them, they will find other opportunities, right?

But now Ding Yu came to South Korea, he did not show much meaning, obviously did not want to attract everyone's attention, but Samsung can not ignore it? So what about Li Fu Zhen? Also deliberately came to visit Ding Yu, did not bring any so-called things and gifts, just some fruit! It's a courtesy visit!

Ding Yu looked at Li Fuzhen sitting on the sofa in the living room, and nodded his head. What about each other? It can be regarded as a relatively familiar, but it doesn't need to be too serious. Then the nanny also sent two cups of coffee. It is obvious that she is interested in the big Princess of Samsung? It's not very strange.

Even the coffee? There are also some differences. From this simple detail, we can see that the relationship between Li Fuzhen and Taixi is very good. Otherwise, what about the nanny at home? Never deliberately care about these details!

"It seems a little early." When he sat down, Ding Yu said it casually, even his two legs were put together, showing a little disrespect. But from here, we can see that the relationship between each other seems to be to a certain extent, otherwise Ding Yu would never behave like this!

"If you come late, I'm afraid someone will have already blocked the door! I'm familiar with Taixi. Otherwise, whether I can come in or not is really a matter of two words! "

Obviously, Li Fuzhen is also venting a little discontent. What happened when he came earlier? Where's the bodyguard outside? How many have so many not fake color, this lets Li Fu Zhen extremely uncomfortable, but oneself also can't give bodyguard how, after all, the family? It's just for Ding Yu, not for yourself!

"Is there such exaggeration?" Ding Yu also gave a cold smile, "I don't seem to have done anything else, and this time I'm here? Seems to be more quietly! Is that all you're interested in me? I'm not a national treasure

"Not a national treasure? It is already quite popular. What if it becomes a national treasure? Maybe it's another situation! " Li Fuzhen picked up the coffee and tasted it. The taste was OK! "Father asked me to sit with you!"

The words were a little low, and then Li Fuzhen also took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, and lit the cigarette in front of Ding Yu. Ding Yu looked around and couldn't find the so-called ashtray. After all, he didn't smoke much. What about Taixi? No smoking!

It is not difficult to find a suitable appliance as an ashtray. What is important is that Li Fu Zhen shows his attitude in front of himself? Let Ding Yu feel very embarrassed and helpless, he once told her, anyway? They will not be involved in Samsung's affairs, especially their housework.

"I think it sounds more ridiculous!" Ding Yu also said without any taboo, "do you have no confidence in Samsung, or do you have too much confidence in your brother? It's not like your usual performance! "

Li Fuzhen flicked the ash in his hand. "Is it too heartless? I feel that I have performed extremely well. I feel a little ashamed of your words like this!"

Words are very relaxed, but under such circumstances, say such words, Li Fu Zhen's mind? It is really gray to a certain extent, Ding Yu also feel that there are some headache, he is not the mentor of life! Is it really good to deal with yourself like this? Are some of them too radical?

"Come to me for comfort, I can see it!" Ding Yu also nodded, "but I think you may have found the wrong person, but I can hear your intention clearly!""It's cruel enough!" When Li Fu Zhen put out the cigarette end, he also looked at Ding Yu with deep resentment!

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