Ding Yu looks at the cigarette end in the ashtray, and it seems that she has not completely extinguished it. Obviously, she is not an old hand among them! That is to say, this did not form a habit, did not extinguish the smoke? It's also curling up, it seems some dream.

"This is not a matter of sentimentality and ruthlessness, but the actual situation. If it is involved in specific affairs, there will be emotional tendencies. This will affect personal judgment. The dike of thousands of miles is destroyed in the ant nest. I don't want to have this beginning!"

Li Fu Zhen is also a gentle hum, nose is slightly up warped, this speech? For myself, it doesn't play any role at all. I said this is a kind of speech. More frankly, it's an excuse, it's a cover up. Do you want to open a breakthrough from him? It's better to be more direct from my father!

"Ding Sheng, it seems too much to say, especially for a woman! Now what about everyone? What about me? Although they are not orphans and widows, they do not seem to have been sent there? "

Ah? This kind of thing also pushes to own head to come, seem to be a bit too much? What about her husband's monkey business? It seems that she has nothing to do with herself. The main reason is that her husband was provoked, and then she became dizzy and directly found herself. What happened all the time? I was innocent with her.

However, Ding Yu also knows that if he said so in public, even if Li Jianxi did not destroy himself, he would definitely make himself look good, because doing so would definitely humiliate the Li family, and he could not bear to put his tone on anyone.

Ding Yu is very clear. What about Li Fu Zhen? It is in "framing" himself, even to a certain extent, he is playing cards with himself. There is no one in NIMA. At this time, Ding Yu really wants to scold him. Can't he be reasonable? You have to do this with yourself, but what about Ding Yu? It's really a bit tricky.

She doesn't talk to you positively at all, but plays a knave with you! Is it like her? It seems that there are so many bullshit. What's important is that Ding Yu has never played with this set of things? Now what about Ding Yu's view of the eldest princess of the Li family? It's really that I feel so uncertain.

Who can guarantee that she won't be gum? If you paste it over, it's really hard to get rid of it. At least what about Li Jianxi? I'd love to see that! After thinking about it for a while, Ding Yu also put down his two legs.

"You can't rob class and seize power, and what's in your hands? There seems to be a lot of them. At least I don't think Samsung can give you more. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid there is only one reason to come to me! "

"Tell me, I'm very curious about it!"

"You don't lack any support now, even where you're looking? It should be to consolidate your own power, but what about your behavior today? It is true that some of them are too radical to be accepted. Under such circumstances, should I praise the maintenance of Samsung as a whole? Or should we say...! "

"I didn't shout out loud. This has already given Tai Xi a lot of face!"

It's true that Ding Yu broke it, but what about that? How about today? She has no scruples about her face. Anyway, she and Ding Yu are two people. What about the family? There is a nanny, but after giving himself coffee, he has left. Obviously, the nanny knows that there will not be too many good fruits to eat.

Ding Yu also laughed, "what about this move? You can use it once, but what about the next time? Is Li Dong so interested in this matter? I don't think this is a good thing, especially the way and method of dealing with this matter. I think this kind of resistance? Some of them are too deliberate! "

"Do you have any?" Li Fu is really leisurely said, unconscious appearance, Ding Yu is also feeling that there are some teeth itching, such a way? I really don't like it, and I even feel a little disgusted.

But it is undeniable that Li Fu really grasped the opportunity very well. She even had some doubts. Was she intentional? Under such circumstances, some things? It's really hard to explain clearly! And the longer this time is delayed! The situation is getting worse, at least for myself.

Ding Yu is also holding his chest in both hands, "I suddenly found that, as if to let you in? Is it really a mistake, even to many people outside? I'm afraid it's hard to say clearly even if I have a hundred mouths! Is it? "

"Who knows?" Li Fu Zhen also disdained to say, "where are these old guys? What about that? To be more dirty, only interests are eternal, as for others? No one will pay too much attention to it. Maybe someone has already asked for my father to have tea now

"That's very reasonable." Ding Yu also nodded, maybe at this time? It is true that he is the king of Samsung, but it does not mean that he can really cover the sky. "What about the decision-making power? It's not on your hands. Can you... "Although not very clear, but tea delivery such things? I believe li really will understand. Some black pot? Dingyu can't bear it. What about her and the one in the house? Is there no divorce yet? Moreover, even if it is divorce, Dingyu does not feel that there are too many advantages to be involved.

But for lifuzhen, what about this time? It's the best time. What about the opportunity I wanted to find in the past? Really is not able to find, today I do not sit here for two or three hours, how can I afford to myself!

So even if Dingyu brought up the coffee cup, but lifuzhen still has no action, Dingyu this gas! What about this one? Now it is really tofu falling into the coal pile, blowing, and also beating. What do you say is OK?

"You don't have anything to do anyway. Isn't it good for you to have coffee with two people?" When talking, lifuzhen also stood up. "Coffee is a little cold. Change one again. Would you like some other flavor, I am right for coffee? Or have their own unique understanding, try a new taste? "

I don't know what she is today. Anyway, it is a time of death and death. Dingyu doesn't know how to deal with it now. It is hard? Obviously, it is not suitable, even some of them are not gentlemanly and rude, but it seems that there is no way to hold on like this.

And what do you mean by that? Li Fuzhen seems to be still around him today, or does he know whether Taixi knows this? Dingyu still has so many doubts about this, it will not be the trap that these two women set up for themselves deliberately! Why do you feel like this?

"So, what about this? There is already a considerable estimate! "

Since she didn't mean to leave, Dingyu didn't really have to force her. If she wanted to, she didn't want to fall out with her. It was not necessary. At least, the relationship between them? OK!

He brought coffee again to Dingyu's side position, but when he attached his body to put coffee, Dingyu also subconsciously twisted his head. There was no way, some of them were too open, and they really had so many to bear! She was absolutely intentional. What about lifuzhen? Looking at Dingyu, he laughed.

But what about this smile? It was also fleeting, and I went back to my position and sat down again. "What about all aspects of the time? Maybe all of them have to put pressure on my father. I don't know what Mr. Ding is like! "

I'm afraid that is why Li Jianxi asked Li Fu to come here, because of lijianxi? It's clear. What about Dingyu at this time? Is the integration of the power of Asia as a whole. What about Japan from the information you get? Attitude can be said to be very positive and cheerful.

But what's going on in the way of the US? There are so many stops on the surface of this matter, but the specific internal feelings are how to do things, Li Jianxi is not very clear, so he has so many anxious to know, what kind of attitude Dingyu is now!

Since all have been on the ship, and the ship is still in the wind and waves, what about itself? Really don't drag this back leg is better, now what about this time? Still need to show a little positive, at least Samsung in Dingyu's mind position! It's quite a necessary thing!

"If it was Li, I might have understood it. What about the future? He will take charge of Samsung, let you come? It seems that there is a little reversal of this thing! "

"Is this a test for me?" When talking, lifuzhen also put two legs together, very reckless appearance, Dingyu also gave a white eye, and he talked to her about serious affairs! What is she supposed to give herself this set?

But Li really knows. What about playing? There should also be a bottom line. I can't really show too much on the first hand. It's easy to burn. I am very interested in Ding Yu, but what about subduing Ding Yu? This matter is not an easy thing, quite difficult and challenging!

"I want to hear your opinion on this matter!"

Li Fuzhen nodded, "father has a certain judgment on the situation. Now the United States seems to be staring at Japan, and on the South Korean side? It has a considerable influence, but what about hands-on? It's not really, at this time? If you have made the mat in advance, there will be no too many problems! "

What about Li Fuzhen's judgment? Dingyu also smiled, and what about lijianxi? It is true that Samsung is the only one, but it has really considered its own foundation? Or in Korea? I grew up, but now what about this time? I need to pull other kids! At least keep your foundation free of any problems!

Li Jianxi is very clear. What about himself? Want to unify all forces in South Korea? This is not a realistic thing, but take advantage of this opportunity, peep? It's not impossible. Do you want to know Korea? Also not own a family alone, after all, there are other families!But this time? Try out the big families and see what kind of mentality they are! From the relationship between each other, of course, he and Ding Yu go closer! What about myself now? Really very sure, Ding Yu will not choose a second person in South Korea for the time being!

Not the other families? If there is no such force, it is not for this reason that we should choose two families? It's really not conducive to the control of the whole force, but what about the day when you have yourself? Samsung is Ding Yu's best partner. Is he not there? This is another matter.

But what about inside? It's not that there are no problems and conditions at all. What about Li Jianxi? Now it's really a little uncertain. What kind of attitude is Ding Yu and how to do it himself? Will it cause the so-called counter effect and let others deal with it? It's not appropriate, but let your eldest daughter come? There are not too many problems.

As for Li Jianxi? At this time, of course, I had tea with some people. As for whether her eldest daughter could take down Ding Yu, it was not really important. She was very aware of her daughter's careful thinking. She just needed to pass on her own meaning to Ding Yu!

In this process, will Li Jianxi seek some welfare for himself? From another perspective, if there is really any relationship between them, Li Jianxi? I really hope to see it!

Or that saying, interest is everything, as long as there is interest, then everything else is not a problem, under the cover of interest? What about everything? All are reasonable! For this process is not the sacrifice of their own daughter, this problem is really not in the consideration of Li Jianxi!

"I just heard what you said, but what about my personal opinion? This is just your father's personal opinions and thoughts. What do I want to know? It's your personal opinion and opinion. I want to judge it! "

Looking at Ding Yu's cleaning up, what about Li Fu Zhen? Also bit his own teeth, Ding Yu this guy is very young! No matter from which aspect, they are very young, even compared with the so-called second generation? Even younger! From scratch, to this extent, he is definitely not a role for nothing!

This problem is really a test for himself. When he came to see Ding Yu alone, or even used the knave's tricks, Ding Yu could not have any opinions and ideas. Under such circumstances, would you like to recover? Can not rely on their own thick skin, need to take out some real gold and silver things!

"Samsung is now in the process of healthy growth! This is obvious to all. In such a situation of the world economy, if you want to save the economy of South Korea, how about a Samsung? We can't say it's car water cup salary, but at least it doesn't play a decisive role! " When speaking, Li Fuzhen also looked at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu also nodded, and obviously agreed with Li Fu Zhen's statement, "continue!"

"Samsung's advantage is already very big, and what about the Asian power that Ding Sheng constructs? Now we need strong support. If Samsung is very confident about this, at least South Korea won't have too many problems! "

"Is this a guarantee?"

Li Fu Zhen hesitated for a moment. Should this answer be given to Ding Yu? Or do you have the courage to say this now? For half a day, Li Fuzhen did not dare to say this, Samsung? Samsung's own father? I dare not say that!

Looking at Li Fu Zhen's performance, Ding Yu also smiles. How about talking to Li Fuzhen? There is an advantage, that is, Li Fuzhen won't see too many things. If you sit with Li Jianxi, how about talking? Will never be so relaxed and free!

I really don't want to beat Li Jianxi. He has such ambition to control the whole South Korea by himself. You know, he is so old. Even if he becomes the leader of the Wulin, what can he do now? But the problem is his age? No more!

In other words, the son inherits the father's work! It seems that there is no need to make such a contact for Li Zai Rong! When the time comes, let alone whether we can threaten ourselves in turn and maintain the status and industry of Samsung? Is already quite not easy matter!

But Ding Yu really has another view on this matter. Is he ambitious? Can't say it's a bad thing, but what about overconfidence? This is not a good thing! Or Li Jianxi? Too much trust in your son! At this point, Ding Yu is not very optimistic!

But what about things like this? Ding Yu really won't say it in person. It doesn't have any meaning. It's easy to offend people!

From here, what about Li Jianxi? For this matter! I haven't got to be sure about this. So I'm going to test Ding Yu's attitude with Li Fuzhen. If it's appropriate, I'll treat him. If I don't feel right, I haven't shown up before.What about the abacus? The fight is really loud! What is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter? It is certain that there will not be any disclosure on the surface, but it does not mean that Ding Yu does not agree with this matter. These are two concepts!

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