What about Li Fu Zhen? There are so many puzzled look at Ding Yu. Up to now, I still haven't figured out what Ding Yu really means, and look at his old God sitting there? It's just that there are so many attractions!

Looking at his manner, Li Fu sincerely sighed. For any normal woman, this is a lethal poison! But it makes people want to stop. If they are not in Taixi's home, they even have some doubts. What kind of reaction will they make next!

"Samsung's development is very good. What about this? It is obvious to all, but how to control this problem? It depends on how Mr. Li arranges it! After all, I'm an outsider, and I don't know much about the situation in South Korea! "

Ding Yu implicitly revealed his own meaning, how do you Samsung want to do, that is your own thing, me? It's not easy to get involved, and it's not easy to get involved. It's not that you are afraid of any problems, but the people of South Korea at that time? Can not accept such a so-called reality!

What about you, Li Jianxi? What about my name? It doesn't mean No. what about the public and private sectors? You don't need to distinguish clearly, but you need to say one sentence. Since you have decided to join in, don't delay. Otherwise, you won't be too polite at that time!

Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu is also a person who is more fond of old love, so what about Li Jianxi's "extraordinary" action this time? Ding Yu did not have any intention to investigate.

After all, in the whole process? Ding Yu did not get the so-called absolute benefits, but Li Jianxi could use Ding Yu's name? The situation has been unified, and established the status and position of the whole Samsung. Even to a certain extent, Ding Yu has been threatened!

But Ding Yu still didn't show much anger, and even showed no attitude towards this aspect. What did he value? Li Jianxi? At least, the cooperation between Samsung and Li Jianxi is also deliberate. If Li Jianxi leaves Samsung, how will the follow-up develop? That's another thing!

Even if Li zaireng was exalted to the throne, what would happen? In this regard, Ding Yu is really a little bit disdainful and has stepped on the throne? It doesn't mean that you can stand firm and sit on the throne. What if someone really doesn't want to pull you down from the throne? It seems to be a very easy thing, since ancient times, such things have happened too much, even countless!

"Ding Sheng, can I understand it as someone outside? You are gone! " When speaking, Li Fuzhen once again put forward his body, the meaning of inquiry is very obvious, but? The meaning of peeping at Ding Yu is also very obvious.

Ding Yu also felt that he couldn't laugh or cry about it. Then he asked, "what do you mean by the literal meaning? Am I just sitting at home? " What about this? It's not that they are not satisfied, but that some of them have been flirting with each other?

Li Fuzhen also felt that his attitude was really a little too aggressive, what about this? It's true that there are so many unreasonable things. What about Ding Yu? Don't like to go out, would you like to go out with him? This is two times. It's really not up to you to decide.

In other words, what kind of person does Samsung regard Ding Yu as? No need to get Samsung's consent, this is certain! I give you this face? Everyone's face may be better-looking, if that is not to give you this face, you can only be hard to suffer, there is no other way!

Li Fu Zhen, who felt his own problem, also burst into a smile. "Ding Sheng, I heard that I only chatted with two little girls in the coffee shop yesterday. It seems that they are still very close!" When talking, he even glanced at Ding Yu with a smile!

Since hard is not good, then come soft! As for his perseverance, there is also a reason, because so far, Ding Yu has no sign of turning over, even the so-called angry? No, since this is the case, then continue to tease it! Not too many questions!

"When have you been so gossipy? This does not seem to have much direct relationship with Samsung! I didn't hear that you still wanted to buy into the entertainment industry? " Ding Yu is really not clear about this!

"Does Samsung have its own entertainment company to export culture? Can't rely on the so-called books What about this? It's not easy to say it. After all, what about South Korea? The lack of comparison in history, or basically no history of its own, is dependent on other countries to live.

Li Fu Zhen can say such words, that she can face up to her own history, this is really not easy, to know that she is a woman, this point is particularly valuable! Of course, it's hard to say whether it means to compliment Ding Yu.

"Tai Xi seems to be more interested in them!" Now that we can get off the subject? Ding Yu, of course, won't be too stingy. "Previously, I also asked me to look for the relationship with the U.S. side to explore the market."okay? What about the bait that Ding Yu suddenly throws out? Li Fu Zhen is also stunned for a moment, how about himself? Just want to find a topic again, but what about Ding Yu? But give yourself such an answer? What's the meaning of this?

There are so many uncertainties! However, Li Fu Zhen also continued to say along with Ding Yu's topic, "what about their women's group? It's very popular recently, but someone should be pushed out to fight in this arena Speaking of here, Li Fu Zhen suddenly stopped, as if he understood something.

Ding Yu of course did not pay attention to Li Fu Zhen's eyes, but said to himself, "I called Bruno earlier. You should have met that old guy. He is an old lecher. At the beginning, he even gave a portrait. I really doubt what he thought when he gave me this book?"

"I don't know what I think, but the meaning should be very clear?"

For Li Fu Zhen's slightly ambiguous eyes, Ding Yu also shook his head, "what do you think? Maybe there are some differences. What about this guy? What about his original identity in the fashion world? It's really a giant. What about the photo album? He did it all by himself

Are you kidding me? When Li Fuzhen looks at Ding Yu, his face is full of disbelief. He has seen Bruno himself, so don't talk nonsense to me. But looking at Ding Yu's manner, Li Fuzhen feels that he can't understand the world. What's the matter?

"And you? Are you the same as a doctor? " Li Fu Zhen seems to remember what? "Is it hard for everyone to have such hobbies and interests and never take their own career as a career?"

"What about it? My major job is a doctor. What about my spare time? Maybe I will do something irrelevant. It's just like relaxing. Later, I find that the sideline is even better than the main business. How can I feel about this? " When he said this, Ding Yu didn't seem to know the so-called thick skinned? How did it happen?

But Li Fu was really hit. Some of them were too joking. Ding Yu came all the way. What about his power and the Samsung behind him? I feel stressed. What about my father? Even can only be equal dialogue with him, but now I was told that it is only his sideline!

And not only Ding Yu, but even Bruno? It's the same thing. Do all people have such hobbies? Comparatively speaking, it seems that they really have some problems?

Is this the main reason why these guys have never been famous, because their cover up is really good. What about Ding Yu? Not only a doctor, but also a famous teacher. What about in the United States now? It seems to be a little famous, at least in the profession of doctors. What about Bruno? It seems to be a giant in fashion! Ding Yu's words, there will not be too many problems, compared with them, he seems to have no such cover up identity!

"Is that why we are so different?" Li Fuzhen was also successfully brought to the ditch by Ding Yu.

But Ding Yu is also aware that although Li Fuzhen has been taken to the ditch now, it is really not good to cover the earth on it. If she is crushed to death, when the follow-up reaction comes over, she will be guilty. After all, she is a woman, and unreasonable seems to be a woman's privilege.

"Samsung is an industrial company after all. What about Bruno and me? There are the same places, but also different places. Da Yin was hidden in the dynasty. Sometimes? It's too dazzling to stand out, and it's too easy to attract other people's attention. This is a situation that many people don't want to face, so it's good to establish a manager standing in that position! "

What about this one? It's the difference in business mode and philosophy, but it's obviously impractical for Samsung to make such changes. Even if Li Jianxi is willing, I'm afraid all the Korean people will not be willing to!

"You're lying to me again!" Li Fu Zhen suddenly woke up, he seems to talk with Ding Yu is not this thing! But I don't know when she was misled by Ding Yu, and after that? Ding Yu didn't lead him to go on. Instead, he let himself wake up in an instant. He was intentional!

He completely played with him between applause, and there is no way to deal with Ding Yu? Can't really use a formal way, at least in their own body is not feasible! Still need to be the same as the previous time, brazen with him to the so-called rogue tricks, because he suddenly found that this is the best way to deal with Ding Yu.

"It's just a matter of fact, and it's also an expression of my attitude!" Ding Yu didn't mean to be embarrassed at all. What about the losers anyway? It's not me, and what about doing that? It seems to be for your own good. Don't bite LV Dongbin. You don't know the heart of a good man! What about ordinary people? I will not say so!

But what about Ding Yu? Li Fuzhen's overall thinking has been broken. Now it needs a little time to connect this idea again. So he took two sips of coffee and mainly used this time to alleviate it. Ding Yu was not able to compete with each other!After a long time, Li Fu Zhen woke up and said, "Tai Xi has protected them very well. I think there are other meanings in it! Is it used to warm your bed

Eh? It's not serious again. Ding Yu scratched his hair. Isn't this a typical rogue? But Ding Yu has the final say not take it seriously. "What does Thailand think?" she said, "I need to stretch out my hand if I can help." What's more, the two children at home seem to like it very much! "

"It seems that you are still a lonely family in the end, which is a little pathetic!" Looking at the coffee cup in front of him, Li Fu Zhen's eyes also brightened up, "I drink coffee at home, it seems that there is no taste, I know there is a coffee is very good, I don't know if I have this honor!"

"This is absolutely right." Ding Yu didn't mean to move at all. "Can't I see people outside? It doesn't matter at all. I don't know what to talk about. What's more, I believe Mr. Li? Now it's almost the same as some people's tea. I'm lazy! "

But what about Li Fu Zhen? There is no meaning in this aspect. I just stood up directly and even took the initiative to walk to Ding Yu's side. I mean, what about this time? It's not a verbal molestation any more, it's going to start right now!

Ding Yu can push Li Fu Zhen away directly, but that would be too bad! At this time, Ding Yu was also thinking about it. What if he went out now? So it is really to support Li Jianxi, and even put things on the surface!

"How about coffee? It's not impossible, but it's too far away from home? There's no need for that! I still have some other affairs to deal with. I really don't have much free time! " Some words? Still need to say in the front, they really do not want endless!

Li Fu Zhen didn't mean to talk at all. Looking at Ding Yu who stood up, he also picked up his own bag. Because the weather was not cold, Ding Yu didn't prepare too many things. Soon, he went out of the house with Li Fuzhen.

And what about the people outside? Looking at the two people, the heart is a sigh, the big Princess of the Li family! It's really good. What about the others? Want to see Ding Yu? But what about her? It's not only easy to get in and out, but also able to invite Ding Yu out!

What about that? It's extraordinary. It's really the big Princess of three stars! What about the others? What about this time? It is true that there are so many vent gas, if we can see Ding Yu now? This is a thing, at least can occupy a little initiative, but by the big Princess of Samsung to preempt a step, fell behind!

What about now? I can only go on drinking tea with Li Jianxi. What else can I do? Since Ding Yu has been invited out by the big Princess of Samsung, does it mean that he is up to a certain extent? It doesn't matter how you say it behind the scenes, but on the surface, it's all settled!

"It's a nice day. It's always stuffy at home? It seems that there are so many regrets! Isn't it? " When sitting in the car, Li Fu Zhen's expression on his face showed a little bit of joy. He was able to pull Ding Yu out. This seems to be his own credit!

"Are you not so confident in your answer?" Ding Yu also took a look at the sky outside. "The two children seemed to have set off a big firecracker yesterday. When Taixi called me, it seemed to have said that. I don't think the family can tolerate two bear children!"

"On purpose, isn't it?" Li Fu's face was also suddenly pulled down.

In the face of Li Fu Zhen's face, Ding Yu also shakes his head, which is really a dead hole! What about her family life? I don't have any intention to interfere or even touch. In other words, I don't want to see her in the same way!

"Inviting me out will make many people feel a little disappointed. What about this matter? You're supposed to have done a lot of hard work? What are you going to do? I don't think you'll get too much this time! "

"Irony?" Li Fu Zhen also looked at Ding Yu as provocative. He thought about Ding Yu's appearance, and then asked tentatively, "why do you say that? What about my efforts this time? A lot of it

"How much? It has little to do with the harvest. This is not a cause and effect When he said this, the expression on Ding Yu's face was very plain, even a little cold. Li Fuzhen had been paying attention to the expression change on Ding Yu's face, so his feeling was also quite profound!

"That is to say!"

"That is to say, no matter you or Li Zai Rong, who will come? The results are almost the same! " What about Ding Yu's answer? It's also extremely cold, even quite ruthless, just like a knife. It's just like a knife. It's just a knife that kills Li Fu Zhen's chest!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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