"Don't you think it's so cruel?" Li Fu Zhen's face was livid, and his hands were dead. Even the blue veins on his hands were suddenly raised! At this time, she has been out of her anger! Words are too direct, direct let themselves simply can not bear!

It should be your own credit, and what about yourself? Pay a lot, but now was told that he is just a cover, and Ding Yu? From the beginning to the end, he was just like a naked clown performing in front of him. What about him? It was so dismissive.

What about Ding Yu? The attitude is still cold, and now there is no consolation at all. "If you can't understand this, then sitting in this position can only harm others and harm yourself, and I didn't think that you can't even think about such things! A little bit disappointed! "

"Has anyone ever said that you are a nuisance!" Li Fuzhen's voice is also very loud, because the space is sealed, so Ding Yu also took out his ear with his hand. He really did it on purpose, but obviously Ding Yu did so? There will be no result.

What about Li Fuzhen now? Obviously, there are so many uncontrollable, the whole person seems to have some hysteria, trying hard, although the car stopped, but two people? They didn't mean to get off the bus. The driver and security guard in front of me naturally didn't know what happened, because there was a baffle. What's more, even if something was found, it's better not to ask about other things at this time! It's not in their area of responsibility.

Looking at the handkerchief handed over by Ding Yu, Li Fuzhen also wiped his eyes. Although the time was so short, he could see some redness and swelling. Fortunately, he came with sunglasses. Otherwise, I'm afraid he can't get off the bus at this time. It's really embarrassing.

"Feel better?" Looking at Li Fu Zhen's appearance, Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture. Two people got off the car one after the other, and what about the security in front of him? It also moved immediately. I didn't know what had happened before, but now that the rear door has moved, I can't do without any action!

When two people get off the car, they always keep a considerable distance. What's Li Fu Zhen's mood? Now it has calmed down a lot. The previous blow was a little bit too big for me to bear. But after a period of time, I also found that it didn't seem to be a big deal.

What's more, he cried bitterly in front of Ding Yu? Some shame, for Li Fu Zhen, what about such a thing? It's true that there are so many people who can't be forgiven, but Ding Yu. If it's someone else, what about now? Even if you don't kill people, it seems to be the same.

"Should I say thank you? In this case, I'm afraid that no one will say it out! " Although he was sitting in the room, Li Fu really didn't mean to take off his sunglasses. It was a little bit impolite. Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't care about it! That's understandable.

"You're not expected to be grateful!" Ding Yu also ridiculed and said that, at this time, some of them add fuel to the fire. It can be seen from the expression on Li Fu Zhen's face that she is quite unhappy at this time. You have stabbed me in the chest, and now continue to sprinkle salt on it. Is it still a man? Not a gentleman at all.

Li Fu Zhen looked around for two times, but he really didn't find anything suitable. Otherwise, he might directly pour it on his slightly handsome face and hit him with peach blossoms all over his face. Because the feeling to himself is really hateful. It's already now, and we should continue! How inhuman!

But after the coffee came up, Ding Yu didn't mean to go on. Now she has a sharp weapon on her hand, so she doesn't need to continue to use poisonous words. She can't control her mood. The person who will suffer will be herself.

It's not that I'm afraid of her turning over. The main thing is that if other people see this, it will affect the whole thing. This is not what Ding Yu wants to see! At that time, it needs to be rearranged. This is not what Ding Yu wants to see. There are so many wasted time!

"Just now, I was still talking, but now it is a little quiet and I feel not used to it!" Li Fuzhen holding coffee, squinting his own eyes, staring at Ding Yu! What about yourself? Already have this plan, if Ding Yu says anything more, his coffee will be poured on his face!

"It was just now, and now is the moment. Everything needs to be looked forward to. It can't always be silent in the memory." As for the topic? Ding Yu was once again lightly covered up! As if nothing had happened before, everything was so peaceful!

"Has anyone said, and you? A little bit deeper? "

"From this discourse? I heard a little derogatory, but now I can't accept the so-called praise! " Ding Yu is also a little smile, "but I think you are this evaluation? Maybe it's a little bit inaccurate. How many people define me? There are so many anti human beingsEh? Li Fu Zhen took a look. What about this time? Looking at Ding Yu's eyes, what about the whole person? Also began to lean forward, but Ding Yu's eyes are very bright, there is nothing to see! I really did not pay attention to, the original a person's eyes can be so beautiful, he has so some trance.

Always waiting for Ding Yu to bring up the coffee, Li Fuzhen was a little bit panicked. Subconsciously, he had to brush his hair. Then he found that he was still wearing eyes. For himself, this is the best cover up!

"Anti human things are so far away! It's really that some of them are not used to it! " For such a thing, Li Fu really does not know at all, but such a thing? It's not my turn to judge, although I'm very interested!

"There's nothing wrong with getting used to it!" What about Ding Yu's words? Quite cold, Li Fu Zhen is also subconsciously touched his neck? I feel so cool! All of a sudden, some do not adapt to the change.

"Can I take that as provocation?" When talking, he also took off his sunglasses. In this way, Li Fu's eyes are really sharp!

"Understanding mistakes, what about dealing with things? Can not be too emotional, at least to show a little more rational, this? Just as a hint of friends, your performance in this matter is too emotional, and it really makes people feel so unhappy

Ding Yu didn't hide his attitude, and Li Fuzhen was biting his teeth. Of course, this was not wrong. He couldn't let go of his feelings for a while, and he was still in front of Ding Yu, so he was caught. However, Ding Yu was so venomous that he didn't have a pair of pliers? He directly pulled out his tongue!

"Women? Sensibility is always greater than reason! " Li Fu Zhen's eyes narrowed a little fiercely, which made people feel like a small knife. He was flying up and down cutting Ding Yu. Even if he couldn't cut out eight pieces of meat, he had to cut several pieces of meat from Ding Yu's body at least! Fang Jiexin's hatred!

"Is it? I also because in your position, rationality is greater than sensibility? " Obviously, what did Ding Yu say to Li Fu Zhen? It's a bit "disappointed", or it's the best time to fight back against Li Fuzhen. Who let her be a rascal to herself in the previous time? This is the price!

Since you want to play? You need to have a good time. After all, you are Li Jianxi's daughter. What about Li Jianxi this time? Calculate oneself, now he did not show up, you naturally want to accept on behalf of his father, this has nothing to say, but obviously, now Li Fu Zhen? I don't seem to understand it yet!

"What concept do you seem to convey to me?" What about Li Fu Zhen? Although it is a hindsight, but after all, it has been practiced in Samsung for many years. It is impossible that there is no awareness in this aspect!

But because the emotion fluctuates too much, also caused oneself temporarily? It's hard to climb out of this pit. I know that there is a problem, but I don't know what the problem is. Since Ding Yu is in front of him, he should not be ashamed to ask! Anyway, they are friends!

"It's the same result when your brother comes. I won't treat it differently. Why did you come instead of your brother? Obviously, this matter? It's more advantageous for your brother to consolidate his position in Samsung! "

Li Fu Zhen put his hands together on the table and put the back of his right hand against his left cheek. He lowered his head and thought about Ding Yu's words! Father did not hide his meaning, he understood the situation, but now he was awakened by Ding Yu? I am also thinking.

What does Father mean, is it to hold down his brother and not let him go to the top? Impossible thing, the future Samsung is all his brother's, absolutely not his own, so the father can't hold his brother down and praise himself, is it because the relationship between brother and Ding Yu is not good? That's not the reason.

Ding Yu, the bastard, has already said, who will come, whether he or his brother, this matter? His attitude is agreed, there won't be any difference, but the problem comes!

What about Dad doing that? Is it because you don't have confidence? At this time, it seems that there is such an explanation. Because of lack of self-confidence, I let myself explore. After all, the relationship between myself and Ding Yu is quite good. Even if there is any problem or situation, what will happen then? You can hold on to it! If Li Fu really wants to come, it should be like this.

"Please give me some advice."

"What about Dong Li? For this matter, there is not much certainty, it is certain! But this is not the main reason why you didn't let your brother come, or what I said, sometimes? It's not good to think rationally, not to do anything sensibly! "

"I feel that there are some ambiguities in this statement!" Obviously, Li Fuzhen hasn't been able to make clear the meaning of Ding Yu's words, at least now she is still quite confused!"Well! Then I'll be more straightforward! " Ding Yu also has some exclamations. How did Li Jianxi train her daughter? Such a simple thing can't see clearly, even need to let their own waste of breath.

"Li Dong's meaning is very clear. Samsung is an empire. How about you? Although it is said that you can not inherit the Empire, but you are after all the people of this empire, under the influence of the Empire? You should do what you can. You need to contribute to the Empire. Well done? In your spare time, you use your identity to do something unrelated to the Empire, which is basically acquiescence! I think I have made it very clear! "

What about Li Fu Zhen's expression? Some of them were dull and then said, "I've been doing this all the time, and I seem to hear serious dissatisfaction from this speech."

"No, you always do that? It's not active, it's passive. " Ding Yu also pointed out the problem and the situation, "you are only perceptual to do some things, although on the surface it is very rational, but in the bone? It's still quite disgusting with what you're doing, isn't it? "

"Some of me have been convinced!" Li Fu Zhen did not squint his eyes at this time, but looked at Ding Yu very seriously, even with the intention of swallowing Ding Yu.

"I'm just helping Dong Li tell the story clearly. What about business? Sometimes it needs to be more straightforward, at least on the books? It needs to be clean. Otherwise, what about the business? It doesn't go on. The business belongs to everyone, not to one person! "

"No wonder I'll come out for coffee. I'm the one to be fooled

"If you choose to stand in this position, you should try your best to become smarter. Since you are all on the table, don't you win? Also want to try to ensure that they will not lose too much, sometimes to learn to observe, cover a hand? It doesn't mean giving up! It's out of the game, but you can't see it clearly! "

"You've been hitting my attention for a long time!" Said Li Fu Zhen, biting his teeth. "I was so stupid that I didn't realize it! And even got hooked! You can't even get off the boat because you're not alone

Is this matter clear? It's nothing. Li Fu really got on his own ship. This ship is different from that of Samsung. The difference can be said to be very big. Has it been? Li Fuzhen did not feel this aspect, mainly because it was a result of the tacit cooperation between Ding Yu and Li Jianxi.

Each other did not want to clarify the meaning of this matter, everyone is a tacit attitude, and Li Fu Zhen? Is also confused, anyway has not considered clearly, but today? Li Fu Zhen came to find himself, Ding Yu also directly lifted the lid!

What about Li Jianxi? You don't need to think too much about it. Do you unite with other forces? Put Li zaireng in the position, what about Li Fuzhen? Need to stand on their own side, but also clearly stand on their side! It's necessary. What about her now? Can't get off the ship!

Who does Li Fu Zhen hate at this time? This is a result of Ding Yu's alliance with his father. Everyone is sitting on a card table, but relatively speaking? Father and Ding Yu don't even need to explain. They even need a look or even an action to understand their intentions.

Only when you are stupid and don't know anything, when the knife has fallen on your body, you suddenly wake up. Although the awakening time is very fast, this taste is really too hard!

"Is it really cool to see my jokes like this? At least give me an account! White let you play for such a long time, the total can't just a few words to cover up the past

Ding Yu frowned slightly. "It seems that there is a smell of broken jars. It's really unpleasant. It was said at the beginning that you can't inherit the position of Samsung. You don't even want to peep. What about the world of capital? It's cruel! Even bloody. "

"I know, just didn't expect to come so fast!" Obviously, what about Li Fu Zhen? It's really not prepared. Although my father didn't say it directly this time, it was obviously agreed by my father. It was only through Ding Yu that he told himself about Samsung? Don't think about it!

"It's not that you didn't think of it, it's your subconscious neglect." Ding Yu also did not have any prevarication, "I don't know what you have done this year, even to such a point, but obviously, you have violated a certain bottom line. What about other things? You can move, but you can't move the things of the emperor and the crown prince? "

"I made it! I deserve it. "

"What do you make? It's Samsung, and what do you rely on? It's also the Empire of Samsung. Without this empire, to put it bluntly, you are nothing. You don't have the capital now, so I think it's necessary to tell you directly about this matter! ""What if I say no?"

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