Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, and his strength was a little heavy, "deliberately playing with his temper? It's not that you can't, but it depends on the timing. What about the time you choose now? Not very good. We are friends! So I don't really want to see you in a bad mood! I really don't want to! "

"You frighten me?" Li Fu Zhen also has some fried hair! But in the eyes? It also shows a very strange look. His contact time with Ding Yu is not short. He really seldom sees him like this now. What's his words? It also makes me feel other problems and situations.

Can't he really do it by himself! After all, here is Korea, and he is the eldest princess of the Li family. This identity is also placed there. Does he dare to be reckless?

"Did I frighten you? I don't think it's necessary to make it too clear! " Ding Yu then rubbed his finger, "what kind of situation are you? I think you should be more clear about business and human relationship! You should distinguish this line

Li Fu Zhen's body also can't help twitching, even actively leaning back to the back, at least now has to rely on it? After leaning back on the back of the chair, Li Fuzhen looked at Ding Yu with a bad look. "What about the people who came here today? It looks like it's all mine! It seems that I have a better grasp of it! "

Ding Yu said with a noncommittal smile, "is that right? Are you so confident? Are you confident? It's a good thing, but is it too much? It's not a good thing! What's your identity? After all, it's just the big Princess of Samsung. It can't be separated from the system of Samsung. So, you know! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also raised his hand. Soon, the security guard standing not far away also came to Ding Yu and Li Fuzhen, bowing and saluting, with a very correct attitude. "Let the driver go first! You don't have to stay here. Someone will arrange the specific situation! "

The security guard didn't say anything and saluted Ding Yu. Immediately, he didn't pay any attention to Li Fuzhen, and soon left. When Li Fuzhen saw this scene, his face was pale. It was his bodyguard and driver.

"He's been with me for six years, and he's gone because of what you said? Even if you don't want to be nostalgic at all, you don't mean to be afraid at all? "

Ding Yu shakes his head, the manner is still old God in, "the responsibility? To sum up, this seems to be a little biased. I'm just responsible for preaching, and what about the internal affairs of Samsung? No interest, I've made it very clear, so, you know it

Li Fuzhen put his hand into his bag and took out his cigarette. However, his hand was so shaking that he didn't lift the cigarette twice. Instead, Ding Yu lifted his body and patted Li Fu Zhen's hand twice.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it with a lighter when Li Fu Zhen held it. Then he sat down again. What about Li Fu Zhen in front of him? The whole person is a little bit unable to control himself, but what about the previous time? The mood has also burst out some, so now did not show too much gaffe!

After smoking a cigarette, Li Fuzhen's mood was quite stable. However, she didn't mean to stop. She put her hand on the top of the cigarette case again, took out the second cigarette and started smoking again. However, the speed was much slower this time. During the whole process, Ding Yu didn't say anything.

After waiting for the third cigarette to finish, Li Fuzhen raised his head again and looked at Ding Yu. What happened in his eyes? "So, I'm destined to be a sacrificial character! Why is it always me who sacrificed, just because I am not the boss, just because I am a woman? "

Some sharp voice, but there are still so some suppress their emotions, and not completely angry.

"These are two questions, and I'm not willing to answer these two questions. After all, it involves some internal affairs of Samsung. What about me? I have already stated this attitude earlier. I don't like to be involved in the internal affairs of Samsung, which will make me more constrained! "

"You're involved now, I'm in the corner, even in your hands? I'm a fish on the chopping board. Don't you feel satisfied with all this? You have to make me naked Li Fuzhen is also very disdainful to look at Ding Yu, he is now ridiculing Ding Yu.

"That's your choice. You have to depend on my head. I seem to have some helplessness." What about Li Fu Zhen's situation? Ding Yu also spread out his hands, don't point the spearhead at himself, OK, everything? I don't have much to do with myself. Should I go back and ask your father?

It was your father's plan. What about me? It's just to show his meaning. Now you point the spear at me. It's too much!"Would it have been like this if you hadn't acted for the tiger?" Li Fu Zhen is also indignant looking at Ding Yu. At this time, her mood is not excited at all. This is a joke. What is in front of her? No one else, but Ding Yu? Is the most direct party, so their own cavity anger can only be vent in his body!

"What about the losers? Will be similar to you, aimless vent, endless shouting, in addition to this? Crying, as if the world owes her. What's your situation now? It's almost the same as the supporting roles in the TV series. Do you want me to find someone to film this scene for you? "

Ding Yu's poisonous tongue makes Li Fu really angry, but he feels extremely powerless. How can he give Ding Yu? What can't be done? What's everything now? It's all in Ding Yu's hands.

But just as Ding Yu said, how about shifting the responsibility to Ding Yu? It is true that there are so some inappropriate, and he can be said that there is no relationship, but his heart is really unwilling!

For the sake of the whole Samsung, you can say that you have spared no money and life to fight for it, but what did you get? It can be said that nothing has been obtained, and even to now, how can he be reconciled? But what can you do if you don't want to? For a while, I was really bored.

I always think that when I attended the meeting with Ding Yu, I was the greatest meritorious official to Samsung. Besides, I visited Ding Yu's identity, and even a series of alliances between Samsung and Ding Yu, which should be regarded as self promotion!

"I seem to have nothing now! Is this because I am too arrogant? "

"What about the reason? It seems to me that before? I explained to you, are you arrogant and this matter does not have any relationship, some bottom line? You can't touch it. If you touch it, that's the end! "

"I didn't want to take that position, I didn't even have an idea about it!"

Li Fu's voice was a little bit loud, and Ding Yu nodded, "what's the problem? It doesn't depend on whether you care about the position, or whether you have this idea or your behavior? It has also made people have misunderstandings in this respect. It is not easy to eliminate them. Sometimes we need to nip the danger in the bud. "

"You don't seem to get anything? Such efforts do not please things, it seems not in line with your character! At least in your interests? There are so many who are not so attached! " Li Fu Zhen is also suspicious, looking at Ding Yu!

Things are really too strange, Ding Yu's meaning is very clear, not mixed with Samsung's family affairs, but now this matter? You said that he didn't get involved in it. This is pure cheating! I'm afraid he won't believe it himself! Typical treachery! How did this guy get this way?

"Human relationship is human relationship, and interest is interest. What about the situation? I still have a clear distinction. If you break the bottom line, you will be rejected by the whole interest group. What about me? It's just a part of interest groups. I never ask for so-called control. You must be very clear about that. "

"Are you sure my brother will be able to take over Samsung, so I will make such a choice!" When Li Fuzhen spoke, he also looked into Ding Yu's eyes, "but as far as I know, you don't think highly of my brother! There should be a reason, or there are invisible interests in this? "

"I don't think much of your brother. Where can I start?" Ding Yu also asked back, "have I ever said this in person? The so-called bad? I just think that his experience may be so poor, and his position may be slightly different, but it does not mean that he can not coexist. I think this problem? It's your own mistake. I'm not optimistic about it. It doesn't mean that you are killing each other! "

Li Fu Zhen's eyes widened. Some of them couldn't believe it. Then he pointed to himself, "you mean that you like me, but it doesn't mean that we can coexist. We can understand it like this."

"This is a false proposition. What do you want to prove? Prove that you are still valuable in my heart, isn't it? I don't deny the value of life? There are many differences. How do you compare them! What about the so-called ruthlessness and right and wrong? It's just a one-sided view! At least that's how I look at myself

"If I can prove that I am valuable to you, then I still have a place in front of you! If there is no so-called value, then it may be kicked to one side of the position? " After saying that, Li Fu Zhen also snorted and laughed, "Mr. Ding, isn't this ruthless? Or do you want me to be your woman

"The definition is not accurate enough, but in essence? It's almost the same! "

"Well! I'll open the room and wait for you What about this? There are so many desperate, even Li Fu Zhen will take his handbag for the first time! "If it's inconvenient for you, you can find a place and I'll be on call.""I think this misunderstanding may be a little bit too big!" Ding Yu also raised his hand and pressed in vain, "I have never had the hobby of blackmailing women, except in battlefield and special circumstances. What can you get with your body? What about the so-called value embodiment? Is that it? "

"Now it's all about your family and life. What else should I worry about? If I don't do something else, I will not only lose everything, but also have almost nothing

"The idea is extremely wrong. What about me? I just want to express myself. What if you keep going? There won't be too many good results and endings, you can take this as a hint of friendship! Where are we coming out today? It's just coffee and a hint to outsiders. That's all! "

"I wonder if you are a man?" Li Fu Zhen is also extremely disdainful hum!

"Give you a few minutes to wake up!" Ding Yu looked at the cigarette on the table and laughed, "suddenly I found that you are also a normal woman. What about this? It's very interesting! But I really don't want such a scene in the future. It's a kind of torture! "

Li Fuzhen took his handbag to make up. He was hit a little bit in this period of time just now. He even felt that the whole life was dark. What's the situation now? I can't say whether it's good or not, but at least I understand some problems and conditions!

When he came back, Li Fu Zhen's clothes seemed to have been changed again. The whole person looked young and beautiful, and he looked more energetic. However, his sunglasses had been replaced by a pair of crystal rimless glasses. The whole person looked quite intellectual!

"Not bad!" Ding Yu is also a rare compliment!

"It turns out that Mr. Ding's taste is like this!" Li Fuzhen also slightly arrogant said a word, again sat in front of Ding Yu, Li Fuzhen also two legs together, slightly frivolous, it is obvious that in front of Ding Yu, there is no need to cover up and affectation, there is no value!

"It seems that you have a clear idea!" What about Li Fu Zhen's molestation? Ding Yu now has so some immunity, at least not too as a thing! "It's a good thing to understand. Should I say congratulations?"

"Congratulations don't have to, and I can't afford it. At least I haven't climbed into your bed yet. When I do, it's still too late to say congratulations!" Li Fuzhen is also true now, "talk about some practical things! The weather is so good and so much darkness seems to be harmful to the body and mind, isn't it? "

"On the so-called interests?" What about Ding Yu's expression? It's a little weird. "Talking about two businesses at the same time seems a little inappropriate. At least, the identity is not appropriate. I don't think that you can find too many shining points of interests from you! And personal feelings, you have so many too anxious

"To do any business, there are risks. This is true, but sometimes the risk is controllable, and your current risk is uncontrollable, which greatly increases the possibility of failure and is not suitable for people. Therefore, you are not the best partner now. Indeed, I am your only partner, and I also refuse to do so!"

Li Fu Zhen's face can be said to be twitching, he has put out such a situation, but still did not play any role, it is difficult to pray for kneeling?

While Li Fuzhen was thinking, Ding Yu also continued to say, "what you need now is to be calm. How about the conversation between us? It may cause a lot of illusions to you. After all, there are still some things that haven't happened. It's up to you to keep going, to stop or to go back, which is entirely up to you personally! "

After that, Ding Yu also took a look at his watch, and the time was almost over. After a while, Dong Li should call. The two still need to talk about some things face to face! Maybe, at this time, this Li Dong is already on the road!

"Go first!" Ding Yu waved, did not take away a piece of cloud, left Li Fu Zhen there. What about Li Fu Zhen? He didn't want to pay attention to Ding Yu's meaning. He just sat there, showing a little melancholy. What about the contest with Ding Yu? I can say that I was completely defeated!

Is he abandoned by Ding Yu? To a certain extent, it has nothing to do with other aspects. What about your own behavior? Seriously touched the bottom line of two aspects, did not leave any space for their own turnover.

Fortunately, his personal relationship with Ding Yu is pretty good, so at this critical time? Ding Yu pulled himself! Let yourself stop at the precipice, otherwise, you will end up with yourself! It won't be great!

What about Ding Yu? It looks like a poisonous tongue, but what about the actual situation? Is to let oneself recognize the facts in front of you, but what about yourself? There are always some fantasies, always feel that they have contributed to the whole Samsung Empire, at least a lot of things are earned by themselves, but they have ignored their own identity!

What about yourself? It's not the successor of Samsung, or even the so-called worshippers. It can only be said that it is a high-level one, but? Standing in the highest position, it is also the most easy to lose their own position! And their previous scenery is also completely let themselves lost! So it leads to the current situation and scene!What about yourself? It's also true that he didn't stand the temptation of this time. One foot had already been knocked out. In such a scene, he even wanted to go on. Li Fu Zhen also had some doubts. At that time, what things were he thinking about?

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