But Ding Yu didn't really have so much heart to pay attention to Li Fuzhen at this time. When he got on the bus, he had already received a call from Li Jianxi and invited him to have tea. What about the so-called tea? In fact, it's just an excuse! What about each other? Need to sit down and talk about it!

What about your daughter? Li Jianxi didn't really put it in his heart! Can you figure it out? Better, don't you understand? Then try to understand, since born in such a family, you need to consider clearly.

Some things can be done, and I don't care too much, but some things can't be done. Even if there's no meaning in this aspect, it's also a danger for the whole Samsung. I need to nip this danger in the bud, and I'm absolutely not allowed to have such a situation!

What about Li Jianxi? It is very clear that the relationship between her daughter and Ding Yu is good. I also need to see exactly where the relationship between her daughter and Ding Yu has reached. Under such circumstances, what kind of choices the daughter will make and what kind of choices Ding Yu will make at the same time need to be carefully observed.

What about the current situation? Ding Yu is really clean! He is very clear about his position. Li Fuzhen and I are friends. This is true, but this premise is that there is no conflict of interest between us. Once there is a so-called conflict of interest, let alone a friend. Even the so-called woman does not have much value!

Very realistic, but also very rational!

What's more, although her daughter said that she had little intention in this aspect, she never really made a trip. What about Ding Yu? He is much younger than his own son. In this respect, Li Jianxi has nothing to say. It is also appropriate for him to be so young and elegant, but he is really speechless in this respect.

When Ding Yu came to the place, Li Zairong was the first to take two steps forward, and then he opened the door of the car. He had already known about his sister's affairs. Some people had told him the specific situation before, and even some conversations between them? I also know something through other ways!

Not to mention, the heart is really very complicated, what about his own sense of Ding Yu? It's not very good, but what Ding Yu said made him feel a little out of balance. He was not optimistic about himself. However, it did not mean that they could not coexist and had a good relationship with his sister. But in the face of interests? All things can be abandoned!

Looking at Li Zai Rong, who was half bowed, Ding Yu nodded his head, and then walked to Li Jianxi in the face of a smile. Li Jianxi was the same. When both of them stopped, they stretched out their hands and held each other tightly together!

Shaking hands with each other, Li Jianxi also turned around and made an invitation gesture. His attitude was slightly more respectful than ever before. How about this time? It's true that there are some risks, even touching Ding Yu's bottom line.

What about the other families? They are not vegetarians. If they really stand on the opposite side of themselves? It's enough for me to drink. But in such a critical moment, Ding Yu chose to stand on his side, so that he can safely through the crisis.

Thank you Li Jianxi also said sincerely that this has nothing to do with age. What are you looking at now? It's a matter of ability and identity. At this point, Ding Yu is not equal to himself. He must be several grades higher than himself!

"Li Dong's courage is really amazing!" What about Ding Yu? It's not light or heavy. What about this? Let me show a little bit of passivity. I really support Li Jianxi, but to a certain extent, it really weakens Ding Yu's influence in South Korea, or at least prevents the expansion of Ding Yu's influence in South Korea!

What about Li Jianxi? For such a small satire really did not put on the heart above, and make their own this matter? Ding Yu will not be very satisfied. What about himself? Really have this aspect preparation, is certainly satirized by Ding Yu, this matter has some shame! But what about that?

Now, besides Ding Yu, who else dares to mock himself? Give them two guts!

After sitting down with each other, Ding Yu took a look at Li zaireng standing beside him, and also indicated his position with his eyes. "Sit down, otherwise it seems that we are too undemocratic." Li Jianxi took a look, and then also pointed to his next position!

Originally, his son had no position, but what about Ding Yu? He gave this face, and he also saw that he wanted to hold his son on the top, so he pushed the boat along the river. I really did not think that his magnanimity would be so big, indeed the concept between each other? Some are different, but they can coexist.

At the beginning, he was really worried about this aspect. Ding Yu didn't look up to the successor he chose, so he had other ideas, such as supporting his daughter and splitting the whole Samsung. But now the result has been cast, and Ding Yu has made his right choice!"Mr. Ding! This is my problem! I'm in a hurry! "

Now that we are all sitting together, what about some words? On the one hand, Li Jianxi also put his position very low. After all, what about this matter? It is true that Ding Yu chose to stand on his side, but it is impossible to have no opinions and ideas at all!

Under such circumstances, it is necessary for him to show some respect in his attitude, at least to make Ding Yu feel more comfortable in his heart. What about Ding Yu? I really don't mean to pinch Li Jianxi! Things have happened, is it difficult to save it? It's impossible!

Under such a thing, do you smile at each other? Embarrassed with each other, which is better? Or smile better! So Ding Yu nodded, and the expression on his face did not show any dissatisfaction.

"I have thought about this, but my identity is really not suitable, and I used to have a very unhappy quarrel with sk. If I stand up, I don't know how many people will block my door position!"

Ding Yu didn't hide his ambition either. What about me? For South Korea, there are other aspects of the idea, similar to your Li Jianxi approach, but what about you Li Jianxi? Take the lead to intervene, this let my interests suffer a little loss!

In fact, the meaning of the words is very easy to understand, and Li Jianxi is also very clear. But what about Ding Yu's words? It's true. If Ding Yu didn't choose himself today, he went to see someone else. Even if he had reached some so-called agreement, Ding Yu had a considerable right to speak, but what about the apparent control? Still from these families!

"Samsung will keep pace with Mr. Ding!" Li Jianxi is also very serious, but also very firm.

The reason why we talk like this is because Samsung? In South Korea, it's a big company, but it's not worth mentioning internationally. If Ding Yu wants to start with Samsung, he may have some trouble, but it won't be too much trouble. It's not difficult for him to press Samsung on the ground for friction and friction!

What about Li Jianxi's attitude? Ding Yu also took a look at Li Zai Rong over there. What about Li Zai Rong now? It's so complicated that I really don't want to bow down in front of Ding Yu, and compare myself? They are even smaller than others. They are even equal to their father, and even to a certain extent, they still hold the head of Samsung.

However, Ding Yu just took a look at Li Zai Rong, and didn't really care, "what about my coming to Korea? It's just that some of the two kids are so noisy. Did they go to see my parents and family before? Sometimes it's hard to give up! So bring it to see Tai hee! "

Li Jianxi is a little silent. What about this? It sounds like there are some wrong words, but the meaning is very clear. The relationship between Ding Yu and his eldest daughter is very good, and now it is also a stretch of hand!

What about yourself? It's not a big deal. Why are you silent? The reason is also very clear, in this matter, I gave up my eldest daughter, and even gave a very severe test, if she did not pass the examination, maybe now she will be gone!

Whether it's Ding Yu or his side? We won't allow this bomb to exist. What about Samsung? It will surely be handed over to his chosen successor. What about Ding Yu? It is also that they have never interfered in many internal affairs of Samsung.

But after all, that is his own daughter, my own daughter! Although the interests of the supreme, but they still have a layer of identity? It's the father. On this issue, what about the eldest daughter? It's really a little bit of a debt.

No matter what needs, you need to let your eldest daughter, Li Jianxi, don't know why she has such an idea. Anyway, it just sprouts out of the blue! I don't know whether it's right or wrong. It seems that this has nothing to do with right and wrong!

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