When Ding Yu returned to his residence, Tai Xi didn't come back, but he called Ding Yu back. Did he call back? On the one hand, it is said that Fu Zhen Ou Ni went to the house, and he was not at home as the hostess. This is a bit impolite. Moreover, two children, this time is also quite noisy!

What about Li Guan? I was so frustrated by them that I didn't know where the two little guys came from. My beautiful hair was like being bitten by a dog overnight. When I saw Li Guan getting up, I and my mother laughed at him!

"What on earth are they doing?" Ding Yu also felt that there were some funny things. Two little guys did such things without being found out, which was quite interesting!

"Li Guan was in a bad mood last night, so he drank a little wine a little. As a result, the two little guys also had opportunities to take advantage of. I learned at noon that they not only made a fool of themselves, but also left photos and evidence!" After saying that, Tai Xi also felt that there were so many crying and laughing, two children some toss out of the circle!

You say this is not good? It seems that there are some improper things, two little guys did not do any bad things, but there are some disturbances, but you have to say OK! It seems that it is not appropriate, after all, whose home is such a thing? Some of them can't stand it!

But father, for things like this? Not very much on the heart, or even the two little guys to care in their arms, the father for the two little guy's degree of love has even reached the point of doting! The two little guys seem to be very close to their father!

"The day after tomorrow, Samsung is going to hold an internal reception, so I'm alone!" Ding Yu also murmured a word!

After hearing this, Taixi was stunned, and then he was also worried and said, "didn't Fu zhen'ou'ni been to the house before? Is there something wrong with my identity? "

This is definitely not a case of shirking, but a fact. What about Li Fuzhen? Absolutely more appropriate than their own identity, I am very clear about the identity of Fu Zhen Ou Ni, but also know their own identity, although said that they registered in the hearts of everyone, but this registration? It is quite different from the reality.

"She's not suitable. There won't be anyone from outside the party. It's basically from several families. What about chairman Li Jianxi? The purpose of deliberately holding this reception is not ordinary. In addition, Li Fu Zhen made some mistakes earlier. Whether she can go to the party or not is another matter! "

Ah! Tai Xi is also surprised to cover his mouth! The internal meeting of Samsung, Fu Zhen Ou Ni, was unable to participate. It was so exaggerated. What kind of fault was it that his father made such an attitude, which made him feel terrible!

"Did you come and have a look? How can such a thing come out? " Taixi is also a little confused about this, but not questioning Ding Yu's meaning! If I had known this, I would not have brought my child back to my mother's house!

"Well, your chairman Li Jianxi has really given me a rather big problem. I didn't expect that he would let me make such a choice. Everything has come before us, so we can only solve it!" In the phone, Ding Yu is not good to disclose the truth in the past!

"I'll go back in the evening." Taixi also said in a low voice.

"No, I don't have to worry about coming back tomorrow. There are so many people and cars in the evening. Don't have any other problems!" It's not so important to come back one day early and one day later. Ding Yu really doesn't care so much! After chatting with Taixi for a while, I put down the phone.

Of course, what about the process? There are no less than two little guys to make trouble, but they just hum twice. After all, what about these two days? They've been making too much nonsense. When they hear their father's phone call at this time, of course, there is "resistance" in their heart. It's better not to talk as much as possible!

It's not that their unscrupulous father will hit his little ass, in the impression? It's really rare that such things happen, but Dad's tricks are really too many, and even have been deeply engraved in the heads of the two little guys!

What about the past? It's really rare to have such an opportunity to vent, mainly their own unscrupulous dad? I'm really too alert to find such an opportunity, but after I came to my grandmother's home? Found a very good opportunity, especially uncle, a little stupid!

Two little guys are recklessly herding sheep. Does Ding Yu ignore such things? It is also from another angle to release the two little guys. The pressure they put on them is a little bit greater, and it needs to be slowed down when appropriate. As for the "victims"? For this problem, Ding Yu really didn't care much about it!

However, not long after putting down the phone, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID above, Ding Yu frowned. He didn't have many acquaintances in Korea, and what about this call? It seems that there are some perseverance, which makes Ding Yu feel a little puzzled!After the phone was connected, a familiar voice came, "Ding Sheng, I want to see you once!"

"Now?" Ding Yu took a look at the time on his watch, "will it be a little bit late?" But what about Li Fuzhen over the phone? Is very serious, even with a little pleading!

After waiting for about half an hour, Ding Yu also saw Li Fuzhen waiting on the roadside. His dress was a little simple, but fortunately, his temperament was still there. Seeing Ding Yu's car didn't mean to get on the bus, he just stood there, "Ding Sheng, can you walk with me?"

How can I have such a friend? Isn't this a free time? Fortunately, Ding Yu was not so heartless, and immediately took an umbrella. The meaning of holding an umbrella was not because of the rain, but because of the necessary conversation? This umbrella can play a certain protective role!

"I feel a little lonely!" When Ding Xiyu got close to him, he was able to take some of his umbrellas. Unfortunately, when he got close to him, he was able to open his umbrella

"When I met Tai hee? Although it is said that small assets, but I think chairman Li is not look up to, and my main business? Basically, it's all about medicine. It's a little bit related to other aspects, but I don't have too much thought. It's only by chance that we have such a situation now! "

What about Ding Yu and Samsung? They are friends in business. There are not too many problems and situations, but what about human relations? I mean, the relationship with Li Fuzhen is OK, even with Li Jianxi? There are some clear-cut meanings.

Because Samsung seems so indifferent to human relations, and even gives people the feeling that they are so cruel that they don't have to avoid too much. What about Li Fu Zhen? I seem to understand the meaning of the words and smile, but what about this smile? With quite bitter!

"I had a talk with my brother in the afternoon. If I really talked about it, I didn't have a quiet talk for a long time. I felt that there was something strange about him. I didn't even regard him as a brother for a long time."

Eh? Is it not so good to say such a question in front of me? There are also some Tucao in the heart of Ding Yu. What make complaints about them? Ding Yu or more value Li Fu Zhen, at least in these family enterprises of Samsung? Li Fu Zhen is a little human.

"What about chairman Li? What about business? It can be said that it has broken through a certain level, and even the so-called four sages of management are almost the same, but a person is too excellent on one hand, and will always perform poorly in other aspects! "

"Is it?" Li Fuzhen was obviously a little unconvinced, "in my opinion, Mr. Ding is very perfect in many aspects, which makes people really excited! I don't think it's necessary to have too much self humility for this point. "

No! Ding Yu shook his head directly, "maybe in the eyes of outsiders? I seem to have a little bit of perfection, but people? The most important thing is to have self-knowledge. I am very aware of my own problems and conditions. This can not be improved by hard work. I can only control as much as possible, that's all! "

"Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses!" Li Fu Zhen took a sip of coffee. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The position of the cuff was so high that it seemed that the sliding position was a little larger due to the relationship of silk. "But Mr. Ding, I don't understand why you can do this step?"

"It's hard to explain!" Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes, "what about some experiences? It's something that ordinary people can't understand. Do you think I'm a little bit evasive when I speak like this? "

Li Fu Zhen nods, oneself still really have such feeling, but oneself also know, oneself and Ding Yu? I'm still a good friend. What about the so-called shirking? It should not be revealed in front of him. Ding Yu obviously has some problems of his own.

"I want to be self-control, but it's hard to do it. Without your warning and warning, I don't think I can point out where I am at this time! If you want to know yourself clearly, it's impossible in itself

"You have not experienced death, and I have experienced it, even more than once, but what about you this time? It's a brush with death, even death is about to kiss you! I think you must have felt differently at that time

Ding Yu shakes his head when he looks at the scenery in the distance. To be exact, there are some construction projects in South Korea and those in China. There is no way to compare them. This is the actual situation. It's not a boast. If you don't believe it, you can come and have a look at it yourself!

"What about every experience? Feelings are different. This will cause serious psychological problems, and even make people go to extremes. However, there will be another kind of situation earlier, that is, to really know yourself. However, such situations are rare. Generally, people will go to the so-called extreme! " When he finished, Ding Yu also took a look at Li Fuzhen.Li Fu Zhen's eyebrows also beat a few times, "I do have a little sentiment!"

"Between life and death? There is a great terror, which you must have felt, but what is the feeling for me? You are now light and cloudless is just a kind of repression, the consequences of this repression? It could be crazy! But giving yourself a feeling may be sober. In fact, this is a kind of illusion and a start to go to extremes! "

"No way, I'm calm now!"

Ding Yu smiles, and then there is a slap in the face. Although it is not very loud, this slap makes Li Fu Zhen feel dizzy. However, before he can react, Ding Yu slaps Li Fu Zhen again. Li Fu Zhen's eyes are finally bright, but Ding Yu never stops!

This can be said to be thoroughly irritated Li Fu Zhen, the coffee in his hand is also directly poured into Ding Yu's face. Now, what else can I think of now? I'll smash it on her face first. But the speed of the hand is too slow. Ding Yu just slightly tilted his head!

However, a lot of coffee has been spilled on Ding Yu's body, and Li Fuzhen also swung his bag in his hand at this time, and I don't know why. Anyway, the more he looks at Ding Yu, the more uncomfortable he feels. He smashes the handsome face first!

As for the so-called consequences, is that what you should consider? Let's smash the bastard in front of you first! Fortunately, there are not many people at this time. If we expose ourselves to others, I'm afraid the image of Li Fuzhen for many years is really destroyed! Now she and the so-called shrew, there is no difference!

Ding Yu didn't let the bag hit his face. When necessary? You really need to block it with your hand, but what about this one? It also inspired Li Fu Zhen's anger. She had no way at all. At least she couldn't do the so-called self-control. Even the whole person is a little bit crazy now!

Now this time to stop by force will not have any good results, and so on her heart of anger completely spread out, may be better! However, when it is necessary to be a head, Ding Yu is really not very clear, it is obvious that Li Fu's physical strength? It's really good!

But because what happened during the day seems to have consumed her a lot of energy, plus now such vent, is also very quickly into the process of paralysis! Ding Yu also stretched out his hand to help him, and then pinched her neck. Otherwise, who knows what the situation is.

Now that all of them have finished venting, have a good rest! After looking around, it seems that no one wants to go forward at this time. Moreover, after taking a look at his driver, he seems to be blind at this time. Even if Ding Yu has a sign, he is blind!

Ding Yu also took Li Fu Zhen into the car, but what should be done next? What about the hotel, but it's not suitable to take it home? It seems that it is not suitable! This is really a tough problem! Why give yourself such a challenging thing! It's not what you think!

However, the driver did not drive far away. Ding Yu, who had been looking out of the window, suddenly found something. Then he called the driver in front of him, "stop for a moment. Do you see the two girls in front?"

The driver took a look, and then he stopped the car at one side, and then got off the bus at the first time. Such a thing should be done by himself! What about the two girls with a few handy bags? This time is creaking ah what to say, looking at suddenly between the parking vehicles and the people who come down from the car, is also a good big jump!

Looking at the driver's invitation, the two girls with sunglasses and hats also took a look. At this time, Ding Yu got off the bus and said, "so late for supper? Are you not afraid to hold on? "

"Hello!" The two girls also bowed for the first time. Ding Yu also waved his hand, "will you take care of people?"

This sudden question also made the two girls lose their mind. What do you mean! Ding Yu also pointed to his car? There's a woman, I'm not very convenient! "

Two girls, you look at me, I look at you, this heart? I really have some worries. After all, what about the person in front of me? Not very familiar, although said to have met several sides, but these several sides? Not enough to believe and trust, this is absolutely!

However, after hesitating for a long time, the two girls were pulled into the car, which was somewhat forced. At this time, Ding Yu was also sitting in the co driver's seat. However, after the two girls saw the woman half lying there, how surprised and surprised the expressions on their faces were!

Ding Yu didn't ask the driver to drive immediately, "you should call your other friends first! What about in the evening? Maybe I won't go back. If it's from the company, someone will explain it to you! "

The two girls also took out their mobile phones, but there were so many things on their hands. The driver got out of the car and put all the things in the trunk! And the two girls also helped Li Fu Zhen up, "this is the director of Fu Zhen!"Who are they? It's not appropriate to call the elder, and it's not appropriate to call ou'ni, but the director's address on Li Fuzhen's body is very good! Ding Yu also nodded, "I'm not in a good mood, so I've made a lot of noise. You two may have a little hard work tonight!"

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