Two people were busy for a while, but they were also very clear that such a thing is not suitable for too many people to know. After all, what is the identity of Director Fu Zhen? Extraordinary, almost like a princess! And what about them? Although it sounds like a star, but the difference in this position is really so big! Some are too high to climb.

With the help of two people, Ding Yu also took them back home to the hotel? Of course, it's not appropriate! After all, Li Fuchen's identity is there! And Ding Yu is in South Korea? There's no other real estate. Every time I come here? Basically all spent here in Taixi!

Fortunately, the room here is very big, the condition is also quite good! Under Ding Yu's instruction, Li Fuzhen was also sent to the guest room. "Help her change clothes. It's more convenient for you. I'll prepare for the rest. You two may have to work harder. Take turns to rest and take care of her."

In here? There is no need for Ding Yu to say anything so-called thank you. If Ding Yu said thank you, on the contrary, it would make the two girls feel uneasy and do something? Don't always think about yourself.

"Yes! Sir Two girls are really very convenient. After all, they are women, but before going in? Also put the mobile phone and other things in the pocket, this has nothing to do with the so-called trust, Ding Yu is nothing, but there is no guarantee that Li Fuzhen will be the same after he wakes up!

Ding Yu really does not know much about Li Fu Zhen's character. Although he said that the relationship between them was good, he didn't go any closer. In this case, Ding Yu really needs to do some preparation!

However, two girls took a look at the layout here, and when they were free, they also pointed to two photos at the entrance of the room. What about one? It's the master Tai Xi who charmed all living beings. What about the other one? It's the old man! Compared with the reality, it seems that there is no difference.

You know, in general, photos are better than in reality. But what about the gentleman in front of you? I don't really see much difference with the photos, but what about this one? It doesn't mean everything! Because there are still differences in specific comparison.

What about the people in the picture? With a little smile on his face, I feel warm when I look at it. Although I put my eyes in the distance, I feel very intoxicated. What about the reality? This one seems to have a little coldness. What about the look in your eyes? Also did not have any change, anyway has so some resists the person thousands of miles the sentiment! I don't know if it was intentional?

There was no trouble in the whole evening. In the morning, Ding Yu woke up earlier, and the nanny was about the same as Ding Yu. Last night, there were three more guests in the house. When he saw his husband, he was the first to take over the two girls.

Ding Yu also went into the room to have a look, Li Fu Zhen is still sleeping, there is no sign of waking up! Ding Yu also waved and looked at the two girls standing outside the door. She nodded to the nanny and asked them to change their clothes. It can be seen from their pouch that they didn't have a good rest last night!

"With your company last night, Director Fu Zhen had a good rest and worked hard!" Ding Yu also said truthfully, "go to have a rest for a while, and someone will call you at breakfast." After all, it's still a little early now!

The two girls also bowed and bowed. Under the guidance of the nanny, they also came to another guest room. Last night, they basically didn't close their eyes. They insisted on the whole night. Now they see the bed. It can be said that it's a long drought. They really want to hold a pillow and then can't sleep.

What about the heart? There may be a little bit of vigilance, but after the door is locked, they are desperate. There are a lot of words in the hearts of two people, but after the body touches the bed, there is no more!

When they wake up again, the two people are also in a hurry to open the door. Previously, some of them were too dead to sleep. Even when the phone rings in the room, the two people wake up from their dreams, but they are also confused! It's been a long time without reaction!

The nanny looked at the two girls. They were about the same age as their daughter. Of course, they could see who the two girls were. After all, what about their advertisements? Now it is pasted all over the sky, but if you can catch up with Mr. and Mrs. Wang, they will not just take off in the future?

"Follow me, please!" The nanny also took two girls to the washing place, and even prepared clothes for them. Although it said that the tag had been removed, the two people could still see the rarity and extraordinary of plain color clothes. After all, they had considerable experience and understanding on this, and were they stars? We still need to have an eye view.

"Breakfast is about thirty minutes away!" When quitting, the nanny also gave a little hint, mainly hoping that the two girls would not be too crazy! Two girls, you look at me, I see you, soon also wash, even change clothes!All of them have been changed inside and outside. As for the changed clothes, they are placed in the pocket beside them. What about the inside? Can also reflect the quality of the nanny here, will never let the guests have any embarrassment, everything is considered very thoughtful and detailed.

When you come out again, the two girls are also you. Look at me, I see yours. The clothes on your body are very suitable. Although they are all plain colors, they are very young when they are wearing them!

"Good morning, sir." Ding Yu put down the newspaper in his hand, but also responded with a good morning, and then pointed to the position next to him, "the lazy man seems to have got up! But this gets up the gas slightly some big! I lost my temper just now When I finish, I shake my head.

Then a burst of eager footsteps came, Ding Yu did not show much, but two girls saw Li Fu Zhen, the first time is bow salute, Li Fu Zhen also carefully looked at two eyes, slightly nodded, although the specific situation is not understood, but guess, should know the general situation!

There is no need to say anything so-called thank you, if you really said something, it will let the two girls panic. Then Li Fu Zhen also looked at Ding Yu, his eyes were so sharp, "I will not forget yesterday's hatred. To be exact, I have not suffered such humiliation after growing so big!"

Ding Yu also coughed for a while, "it seems that I gave you what? Yes, fortunately, I met two people on the road. Fortunately, they served as witnesses for me. Otherwise, I really can't clear this responsibility!" Pointed to the next location, and the nanny this time also delivered breakfast!

There are so many styles and varieties, which make people feel dazzled. Milk, desserts, vegetables and fruits, etc! Can you even see meat, this morning, need to eat such high calorie and high energy? And a little bit of luxury!

"I have not been able to control my emotions well, but this should not be the reason!" As he spoke, Li Fuzhen, sitting on the other side of the table, also looked at Ding Yu fiercely. But Ding Yu meant to turn a blind eye to him. His eyes were also focused on the food on the table!

"You didn't control yourself well. That's why you went to extremes? For all aspects, there are so many out of date! " Ding Yu said, "it seems that your spirit has recovered well. Many of the things in it are produced by your own farm. Have a try!"

Li Fu Zhen really gave this face, tasted the little cherry fruit, and nodded slightly, "I heard that your farm is organic and scientific in the whole process of management, but is it a bit black hearted? I heard from the committee that they seem to have some small complaints about it!"

"Normal business contacts are just tentative. Whether or not to export to South Korea is still under consideration. However, in my opinion, the main export target will not be South Korea, but Japan! And what about domestic consumption? It won't leave too much of these fruits and vegetables! "

At this time, the two girls were eating with their heads down, and there was no intention of stopping. After all, the things involved had nothing to do with them. What's more, the taste of the things was really good. Just now they tried the cherry tomatoes. The sour and sweet taste made the whole taste buds explode!

In the impression, you really haven't eaten such delicious cherry tomatoes, even if you have searched all the memories? It seems that I have never tried such a delicious taste! But what about two people? There are also some exclamations. If you can't try this in the future, what should I do! What a mess!

"It seems that there are some high-end products! You are now so abrupt to expose this farm, is it the beginning of the march into agriculture? I remember that you still have a manor in France. I even heard that you have a kind of cigarette in your hand, which is specially made, and many people can't ask for it! "

"It's an experimental one!" Ding Yu really didn't have much meaning to show, "at least there won't be too many problems. The land resources in South Korea are too thin! But this aspect in our country has a good foundation, at least all aspects will not be constrained too much! "

Ding Yu of course understood the meaning of Li Fuzhen's words. Her meaning was very clear. What was the price she paid if she wanted to get involved in agricultural affairs? It's all about Korea. She's done everything! But Ding Yu is not very interested in this aspect, because the Korean market is too weak!

What's more, local protectionism? Too serious, these are Ding Yu does not like, so Ding Yu did not want to develop the Korean market, in this case, Li Fu Zhen put forward the conditions? Some of them are not worth mentioning! At least I don't have much interest!

The two girls sitting there are having a good time. What about the suddenly dreary atmosphere? There are also some imperceptible, Ding Yu is also feeling so funny, the face of this time is also showing a little smile!Li Fu Zhen wanted to talk, but looking at Ding Yu's sudden smile, he was stunned. Such a smile appeared on Ding Yu's face. It really made him feel so confused that his whole heart was in a mess! Only at this time did the two girls raise their heads blankly!

Looking at Ding Yu's smile? Also is a Leng, in the eye also reveals some small stars, but Ding Yu? Seeing the eyes of the two girls, she nodded, "if you like, take some when you go!" Immediately also looked at Li Fu Zhen, and Li Fu Zhen hung down his head for the first time! I need to slow down!

Looking at the younger sister beside her, she kept pushing things into her mouth. The girl sitting at Ding Yu's hand also touched her feet under the table, and then she gritted her teeth and put down her chopsticks. Would you like to have breakfast? This is a polite expression, but don't be too ignorant of abstinence!

Two people rose to thank, Ding Yu did not say anything, that is, nodding, Li Fu Zhen's expression did not change, after coming down from the table, the two girls? Also patted his chest twice, although said the food is very delicious, but this pressure is really great!

The nanny looked at the two girls standing there, and then she also laughed, "Sir, you don't come here often, but your wife lives here! Young master and young lady will come here sometimes! "

Looking at the appearance of the two girls, the nanny also presented the things that had been prepared for a long time, and then also handed a business card in the past, "this is from Director Fu Zhen. I hope you can take good care of it!"

It's just a simple business card, but the two girls are well aware that this business card is definitely not something they can peep at in ordinary times, but now? It's just because I took care of it for one night. Now I've been given such a business card. The two girls also bowed deeply to express their thanks!

The driver was the first time to send two girls back to their dormitories, not including their clothes, and some other fruits! After all, last night, Ding Yu pulled them over and didn't even have a good rest. It's just a little bit inappropriate. The necessary thanks still need some. It's human!

When getting out of the car, looking at the agent and director waiting outside, the two people are also a burst of fast running, but the director saw the two people's trot, is also shaking his head, obviously with his imagination is so different, if there is really something wrong, absolutely not a little action will not hinder!

What a pity! But what about them? This time, it is not only a simple climb to the high branch, but also a big problem! Earlier, Samsung even took the initiative to call over. Who didn't know that Samsung was the supreme emperor of China. They called. It seems that these girls! It is true that there is a considerable backing!

"What? Are you interested in these little girls? It's green! You are not afraid of acid teeth Li Fuzhen also said sarcastically,

is Ding Yu interested? I don't know, but what do you say? Or very hate, he is still very clear remember, he gave himself a few slaps in the face last night!

It's to save yourself, but what about this way? I will never accept it!

"The two little guys at home get along well with them! Taixi is also more interested in them Ding Yu is also a rare explanation, but what is the feeling? It's more like hiding something.

But for Li Fuzhen, what about the small trap set by Ding Yu? If you really don't step on it, you may fall into the pit directly, so what's the only choice now? Is it to bypass this trap, as for what I said earlier? As what do not know better!

Although it is said that I am not reconciled, but this is not reconciled? Can't solve any problem! What about Ding Yu? It is really to let oneself have so many root itch, last night when did not hit very heavy, even is tickle, its main reason? Or to pick up their own anger!

What about the crazy scene? Now think of it, it's really a little bit humiliating. Fortunately, there are not too many people to see it? At that time, he was in front of Ding Yu, otherwise, he would have to consider whether he wanted to kill his mouth!

"You slapped me several times yesterday. I can't just let it go!" Li Fuzhen also put the knife and fork on the table, the action is very gentle, but there is not too much smoke and anger meaning, Ding Yu is also a silent look, continue to put things in his mouth!

"Get involved in this? It's not that I can. I never want to eat alone, but the question is, what can you bring out? At least for now I don't know what is worth my interest in it! "

Looking at Li Fuzhen who was going to speak, Ding Yu also waved his hand, "have you ever attended a reception? I may be leaving with Tai hee and two children. After all, my family has not been together for a while! "Li Fuzhen considered Ding Yu's words. Obviously, if he said that he could not bring out something that satisfied Ding Yu, then the matter would come to an end. There is no so-called truth to say. When the opportunity comes, you need to seize it. If you can't grasp it, then don't complain about it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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