After breakfast, Li didn't stay for too long, and soon left. He needed to go back and measure his own capital. What about joining Dingyu's plan? Li Fu is still very interested!

Because I can feel some problems tomorrow, what about my father's persecution this time? Although Ding Yu said nothing on the surface, but what he thought in the deep of the heart, this question is really not very good to say!

From the perspective of a woman's intuition, li really felt the problems and conditions. Maybe when his father was in the middle of the day? There will be no problems and conditions, from Ding Yu's attitude towards himself can feel one or two of them, so he needs to do some other preparation work!

What about Samsung? There is no relationship with yourself. What was the original time? I also did not expect, but did not expect the inadvertent action, which would cause such a rebound of his father and brother, even want to directly destroy himself, which made Li really feel cold.

I don't look at that position, I don't want to dig the angle of Samsung, but let me live better, it seems that there is no mistake? Can it be hard to be because of this, again to destroy themselves? It shouldn't be! But what about Li Fu really? Also a little bit of this aspect of the grasp is not!

In such a situation, Li Fu really can not have a little self-concept, this is not a realistic thing, but have ideas? Does not mean that can be realized, or it is necessary to find a foothold for themselves, even if his father really died, then he will not rely on nothing!

What about the so-called Samsung director status? The role played will never be as big as you think. Who can guarantee that your brother will not have other ideas? So it is necessary to find a real back hill now.

But what about this one? It is not so easy to imagine, but it is not that Ding Yu can not find other suitable objects without Ding Yu, not the reason for this. What about finding someone else? It is the benefit of Samsung to sell, and no one else will choose to be their own backer.

And this can avoid his father and brother's eyes, Li Fuzhen's heart is really not bottom, to know the previous unconscious behavior? All of them are almost impossible for me, but now I do it! What kind of consequence will it be, can you say?

Before is only unconscious action, all almost to oneself to destroy, if really have this aspect idea, then still not dead body and bone no existence?! So it's absolutely not enough to take the risk of doing it.

But there are no other options! Li Fu really has so many sighs, but Dingyu this is the back of the mountain? It is quite good, although this guy sometimes shows some ruthlessness and indifference, but it is still conscientious, otherwise, I can't escape this time!

I can say that I have robbed my brother a lot of scenery in these two years. Many things are handled by myself. What about my brother's heart? It is impossible to have no idea or opinion in this respect, but it is just too good to cover up, even take the initiative to step back a few steps, and highlight yourself.

And what about the whole process? I also have so many forgotten, the whole person completely expanded, so-called deadly hit? It also came with him, and lifuzhen really didn't bear it, and even collapsed.

How about leaving Dingyu? Li Fuzhen is also considering, what will make Dingyu more interested, the important is his own hand? what are you having? Don't put everything on the table in a single head, let Dingyu kill it, so that will not bring up any interest in Ding Yu.

And give Li Fu true feeling, Dingyu for the benefit? I don't see that he thinks so much. What he needs is probably his attitude. Even in the dark, Li Fuzhen thinks Dingyu still doesn't care about his brother, so he needs to prepare for it! Don't let your investment go down.

I'm afraid the most suitable person in this is himself! But why does Ding Yu think he can control himself? Li Fuzhen didn't really want to understand this, but the bastard's smile really made him feel so helpless, even in the car back to think, he felt itchy inside his heart.

I can't scratch it, but if I don't, I feel very different in my heart. It's really hard. Lifuzhen also bit his lips gently. I was killed by this enemy. I never really interested in a man so much, even so moved!

But what about this bastard? There has been no emotional expression in this respect, even sometimes I have doubts about it. Is he castrated, but looking at his two children? And I also have some obscure understanding of Taixi's problems. This guy is not only a man, but also a strong man.

The ability of self-control is very strong, but the more? The more interested you are! If such a person does not grasp the following, how can I afford to be able to own? It seems that I really need to think about this way! What about the so-called brain jerk? It's not a bad thing!Before the evening, Taixi also came back with two little guys, but the two little guys seemed to have some mental distress. Ding Yu looked at the two children standing in front of him, and also laughed. Without much words, he gave them two people, each with a bullet bean!

"I heard that I was very active in my grandmother's house. How can I become so depressed now? I think it's a little bit more intentional? " Tai Xi is also sipping his mouth, when in the car, two little guys do not know how naughty it is! It's really not easy to be so honest now!

Where's daddy's pop beans? It's not very heavy, but the two little guys covered their heads at the first time, and then looked at their father pitifully. If they continue, maybe the tears will come down next moment! Whether it's intentional or not, what about this move? It's good to be in front of dad.

"And tomorrow night? Just stay at home! Your mother and I are going to a cocktail party. It's not convenient to take you with me! Well, take a bath

The two little guys also giggled, and then directly jumped into his father's arms, and then gave him a fragrance, and then they also ran away skipping. As for the previous state of malaise, they were completely swept away!

Taking advantage of the two little guys to go away, Ding Yu also told the story of last night. He didn't care too much about the fact that Fu zhen'ou'ni stayed at home last night. His mind was not as narrow as he imagined.

"She's not in a good mood? How could this be so? "

The corner of Ding Yu's mouth also twitched for a while. "The previous performance was a little too much. What about chairman Li Jianxi yesterday? She tried me out for a while, but I didn't have much objection. However, Li Fu Zhen's situation was slightly worse. If she took a step forward, she would be doomed! They were all ready at that time! "

Ah! Tai Xi was also surprised to cover his mouth, "so serious? No way

Ding Yu also knocked on Taixi's forehead with his hand. "It's more cruel than imagined. Chairman Li will never let other people peep at that position, even if it's unconscious behavior. What about Li Fuzhen? The unconscious behavior has been more than once and twice, plus Li zaireng's deliberate, so the knife is already behind her neck! Just wait for it to be cut down! "

Hearing this, how big does Tai Xi's mouth open? Or did Ding Yu lift her chin with his hand. If he continued to open it, would this saliva be? Maybe it's all about to flow out. Taixi also feels a little bad, but for this thing, I still feel that there are some things that can't be digested!

"Not really! After all, Director Fu Zhen is the big Princess of Samsung! "

"If Li Fu really continued to bite his teeth and go down on that day, then the end would not be very good. At that time, her driver and the security guard who followed her for many years, I waved and left, and I didn't stop at all!" Looking at Tai Xi's suspicious eyes, Ding Yu touched her forehead with her hand, "why do you suspect me? That's their internal business. You think I can direct their drivers and security! "

Taixi also spat out his tongue and looked at Ding Yu apologetically. It was obvious that he had misunderstood him just now, "even if it is a step forward, there will be nothing! After all, it's a family! "

"This is not a question of one family or two people. From Chairman Li's point of view, what is the future of Samsung? Li zaireng's is the only one. No one else is allowed to get his hands on it. Even his ideas on this aspect can't exist. When I saw Li Fuzhen, they had reached a tacit agreement. If Li Fuzhen failed to meet the requirements, there might be no such person in the world at this time! " After that, Ding Yu also nodded.

This can really frighten Tai Xi. Ding Yu also hugged her and patted her to relieve her from the shock. What about such a thing? For Taixi, it may never happen, but for Ding Yu, it is so common! In the world of capital, interest is everything!

"Human nature! Sometimes it's really hard to figure it out! " Ding Yu patted Tai Xi and said in a low voice, "from another angle, what about Samsung? It's a huge empire, but what about it? What about chairman Li's family arrangements? Some of them are not qualified! "

Yeah? For this matter, Tai Xi really had a little interest, and then heard Ding Yu continue to say, "what about Samsung? It is prosperous because of chairman Li, but after chairman Li? This problem is not easy to say, now Samsung to a certain extent is walking on one leg! What about the other leg? Too weak

"You mean it should have been split up a long time ago!"

"There is nothing to say about letting Li Zai Rong take control of Samsung, but it should have been split up a long time ago, rather than starting to take action in the past two years. The current split-up can only aggravate the contradictions between each other. If it is not handled properly, it will be very troublesome in the future.""I feel a little worried when you say that!" Tai Xi sighed. When he looked at Ding Yu, he said it very seriously. The question just now made him think of two little guys! After all, it's my own mother!

Ding Yu was stunned at first, and then he felt something in his heart. Originally, he did not hesitate for too long for such a thing. "What about here? We need to see a very abrupt problem, that is, the eastern and Western Heritage differences, but I will not explain this problem to you, I want you to see clearly! In this way, you will have a more profound understanding, and you will be able to handle the future affairs with ease! "

Oh? At this time, Tai Xi was really confused. Seeing Ding Yu's confident appearance, he also had some doubts. Obviously, Ding Yu's oba had considered the relevant issues very early. Now, don't you mention it to yourself? Not that you don't want to let yourself know, but let yourself learn to deal with some problems!

"Is it because of cultural differences?" Not to mention, this problem is really more interesting! Let Tai Xi feel that he also seems to have found some direction, after all, what about books? After reading a lot, you will know how to think about the problem, and Taixi is absolutely outstanding in academic work.

Ding Yu said that he had read a lot of books, but if it was in terms of his studies, that is, to give Taixi a share of shoes, this is not a disgraceful thing. It's just a fact! I'm not a Korean. I want face. There's no need!

"Go and see! Think about it! You will find that what you get is far more effective than what you hear, and you can make your own judgment. When necessary? We can discuss and summarize each other! Family? You, and of course I am! "

But what about their tenderness? After washing up, the two little guys rushed to their parents, which broke away their interest. The impact was so fierce that they didn't leave any thoughts.

Ding Yu didn't have much feeling, but Tai Xi? After all, it's a woman with a lot of sensibility. The behavior of the two little guys makes her a little annoyed, so she slaps the little assholes of the two little guys, but it's not very heavy. It's just to teach them a lesson and let them not know the importance!

The two little guys are looking at their mother. When they are in the grandmother's house, their mother often smacks their little butt. Then the two little guys are holding their father and murmuring. When they are in grandma's house, their voice is very low, for fear that their mother will hear them.

Taixi also felt very angry. He felt headache for their two future affairs! But the two of them didn't even know that the sky drum was ringing behind their ears, and they even complained! It seems that the previous education was a little light, and we really need to let Ding Yu ouba educate them well. Otherwise, we really don't know "the sky is high and the earth is thick"!

The two little guys didn't have so many ideas. They were a little bit too farfetched in my grandmother's house before. They were all blaming my uncle, constantly provoking them, and even instigating them behind their backs. Although the two little guys said they were very smart, they were still children's, so they had to be tricked!

This is also the reason why they are so depressed when they come back, because I don't know what kind of decisions dad will make. After all, there are so many differences between father and mother. Although father will not pat their buttocks like a mother, but sometimes he is very bad.

However, judging from the current situation, dad has no intention of this aspect, so the two little guys are also relieved. However, it is necessary to deal with his father well in this aspect. Therefore, the two little guys are also entangled in his father's side position, so they have no intention to come down.

Looking at the three mischievous people, Taixi also felt a little funny. There was nothing wrong with the appearance of the two small families. After all, they were still children, but Ding Yu's appearance was a little bit "unbearable"! Even with two children such a mischief, this is absolutely not a parent, but like a big child!

Happy for a period of time, the family is also sitting together to eat, "tomorrow night, let them two alone at home, is not a little pathetic?"

No way! Ding Yu also tilted his head and looked at the two little guys. They didn't have any expression at all. Obviously, they didn't care about this matter. Then Ding Yu also looked at Taixi, a little puzzled, not so exaggerated!

"I'll find someone to accompany them! If there are no other people, I'm afraid the house will not be in when I come back! I still like it here! " Then he looked at the two little guys with a rather incredulous look.

Two little guys are also doodle their own mouth, not it! But what about that? They will not say, just look at their father with pitiful eyes pleading!

Ding Yu also considered some time. Since it was Taixi's initiative to mention it, it was obvious that she had her own consideration. How about looking for someone to accompany the two little guys? It's not a bad thing. It's good to let them have more contact! So he nodded, "let's see if they want to! I don't have any , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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