The next afternoon, Taixi also went to have her hair done. Originally, it was OK to finish the work at home. However, the two little guys were also there. It was so noisy! And what about Ding Yu and his two children? I don't want to reveal it so quickly.

After all, I'm not out of the performing arts circle. I just have some changes in my identity and position. I still need a process of adaptation! This can not be solved overnight! Need to digest and deal with slowly! This is South Korea, not other countries, the national conditions are not the same, the way to deal with things is also different.

Now a very small number of people have already known about the situation. However, those who know about this matter will never disclose the information. It is really good to have someone behind to protect it!

After finishing her hair and hairdressing, Taixi also came back to change her clothes. In fact, Ding Yu doesn't think there are too many differences. In other words, she may pay a little attention to the details, but don't say so. A woman is a person who likes herself. How about going out and dressing up like this? To a large extent, it is not because of herself, but because of Ding Yu's face.

Ding Yu's dress is relatively simple, slightly low-key, and there are no other fragmentary costumes. In fact, the situation in Taixi is similar. The two little guys look at their parents pitifully. Although they have mentioned it earlier, they will not make trouble.

But now the father and mother dressed up like this, and look at themselves, this small grievance still has, "go! Today is a dinner party held in Silla. Although you two little guys say that they can't attend, it's not appropriate to stay at home. Your mother has already found someone to accompany you! I don't know what you've done and what you've done

Originally very disappointed two little guys, is also suddenly dropped the pie to smash some dizzy vegetables, soon is also packing their own luggage, how to say? After all, you can't disgrace your parents, can you?

Looking at the two little guys dressed up, Ding Yu can't help but have some funny, more feeling is full of cute, originally is a little guy, but must dress up like a small adult! I don't know what to say! There are also two little guys, it seems that they are enjoying it!

From the time point of view, Ding Yu came a little bit early, and his relationship with Samsung was different. In addition, Ding Yu didn't want to highlight his own meaning. Why did he have to finish the show? Will that make you more important? Ding Yu doesn't pay so much attention to it!

When I came to the suite, the two little guys were also leaning on their parents' side. There were so many people. There were not many such scenes, so I felt a little nervous! This is also a very normal situation, if not nervous, but Ding Yu will feel so strange!

"Welcome!" Li Fuzhen also accompanied Ding Yu's family from the parking lot to the suite. What about the whole process? Her attitude is similar to that of a small Chamberlain. Ding Yu is quite surprised to take a look. It has nothing to do with Li Fuzhen's dressing up. The main reason is that her attitude is slightly different today!

Taking advantage of his leisure time, Ding Yu also touched Taixi slightly with his hand, and then whispered in his ear, "do you feel that her attitude today seems to be so strange?"

When Taixi was asked, he also thought about it. He felt strange when he got off the bus, but he didn't mention the relevant matters. Now Ding Yu ouba suddenly said it, and he felt a little puzzled. Because at the beginning, I thought it was Ding Yu's reason.

But now even Dingyu oba has said so. He really needs to think carefully, but the time and space given to him is too little, and he really does not know this aspect, so he also shakes his head to Ding Yu's oba!

After Ding Yu came to the suite, he also stood alone near the window. Taixi took two little guys and seemed to say something. After a short time, several people came into the room. It seemed that they were playmates for the two little guys! Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it.

What I'm thinking about is what will happen to the stage this evening? It's all set up, but will the play be able to sing well, this one? We really need to see the performance of Li Jianxi and Li zaireng. Anyway, Ding Yu has tried his best!

At least at this time, Ding Yu has put his bet on Samsung. Of course, whether he succeeds or fails, in fact, has little impact on Ding Yu. From another perspective, what about this matter? There is no success or failure. Since Li Jianxi has already decided, there will be no other twists and turns in this matter. The question is how much power will Samsung get?

Previously, Ding Yu knew that Li Jianxi had met with everyone, but what about that meeting? Just because Ding Yu didn't want to see everyone, so Li Jianxi did it for him. To a certain extent? Also put forward their own views.To put it bluntly, Li Jianxi wants to be the handlebar, or even to give the position to Li zaireng. To put it bluntly, it is so simple! As a matter of fact, we should be the handlebar for Li Jianxi? There are not too many objections. After all, the relationship between Li Jianxi and Ding Yu is placed there, and there is really no one to stop it!

There is no problem for Li Jianxi to be the handlebar, but does he want to inherit it? Everyone's heart is not really in the imagination of the harmony, give you Li Jianxi this face? That's enough! But now you are pushing your luck, and you still want to let Li Zai Rong continue to sit in this position.

All the benefits have been given to you by the Li family. What's the meaning of us? Unless Samsung can pay considerable benefits, in this case, we may consider it!

Soon, Taixi took the children to another suite, and did not continue to stay. The time was not long. There was a knock at the door. The security guard looked at the outside through the screen and opened the door after asking Ding Yu. Li Jianxi and Li zaireng walked in.

"Mr. Ding, please forgive me for your slight!" When Li Jianxi came, he was also the first to stretch out his hand. Ding Yu also laughed, "there, you are welcome!" And then you put out your hand.

When they let go of their hands, Li Zai Rong standing behind looked at Ding Yu and bowed. Admittedly, he was much older than Ding Yu, but he was the first to reach the top in the shopping mall. Ding Yu was already on an equal footing with his father, even higher than his own father. He should not be too proud in front of him Yes!

What happened to my sister? Li Zairong's attitude towards Ding Yu has changed a little bit. It is true that he has a good relationship with his sister, but this person is really a very good partner for cooperation. Interests are interests, and there is not much relationship with other people!

"Let him stand up so soon?" At the invitation of Ding Yu, Li Jianxi and Ding Yu also stood near the window. Both of them were standing there without the intention of sitting down. Their voices were also a little low. Li Zairong was also standing at the back of the window!

Although it is said to stand up their own ears, but to hear things is really very limited! However, Li Zairong could not get closer. Ding Yu and his father were talking about things. They must have involved themselves, but they did not mean that they could listen to them without fear! This is a question of two natures!

"Old! It's not enough! " When he spoke, Li Jianxi also looked back at his son. His tone was slightly exclamatory, but his spirit was full. His voice was not very loud, but very deep and powerful.

Ding Yu also looked at Li Jianxi's face, then shifted his eyes, looked out of the window, pondered for some time, and then slowly said, "push him to the position, this is the internal affair of Samsung, I pay attention to the cooperation with the whole Samsung!"

Now that Li Jianxi has made a statement, Ding Yu has also expressed his attitude. How does Samsung handle its own affairs? Ding Yu will not have any relationship. It is true that he has certain shares and capital of Samsung in his hands, but what about such a thing? Ding Yu will never be involved in it.

What's more, he said it in front of Li Jianxi, and his words were true. Ding Yu was able to do it. Li Jianxi is also slightly a Leng, then some joking said. "You know, this is a golden opportunity! If you don't try your hand, will it seem a little regretful? "

"It has nothing to do with regret. In the world of capital, you can cheat and be unscrupulous. However, you should never betray your faith and gain a temporary situation. What you lose is your own reputation and reputation." Ding Yu also shook his head, "I care about the interests, but I care more about my own reputation!"

"Very rare!" Li Jianxi also sighed, "speaking of it, I really have some doubts. It seems that he has experienced many things in Rong, but in fact, he has never escaped from the cage of South Korea. It is very dangerous to push him to this position, but it is also a great opportunity."

Let yourself support Li Zai Rong? Ding Yu has considered this point on the way to come. It is nothing to stand up for Li zaireng at this time. Anyway, Li Jianxi is alive, but he can not talk about any conditions at all. But what conditions are the most favorable for him?

"For Samsung, Li Fuzhen's position is slightly more important! Strip her of her place

Li Jianxi also took a breath of air conditioning, so-called stripping his daughter's position? It is true that she was removed from the whole Samsung. It is true that she still holds some shares of Samsung in her hand, but these shares can only participate in the so-called dividend! What about her other industries? Although the name of Samsung is hanging, it does not have any relationship with the main body of Samsung. Is this too cruel?If you strip your eldest daughter from this position, it means that the second daughter is also the same. Compensation needs to be some, but compared with Samsung as a whole, the so-called compensation is slightly worthless!

What about Ding Yu's question? Li Jianxi did not speak for half a day. What about his daughter? For Samsung, it still plays an important role. It's not about contacting Ding Yu, but because her daughter is a pro China force, which is a key link for Samsung!

However, Li Jianxi was also very quick to react to come over, and then he also tentatively said, "change to employment relationship?"

"If Li Fuzhen is involved in it, it's hard for me to do it personally!" Ding Yu also expressed his views. Since you, Li Jianxi, have made the so-called choice, then I have also made my choice. For each other, do you choose Li Zai Rong? I don't have too many opinions on this, but there is nothing wrong with me choosing Li Fuzhen as the bridge!

"It's a little bit cruel!" Li Jianxi is also smiling, although the words are so said, but the meaning between the words has been revealed very clearly! Since Ding Yu raised this question, and for Samsung's future, this seems to be a good proposal, he acquiesced!

Ding Yu also responded with a smile. After looking at the position not far away, Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture. From the time, it is still early, and there is no need to continue to fight at each other's swords. Now just sit down and have a good chat!

In other words, all the important things have been talked about, and the rest of the things are not as important as imagined. What about Ding Yu's coming today? Has already indicated own attitude! Support Li Jianxi! As for Li Jianxi's insistence on Li Zai Rong? This is not in Ding Yu's consideration!

Seeing his father and Ding Yu sit down, Li zaireng is also fighting his spirit again. However, there is still no place for Li zaireng. However, Ding Yu stares at Li Jae Rong for a period of time. "Yingnan has been in the United States for a period of time. If you have time, go to see him!"

Li Jianxi's spirit was stunned. He didn't expect Ding Yu to say such a thing. How about Samsung in the United States? It also has its own channel, but the problem is that compared with Ding Yu's channel, the gap is slightly larger. But for a long time, Ding Yu didn't mean to open this channel!

And now in front of his son, Ding Yu mentioned this matter. For Samsung, it is definitely a considerable step forward. Even for his son, the effect of this connection is absolutely beyond imagination!

Li Zai Rong was so excited about this, so the whole person was a little bit silly. After sitting for half a day, Li Jianxi also slightly frowned and looked back at his son. He really felt both angry and funny. How could such a situation happen? Will you calm down?

He coughed a little, but Li Zai Rong still didn't wake up. Li Jianxi's face was really not so good-looking. It's true that the sky has dropped pies, but you don't have to be so unremitting! Ding Yu is still watching! That's how you behave. Where is my old face?

Ding Yu looks at Li Jianxi, and then stands up and brings two cups of coffee. In fact, he does it intentionally. Otherwise, the whole scene will be too awkward. Li Jianxi looks at Ding Yu who leaves, hesitates for a moment, and finally there is no slap on his face!

It can be seen from this that Ding Yu has really given this face, and he has made people speechless in terms of social sophistication. If Ding Yu doesn't serve coffee, then he can only dare to see that his eldest son is disgraced in front of two people!

But Ding Yu didn't do it like this. Look at other people's age, their style of dealing with things, and their own son. It's really incomparable! Then Li Jianxi also put his foot directly on Li Zairong's head-on bone in his lower leg, and Li Zairong was still addicted to it.

The sharp pain also made him wake up at the first time. His first reaction was to knead his legs. However, when he saw his father's face, his expression was also startled. Then he thought of something. When he looked at Ding Yu's seat, he found that Ding Yu had left! And I didn't notice it!

However, soon Li Zairong also found Ding Yu's figure. Seeing his father's displeasure, Li Zairong's face also showed a little shame. The reason why Ding Yu didn't continue to sit there had nothing to do with himself. His ugliness was revealed for a longer time, and Ding Yu would not care about it.

The reason why Ding Yu left is just to give his father a face!

The reason why Li zaireng appeared in the room was that his father wanted him to stand in his place, at least to stand up in front of Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? They are not very optimistic about themselves. This problem, including my father, is very clear.But I have such a bad smell! His father was so angry about this, but Ding Yu didn't express much about it. This implied many meanings. S: the new year is coming, and 2017 is coming so soon! Thank you for your friends and partners who have been with velver for so many years. Thank you. In the new year, congratulations on your happiness, health, family happiness, happiness and happiness!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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