Ding Yu, who came back again, looked very respectful to Li zaireng, and then handed the coffee to Li Jianxi. In a casual manner, he took his hand out of his spare time, and then patted Li zaireng's arm twice without too much words, but the movements on his body were enough to explain a lot of problems!

It doesn't matter, it's not as serious as you think! Everyone has lost his mind, the habit is good!

Looking at Ding Yu's movements, Li Jianxi also raised the coffee in his hand. If there was wine now, it might be better. But he also knew that coffee and wine are indifferent now!

Li Jianxi and Li zaireng did not stay for a long time, but they left soon. However, Ding Yu did not stay clean for a long time. Li Fuzhen also came out of the suite. She was alone and looked at her dress. Ding Yu nodded slightly, which was different from that of Taixi!

What about Taixi? The skeleton is a little bit small, but what about Li Fu Zhen? Big skeleton! What about Taixi? It's very pure. What about Li Fu Zhen in front of him? There is a little bit of temptation.

But Ding Yu didn't reveal himself on Li Fu Zhen's body for too long. Ding Yu's eyes continued to look out of the window, "how? It's not the best choice to be here at this time! "

"It looks like bad news, isn't it?" Li Fu Zhen is very clever, and I don't know if it's because of too much attack! Ding Yu also looked suspiciously, Li Fu Zhen is a smile, "just now when I met my father, I said two words, I guess above the general!"

This time, Ding Yu did not look back. "I have reached an agreement with Dong Li to separate you from Samsung. This is safe and reassuring for Li zaireng. At the same time, you completely say goodbye to Samsung's position."

Li Fuzhen also took two steps forward and stood side by side with Ding Yu. "I had no desire for that position, and I didn't even have any meaning in this respect. But it seems that not everyone looks at it like this. It seems that I should be the successor of the position in the future."

"Excellent? It's a good thing, but in the Empire of Samsung, it's too good, and it's not a good thing. What's more, you're still a woman, which is absolutely fatal! " When he said this, Ding Yu's attitude was also ambiguous. Li Fuzhen didn't hear it, so it was really hard to say.

"Divest Samsung, but does not leave Samsung!" Li Fu Zhen's words are obviously ironic! "And my brother? I have always thought about this aspect, but I don't have the courage and courage in this aspect. It seems that he has got considerable support from you, right? I should say congratulations! At least for you! "

Ding Yu also gave a noncommittal smile. "Judging from the current situation, Samsung's stability is the most important, at least for my personal construction of Asian forces have played a considerable role!"

"Is it too direct?" Li Fuzhen was also a little surprised and said, "are you telling me that at least at this time, Samsung has played a role in stabilizing the morale of the army, that is to say, father is using this matter to intimidate you, and you have no other choice. This is my understanding. I wonder if it is correct?"

"Take it for granted!"

"Is it? Originally thought that at least there should be some explanation! At least I can comfort myself Li Fuzhen also pretended to be angry and said, "but there are some unexplained places in this matter. Why should I be pulled out alone? I have no influence on Samsung any more! "

At this time, Ding Yu turned around and looked at Li Fu Zhen standing beside him for a while. Li Fu Zhen also felt a little trance. What does Ding Yu mean? In hesitation, Ding Yu made an invitation gesture. "Sit down, what's the matter now? I need to talk to you too! "

"Oh, I've been waiting for this day, all ears!"

"What about me now? I'm not sure if you are ready for this After sitting down, Ding Yu's two legs are also put together, which seems to be a bit casual, or even a casual look. But there is no denying that Ding Yu's posture really has a different attraction.

"In this case, you really don't value me in general. Should I express my gratitude?"

Ding Yu waved his hand. "It has nothing to do with the private relationship between men and women. I don't deny that you are very attractive. But this is not the main reason why I value you. I still value your personal ability. How about building Asian power? I lack a helper, a helper who can play an important role! "

"What?" Li Fu Zhen also stood up in amazement, but it was too happy to stand up, so the high-heeled shoes stepped on his evening dress skirt, which also made the evening dress completely fall off, and the whole person just stood naked in front of Ding Yu.It's true that Li Fuzhen is very interested in Ding Yu, but such a thing happened in front of Ding Yu. Li Fuzhen is also "this time, but someone is playing with them. I'm very happy. I'm so excited about it!" Taixi also shook his head. "I don't know where they come from. I doubt it."

Ding Yu and Tai Xi didn't talk for a long time. Soon someone came to knock on the door of the room. The reception below was almost ready! Waiting for Ding Yu and Tai Xi to come!

Ding Yu stretched out his arm, and Tai Xi took Ding Yu's arm with him. The two men also walked out of the room, playing the name? It's the reception of Samsung, but actually, the people who can be involved in Samsung are not as many as imagined, or even a few are so poor!

Even the number of people who attended the reception was very few. All the three floors above and below were closed and no one was allowed to visit. In this regard, the security of Samsung was very good.

Ding Yu's arrival was also warmly welcomed by everyone. However, during the whole process, Ding Yu did not make any other actions, even the simplest speech, except after meeting several people!

But anyway? Ding Yu is able to come, which shows that he is standing behind Samsung, and even fully supports the attitude. It is not so important to speak or not to speak at this time!

However, all the people who attended the reception put their eyes on Ding Yu's body. Some of them were too young to give any way to others! The children in the family compared with this one, it's not nice to say, like excrement, there is almost no difference.

"Old Cui, I heard that you were quite awkward at the beginning." Happy people looking at SK people, there are also so some joking said, "no more trouble for you this old guy?"

"Are you trying to make me happy, or are you jealous?" Sk's person also did not want to be outdone, and then also put their eyes on Ding Yu's body, Ding Yu may also feel something, looked back, and then slightly nodded his head, indicating that the attitude between each other is very good.

"It's true that some of the misunderstandings have been solved before, but there are no good misunderstandings in your imagination." Maybe it's because of Ding Yu's return, so this speech is also a little bit tough. This is really to make people in happy days feel that they don't have to fight at all.

Relatively speaking, SK people still have advantages, after all, what about the hands? With considerable resources, this is the basis and foundation of cooperation with each other. What about this? Other consortia really do not have the convenience in this respect, but SK's ability to participate in this reception also shows that Ding Yu's mind is very open.

We all know what happened at the beginning. Whose home is it? There are such dandies. If you can really contribute something to the family, it's nothing to do. But if you know that you're causing trouble to your family, you'd better get rid of them as soon as possible!

Sk said that there was such a thing, but in the next two years, it seems that there is really too little news about this aspect. Just now, under the introduction of chairman Li Jianxi, we also met each other. What about Ding Yu and Taixi? There are not many other opinions about SK! This is a good thing in itself.

After all, so many years have passed, and what about some of them? It doesn't represent everyone, and with Li Jianxi, the relationship between them has been greatly eased. As for the following? It depends on each other's performance!

"For the sake of Li Zai Rong, Li Dong can say that he has done everything he can do!" Obviously, Lotte's people also mean something and said, "I heard that at the beginning, it seemed that Li Fuzhen had this relationship! I don't know if it's true? "

"She didn't show up today!" Sk people also smile, it is obvious that they understand the relationship, but what about the day of Li Dong? No one will raise any objection to this position, but if there are any problems with Mr. Li, who knows who you are?

What about people who have this idea? It is not really one or two. There is still a lot of time and space for Li zaireng. The question is whether Li zaireng can handle the relevant affairs well. This issue is really not favored by everyone. After all, is it a monster like Ding Yu? Not everyone has it!

What's important is what Li Zai Rong has done in recent years? We are all in the eye. We don't worry about whether we can take over Samsung. However, after taking over Samsung, it is hard to say what kind of performance will be! Ding Yu is the only one, the same Li Jianxi, chairman Li is also the only one!

The atmosphere of the reception was still very warm, Li Jianxi? It's good to push his son out, but relatively speaking, Ding Yu's performance is a little quiet. He doesn't look like a young man at all. He doesn't even speak a lot. He often smiles back!There are so many people do not enter the taste, but can not stand, we are really interested in him!

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