What about Li Jianxi's Thoughts on everyone present? It's all in the heart. What about your son now? There are so some are not optimistic, it does not matter, after all, from the time above, there are still so some early!

We still give ourselves and Ding Yu's face, at least at this time? Did not refute face meaning, had strong support? This situation is not the same!

It doesn't matter if you stick to it for a few years. What about the rest? It depends on his son's performance. What about all the roads? Have been laid, the card surface is also very clear, if said in such a case, can let oneself lose, oneself also really is speechless!

The reception didn't last very long. After the reception, under Li Jianxi's beckoning, several people approached a room which was not very large. The room was very bright, but there was a round table and several chairs. There was no decoration on the table, even in the whole room? It is also slightly simple.

Ding Yu and Li Jianxi came in last. Looking at all the people in the room, Ding Yu shook hands one by one. When it was SK's turn, Ding Yu first stopped for a moment. "Today, I can stand together and feel a lot. I have prepared a small gift for the Cui family! Please give me more advice in the future

Thank you Hearing Ding Yu say so, SK's this is also slightly bow, today's people? In South Korea, it is already the top of the pyramid. What about Ding Yu in front of everyone? It can be said that the Cui family was given a great deal of courtesy. What about the past? Ding Yu's attack is very cruel and merciless, but after all, it is the Cui family who made the first mistake!

Before the reception? What about the reconciliation between them by Li Jianxi? All of them have reached a settlement, and now Ding Yu has given such a step in front of everyone. SK's family leader is definitely not a fool. The value of the gift doesn't matter. But in front of everyone, Ding Yu said that, for the whole SK, it's a kind of honor!

Even with a few simple words, the already good atmosphere was suddenly picked up. When the door was closed, the people in the room also took their seats. What about the whole meeting? It's just a few people. There are absolutely no other outsiders. The vigilance of the outside world is beyond imagination!

What did several people in the room talk about? No one knows and won't let the outside world know. The organization may be slightly loose, but everyone's goal is very consistent.

What about Ding Yu? It provides a platform and channel and plays a role of catalyst. But what about the people who occupy the most important position among them? Or did Li Jianxi and Ding Yu not ask for any position and request, which made everyone quite satisfied at the same time? There are also some feelings!

Youth is capital. It's understandable to be a little frivolous. But even if these old guys are very deliberate and flattering, Ding Yu has never revealed anything else. If Ding Yu has been standing behind Samsung, it is really hard to say in the future! At least it is difficult to move your hands!

SK and Lotte's two left in the same car, "old man, you won the lottery this time!" Looking at the things in my hometown, I am also very envious. Although it is a gift, but actually it is? The meaning of this thing is absolutely not simple!

"I'm afraid that winning the lottery is only one reason. I have to say that this man is absolutely powerful enough. From another angle, standing in the position of you and me, maybe we can do this step, but his face will never be so calm. What about him? It's only a few years old now. In Chinese, it's just over ten years old! "

Happy old fellow also nodded, "yes! It's just over ten years old. How can you be so rational, even though you are pursuing it? It's a common interest, but at his level, the so-called interest is just a kind of saying. Even if you are excluded from this old guy, it won't have too much influence! "

Sk's old man also gave a fierce stare, "it seems that you are really ready to grab this position? Li Dong's health is good now. You won't have too many opportunities now. More importantly, no matter who we are at this time, no matter who we are, we don't get the support of Mr. Ding. This is very important! "

"I heard a news! A message from other sources may not be known to more than this number at this time, including you and me! " After saying that, he also stretched out his slap!

"What do you mean?" Sk's old man was also slightly stunned, and then he carefully placed the cultural relics in the box, "don't make the idea of this thing. It will be placed in the family. This is the glory of our Cui family, and will never be touched by others! But I can consider buying you a drink

"This news is absolutely valuable. I am now considering whether to tell you, but I also have some doubts. What is the source of the news? More specifically, who knows the news? Mr. Ding, Mr. Li Dong and his son, and Li FuzhenSk's old man pondered for a while, then said tentatively, "I know that the relationship between Mr. Ding and Fu Zhen girl seems to be very good. Whether it involves other issues or not, no one knows, but the relationship between Tai Xi's girl and Fu Zhen seems to be good. It's too much, and it's hard for people to understand it!"

"You old man, you think too dirty!" Happy old man also shook his head and laughed, "OK! I heard that you got a painting in the art gallery. In exchange, I'll tell you the news! What about the wine? Remember! Have a drink sometime Looking at his old friend nodding, he also said, "Fu Zhen that girl will be stripped of Samsung!"

"The value of this news is a little bit obvious, and it is not worth mentioning!"

"Yes! If only from this point of view, this news is really not very valuable, but as far as I get the news, Ding Yu personally inquired about this matter. I don't know what Mr. Ding's plan is, but I think this is the beginning of recruitment! "

Sk's old man is also silent down, this is really difficult to judge, after all, for the source of the news is so uncertain, who put out such news? What's more, Ding Yu separated Li Fu Zhen from Samsung. Does it mean Ding Yu or Samsung?

"If this is what Mr. Ding means, the problems in it are worth pondering. If this means Samsung, then they are putting up fences, and the more they tie up, the tighter they are! I don't want anyone else to destroy it! "

"It's hard for me to judge in this respect." Lotte's old man also shook his head. "I haven't even found out where the news came from, but it's definitely from the four people I mentioned. Everyone has this suspicion and everyone has this motivation."

"It would never be a good idea to visit Mr. Ding Yuding. Even if he released the news of this incident, he would never hope that someone would disturb him at this time. In my opinion, the possibility and feasibility of spreading the news from him is very small."

"Find a chance to meet the girl Fu Zhen!" After saying that, the two elders also looked at each other with a smile. It is obvious that they have found common ground, at least the common ground of future interests!

At the same time, Li Jianxi and his son Li zaireng sat together. The two did not leave immediately. Even if they did, they would never share a bus. This is a habit formed long ago and will not be changed!

"What do you think of Mr. Ding's performance at this meeting?"

"Hard to understand!" Li zaireng also expressed his attitude, "what he has received is the education of Britain and the United States. Although it is not pre-school education, it is at least a response education. What about the elites of the two countries? For other people's attitude is usually a little dismissive! Most of the time, it's self-centered! "

I have experienced too much in such a situation. Although I am the crown prince and successor of Samsung, I also deeply realize the look of those elites when I come to the United States. He just looks at you with his eyelids. There is no reason to say. You need to accept whether you want or not!

"Mr. Ding fought with the Americans and the British, and they were all very different. Even in front of the public, he gave them considerable embarrassment. Your sister once mentioned this to me. The situation at that time was so bloody that I felt it was incredible!"

"What father meant was that he was changing too fast back and forth?"

Li Jianxi sighed, "it's not that he changes back and forth too fast. I just want to warn you through this incident that Ding Yu is definitely not a fluke to be able to get to this point today. It's absolutely not a fluke to know people and make good use of them? It's just one of the most basic aspects. What's important is that he can make a random response! As it is today, can you do it? "

Li Zairong also thought about this for a while, and then shook his head helplessly. "If it's me, I can't do it, not only in my heart, but also in my face. For Mr. Ding, what about SK? Not to say that they are defeated generals, but there are some that are not worth mentioning. Even if they take the initiative to get up, I will not pay too much attention to them! "

"Yes! Will not have too much attention, do not deny SK in China? It may have some influence, but from the overall situation, the impact on Mr. Ding Yuding will not be as great as imagined. But what is Mr. Ding's reaction? Let everyone unexpected, and this effect is also very good

Li zaireng also nodded. The impact of this event on everyone can be said to be quite large. What is your impression of Ding Yu? Can be said to be further deepened, the effect is really great!

"Father, when do you think it's appropriate to contact with the United States?" What about Li Zai Rong? I also realized my own problems, but I also felt so embarrassed and even embarrassed on my face. After all, I was so old!So it's also a direct change of topic. What about Li Jianxi? Looking at his son also nodded, I also know that this period of time to give him a little bit of pressure, "after Mr. Ding Yuding left, you can go there in person, and you can handle the specific things yourself! There will be no intervention here! "

Yes! Li zaireng nodded his head vigorously. His father didn't tell himself how to deal with the matter. He didn't even have the most fundamental suggestions. This is a change in itself!

"Tell me about your sister!" Looking at Li Zai Rong, Li Jianxi also contained his eldest son. "She is destined to be stripped of Samsung. The time of announcement will not be put until now, but what about the handling of the matter? You need to be prepared, not only for her, but also for your second sister

"All?" Looking at his father, Li Zairong also nodded his head slightly. "Father, it's a bit cruel to be separated like this. Give them some economic compensation!"

You don't need to let your father say it, but you should say it yourself! What's more, Father also means that! This point can be said to be very good insight, it is not difficult! Li Jianxi also considered for a while, and then shook his head, "the things hanging under their names are theirs, but the main body of Samsung has no relationship with them, so they can enjoy the dividend. If there is an intention to sell, it can only be sold to you! There's no need to disagree! "

"Father, I can handle this matter, but I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to come forward with it!" After all, they are their own sisters, and they are still sisters. What's important is that they have paid a lot for Samsung. Now they have been stripped off. From the perspective of social sophistication? There are really some problems.

"I know that I will deal with this matter, and you will deal with it in the long run." Li Jianxi also extended his hand, but did not mean to withdraw. "In fact, this matter is not as important as imagined. I think Ding Yu has stripped your sister from Samsung? Maybe there are other ideas! "

Yeah? Li Zairong looked at his father. What did he mean? Did he deal with himself? But Fu Zhen has been stripped of the entire Samsung, even if they want to restrict themselves, they can not do so, so what about the hesitation of father? Also feel a little confused!

Li Jianxi looked at the hand he had placed there, shaking his head, and slowly took back his hand. "What is my so-called compensation for stripping your sister from Samsung? It's absolutely not enough. Ding Yu naturally knows the problems in this, and gives me the feeling that what he wants is definitely not Samsung! "

What do you mean? Li Zairong felt that he was a little confused. Ding Yu didn't mean anything about Samsung. So what's the meaning of stripping his sister from Samsung? Is he interested in Samsung? Should not, if really interested in Samsung, will never let his sister leave Samsung.

"Did he like Fu Zhen?" Random Li Zairong also shook his head

However, Li Jianxi nodded, "he should have taken a fancy to your sister, but it should have two meanings with your so-called liking. To be exact, he should have taken a fancy to your sister's ability, so he directly let her leave from Samsung. In this way, you don't need to bear too much pressure!"

You see your sister's ability? In this regard, Li zaireng really felt that he could not guess clearly. What is the situation? What kind of ability does his younger sister have, rich really everything? She basically knows something about it. What about the industries she controls? They also basically have a few!

If I really have the ability, I don't know that I was playing with the applause, but what about my father? What's more, it's not necessary for them to have a relationship with each other!

"What kind of ability does Fu Zhen have that he should be so valued by Ding Yu?" What about Li Zai Rong? A little bit unbalanced, "or he wanted to check and balance!"

"No!" Li Jianxi shakes his head, obviously disagrees with the statement in this respect, "if Ding Yu wants to check and balance, he won't choose your sister. For him, it doesn't make any sense not to say nothing. On the contrary, it will arouse the vigilance and disgust of Samsung, which is certain!"

Focusing on himself again, Li Jianxi also pointed out that "Ding Yu will never fight with us in this arena, because for him, this is not only a simple face slap, but also a great loss. Obviously, he has helped your sister in the past!" Speaking of this, Li Jianxi also laughed, some reluctantly and helpless, "is he so optimistic about wealth?"

"Father, even if he was looking after his sister, where would he put her?" Li zaireng really didn't want to understand, "Samsung is obviously impossible. If it's from South Korea, it seems that other people will feel the imbalance in their hearts! This support for Samsung is too much! "

"Yes! It can't be Samsung's or this side's. what about the whole Asia? " Li Jianxi also snorted. What about this one? It's not dissatisfaction, but it's a little inconceivable that Ding Yu put his daughter in that position. Is it too confident? Or what else?Anyway, at this time, Li Jianxi really has so many to understand, he is not prepared to think too much understand! What about leaving Samsung for her daughter? For Samsung, it is a good thing, and for the Rong, it is also a good thing.

From all aspects, we all got satisfied results. What about this relationship with the so-called family? No other relationship, interest? It is the root of all that leads!

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