However, Tai Xi still didn't insist on staying in bed for too long, because the two little guys had already broken in regardless of their weight. They really didn't have a piece of thread on their body, which was slightly embarrassing!

After catching the two little guys, they also slapped them on their ass twice, which was revenge for their father's revenge. However, the two little guys didn't pay attention to so many things? When he jumped out of bed, he made a shy expression to his mother, and then ran away.

Tai Xi's heart is also a big hate, even two children to ridicule, this absolutely can't bear, but yesterday's clothes? There is no way to do it. After glancing at the clothes placed in order not far away, Taixi also smiles and then stretches out his jade arm.

After finishing up, he saw that Ding Yu and his two children were already sitting there, eating breakfast. Taixi was also very careful to sit in his position. Ding Yu put down his newspaper and took a look at it. However, Taixi did not dare to do any reasoning at all. He still waited for the anger to subside.

"I'll settle with you later!" Ding Yu also hummed in a low voice. Then he pushed his things forward. Taixi also laughed. Then he took up the milk and filled it for Ding Yu ouba. What about the two children? There is no such treatment and enjoyment!

"If nothing happens, I'll take them back first!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "if there is nothing, go back and clean it up. At the latest, I will leave this evening, and the time delayed here is a little bit longer." Having said that, he took a look of complaint again.

No matter what kind of expression and eyes Ding Yu's oba looks like, Tai Xi always regards it as not seeing it. Anyway, things have already happened. Can't you treat it as nothing you don't know? I can't accept it on my own. In addition, Fu zhen'ou'ni is so interested in Europa, so some things are just pushing the boat along the river.

In fact, when I came here? The lower body is still so inconvenient, even hot. Fortunately, it was handled in time last night. Otherwise, if I could walk around today, it was two times.

What about your own situation now? Maybe it's better. After all, it's enough for me to stop. But there seems to be some bad situation in Fu zhen'ou'ni, and I have some impression on the scene at that time. However, I don't want to ask about this matter. Now I'd better run away from here!

After Ding Yu had eaten, he did not pay much attention to it. However, several girls who accompanied the two little guys to play with each other last night came at the first time. What happened yesterday can be clearly seen. They have had considerable development and exposure in the past two years, which is not to say that there is no reason at all.

What's more, they were told yesterday that they would take over the endorsement of Samsung. This is absolutely not a trifling matter. It is really too important for the promotion and development of their group as a whole!

"I ordered breakfast for you and then left after rest. Yesterday, the two children were very happy." Taixi also said a few simple words. What about the two little guys? After all, yesterday's situation was different from today's. in such a high-level place as South Korea, the performance of Tae hee and the two little guys is also impeccable.

A few girls went back to their rooms. After closing the door, they patted themselves on the chest for the first time. There was no way. The pressure was really too great. However, after seeing the delicious food on the table, they also screamed and rushed on!

What happened after they came out? They are also facing a lot of tests and twists and turns, that is to say, it took two years for them to rise slowly. However, they also know a lot of things behind the prosperous entertainment industry. If only relying on the company and themselves, the test is a little bit big, but there is a backing behind it? It's not the same!

This backer is really big, a little bit less edge, at least in South Korea is like this! What do they think of Tai hee? Is really very grateful, of course, to say that there is no envy, this is unlikely!

But what about this? It's just in the heart. It can't be said outside. If it's true, it will be swallowed up by then, and there won't be any bone residue left! But now it seems to be good, at least in addition to work? There will not be too much pressure from other aspects.

What about the company? Of course, if such things happen, for them, seeing the actual profits, there is no other negative impact. Is there anything better than this? Even when necessary? You can also use the backing behind their little girls, such a beautiful job!

When Taixi and his two children left, Ding Yu also came to Li Fuzhen's room. Looking at Li Fuzhen lying on the bed, Ding Yu also took a chair and sat beside the bed. Li Fuzhen obviously felt something, and then he pulled up to cover his face!

Ding Yu coughed slightly, "I don't have many women. You are a very special one. If you put up your pants, you don't recognize people. This kind of thing doesn't conform to my style and character! I really can't do it! "Li Fu Zhen, who was lying on the bed, snorted. His voice was not very loud. He was bigger than Ding Yu. Although the age difference was not very exaggerated, there was a saying that the old ox ate tender grass. He was really suspected of such a thing. What's more, he really threw himself away last night.

It is true that the final goal is achieved, but the previous process makes me think that there are still some not so happy and comfortable, and even some shame. There is also a point is that he did not expect that he would be so crazy, at the beginning of the time Tai Xi really did not have too much exaggeration!

To be sure, her words are half true and half false. This is another main reason why I am lying on the bed now. It is not that I don't want to move, but I really can't move. I have no pity on myself. I think of it now that I really have some grievances, or I tilt my head to the other side!

Looking at Li Fuzhen, who was still speechless on the bed, Ding Yu also stood up and directly stretched out his two arms. He held Li Fu Zhen up and placed two pillows in her hand, so that she could rely on her.

"Hate for love? It seems that this is not what we should do Ding Yu also put the medicine and water in front of Li Fuzhen. "I know that Tai Xi may have told you something about the things prepared by the courtyard. These are all secret but not passed on. Go there if you have time."

"What are you going to do there?" Looking at the things Ding Yu placed on the table in front of him, Li Fu Zhen also asked in doubt, "I feel that I have some pity, or think I should accept your alms now!"

"You're my woman now, it's a reality, but before that? We are not well prepared for this aspect. Do we have a saying in China? It's called marriage before love. The situation of the two of us is really similar to this! "

Li Fu Zhen tried the medicine before, but it didn't taste too bitter, but what about eating it in his mouth? There are so many strange tastes. I don't know what it is, but I don't know whether it's psychological or other reasons. Anyway, it's a spiritual shock!

"You are just a choice for me!" Although in the heart? There are so many moving hearts, but it does not mean that the mouth must admit defeat, this is two problems and two properties!

Ding Yu also smiles, watching Li Fuzhen drink all the medicine, then gargle with water, and then remove the medicine. "Last night, there were so many tyrannical, I haven't been so released for a long time, so this is bound to cause you considerable damage!"

Know good, Li Fu real face is also a burst of blush, the most initial time? I feel very comfortable, but what about the back? He is trying to break away, but he is the opponent at all. Can you use a word to describe it? Perhaps the most appropriate, that is to ravage! Now think of it, I don't know how to stick to it.

"It's not fair for you to leave now!" Ding Yu also laughed, "but what about your body? Need a rest Then Ding Yu reached out his pocket and took out a bag from it, and then he fell into his own hands.

He bent over and put the necklace on Li Fuzhen's gooseneck. Li Fuzhen also cooperated quite well. He didn't mean to pinch it at all. The performance of both of them was very ordinary! Ding Yu also let Li Fu Zhen lie down again! "Get some sleep!" Looking at Li Fu Zhen, he didn't mean to close his eyes. Ding Yu also gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Hum! Li Fu Zhen is satisfied with Ding Yu's performance. At least he looks like a man. He is not a character who puts on his pants and leaves. He is also a lover, not a heartless guy in his heart. As for the necklace on his neck? I will keep it well, but I don't think about it for a long time. Li Fuzhen also slept in the past.

However, after less than two hours' sleep, Li Fuzhen reluctantly opened his eyes and touched the necklace on his neck. Ding Yu looked very indifferent, but in fact, he didn't care about it? It's just natural!

After a little movement, he still had some inconvenience, but it was much better than last night. After going to wash and gargle, Li Fuzhen changed his clothes again. When he came out, he found that Ding Yu did not leave, but sat in the guest room, as if dealing with something!

"Wake up!" Ding Yu looked at Li Fu Zhen's walking posture and also laughed. Li Fu Zhen also snorted. Obviously, what happened yesterday? The situation is special, so there will be such a situation. When you get better on your side, you will let him know how powerful it is. You must let him know that he is not for nothing.

"So diligent? I'm a little hungry! " He found a seat opposite Ding Yu and sat down, showing a little bit of randomness!

Ding Yu shook his head, "as soon as possible to the courtyard over there, your body? It's already a red line. In the morning, I measured your vein, and the problem is still so big. Moreover, I can feel that you have used quite a lot of drugs. Although you can't see anything now, it has a considerable impact on your psychology and physiology! "Li Fu Zhen looked at Ding Yu with a little doubt, but he didn't have much words. He knew something about himself, "I asked the doctor, and the situation is not as big as I imagined!"

"I am also a doctor. I know how much water there is. From the point of view of Western medicine, there are not many problems. Even a lot of inspection indicators are normal, but this normal is covered by certain problems, which needs two or three years of conditioning!"

"I don't have that much time!" Li Fuzhen took a drink from the water cup in front of him and said it firmly.

"It's not to let you lie on the bed, it's just regular recuperation! I don't want you to have any problems or situations. You are my woman. Although we are still in the process of getting to know each other, I think we should be mutual... " The last words, Ding Yu did not say, is a gesture to each other.

Li Fu Zhen nodded, and there was a little smile on his face. "Originally, I wanted you to accompany me for a night, but yesterday, Taixi made a great sacrifice. This thing is mine! So I'll make it up! "

"Take a break! Your condition is too bad. Being killed by your elder brother is not a bad thing. I think you have prepared for this aspect in your heart a long time ago. Samsung is not yours, now it is not yours, and it will not belong to you in the future! "

"But I can create a more influential force than Samsung, can't I?"

Ding Yu also looked at Li Fuzhen with a bit of interest, "confidence is a good thing, but excessive is not a good thing. At this stage, I have no expectations of you, and one more thing, I need to solemnly say that you are my woman, I am not a very magnanimous person!"

"I didn't say you were my man!" Li Fu Zhen is very proud of Jiao said, but did not get Ding Yu any response, "there is a point, you should also know, I have two children!" When he said this, Li Fuzhen was a little nervous, and even widened his eyes and looked at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu's mouth also slightly twitched for a while, and took a deep breath. "In fact, I'm not ready for this aspect, and I don't want to say any so-called rhetoric, so I don't know what kind of answer should be given to you now. If you have any opinions and opinions, you can put them forward!"

"Yes, if you say that you will be responsible for everything, I am a little worried and even despised! I like honest men, you can not tell me, but don't cheat me Li Fu Zhen seems to be very open-minded, "if I think of the problems and conditions, I will mention them to you!"

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand. "Does it feel that our conversation with each other is a little too formulaic?"

"It seems that we are really not prepared for this aspect!" Obviously, Li Fuzhen also felt the problems and the situation. What about the conversation between them? They all want to try their best to avoid the previous entanglement, but the problem is apart from this? It seems that there is not much understanding between each other.

It also leads to each other? It seems that there are not too many topics to talk about! After all, some of the development is too fast, even between each other are not fully prepared for this aspect, we should know that there are many problems between each other!

"I couldn't wait to think about this before!" Li Fu Zhen also slightly sarcastic smile, "but after it really happened, I found that many things are different from what I imagined. This is absolutely not a real link between us!"

"You are quite frank, but I have a headache now!" Ding Yu also exclaimed!

"Whatever, I've achieved my wish anyway!" Li Fu Zhen is also a little bit of joy, the process is a little rough, but the result is still very good! Even in the process of their own is very enjoy, as for the end? That's another matter!

"Is this a little bit irresponsible?" Looking at Li Fu Zhen's eyes, Ding Yu also shook his head. "We'll talk about the farm until you get back to your senses. Now it's too emotional to mention something. I need to go back. The journey of the two little guys has not been completed yet."

"It's cruel. It was on me last night. I'm leaving today!" Li Fuzhen also said with a slight irony, in fact, what about Ding Yu's departure? I don't have many thoughts, but I don't know why. I feel extremely uncomfortable in my heart!

"I can stay, but the problem is that you are already overburdened, and now the distance is too close, I don't think it is very suitable. After the distance is too close, we can not see each other very clearly."

Li Fu Zhen's hand is also put on his neck necklace, groping for a while, also nodded, "said pour is a little bit of truth, but I have not tried for many years, and as far as I know, Taixi is also unbearable, so you know, don't let me find you directly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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