When he came out from Xinluo, Ding Yu also took a big breath. Li Fu Zhen! It's really a big problem. Now, it seems that it's a little pretentious! After all, she is her own woman now!

What about Taixi? To a certain extent, there are so many "silent worldly affairs", so they are used. But what about this thing? Ding Yu really can't tell Tai Ximing that she is not really the opponent of Fu Zhen at this point.

Even they have to take the initiative to undertake this aspect of the problem, otherwise they will be very face-to-face in the future, the relationship between each other is very good, and there are not too many contradictions, so it is better not to have a bad relationship!

When Ding Yu came back, Taixi had already finished cleaning up. It seemed that they were waiting to start. The two little guys looked so impatient. After seeing their father, they were also elated. After a while of mischief with two little guys, Ding Yu looks at Tai Xi and takes a deep breath.

"Any better?"

Tai Xi also slightly spit out his little tongue and drove away the two little guys who wanted to make a fuss. Then he was also a very small woman who brought coffee to Ding Yu, and then stood in front of Ding Yu honestly. It was really good to admit his mistake! Instead, Ding Yu did not know how to deal with it!

He sighed, and then he patted the position beside him twice, "sit down! If you let others know, you don't know how to criticize me? You! I got a bossy president for me. I don't know how to deal with it. She is so different from you! "

"It feels like Fu Zhen Ou Ni is very good to me!" Taixi also said in a low voice, which was a small explanation.

"Silly boy!" Ding Yu also felt so angry, "I didn't mean to say bad things about her, but you are a little bit far away from her. I have always kept the distance between us, because we really don't know much about each other!"

Tai Xi rubbed his nose and looked a little silly, "can't you! I feel very close to each other, just like a family! Is there anything in this? "

"Forget it, go to the plane first! The two little guys are so impatient. I'll explain it to you from the plane. " Originally I wanted to criticize and educate, but it seems that this situation is really not so appropriate now!

The two little guys are as crazy as ever. Maybe they realize that the so-called good days are over. After all, they come to Korea? It's a holiday, but it's hard to say if there's a store after this village! Or simply impossible things, of course, this time my mother is also with her.

Don't think that if your mother is with you, the wicked father will start a little lighter, impossible things. Fortunately, they have made preparations in this respect. Of course, they are very difficult to express in words, but they are using actions to illustrate this point. For Ding Yu, they have already understood.

After getting on the plane, there was no long stay, and the plane took off soon. This time, it's not that there is no one to see him off. The main reason is that Ding Yu doesn't have so many thoughts. So he said a few words and flew away in a hurry!

After the plane flew smoothly, the two little guys ran away. The plane was very big, and it was still possible to feel a little pressure when the two little guys sat beside their father. So after making two faces with their mother, they ran away. Ding Yu put down the newspaper in his hand.

"I'm really curious about how you convinced each other!" Ding Yu shook his head. "It's hard to imagine that you should share me with another woman, which makes me feel

"Overburdened, what do you think of the word?" After that, he also looked back at him with hatred. He was very comfortable to accompany Ding Yu ouba once, but sometimes he could not get out of bed for several days. Both of them were so miserable!

I don't know why Dingyu oba is so strong and even has some non-human feelings. Since one person can't bear it, then two people! But it's obvious that what happened yesterday was off track again. I didn't expect how cruel Fu zhen'oni was.

Or your own man? It's really excellent. I can bear it under such circumstances. I never thought of it. I'm worthy of being my man. When I think of this place, I can't help being proud.

But before he was empty, Ding Yu slapped him on his thigh, "what's the responsibility for this matter? I can't say it's mine! I have checked the physical problems of the individual, and there are no other conditions, so you know, sometimes there are so many uncontrollable! "

Can't a couple of words explain the problem clearly? He will never say that he can't, but the problem is that he seems to be too strong. This is really a rather contradictory thing. Ding Yu doesn't know how to explain it!Some things? It seems that the temporary level of science and technology can not really explain, but then the illusory things have happened, so what about the side effects? Ding Yu seems to be used to it. As for now, Taixi has such a reason to prevaricate himself? Ding Yu did not want to go on to further study.

"What about Li Fu Zhen? It seems very lucky, after all, not everyone can be born in such a family as Samsung! But relatively speaking, she is not the happiest, because she has never been able to decide and control her own destiny. More vividly, she is a puppet! "

Obviously, Taixi also knew about the situation, but there were still some people who didn't believe that, "Fu zhen'ou'ni still has some autonomy! It's not as bad as I thought, at least in my opinion! "

"What do you see? It's just a part of it, even a lot of it, that we can see on purpose. What's more? Or are they hidden behind the curtain? You need to think about it Ding Yu is also a teacher.

"Do you mean Fu zhen'oni needs to leave Samsung?"

Ding Yu was very satisfied with Taixi's reaction, and then explained, "I have reached an agreement with Chairman Li in this respect, which was reached before yesterday's reception. Otherwise, why do you think she is so impulsive, or even unable to do it by herself? This also means that she completely has no relationship with Samsung, she has been completely abandoned by Samsung! "

"No price at all!"

Ding Yu also pursed his mouth and nodded, more or less appeared to have some emotion, "what originally belonged to her, including hotels and some marginal industries, the main body of Samsung? Li is still in charge of this. There is no room for discussion on this point. Therefore, Li Fuzhen is acting a little too radical! "

"I don't know about it!" Taixi also quickly explained that he didn't know such a situation. He didn't expect that Chairman Li's family would be so ruthless. This is really different from his own home. After all, he doesn't need his brother's share.

And what about the industry at home? There is no contribution, even if it is in the hand? I also feel very guilty, but Fu zhen'oni paid a lot for Samsung, so he was stripped off by Samsung. If it was his own, I'm afraid it's hard to accept such a reality! How cruel!

"What about Samsung? It's a good partner. What's the relationship between me and Dong Li? It's OK, but I've been trying to avoid getting involved in Samsung's internal affairs. This time! If I didn't let Li Fuzhen separate out in advance, I'm afraid I would have fallen into this vortex! "

"Samsung will hold on to this matter?" At this time, Tai hee is really afraid. He is a Korean, so he is very aware of the power of Samsung. In addition, he is also a person at the top of the pyramid. What about the internal affairs of Samsung? Naturally, it also has its own channels of understanding.

"It should not be right now, but after all, what about Li Fu Zhen? It's Li Dong's daughter. As for whether Li Fu Zhen will choose to have other plans at that time, it's really not clear! " Ding Yu, who had finished his speech, sighed, "let's see what kind of choice Li Zairong makes! Anyway, it's a lot of trouble! It's all caused by you

"I didn't mean to!" Taixi also had some small grievances.

"I know. What about Li Fu Zhen? Maybe she didn't expect so much. In the case of being stripped of Samsung, she needs to find a way to rely on, because she is not sure what she will face in the future, but anyway, things have already happened. Don't have too much psychological pressure on your side, at least we won't do it to you! "

"But after all, it's the wrong thing to do!" Taixi's mood is a little low. He has only considered one aspect of the matter, even in the whole process? He also considered himself, and did not consider Ding Yu's Europa!

"It's not much to do with fault, it's just chance! After all, there are some things I haven't told you. I don't want you to fall into this VAT! " Ding Yu also stretched out his arm, "now do you know? It's no big deal. Of course, it can be seen as my deliberate speech

Yeah? Then Taixi also understood that there were some crying and laughing on his face. Did this force explain a wave? ok Since such words let him know that he is powerful, and then his hand is also stretched out.

Two people playing around here, soon also attracted the attention of two little guys. How can such a fun thing reduce them? So they are the first time to join it! But soon Dingyu and Taixi two people to one of the press in there, want to break free? How is that possible?

"Why do you want to come here all of a sudden?" After madness with two little guys for a while, Taixi also leaned on Ding Yu's side. Looking at the briefing, he was puzzled and asked, "this is too close to the side."! Even the plane made a big detour."Don't go home first. If you go home, you and the two little guys don't have to think about coming out. Father and mother now see me, even if they don't chop me with a kitchen knife, they will never give me any good looks! You must absolutely believe that father and mother can do such things! "

"You deserve it. Who let you stay away with your children for such a long time. Can you not worry at home? It's just you who are complacent Taixi is also very helpless to say.

"Well! This time should not be too long. Where am I going? Taking the two little guys to have a look at the scene is on the one hand, mainly to investigate the farms over there. The new cooperation mode, from the present situation, has begun to get on the right track, but has it been? It's not exposed. Now it's time to take a look at it! "

Tai Xi waved his hand, such a thing is really not so interested! But Ding Yu didn't want to let her off. "This is just a tentative industry. For the time being, how about 60% of the capital? For investment and other aspects, what about the remaining four layers? Fu Zhen's side may want some. I'll give her one. You have one and a half floors, and the remaining one and a half

"Do I have more? Is there any dissatisfaction with Fu Zhen Ou Ni? Besides, I don't know how to deal with so many industries coming to my hands! "

Ding Yu shaved her nose, "I'll arrange this matter. Let Fu Zhen deal with the specific things! She is more qualified than you. You are a little confused in this respect! " Shake your head, but I also like Taixi.

Really, if she is confused, it seems that there are so many over the grid, but some things deliberately pretend to be confused! It doesn't mean to be a man if you make it clear? It's hard to be confused! Sometimes life is the same.

When the plane landed, it was already dark. After all, it was a big round trip, even dinner? They were all solved on the plane. Obviously, the two little guys didn't love it. The food prepared on the plane was very sufficient, but the taste was not good enough.

What's more, Dad's face-to-face. What about the so-called snacks? Or do not think, in fact, even if the father is not in, their snacks? It's also rare, there are so many pitiful! However, they are getting used to it. If you don't feel good, you should eat less, but you can't stop eating. Otherwise, you will be hungry!

"I felt better before, but how could I feel a little bit more towards this side?" You should know that Ding Yu did not fly directly to Jilin this time, but spared a circle, direct flight faster, but the visual effect was too poor!

There are also some reasons for considering other aspects. It is better to avoid some things, so as to avoid other troubles. After all, Taixi and two children are on the plane!

"The situation in the three eastern provinces is not the same. What about the other side of the family? Urbanization is relatively high, but what about this side? The situation is different! It's a heavy industry base here, but it can also be said that it's a grain producing area. Agriculture and animal husbandry are also quite basic! "

Ding Yu didn't explain too much. What is the direction he is going to start with? It's agriculture and animal husbandry. It's not that Ding Yu has no interest in industry at all. But there are some too big directions in that direction. Before the layout is completed? Or don't show too much!

As for the farm side? In general, the layout above has been completed. At the beginning, it looked fragmentary, but all of it was on Ding Yu's hand. Now that Ding Yu has chosen to expose it, it can be integrated together!

However, after re integration, what kind of situation will it be? This is not what people can do to limit it. Ding Yu is quite sure about this. Isn't he dissatisfied with himself? All right! I just put this under your nose, disgusting to death!

Such a thing can be done by such a withered person as Ding Yu. What's worse is that Ding Yu is not a person, and the strength behind it can't be underestimated. It's not only Li Fuzhen who joined in, but it's really not counted. Samsung's power is not small, but now it's in China? Not yet!

On the surface? It's the farmers and businessmen under the farm and the universities behind it, especially the universities behind it. We should know that the schools set up by Ding Yu are not so simple as two, involving the personnel? It's not one or two. If it really starts, it will definitely form a considerable pressure.

Therefore, Ding Yu is not only vicious, but also quite vicious. Isn't it that he doesn't like me? Don't you all want to do something with me? okay! Don't say I don't give you this opportunity, I will put this on the surface now, come on!

If anyone doesn't do it, who is the son of a bitch!

Now many people have known about the situation. What about Ding Yu's farm system? It has also been exposed, and it seems that there are a lot of them. I'm afraid they will unite in a short time. This is really a huge force!Now Ding Yu has put this kind of influence on the surface. It really makes some people feel that they have some headache, because Ding Yu chose this direction? There's no solution! It's not that we can't find the direction, but we can start after we find the direction? Will cause a lot of trouble, this is the most headache!

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