"All from him?" Wang Pu looks at the vegetables and fruits on the ground? Also looked at two eyes, also did not see what the difference is, but the old lady carefully looked at, not live nodding.

And the attendant next to him was also careful, "more than once tested. Regular consumption of such vegetables is good for the health of Er Lao. We have sealed the report sheet!" What about the superfluous explanation? It's not necessary. The two old people don't need to listen to this.

After all, they have worked with the two elders for a long time. They have a good understanding of the actual situation. They have a good understanding of what to say and what not to say. They do this kind of work.

"We two old guys feel very good to eat, but I'm afraid it's not clear what kind of nutrition we have. It seems that Xiaoyu has done a lot of good things." The old lady also said with a smile that her eyes were about to narrow together. What about the house? It's always been served.

The same is true not only on our side, but also on Lao Su's side. Types and styles can be described in various ways. What's the value of things? It's not that you need to care. After all, it's from the grandson. It's a very special idea.

The old lady looked at her old man after he had cleaned up all the vegetables. Although the old man's face didn't show any expression, it was in her heart! I don't know how beautiful it is! I have been with him for so many years. Don't you know that?

"You bastard! It's a little bad! I don't know who the hell learned it from! " Wang Pu also scolded, such things are easy to see clearly, he now put the farm on the surface, even deliberately placed in front of some people, is disgusting you!

"What is not bad?" The old lady was also quite dissatisfied, "if you can, don't eat it!"

Wang Pu also looked at it unsatisfied. "What's the matter with this? He's been running around the country for such a long time. Do you think it's just a little bit about the farm? I don't think it's possible, but one thing is very certain, that is, the matter of his entering the country has been settled! "

"Do you mean this is just a cover up With Wang Pu's husband and wife for so many years, he said, he basically knew the next sentence, this thing is also very good to guess.

"That's for sure!" Wang Puxin swore, "but what does he show now? It's really a hedgehog. It's hard for people to start with. After all, it involves a lot of aspects. Moreover, it's not clear if there are any backers behind it. This guy's record is not so good! "

"Xiaoyu has deliberately exposed the farm, and even has the meaning of actively luring him. Now the question is whether some people will do it? I feel that there is something strange about this matter! "

From this point, it can be reflected that the old lady has a great grandson! There are also some who are not at ease, because they do not know what the grandson really looks like, which makes people feel confused.

"This son of a bitch really has some bastards, but one thing is very smart, that is, before he gets powerful? You can't see his arrangement, so to speak! What about his entry into the country? I'm afraid it's been arranged a long time ago, but he never got involved in it

"Use himself as a bait to attract other people's attention!" The old lady also said. "This point is very good. Just like the farms now, the effect is very good. I asked them to read the relevant information to me. This time, the information is more detailed, and some of the structures can be seen!"

"When you don't have strength, you will develop quietly. Even if you are knocked, bear it. Watch! This son of a bitch is definitely more than these things. What about this farm? It's very important to say that it's important, but now in the eyes of some people, it's a rather difficult thing. It's not moving or not moving! "

"Yes! It's not easy to move if it's moving, because what about the market the farm is facing? It's not mainly domestic. The future development direction is different. But now it is. But if it doesn't move, who can swallow it? This has already been photographed on the face. It's merciless at all

"You can't move or dare not to move. What's more, what's more, what's exposed is definitely what Ding Yu wants to expose. It's intentional for some people to see. If something really happens, it's definitely what the son of a bitch wants to see, and it can cover up other purposes. It's a good way."

Wang Pu and the old lady have analyzed the matter quite clearly, and some people feel itchy at this time. Ding Yu is really speechless. It's good for you to develop in foreign countries honestly. What's wrong when you come back?

What about this? Some people are also extremely reluctant. We still have some understanding of Ding Yu's influence abroad. At the beginning, they directly swept through the past, and now there is no news and trace of those people, as if they had never appeared in the world.What is the cause? Does this need to be explained? Ding Yu cleaned them up, and even didn't leave any dust. Now that Ding Yu has entered the country, many people are rubbing their hands. They are waiting to teach Ding Yu a lesson.

But what about the farm that Ding Yu created? It really makes people feel unable to start. There are so many aspects involved behind it. Which one has offended? It's a lot of trouble, and what about Ding Yu? It's impossible to enter China by relying on this so-called farm. How about pulling it down now? the loss outweighs the gain.

But if you don't move, Ding Yu is too hateful. He is now fighting in the face. I will tell you in writing that I have started to enter the domestic market. What about the industry? It is also placed on the surface, do you want to start it! Hurry up! I can't wait!

It's a bit painful to hit the face, and if Ding Yu's entry into China is really big, we will certainly not have too many good days in the future. This guy is definitely not as kind as he imagined. If he really starts to fight, it can be said that he is quite violent. Therefore, under the circumstances as far as possible, we still need to press him down!

But this time? It is really not very good to start! There is no much preparation at all. Ding Yu is making such a monster under their noses. None of the aspects involved is easy to deal with.

Even if you want to fight with Ding Yu? There are also some difficulties, this is not to say that this year's planting, next year's harvest, and then can be listed, not so simple! The investment is too large, the effect is too slow, and any problems and conditions in the process will lead to the collapse of the whole system.

After all, we are not Ding Yu. He has this capital and can spend it recklessly. What about you? There is no such capital as Ding Yu. The important thing is that there is no way to get this thing above the surface. If you get it to Ding Yu, you think there is no one behind Ding Yu?

What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, if there are more? To a certain extent, no one is a fool who benefits the country and the people. If it doesn't look right, then they are looking for trouble for themselves!

So what about this? Even if Ding Yu slapped them in the face, he thought that nothing had happened. Anyway, it was not the first time. It was no big deal!

Let this bastard jump for two years. Don't look at the fact that he's having a good time now. When the time comes, he will draw a list to see what kind of end he is. Whether this is a psychological comfort for himself or not, no one can really say it clearly! The important thing is that we don't want to poke Ding Yu's hornet nest now!

What about the farm that Ding Yu exposed? It was very abrupt in front of you, but what was your reaction to this farm? Some of them are indifferent or even ignored. If they are placed in the past, they may give other channels to the farm to find some so-called troubles. But this time, they did nothing.

Knowing that Ding Yu may do something bad behind his back, he has already prepared a trap and jumped in actively. This is really stupid. Is it between Ding Yu and Ding Yu? It seems that we can't divide the so-called victory or defeat in a short time, so we need to think long-term, and don't care about the temporary gains and losses.

Ding Yu is a little disappointed with this, but it seems to be expected. After all, no one is free to be able to achieve such a position. In the past, he could still play a so-called "untouchable defense", but now? I've learned a lot. It seems that there are other ways to deal with these guys in the future.

Looking at the sky outside, Ding Yu also moved his body for a while. The two little guys have already rested. Although he can get off the plane at this time, he has a lot of trouble? It seems that there are some problems, we rest on the plane!

Tai Xi looked at the two sleeping little guys, and then returned to the bedroom side, the bedroom is relatively not very big, after all, it is on the plane, the space is relatively limited! Ding Yu has changed his clothes, so does Taixi.

"Are you worried about Fu zhen'oni when you leave so soon If we look at the actual situation, we don't need to start in the afternoon, so that it's already dark when we arrive here. As a result, we can only rest on the plane at night. It's not to say that I am not satisfied with the environment and there is no such thing!

"It's been decided for a long time." Ding Yu also wants to give Tai Xi a bullet bean, or before it pops out, he is caught by Tai Xi. Instead, he gives Ding Yu a bite on his hand, just like a dog!

"Little four eyes has tried many times!" Ding Yu also rubbed Tai Xi's head and said that Tai Xi sat up all of a sudden and looked at Ding Yu indignantly. What is the little four eyes? She could not know that she was wandering around the two children. "Well! It's my fault! " Ding Yu also raised his hand to show his surrender.

"In fact, I'm not worried about the affairs of Samsung over there? It's all settled, but what about other aspects? If they call for help, it's really not easy to deal with. At least for the time being, I don't want to put too much pressure on Li Jae Rong at this time! "Ah? This circle is a little bit too big. Taixi also feels that his head is not enough. In his own impression, Samsung ate a big piece of cake this time. Under such circumstances, Li Zairong should be the most stress free person! "No way

"What is no, that's what it is!" Ding Yu said truthfully, "Li Jianxi obviously felt that his body was in a condition. Now he has a good life for several years, but the problem is that such a son can get the face of it. If there is any problem with him, whether Li zaireng can bear it is a problem!"

"I thought the relationship between their brother and sister was very good." Taixi was not a fool, and soon figured out the problem.

"Li Jianxi, chairman Li? It's pure fighting. He first solved the internal problems and then began to fight outside. Obviously, Li zaireng also took the same path. But the problem is that Chairman Li escorted him. So what about the whole process? A little bland and tasteless

"So you don't see it in your eyes?" Taixi also gave a light hammer.

"I'm afraid no one can make it clear whether chairman Li will be trained or not." What about Ding Yu? Li Rong said, "if I don't have the idea of meeting other Samsung people, I'm not happy to see it now."

"It's so complicated. No wonder you choose which time to leave! It turns out that there is such a reason in this! "

"If it wasn't Fu Zhen, he might have left earlier, but what's the good news? Living in a hotel? There won't be too many people to disturb me. Moreover, I want to leave, which can be regarded as an expression of my own meaning. If I stay for another night, someone will definitely come to my door and go through various other ways! "

Ding Yu is not afraid of these people, but will feel extremely irritable, and for Li Jianxi, this is bound to be? It will cause resentment in his heart. The relationship between them is OK now. How about building Asian power? He is also an important link, so for the moment, Ding Yu will not give him too much pressure.

Li Jianxi also understood that Ding Yu had given himself considerable face. What would he like to do? The cooperation between each other can be said to be very good, plus he from his own hands up? I have to leave my daughter again, and I am part of the framework of Asian power!

Don't think that Ding Yu really dare not turn over his face. This is two times. Ding Yu didn't choose to turn his back because Samsung and Ding Yu are standing together. If Samsung has other ideas and plans, then Ding Yu will definitely not let Samsung off!

Li Jianxi is really a little worried about this issue, under his own control? Samsung really does not have this problem, but his son there will be the same, Li Jianxi's heart is really not too much confidence!

It is true that he took his son to communicate with Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu's performance? It's quite possible, even to pull sun Yingnan out, but what about his son? There is no attitude to show, from the perspective of cooperation, he is a little bit immature!

But what about this problem? Li Jianxi had no way to give Ding Yu any position on the spot. What about Ding Yu? It seems that there is no dispute. How about the follow-up development? It takes time to prove that what is said now is actually a cover up!

Ding Yu spent a night on the plane, which surprised the relevant parties who got the news. What is the reason? Let Ding Yu not get off the plane? It's very abnormal, but Ding Yu's entourage behaved so casually that it doesn't seem to be what happened.

When they get up in the morning, the two little guys don't have any feelings. For them, there is no difference between spending the night on the plane and staying in the hotel. As for the morning exercise? This won't stop!

"Dad, what are we going to eat in the morning?" After the exercise, the two little guys changed their clothes, and even they were all tidied up. Taixi sighed that when he took them back to his mother's house, it was not like this. How lazy and lazy he was, he could not see anything except mischievous mischievous things.

But we haven't got off the plane yet? This performance let Tai Xi look stunned, completely do not need to do any of their own attention, this is the previous two little guys? Taixi also felt a little angry, but he also felt so hungry. What was on the plane really not so good?

Simple ponytail, baseball cap and sunglasses, dressed very natural and youth, two little guys? The clothes on the body are not much different from their own, but they don't have sunglasses. They are too young to wear them. However, the whole parent-child outfit looks really interesting!

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