When Ding Yu and the four of them got off the plane, the people who had been observing were relieved. They finally came down! It's good if there is no problem or condition. Obviously, it was too late yesterday, so I didn't get off the plane, so I stayed on the plane! What about the explanation? May be a little far fetched, but better than nothing!

Ding Yu drives out from the airport with Taixi and two children. The security is not a car, but not all of them are behind Ding Yu. It is their task and their responsibility to protect Ding Yu and their personal safety.

"Yesterday, when I saw it on the plane, it was a little bit empty, but now I am in the city, I feel that there are so many different things!" Taixi was also a little curious, looking at the situation outside. He had never been to such a place in the past. He was a little excited and curious.

The two kids have no love for the situation outside. For them, what matters is what they eat in the morning! What about what mom said? The two little guys don't have any interest! Believe the little four eyes around them? Just like them! After all, it was the two of them who raised it.

Ding Yu, sitting in the driver's seat, twisted his mouth slightly. Taixi also peeped back. The two little guys' mouths moved. It was obvious that they were not talking, but salivating. Looking at the two of them, they were also a bit ridiculous. They were just eating food and had not eaten it yet! It's already like this!

According to the prompt, Ding Yu found a place to eat breakfast, "what if winter comes? You can enjoy skiing and fishing in winter. It's a special experience When eating, Ding Yu also deliberately hooked up the interest of the two little guys.

The two little guys with spoons were also suspicious, looking at their father, and then looking at their mother. Taixi wiped the two little guys with a napkin. There was nothing on their faces, but were they mothers? That's what it looks like. Nothing strange!

"You! Don't tease them! Look at them! It's all your fault! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "this word is used in some mistakes, how about provocation? It's more about men and women! " Anyway, there are not too many things. Ding Yu also has the leisure in this aspect. Up to now, Taixi's Chinese has been used skillfully, but there are still some places that are not very qualified! That's a lot worse than two little guys!

"Come on!" Tai Xi is also complaining to see a look, clearly know this, but also deliberately, is not, two little guys do not help themselves, now in a daze! Oh! How could I meet such a family member! Old or young.

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that my father's old friend also lived here." What about this one that Ding Yu mentioned? It's Gu Xiaoyan, uncle Gu. Do you want to disturb me? Forget it, or call your father! It's better to ask for instructions on this matter.

Looking at the phone, Tai Xi didn't say anything, but Ding Yu immediately put the phone to the side of the position, and now is eating! Call me after dinner! Taixi also felt more angry, took out the phone, and then put it on the table, why! Is this?

However, Ding Yu's phone call still didn't come out, because when Ding Yu had dinner, the security guard took the phone to find him, "Sir, there seems to be something wrong with Dashan's phone call!"

Tai Xi with two little guys to clean up, also did not do too long time, soon also get on the car, and even take the initiative to go to the driving position, Taixi also has a domestic driving license, this matter for Ding Yu, is not a difficult thing, and also do not need to walk what so-called relationship, as long as the normal handling can!

Looking at Tai Xi and the two little guys, Ding Yu also shakes his head. The nanny has already got on the car in front of him, so Ding Yu doesn't need to worry too much. He gets on the security car and sits in the back of the driver's seat. Then he connects the phone in his hand. When Dashan sanro calls, the problem is not too simple.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Hiro!"

"Good morning, why? Call so early? I hear what's going on! " This thing feels so abnormal! It is impossible for Japan to stop Mr. Dashan, because it has already given a considerable margin. At least, it has paved the way, and the Japanese side will not be disrespectful.

"I'm sorry, sir, there are some problems and conditions on my side. The cabinet investigation room suddenly retorted. I haven't been detained, but the whole person has been under surveillance, and the problems in my home are relatively serious."

"Challenge my patience?" Ding Yu also disdained to hum, "what about the problems at home? You can choose where you want to send them. You have absolute autonomy and tell those guys clearly that since they choose to be provocative, it is inevitable to pay the price! Don't say that you are unprepared. "Since Mr. Dashan is under surveillance, what about the phone? Is also monitored, Ding Yu also deliberately mentioned this, is to let you know! As I said, don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

Ding Yu didn't even ask about the reasons of the relevant aspects. There was no need for him. He only needed to know about the matter. As for how to deal with the matter, does it have anything to do with him?

"I see, sir!" What about Mr. Dashan? Although it is Ding Yu's person, but the contact time with Ding Yu is too short. Some things really don't know how to make decisions. If the situation is not really too special, I won't come to ask for instructions!

"You are my service now, so what about other things? I don't need to care too much. Since there are people who make trouble, we should find out the people. There won't be too big things, but I need to see the full report of the things! "

"Yes Now that you know Ding Yu's attitude, Dashan Saburo knows how to deal with this matter! It's not very difficult for him to deal with the matter. It's important to know what kind of thoughts and opinions Mr. Yama has in this matter!

After hanging up the phone, he was relieved. He didn't contact his husband for a period of time. What's the situation in his home? It is better to deal with it. As for some people who want to find trouble, they will not have any fear now, because they have been given clear instructions.

What about yourself? It's the origin of the emotion management department. It can be said that the way inside can be said to be clearer. Now I'm no longer responsible for the emotion management department. Who should be responsible for whose job to serve? There is also a very important reason. Relying on Ding Yu, he can revitalize the whole family, which has always been the wish of Dashan Saburo.

In the emotional management department for so many years, he has made considerable efforts, but also has extraordinary pay, but what? Their efforts have not received any response from the state, and even to a certain extent, they have been betrayed!

If this is the case, it will be tolerated, but what about this? There are too many other situations, and Mr. yamazaburo has succumbed to reality. Just like making this call today, I really don't want to call, because to a certain extent, this is a manifestation of my incompetence.

It will leave a bad impression in your mind, but what about the relevant matters? Do you have a way to make the decision? If you want to search your house, what's your attitude? It's also quite arrogant. Mr. yamazaburo has been holding on. Fortunately, he communicated with his husband in a timely manner!

At the first moment, a group also came to the residence of Osama. However, a white man knocked on the door, while the others stayed in the car and looked at the people on the car? It seems that each one is quite brave!

"Hello, Mr. Dashan!" The visitor also showed his identity. At the invitation of Mr. Dashan, he also walked into his residence. "You can call me George. His name is just a code name. It has no practical significance."

Then he also handed an instrument to Mr. yamazaburo, "what's your identity? Has been entered into the system, the specific login password and account? This is a secret. I have no right to interfere, but I need to verify your identity and log in to this system. You can also check my information! "

"I didn't think of that!" Mr. yamazaburo looked at the machine and was very cautious. "And I noticed that you still have the identity of the Embassy on your body. People from the British side!"

"The identity of the embassy is a cover up. If you need to, you can apply for an identity from the UN. It will play a significant role when necessary!" George was also very indifferent to say, "I used to be a security guard by my husband. It's a very comfortable job! Now in the future work, we can cooperate with each other! "

Mr. yamazaburo nodded, and then went to his own room to verify his identity. The time was not very long. Soon, he came out and said, "Hello, George!"

George also stood there, "you are the head of this place. At least I should call you that now. You can give me the list. I will provide it at the first time. I will provide the action personnel. I will arrange and implement the plan. But you are the person who makes the decision. The expression may be a little direct. Please forgive me!"

Yamazaburo also bowed, "then get rid of it!" Where's George coming? It made him feel safe at the first time. The difference was no more than an hour. George was also given a list. "The slowest one needs three days, and the fastest afternoon can be handed over to you!"

"I don't have any problems!"

"I still have some problems. I can't stay with you for a long time, because I have other affairs to deal with. You will have three security guards. Of course, if you think it is not suitable, you can choose by yourself. This is your right. Now they are responsible for the safety of you and your family for the time being."And the relevant aspects disappeared after George came. Dashan Saburo is not generally valued by Ding Yu! The staffing can also be said to be quite in place, this is not a small fish shrimp so simple, any take out a? They're all demons on the battlefield.

What about people like that staying in the city? It's definitely a disaster, but what about their identity now? It really makes the whole Japanese side feel quite tricky. The identity is completely legal. How about using this to find the so-called loopholes? It's not very realistic, it's also impossible!

What about the staffing in other aspects? It also makes the Japanese feel stunned. What about Ding Yu? Power is relatively big, but it does not need such exaggeration! No denying it? Some people in Japan may have some other ideas about you, or even let you have other ideas, but don't you need to be so deterred?

It's the British, the American, and even the United Nations. What about one? The Japanese side is not willing to provoke. What do you want to do with the mask of so many protective layers! Is it hard to come true? What can't you do?

What about this period of time? There are so many people going in and out of Japan, and they are all above the surface. This also makes the spirit of the Japanese side particularly tense. This also leads to a trial of Osama to see if there will be any other reaction.

But really did not expect this reaction will be slightly excessive! Isn't it a little bit reserved? In that case, there is still room for relaxation between each other. What about the current situation? Let the Japanese side also have some annoyance, this seems to be on their territory? Are you so arrogant?

Ding Yu may not be aware of this, but are you also unaware of it? You know, this guy is from the intelligence department, and he has been working in it for a long time. Under such a situation, how can we not be considerate at all? You're not being targeted!

It's just to test Ding Yu's reaction. Don't you want to get involved in it? Now that you are moving, how should Japan respond? Such an old bird is definitely not as easy to deal with as you imagine!

So the orange apricot is also the first time to be pulled over, after all, the status of orange and apricot is equivalent to that of Dashan, what about each other? There have been mutual cooperation. If you sit together now, you may have a peaceful talk. This is really what Japan hopes!

For the orange Apricot's visit, Dashan did not show too much surprise and shock. As for the security of his residence, there was no other indication. Under the sign of Mr. Dashan, he left at the first time.

For the arrival of security, Mr. yamazaburo can be said to be quite satisfied. He is from the intelligence department. Naturally, he has his own unique understanding of security. In his opinion, the security measures are in place, whether in terms of equipment or weapons.

In a country like Japan, how about using weapons? It's very unusual. The support rate of the state's guns is really quite low. As for why the security personnel hold weapons, this is not used for fighting, to a certain extent, it is used to frighten, which is to show Ding Yu's attitude!

Yamazaburo is very satisfied with this. What he wants to show is in line with his own temperament. He has been bullied to the top of his head. He can't react any way! Since you dare to give me a punch, you will be given a shot in the reverse hand, and you will be put down directly. The price is like this.

There's nothing you can do for me. I'll give you a brick. It's so cheap. Anyway, judging from the situation, there were many people scurrying around their houses, but now? Almost all disappeared, such scenes are what I would like to see.

Thank you Looking at the tea sent by Dashan Sanlang, orange and apricot also expressed his thanks!

"What? To be a lobbyist for some people Yamazaburo was not too polite, nor was he too strict and reprimanded. It was like talking to ordinary friends. However, he sighed a little. In fact, he was worried about the situation.

Because Mr. yamazaburo doesn't show his attitude, which shows that he is in the process of this matter? It's just an executor, not a so-called decision maker. If there is any matter or situation, find yourself, the so-called executor? It doesn't work, or does it need decision makers to come forward.

"Mr. Dashan, what happened earlier made people feel a little bit too frightened!"

Mr. yamazaburo also said with a smile, "what is the decision-making power of this matter? It's not here. I just reported the situation to my husband. What happened afterwards? I won't say it, but I think you know it too! "

"Mr. Dashan, it's a little self belittling to say so!" Orange apricot was very flattering and said, "I think since Mr. Ding has chosen you, he will also give the initiative to you, which is certain! I believe you have at least control in your hands"This is just a guess, not a fact. Sir, his attitude towards this matter can be said to be very dissatisfied. I think some people have already felt it!"

Now at this time, the pressure that orange apricot gives to oneself has basically no longer, the level between each other has been almost the same, so what about their own talk? It's not so polite! She was not expelled from the door, which is also because the husband has the potential meaning in this respect, otherwise he would have been expelled!

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