Originally, tangerine and apricot are very different from Mr. Dashan, but now what about Mr. Dashan's backers? More powerful than the orange apricot, in such a situation, orange apricot in front of Dashan Saburo like, how to knead how you want to rub!

And orange apricot at this time, even the so-called resistance can not do, is completely led by the nose by Dashan Saburo, orange apricot after all? I still don't have much experience, but I learned a lot from this conversation with Mr. yamazaburo.

"Mr. Dashan, I will try my best to prevent this from happening. I hope Mr. Dashan can exercise more restraint in the face of the local people. Please!" If it was not for the special circumstances, the oranges and apricots might have knelt down at this time. I really hope that Dashan can be merciful!

"I try my best, but I still say that, the decision of this matter is not in my hands!" In this regard, Dashan Saburo is also quite helpless, the idea of orange apricot is very good, but too naive, those opposition inside really do not have a bright eye person? No, there must be someone who can see this.

However, for the sake of interests and other aspects, people who can see clearly will pretend not to know, and even deliberately promote the development of the whole thing, which is slightly sad. Now, tangerine and apricot want to stand out. For this, Mr. Dashan is really not good at it, and there are so many Mantis.

It's true that the pro group behind the orange apricot is more powerful, but it doesn't stand together with Mr. Chen completely. Is there anything else about the idea of the pro group this time? I'm afraid I also want to have a look. If it really detonates something, it may not be an opportunity for the supporters!

As to whether it will cause any kind of impact, it is not as important as imagined. There will always be a joint reaction. As for whether the so-called damage and loss will be caused in the whole process, no one will really care too much about it, because in front of interests, this is nothing.

No matter the supporters or the opposition, we all have some indifference to what is going to happen, and even expect to take the initiative to break out. Therefore, it is doomed that the efforts of orange apricot will not have any results, but it is full of enthusiasm. But what can we do? I have also experienced this stage and tasted the bitterness.

Now it's the turn of tangerine and apricot. It's not a bad thing to let her know what it's like. It's good for her growth. From the perspective of Osama, it's like this.

Even in the eyes of Mr. Dashan, what about the future of orange and apricot? They may be their own partners, because the pro faction will not send other people here. Is orange apricot not only suitable for their identity, but also capable of it? It's not bad, it's just a lack of practice opportunities!

In view of certain considerations, Dashan Saburo has given Ju Xingzi such an opportunity. Don't think that she is her own descendant, or because of the family situation, she has nothing to do with these things. It is because there will be interests between each other in the future, so I have given her a lot of advice at this time.

As for whether she can come out of this circle, it depends on her own. Things have been done by herself. Whether they will succeed or not will not be hindered. Even if the tangerine and apricot can not come out, what kind of influence will it have? No, for the pro, it's just another person.

"Senior Dashan, I heard that Mr. Ding has gone to the northeast!" Orange apricot is very abrupt asked, looking at Dashan's expressionless face, also continued to say, "if there is a chance, I would like to talk to Mr. Ding alone!"

"Sir's business is not something I can arrange. This is a transgression. I think you can understand this simple truth. Some things can be ignored by the husband, but it does not mean that other people will not care about them. At least for me, this is a kind of fault. I sit here, which is also disrespectful to me!"

This is very serious, even very severe. If you want to bypass me and contact your husband, you may not care too much about this matter. For Mr. Zhang, orange and apricot are just a little girl. Do you want to act like a coquette? Normal things.

However, as a subordinate of my husband, if such a thing happened, there would be some slapping in the face. Therefore, Mr. Dashan warned tangerine apricot clearly. If you are disorderly, don't blame me for being rude. Don't think that I dare not do such a thing. Moreover, even if I do, the supporters will not give themselves much.

"This is because of Mr. Ding!" Orange apricot still has some persistence.

"If you can't recognize the problems and the situation, I will suggest a new person, because you are not in the right state now, you know what the consequences will be!" Mr. yamazaburo said.

Tangerine and apricot directly silence, they want to fight for, but this is not as easy as imagined, and even has the taste of gambling. If Mr. Ding does not investigate, there may not be too many problems. If Mr. Ding Yuding expresses his attitude in this respect, his future will not be too good! That's for sure."Go back and think about it." "I think you need to hurry up, because I don't know if you will have this time. If you haven't figured out what happened, you won't have any chance. I hope not!"

Orange apricot leaves. When she comes to the door, she looks at the situation outside. She has done something in the intelligence department. She is still alert and can see the situation around. Now everyone is on the string. If something is abnormal, you can shoot.

Did you come here? To a certain extent, it is really adding fuel to the fire, so that the already slightly tense situation is even more on the floor, but orange apricot really did not sigh too much time, and then left the car.

And yamazaburo is also standing in the window position at this time. What is the situation outside? There are still some feelings in my heart. Judging from the current situation, there may be some tension, but it is only a superficial article. In fact, there is a slight relaxation between each other.

If we really do it, it will never be like this. As for the reason why we want to create a slightly tense atmosphere, the reason is very simple. It is just like fighting a war. At the beginning, no one will take the lead in fighting. Instead, they will provoke each other and even scold each other.

Who can't help it, will be the first to show the flaw, when it will be attacked, to put it through? It's so simple! So what about your own side at this time? I also took out the swords, guns, swords and halberds. If you have the courage, come here! Make sure you get two holes in your body!

Now it's a confrontation situation. It seems like a hair trigger. But Mr. yamazaburo is not so anxious, and even some of them are enjoying it. These guys! It is true that there are so many too taken for granted, is really not the gentleman in the eye!

When you don't realize your influence? I also had this fantasy, but now? I really abandoned this aspect of fantasy, because I have seen some facts.

To be more precise, what about this time? Sir, I don't have much interest in Japan. How about building Asian power? Japan may or may not have it. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make trouble? Mr. A. is basically able to tolerate, even take the initiative to step back two steps.

But this doesn't mean you can grab your nose and face, take off your shoes and go to the Kang! I don't move you. You just have to stop. What about Osama's return to Japan? There is no meaning to make noise. It's so simple to pay money and leave. But I didn't think about it. Ding Yu wanted to stop, but some people wouldn't let it!

I just want to pull your hind legs. I just don't want you to have any action. Mr. yamazaburo also knows that such an opportunity is really very rare for him. This is an opportunity to prove himself! Absolutely can't be so wasted!

And what do you mean, sir? He didn't have much interest in it. At least his attention has not been attracted. It can be said that he has entrusted the matter to Mr. yamazaburo. This is a kind of trust and also a kind of test. The next thing is to see how he will deal with it!

However, it was not long after Ju Xingzi left, someone came to visit Dashan Saburo. When he was told, Dashan was also stunned. It was really a troubled time! What about the previous visit of tangerine and apricot? It represents one side of cooperation. What about the current comers? Even the opposition! It's interesting!

"Dashan, long time no see!" The visitor also looked at Dashan Saburo with a smile on his face, and he also laughed, "Mr. Takeshita, I'm afraid you didn't come to see me so simple!"

"No way! It's said that Miss apricot visited me earlier. If I didn't come, would it seem a little disrespectful? Such a thing is really not what you want The meaning of the visitor's speech is understatement, but what is behind the words? It's also quite sharp.

"Originally, I wanted to spend it peacefully, but it is obvious that zhuxiajun didn't give me such a chance! I am also very helpless Yamazaburo is not a vegetarian, but also the first time to give a considerable counterattack!

"I didn't expect things to go so far!" I'm afraid no one can make it clear. Anyway, I've already made a statement!

"Adults don't want you to leave this department, but due to other reasons, you can only give up. We don't want to see such a result!" Looking at the layout of the room under the bamboo, it is a little bit shabby. You should know that people working in this department are rarely in such a situation!

Although life is not too luxurious, it should be better than Dashan. To be exact, what about Dashan's work these years? They are still very sincere and can even be promoted to the top level very early, but some adults think Dashan is a good place to be? The body is still with other aspects of color, so it has been pressed, and there is no chance for him to rise.Even after oranges and apricots come in, they can hold down the head of Dashan. There is really no reason for this, but what about the beginning? Dashan's performance is also considered to be dutiful, but later he was abandoned, and Ding Yu took over at the first time. What about other things now? There's all that bullshit.

I'm afraid that no one dares to make such a guarantee as to what kind of influence it will have on the Japanese side after he has been recruited by Ding Yu for many years.

Although the opposition is eager to try, some of them are also aware of the problems and conditions. Ding Yu is not a so-called paper tiger. You can shoot him down at will. This guy is a dragon, but he is exposed? It's just a small scale and a half claw!

From the orange apricot out of the situation, not very good ah! This also makes Zhuxia have a very bad feeling. If you really start a war, it seems that you are not prepared for anything. The gesture you make is one thing, and if you do it, it will be another thing!

Is it because they don't know that the US side is on purpose. As long as the battlefield is not in the United States, who cares what will happen? Don't say to kill, even if Japan was bombed and sunk, what can be done? How about a lot of people on your side? They are all attracted by the so-called appearance. They always feel that there is American support behind them. Even if Ding Yu has some actions, is it difficult for him to jump to the sky?

What's more, what is Ding Yu's main direction at this time? Or in consolidating Asia's power, we will never rashly start with the Japanese side and visit Li Jianxi earlier? Is a very good example, he should have felt weak.

But for Zhuxia, these are just so-called tricks. What about Ding Yu going to Korea? According to the information obtained, it is true that he went to Li Jianxi platform in order to consolidate the power of Asia. However, Ding Yu has been out of his wits. This is really some bullshit. Ding Yu has not yet reached that level.

Even to a certain extent, what about Ding Yu? Is to see his woman, and then by the way to Li Jianxi certain support, but what? Not everyone on the opposition side can see clearly. Many people are bewitched by the United States. They still feel that they need to give Osama a heavy lesson, and then give Ding Yu a lesson.

But is he a vegetarian? There is also Ding Yu behind, that guy's pure big devil! He is a cannibal. Even when he was in the United States, he would dare to go on a rampage. What about this time? Everyone should stop a little bit, on the surface of any mischievous can, but do not start.

"Mr. Dashan, what's the situation now? We all know it well, so I don't think it's necessary to exchange greetings with each other! " Zhuxia doesn't think it's meaningful to continue to fight with Dashan Sanlang in the so-called enchantment array at this time. Let's get straight to the point! It's going to be better, and you don't have to waste time.

"Zhuxiajun means I'm going to wait for death, do nothing, and then wait for someone to come and kill me!"

What about this thing that Mr. yamazaburo mentioned? Under the bamboo also feels a little bit embarrassed, why say so? What about this place where Mr. Dashan lives? It's too obvious and abrupt. To put it bluntly, it's too unsafe. If you say something unpleasant, anyone can rush in.

Even under the bamboo, there is a feeling that Mr. yamazaburo deliberately stayed here, just for such a thing to happen. Come on! It doesn't matter how many people come. Don't mention rushing over. Even if it's throwing two bricks and smashing the glass, it's OK. As long as it's an excuse for me, everything else is easy to deal with!

Whether such a thing will happen, Takeshita is not sure at all. It is true that he is from the opposition side, but can he control the opinions and ideas of all people? No, I don't have any good feeling for Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that I don't have the so-called understanding for Ding Yu!

"Mr. Dashan, we are all very clear. If you continue to stay here, what may happen will happen. Radical elements will never give up. The temporary situation can be controlled. However, no one can clearly explain what will happen next!"

"Is it?" Yamazaburo gently smile, "I really heard a little threat from this. Can't it be that all I have to do now is to obey the arrangement of Takeshita. I don't have any freedom?"

"Dashan Jun, things shouldn't be treated like this. I don't deny that the previous behavior was a little extreme. I've apologized for this. I just hope that we can restrain each other a little bit."

"I see. What's the meaning? It's me who is wrong Looking at the man who was going to speak, he stretched out his hand and stopped him from saying, "what about you? I used to be a colleague, and you are still my superior, so I give you this face, but it doesn't mean that you can overstep your responsibilities! "

"Dashan king!" The voice under the bamboo has a whining smell. It's too presumptuous. He doesn't put himself in his eyes at all. This is really intolerable for the bamboo!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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