Wang Changlin went back to Beijing to report on his work. When he saw his grandmother Su Yuan, he also put out his little hand. The blisters on it had not been eliminated, and the blisters were not one or two!

Su Yuan couldn't control it at the first sight. He grabbed the hands of two little guys and blew them up. His eyes were red. In front of Taixi, he scolded Ding Yu more than once. What a big child! Let them suffer? No problem, but this little hand has been ground out of blisters, I feel the anger in the heart is also unable to suppress!

Taixi is naturally very heartbroken, but looking at the appearance of the two little guys, I also know that there are so many pretending meanings. The nanny has already put the facts into practice? She's seen it all, kid? It's no big deal to eat a little bitter!

But Su Yuan is here, and he can't say anything at this time. He looks down and looks good! I don't even want to look at two little guys! Come on! Anyway, you know what the final result will be! Really, if it's too late, what about the last loser! It must be themselves! beyond all doubt! Their father is not a vegetarian.

Where are the two little guys? When grandma grabs their little hands, she peeks at her mother and wants to get some sympathy. But what about the mother? There was no reaction! This makes them have some bad feelings in their heart!

Then the two little guys also raised their small arms, trying to show the results of their work in the past few days, and even brought some special gifts back! Taixi couldn't laugh or cry, but what about Su Yuan? Tears in the eyes, but with a smile on the face, the two children really grow up!

Praise a few small guys, and then also two little guys to embrace in their arms, there is no meaning to let go! Even when Ding Yu comes back, Su Yuan still looks at the two little guys closely. At the same time, he looks bad at Ding Yu. To see the meaning, he almost eats Ding Yu!

Ding Yu looked at the two little guys and looked at his mother. He nodded and called, "Ma!" As for the two little guys? This time is also struggling to run out from Grandma!

Say hello to his father, and then stand on the side of the right place. Ding Yu looks up and down, and then turns to leave, and goes into the room to change clothes. Su Yuan looks at the two little guys and points them on the forehead with his hand! I don't know why the two little guys are so scared! Just like a little quail!

But are you really afraid? It seems that it is not. Looking at their father, they are talking and laughing!

When Ding Yu came back again, he not only washed, but also changed his clothes deliberately to form a habit of this aspect! Su Yuan is also extremely reluctant to look at his eldest son, two little guys? Instead, he sat by his father's side, and then deliberately put his little hand!

Looking at the performance of the two little guys, Ding Yu also grinned and snorted, slightly showing some disdain. All of a sudden, it aroused the anger in the hearts of the two little guys. It was like a crazy little tiger, and began to bite around Ding Yu. When Wang Changlin came back, there was no stop!

Wang Changlin immediately held his granddaughter in his arms. As for the grandson? Now he is in Su Yuan's arms and can't get rid of it. As for the blisters on the hands of the two little guys? Wang Changlin didn't care too much. This behavior also made Su Yuan very dissatisfied! Hate the glare of a white eye!

What about father's work? Ding Yu really didn't want to ask what kind of work his father did. This is a matter of the family. He never wanted to get involved. Although Ding Yu's identity is extraordinary, what about this? Maybe not even Wang Li!

Wang Changlin did not mean to mention this to his son. What kind of work he did, he would not open any so-called back door for his son. Instead, he was because of his work and family affairs? Let my son open a lot of back doors.

"What about my work? These two days will be settled! " When talking, the little girl also broke free from Wang Changlin's body, more because her grandmother came to drag her out. What about Su Yuan and Tai Xi? A person holding one, now we need to wait for a while before eating, so let them talk about it!

Yeah! Ding Yu not salty nod, as for what kind of work, that is your father's business! However, at this time, there was also a sound of footsteps outside. Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan came in. Lin Qiuyan came to greet Wang Changlin and Ding Yu, and then they were taken away, and did not stop at all.

But Wang Yang sat down with a smile, "Dad, Congratulations!" Wang Yang's face is also filled with joy. It seems that he has learned from some aspects that his father has been promoted. Such a thing should be congratulated.

But Wang Changlin took a serious look at his little son. He was not steady at all. He was already married! Why can't you be like his big brother! It's not that Ding Yu is the eldest son? There is no shortcoming at all. Steadiness is steadiness, but it gives people the feeling of steadiness! It's not lively at all!"The higher the position, the greater the responsibility!" Wang Changlin also said lightly, "what about my business? Just like this, there is no too much change, just a different job! what about you? How about work? I'm transferred to Beijing now. You need to avoid it! "

There is also a reason why I told my little son about this. In the past two years, because of the care and support of the eldest son in the family? The development is relatively fast, or attracted some people's attention! There are envious, natural also have envy! After being transferred to Beijing? Some things are different! So we need to make him pay attention!

And in this respect? The eldest son is not so worrying! What about his job? If you want to say that he has other industries or other things, you can't bring out any so-called evidence. He is fundamentally different from his younger son!

"Dad, I have discussed with Xiaobao, and I have retired from the background. Now there is only one office!" In the early days? How about two? It is to build an office, which also has a lot of big brother's influence, does not affect the normal office, at the same time? It won't be criticized!

Father is worried about this aspect. It is a common sense that the elder cares for the younger generation. He really does not involve in any relationship with other aspects. Do you want to say that the father really does not understand? This is impossible, but it is precisely because of this understanding that there will be such a point!

Then Wang Yang also aimed at his elder brother, "brother, my grandfather used to call me back. After that, he complained with his grandmother. He said that you sent the two children away. It's really furious!"

Ding Yu didn't have any changes on his expression, while Wang Changlin's mouth twitched. When he saw the blisters on the hands of the two little guys, he felt a little heartache. But in his opinion, is a child? It's not a bad thing to experience something like this!

But if the father and mother know this, what about the eldest son? Maybe there is nothing, because he is used to such things, but what about himself? It must be the one to be scolded! There's no reason for that!

What about today? I just came here. I was supposed to go to my parents. But they need to have a comprehensive physical examination tomorrow. It's not so convenient. What about some tests? Even this evening will start, so I did not bother in the past, let Su Yuan to have a look tomorrow!

"Dad, your appointment passed so quickly? It's not the same as usual! "

"Don't ask what you shouldn't have asked!" Wang Changlin also said with a warning, "boss, earlier, sun Yingnan seemed to have talked about a lot of business, but they were suddenly interrupted! "Then Wang Changlin also thought of something else," I heard that the jade family seems to have other opinions and ideas! "

Wang Yang also looked at his elder brother. "I heard about it. Although there is no deep taboo on this aspect in 49 cities, there are still some news spread out, saying that you have fallen out with Yu Mingyue!" Finished, but also very curious to see their big brother!

Ding Yu was also the old God at this time. It took a long time for him to react suddenly. The reflection arc was slightly longer. Wang Changlin could endure it. But what about Wang Yang? Can only bite their own teeth! Big brother is the most irritating? Maybe that's it!

"What happened to me the other day? Also accompany jade old to stroll two circles, together ate the meal! The old man is in good health

Wang Changlin's eyebrows are also slightly wrinkled up, the jade family's thing oneself heard, but did not want to ask the meaning in detail, for the entire Wang family? The jade family is really a giant. It is true that because of a series of things, the strength of the jade family may be much weaker now, but the details are still there!

And what about his eldest son? Also let oneself have so some vigilance, how about him? It's just about talking about Master Yu's business, shopping and eating with him. But now what's the master of the jade family? It's like a jade moon! What about the problem? You really need to go deep into it!

He has a good relationship with Master Yu, but Yu Mingyue has already had some problems with his eldest son. At least, what about the grapevine? It is said that his eldest son seems to have been under a lot of pressure!

"It seems that the rumor is true! Yu Mingyue is so confident Although his eldest son avoided the previous topic, Wang Changlin clearly understood the hidden meaning of this discourse! "I hear you have a lot of investment. What about these investments? Now they're all washed up? "

Ding Yu shook his head, "there is no exaggeration! It's just the spread of the grapevine! What about investment? It has been agreed! But there may be a little bit of slow reaction from Yu's home. It takes time to slow down the news! What about Master Yu? You're going to retire! Now most of the rights have been handed over to Yu Mingyue, which needs a certain running in. ""It's not a thing!" Wang Yang was also slightly indignant and said, "elder brother..."

hearing his father's cough, Wang Yang also closed his mouth, but his heart was quite angry, "this matter should be talked to you by jade old man! Is it too much to give up at this time? And Yu Mingyue is so confident. Why? "

This word is also asking his eldest son, how dare the jade family do so! Whether the eldest son's situation abroad will not be the domestic reason. The eldest son suffered a surprise attack before, and he is now transferred to the capital. At such a sensitive time, the domestic side will definitely be far away from his eldest son!

"It's just business. It's not a big deal." Ding Yu's tone is still not salty, obviously also did not want to put the jade bright moon in the heart above the meaning!

Wang Changlin is staring at his eldest son, from his face can not find any change, and his voice? Has been so a look, is really calm, as if there is nothing? To be able to make him moved, even if it is a big deal, he is also such a situation!

"It seems to be a certain challenge?" What about Wang Changlin? It's also a hum! Whatever the reason, Ding Yu is his eldest son. What does the jade family do? Don't give yourself the face of this eldest son, also too don't put the Wang family in the eye at the same time! And what about yourself? Too disrespectful!

When I was transferred to the capital city, I was given a stick by your jade family. This gift is really impressive! But the eldest son did not mean to say, Wang Changlin did not deliberately do what! Anyway, Wang's family is going uphill, but what about the jade family? Going downhill!

"Fighting the challenge arena is a matter of mutual loss for Yu family and me! No one will take the initiative to bear this reputation! So it's like this for the time being! There is no harm, no good! "

"Big brother, Yu Mingyue has done such a dirty job!" Wang Yang was also very dissatisfied at this time, "to do anything needs to have a bottom line, and Yu Mingyue's doing this is obviously breaking through the bottom line, which is really despised by people. I don't believe that, without the support of others, she has such courage!"

At this time, Ding Yu suddenly withdrew his body and looked at Wang Yang for a while, "what about you? Although it can't be said to be self-made, but what about entrepreneurship? Basically, it's all your own. Now that someone suddenly becomes a shareholder, what do you think in your heart? I'm sure it won't be too comfortable! "

"That's what it says, but big brother saved the jade family!" Wang Yang argued, "if it wasn't for the big brother, then the jade family didn't know what the situation would be. When the elder brother became a shareholder, they suddenly changed their concepts!" It is obvious that Wang Yang for one of the things, or know some details!

And Wang Yang's words have not finished yet, "don't deny the jade family's hands? There are some high-quality projects, but the problem is that with such a huge amount of money, not everyone can come up with it. At the same time, it is not everyone who doesn't have too many requirements. She is a white eyed wolf! "

"What about the problem? It needs to be long-term, let alone this one? It's about me and the jade family. It has nothing to do with you! " Ding Yu also warned, "no one can run to the front to have a look, at least you can't! What about this? It's not suitable for the Wangs to get involved in it! "

Wang Yang is to look at the next to the father, Wang Changlin is slightly nodded a head, this matter? Not only Wang Yang, but even himself? It's not suitable to get involved. What about Ding Yu and Yu's family? Whether it is the Wang family or the Su family are not suitable to take a stand!

Anyway, what about the power of the jade family? All of them are in conflict with the jade family? It's not worth the loss! Will let other aspects have other views on the Wang family and the Su family, so it's better to be quiet and let the boss carry it! Anyway, it won't cause any other noise!

Don't think it's over there? It's really better. Yu Mingyue has no pressure at all. Do you know she offends? But an invisible huge force, the foundation of the jade family is very thick, but what about that? My eldest brother is not a vegetarian. It's true to be fat first and then to be fat!

What about Wang Changlin's arrival in Beijing? It's also let Yu's side? There are so many difficult things to do. What about Yu Mingyue and Ding Yu? We already have a good idea! What about this? In fact, the jade style group has been affected by a considerable degree of reputation! There are some things that are not very authentic!

As Ding Yu's father, Wang Changlin can't ignore this matter. What about this one? Is bound to have a considerable impact on the jade family! Now that Wang Changlin has entered Beijing, to a certain extent, he has completely taken over the baton of the Wangs and the Sujia, and has officially inherited the position!

What about the past? We may be more optimistic about him, but the lack of a certain foundation and details, but now the situation is not the same, we are very optimistic about Wang Changlin's future development and future, so now there are many people looking for Yu Fengchun, how to deal with the matter and how to deal with it!After all, Yu Mingyue is not in China now! Your old man is retired, but you also need to make an idea! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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