Yu Fengchun really did not have any action, since to find themselves? Yu Fengchun didn't want to hide and hide. He invited everyone to have a meal, but he had a meal. That's all! What about the extra? Not a word!

Since all the rights have been handed over, don't get in the way! Yu Fengchun is also deliberately with their subordinates to account for this aspect of the matter! But what about doing this? But there are some deliberate tastes in it!

Why do you do this! What about the previous events? He went to talk to Ding Yu himself. What happened after he left office? Whether the moon has basically decided on its own practice, at least in terms of ideology! If you say that you have revealed something now, then you will let Ding Yu have other ideas!

What's more, Ding Yu had looked for himself before, and he said that at that time, he had completely withdrawn! Now if you are involved in this aspect of the matter, you are really dishonest! At that time, the attack on the whole jade style group was even greater! What about Ding Yu's revenge? It won't be as peaceful as it is now!

Ding Yu is a good talker. This is true, but the problem is that if you really think Ding Yu is a face melon, it is a big mistake. He is really not such a person! The means are cruel!

What about Mingyue's trip to Korea? I know it. How about Li family in Korea? It also has considerable friendship, but friendship belongs to friendship, and business belongs to business. In the past two years, Samsung has broken through its own bottleneck and achieved considerable development. What about jade style group? Is really going downhill!

Who helped Samsung break through this bottleneck? Even Ding Yu, no one can deny it! What about jade style group now? To break through the calm, her granddaughter chose another way. Is it right or wrong? I can't say so much, but what I can do is just these!

What about Wang Changlin's return to the capital! What about Yushi group? It must have a considerable impact. If Wang Changlin made a move, it might be better! If you don't, it's a troublesome thing! What about Yu's house? It must be impossible to fight Wang Changlin! That's for sure!

After what happened before? The Wang family and the Su family have never shown any attitude, and there is no satisfaction or dissatisfaction. What about the other forces behind Ding Yu? It seems that there are so some indifference to this, which let the jade family is very vigilant!

What about a positive confrontation? The jade family is really not afraid of the alliance between the Wang family and the Su family. The above is certainly not going to want to see this matter make a big deal, but the question is, what about the Wang family and the Su family? It's like Ding Yu is not a member of their family! What about the attitude towards this matter? It's not asking!

Is there any meaning of Ding Yu? It's hard to say, there is also the matter of Mingyue's going to Korea. Ding Yu can't be unaware of the news in this respect. Is friendship in front of interests? It's not very valuable!

The reason why Li Fu Zhen told her about the situation of relevant aspects is that Ding Yu's inspiration is absolutely there. This also makes Yu Fengchun so confused. What does Ding Yu mean? Are you deliberately setting the so-called trap? After all, what about the meeting? I still heard a lot of things!

It is because of hearing a lot of things, so I still have a lot of worries. If this is the trap that Ding Yu deliberately set up? Can your granddaughter break free? Yu Fengchun really doesn't feel about this! But I can't do anything at this time!

The next day, Yu Mingyue also came back tired. The first thing after she came back was to see her grandfather. Admittedly, she denied what her grandfather had done at the first time, but it does not mean that Yu Mingyue completely denied her grandfather. The nature of their respective affiliation is not the same!

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time." Yu Fengchun looked at his granddaughter and nodded.

Yu Mingyue took a deep breath. "The relationship between Li Fuzhen and Ding Yu is beyond my imagination. Even the whole relationship between Samsung and Ding Yu is beyond my imagination. In this negotiation with Samsung, I just met Li zaireng! But the conversation between them is a little cold! "

In terms of identity, what about the current leader of Samsung? Or Li Jianxi, who has not yet made a complete transition to Li Zairong, is now in charge of the jade style group, but is paying a deliberate visit? It's just that I met Li Jae Rong. It can be seen from this that Samsung is quite taboo to Ding Yu!

"It's a normal thing. The cooperation between jade style group and Samsung is not much and many. At least it won't have any fatal impact on Samsung. Besides, Ding Yu is behind us now, so it's normal to give up selectively."

"About the meeting! I have talked with Li Fuzhen. She is very taboo to Ding Yu, but she has a good personal relationship with Ding Yu! And she talked to me about the meeting, which was inspired by Ding Yu! "

Yu Fengchun's eyes are also a slit, and then flash from inside is very sharp eyes! With a sigh of relief, Yu Fengchun was also worried and asked, "where is Ding Yu? I'm young, but it's really different to do things! Sometimes it is a little clumsy, but sometimes it is so profound that people can't understand it! I, an old fellow, may not dare to pat this chest when facing himThe expression on Yu Mingyue's face is not as good as expected, "attend this meeting! There is considerable risk, because it is a fighting field in itself. In order to fight for the so-called interests, there will be great efforts. I also have some worries about this. I don't understand Ding Yu's intention too well! "

Yu Fengchun looked up at his granddaughter, "what do you mean? You want to talk to Ding Yu. If you go to Ding Yu at this time, will you pick up the anger in his heart? It's hard to say! Because even if I am an old guy, sometimes I can't figure out what he is thinking in his heart! "

There are too few channels to know Ding Yu. What about him? What should we know, what we don't want the outside world to know? The blockade is extremely tight. What about Ding Yu? It's really not the general value, and this value? It's not because the relationship between the Wang family and the Su family is so simple!

"If I want to buy an insurance for this meeting, I need to see Ding Yu!" Yu Mingyue also said this very difficultly, "according to the information I got from Li Fuzhen, Ding Yu may have occupied the position of a standing committee member in that meeting now!"

"What?" Yu Fengchun was also shocked, "is there such a thing?"

"I haven't heard of it, but from Li Fu Zhen, it should not be a fake! This time Ding Yu will not participate, but Sun Yingnan should be able to take her place! I don't know what happened! Let Ding Yu get such a position in such a short time! "

When saying this, Yu Mingyue's face was quite embarrassed. If she had known this, she should not have fallen out with Ding Yu so quickly before! But also, if you don't fall out with Ding Yu, will you have such a ticket? It doesn't seem to be possible! What a blessing in disguise! That's the truth.

Because you can't be sure what happens next, whether it's a blessing or a curse!

To his granddaughter's surprise, Yu Fengchun actually felt something. He pressed his hands twice in the void to calm down his granddaughter a little bit! Then he picked up the tea next to him and drank two mouthfuls, which was also the surprise in his heart. At the same time, his head also turned rapidly!

Yu Mingyue didn't speak. At this time, she also raised her hand and poured herself a cup of hot tea. Although the weather was hot, Yu Mingyue didn't feel it at all. After two cups of hot tea, she didn't relieve the warmth on her body!

"You are not in the same position as Ding Yu!" In a word, it is also the difference between his granddaughter and Ding Yu, "for Ding Yu, what about your opponent? It's not worth his fight now! I'm afraid that's why he wants to take the initiative to disclose this information to you! What a wonderful little fellow

Is it worth losing so much profit? Yu Mingyue also murmured, "Ding Yu's capital entered the jade style group at the first time! For the entire jade style group can be said to be very big! At such a time, Ding Yu still chooses to step back. It seems that it does not conform to his character! "

"Do you think this will exhaust the funds in Ding Yu's hands? Wrong, wrong, wrong! Everyone is wrong At this time, Yu Fengchun suddenly realized, "what's been going on? All aspects are suppressing Ding Yu, trying to prevent him from entering the country, because we are not sure what kind of impact this will bring! "

The jade bright moon with tea was dull for a moment. She didn't think of this problem, and the shaking inadvertently also let the tea in the tea bowl spill out a lot! "He went public through our shell?"

"Good! Absolutely like this Yu Fengchun is also very sure to say, "and this is only the first step. What about the next? He may continue to transfer funds, a little bit of the industry he values from the jade group to separate out, and you can only wait for death! There is no way

Yu Mingyue could not hold the tea bowl in her hand at this time. She dropped to the ground and made a very clear sound. She fell to pieces. Yu Fengchun just looked at it and didn't mean to speak. Her granddaughter finally knew the power of it at this time, but it was so late!

"He didn't mean to swallow up the jade style group at all, but he wanted to use the jade style group's hand to steal the sky and change the sun!"

Yu Fengchun nodded, "it's too late to go back now! What about Ding Yu's fund? Has begun to blend into the operation of the entire jade style group! The price of repentance is too big for the whole jade group to bear! But what about his work? Obviously, he also pays attention to reward. Since the jade style group has helped him, it is reasonable for him to help you once again! "

This is also a very good explanation for why Li Fu Zhen took part in the meeting earlier? There is no problem, even if there is any danger, then Ding Yu can resolve this danger, because this is the reward, you don't want to accept, you have to accept!

Yu Mingyue's face is extremely pale, which can be said to be thoroughly played by Ding Yu! I thought I could break my wrist with Ding Yu, but I didn't think it had any effect at all! There is too much difference between them on the level!For Ding Yu, even if he lost a little money, or even didn't get the Relationship Channel agreed by the jade family, there was no relationship. As long as he had this bridgehead to enter the country, the rest of the things would be easier to handle!

"To meet or not to see Ding Yu? It's not as important as you think! What about Ding Yu? Certainly will take care of you, even if you want to die, under certain circumstances, Ding Yu will still choose to protect you! This guy! It's really terrible! It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation will replace the old ones! "

The reason why Yu Fengchun sends out such feelings is that he is afraid of Ding Yu in his heart. What does Ding Yu do? Just playing with fire! And even in their own eyes to complete such a layout, but the problem is that they did not find any! The one who played with the eagle was pecked at his eyes!

What about Ding Yu's bright face? Did not get any benefits, but he stood on the commanding height of morality, so that the jade style group suffered a considerable impact! But in the dark? Ding Yu has achieved his strategic goal, and even the whole process is effortless. It is really too cheap!

"It is impossible for the domestic side to have no idea about this matter at all!"

When she said this, Yu Mingyue was full of bitterness. Now there are many forces supporting the jade style group, and many of these forces? All of them are the hostile forces of Ding Yu, at least those who don't have much affection for Ding Yu!

What about now? Everyone seems to be in the drum. In everyone's opinion, Ding Yu is the biggest loss now, because he did not get any desired results, but already understand that the fierce Yu Fengchun and Yu Mingyue can tell the truth? It's hard to do!

If told them, then for the jade group, it is really difficult! So what about this thing? It's a day if you can hide it for a day! Even if it was finally revealed, what about jade style group? Can only be regarded as ignorant, even the entire jade style group? It was also blinded by Ding Yu!

"So much has been done! In the end, it can only be used as a wedding dress! " Yu Mingyue laughed sarcastically. "However, the reward he gave us is nothing to say. If Yushi group can participate in this meeting, it will certainly get considerable development. From the perspective of getting reward, there is no big problem!"

"Tacit understanding! Silent agreement Yu Fengchun suddenly laughed at this time, "it's really a little asshole! No wonder Lao Wang always scolds him. It's not a worry free material! For jade group, this time it has made considerable progress, but for you personally? Unknown

Yu Mingyu's mind is disordered for a moment, even don't know what to say! Always wanted to break free of Ding Yu's shackles, but what about the brain? Still in Ding Yu's hands and palms, why bother to come!

Even if you attended that meeting, what about the whole jade style group? It had an immeasurable impact, but what? Yushi group has developed here, but it is difficult for Ding Yu not to have any so-called development, and the development of jade group? Basically, all of them are under the control of Ding Yu. He can know his movements in the general direction.

What do you know about Ding Yu? It can be said that there is no! In front of Ding Yu, he was as blind as he was when he opened his eyes. Before that, he still had some arrogance, but now? It's all depression! Why do you have that idea now? Is your head flooded?

"Grandfather, did I do something wrong? At least I have a chance to save now

Yu Fengchun also laughed, "since you chose this road, then stick to it in the end! It's the opposite of Ding Yu? It seems that this problem can not be said in this way, anyway, to the current position? It seems that Ding Yu has no idea about this aspect yet! "

What grandfather said to himself, it seems that it is not a thing! Want to know oneself took over jade type group after? In many aspects, it is also quite a constraint. For example, within the group, what about the things they take over? It's also a lot of discussion! In particular, some old officials have made great contributions to themselves? It's really a different look!

Taking advantage of their own to go to Korea, deliberately to find their own grandfather, is one of the manifestations of resentment, how to deal with these personnel? What about the jade moon? Also have some of their own ideas!

And this time my grandfather still didn't let go? Also let Yu Mingyue understand her grandfather's idea, so she took a deep breath, "grandfather, it's time to solve some internal problems! What do you mean? "

Yu Fengchun looks at the jade bright moon, "once the emperor is a courtier, this is suitable to be placed at any time! Whether it's ancient or modern, it doesn't matter whether it's ancient or modern! But what about this one? It's not something you can do well with this confidence! Well done? Stop talking about it. What's wrong with it? It's easy to fall apart! "

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