Ding Yu doesn't have much interest in the affairs of the jade family. Basically everything is under control!

Either step back, and then you'll be totally attached to yourself, or? Take the initiative to take a step forward, but also need their own help, how to make a choice, do it yourself! The right to choose is in my hand, and the right to decide is in my hand! It seems that they can get what they want, but in fact, there is no choice.

But Ding Yu didn't make any moves, but let a lot of forces? However, there are some meanings of being ready to move. Why are there some moves? The reason is very simple. Some of Ding Yu has been beaten in the face, but up to now? Still no movement!

Even before that, Ding Yu took the initiative to find Yu Fengchun. It seems that there is no such result. It is obvious that Ding Yu's influence in some aspects of the country? There are still some weak ones. Otherwise, if you step into such a big pit, why don't there be any response in this respect?

No matter Ding Yu is intentional or unintentional, talk to jade style group now, what bad things can't be found? What's wrong with Yu Mingyue? When a new official takes office, he must burn three fires! The first fire was burned on Ding Yu's body. What's next? There will certainly be more unexpected things to happen. We can't wait and see. We still need some help, don't we?

Jade moon for such a thing can be said to be aware of, he really can not refuse, now every more strength, to add to his strength! Ding Yu's pressure is so great that he can hardly breathe!

But so far, Ding Yu has really not given himself too many excuses on the surface. What about the interior of jade style group? Some people are not satisfied with themselves. What about this time? It's definitely the best chance to make a move, but Ding Yu doesn't make any moves, and even can't hear the wind in this respect!

Do you know what's in the hands of these meritorious officials? However, with the original shares of jade style group, if it is really condensed, it can be regarded as a considerable force. What if it falls into the hands of other people? May not have too much impact on jade style group, at most is to increase a position on the board of directors!

If we say that once it falls into Ding Yu's hands, then for the jade style group, there will be considerable constraints! Yu Mingyue has always been on guard against this hand, but this fist is like hitting in the air, which makes the fist waving Yu Mingyue feel depressed and want to vomit blood!

Since Ding Yu has no action, let's try it out! Yu Mingyue is also the first time to start a meritorious minister within the jade style group! Now that my grandfather has retired, what about you old brothers who follow us? Should also follow to enjoy the pure happiness! Don't occupy the position!

What about the world? It's ours. Where's my jade moon? Also willing to open a considerable price, as long as you abdicate! I will not treat you wrongly. Now I am in power. What about the jade style group? All of them are facing changes, but you "old ministers" are in the crossroads. This is not good!

Yu Mingyue informed Ding Yu of the internal affairs of Yushi group as soon as possible. The relationship between each other was slightly hostile. The subordinates on Ding Yu's side could not let go of such news!

After reading the report, Ding Yu put the report upside down on the desktop, and then looked at Jin standing beside him, "what do you think of this matter?" However, it is obvious that this sentence is in vain. Jin has no interest in such things at all. He is more often responsible for Ding Yu's security!

Looking at the unresponsive Jin, Ding Yu also smiles. "If this thing really starts to happen, it will be so big for everyone of the jade style group. It will even seriously delay the pace of the jade style group. Under the circumstances as far as possible, I can't let the jade style group fall too much now."

Ding Yu is also a small exclamation mark for this matter! What about your own side? For the jade group of things and information can be collected, but can not have any attitude to reveal, even in some special aspects? Also need to give Yu Mingyue some help, the general situation is like this!

With Ding Yu's instruction, the people below will know exactly how to do it! Sir, I don't mean to reach out or hide behind to watch jokes. Now? To push more people and power to the jade group, let him grow up more quickly!

Ding Yu acted as a small hand behind the wind and cloud, absolutely can not be said to be a black hand, because for jade style group, Ding Yu really does not mean to be a black hand, otherwise, it will never be as stable as before! Although the world will not be in chaos, but it will also be chaotic.

But Ding Yu does not have much interest in the affairs of the jade style group, which does not mean that there is no interest in Ding Yu within the jade style group. Especially for those meritorious ministers that Yu Mingyue wants to deal with, Yu Mingyue is too cruel, and what about Yu Fengchun? For the attitude of this matter, but also let everyone feel a little chilly!

What about Master Yu? Some of them are not very particular, but what about the jade moon? It's really a little wolf cub, and it's not particular about it!Over the years, we have gone through fire and water for the development of jade style group. Now what about jade master? Clap your ass and leave! For everyone regardless of, just looked at Yu Mingyue, the little kid, holding up the butcher's knife in his hand. He didn't do anything like this! There is no chance to leave with dignity!

Some people did not find Ding Yu after some persuasion. What about their current forces who want to enter the quadrangle? There are still some difficult things to do, so we also found Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. Since we can't sit firmly in this position, we can't make your jade style group feel better!

Even if the price is lower, it doesn't matter. As for why not go to other people? There are also reasons for this. Everyone knows that Yu Mingyue played with Ding Yu. What about these things? Give it to other people, other people really can't bear it, but give it to Ding Yu's hand, it's not the same!

When Xiaobao was found, he was quite puzzled. Of course, he heard about the jade family, but what about this? It is really not their own decision, but now this time to call big brother, it seems that there is something wrong, so it is the first time to find Wang Yang!

"What do you mean by the Yus? Direct to find me, even if I am more good to talk, also do not have to accompany as careful, a momentum of small talk, what do you mean? Do you mean to test me? Or do you want to show it to big brother? "

Wang Yang, sitting behind his desk, is also tidying up the documents on his desk. He is not a straight suit in his imagination, but a simple shirt. His collar is open. After listening to Xiaobao's words, he also smiles!

After Xiaobao sat down, he said, "when my father came back to Beijing, he lived in the courtyard, and discussed this with elder brother! What's your attitude towards this matter? What is the attitude of the family towards this matter? It's not over! Since you are the one who is in charge of this matter, you can go to see elder brother! "

"No Xiaobao is also a little bit of jumping. It's not that he has any opinions about brother Dingyu. If he is alone, he feels that he can't stand up. He always feels timid in front of his brother. He can't do anything about it. You can't tell what's causing it!

"It's that someone has come to my side, and I don't know how to deal with it! Otherwise, they will be rejected? "

Wang Yang also scratched his chin, "in the evening, I'll take you with you, but I'll leave the matter of selling fruit to you!"

"Damn it!" Xiaobao also made an international gesture to Wang Yang, "even if it's to save milk powder money for my little nephew, I don't have to be so hard up! What about this one? It's not the same as expected! " A small buried out of a sentence, but also played two rounds of mouth gun!

When you come in the evening? Xiaobao and Wangyang were caught by two small guys who were playing. I opened the mountain and planted the tree. If you want to think about this road, you have to bear it on your shoulders before you have any indication. As for xiaosiyan? Is called two voices, and then cleverly followed behind!

But Xiaobao looked at the small four eyes, but also took two breaths of cold air, and motioned Wang Yang with his eyes. What about this little four eyes? It's really not strange. Originally, I wanted to give them two little guys as pet dogs, but look at this size, and this posture? I feel so palpitating! If really jump up, ordinary people really can't resist!

Wang Yang looked at the little four eyes that followed him and shook his head, "this big guy! The food is better than you and me. What about the house? There are also dedicated to serve it, but don't underestimate this big guy, on you, three or five have not been able to put, but it is it! Will it make you chicken feather and duck blood? "

"Is it true?" Xiaobao some do not believe! Although it looks fierce, it's just a dog!

"Why don't you kick it?" Wang Yang also jokingly said, "if you don't tear two catties of meat off your body, this is light! Anyway, every time I come, I seldom make trouble with this big guy. I don't know what I eat. It's like blowing a balloon. It's called fast! As long as the two of them can greet each other, when I have time tomorrow, I will match all kinds of them? How about it

What about the last sentence? Obviously not to Xiaobao, but to the little guys on the neck! But the two little guys are crazy. They don't listen to what their uncle is saying!

After seeing Tai Xi all the time, two people released the two little guys and said a word of blame. Xiao Bao and Wang Yang looked at Tai Xi and called for his sister-in-law, which was a greeting. They came a little early, but Ding Yu hasn't come back yet! So two people at this time can only accompany two little guys to play!

After Ding Yu came back, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. While taking advantage of the rest, Xiaobao also gave Wang Yang a wink. "I heard that my nephew, all the care work during this period is under the control of siheyuan."When he said this, Xiaobao's eyes were twinkling with light, looking at the two little guys. What about Wang Yang's children? Just one more expectation. At the same time? There are also some envious children in the future? Is it possible to catch up with such an opportunity?

The so-called a person to get the Tao, chicken and dog ascend to heaven, follow brother Ding Yu himself? Although said that did not ascend to heaven, but the chance is really quite enough! In the early days of 1949, I had a good reputation. But what kind of reputation was that? Now I have some bad ideas. I'm just a dandy.

What about the years of experience? What about today? It's another situation. What about your life? Even if the offspring is not so much, it will not be the same as their own! If I said I didn't take a detour, how could I stop?

So Xiaobao's heart is also quite hot, but for this aspect of the matter? We need a lot of resources. At the same time? Also need to have a huge relationship and context, absolutely not to say that their home situation is good can! There are more people in 49 cities who are good at home, but how many can be the same as big brother and these children?

Wang Yang, of course, noticed the expression in Xiao Bao's eyes. He looked around and nodded his head slightly, "what's your matter? I once mentioned it to elder brother. Do you know elder brother? Sometimes as long as the heart to do it! There's no need to worry too much about the rest! "

What about this? Not all the meaning was revealed, but Xiaobao's eyes were opened in a moment, almost fell down, the whole person has so many words! However, Wang Yang looked at the elder brother walking in the distance, without any hesitation. He stepped on Xiaobao's shoes!

But Xiaobao was too shocked and surprised, so he didn't react for a moment. Wang Yang, who was harmed by the accident, stepped heavily on his foot again. Until then, Xiaobao grinned. However, he also saw Ding Yu, and the expression on his face changed suddenly. But what about the pain? Again, the expression on his face was distorted!

Ding Yu looks at the expression on Xiao Bao's face, and is happy? There are so many pains, and then he is looking at Wang Yang with the eyes of hearing news. Wang Yang is just laughing at his big brother! "It's time for dinner. It seems that you two are going to have dinner here today. Let's talk about things first! The two of you will go to the Sanbao hall

Wang Yang leaned back on his body. This matter was not brought by himself, but by Xiaobao. So let him talk about it!

Xiao Bao stamped his feet twice to relieve the pain. It was just a hard injury, not a big deal. Immediately, he also explained some of the situations of the jade style group, "what about these old guys? Obviously, the heart is also quite unconvinced, what about others? Did not have to dare to accept these shares, sent to the hands of big brother? At the same time, it will also add a lot of value! "

Ding Yu sat there quietly, "Yu Mingyue, this is a trial! It's smart to learn! "

Xiaobao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't understand what the words meant. Wang Yang? Wrinkling his brow, he vaguely felt the problem, but did not want to understand, so what about two people? This time is also looking at Ding Yu, hoping to get some answers!

"What about my relationship with Yu Mingyue? It's not as nervous as it is from the outside world! What about each other? There may be some problems, but it doesn't mean that we need to fight each other to death! What about jade group? It's not so weak. What about its details? It's also quite profound! "

"Brother! The more you say that, the more confused I am! " Wang Yang is also completely confused!

"Yu Mingyue wants to borrow my hand to pull down all these meritorious ministers! What about these people? They all follow Yu Fengchun and Master Yu. When he is there, they have no problem. But what about Yu Mingyue? Because of various reasons, some people choose to support, but what about some people? It's not angry! "

"Brother, do you mean to help Yu Mingyue? There's something wrong with it! "

"Yu Mingyue wants to use my hand to remove some people. What about that? She can't afford the price. If she is not in charge, I don't know if the material is expensive. What about the fund of jade style group? There are other uses, so this time can not be too abrupt! So she chose to let me take the offer, but it was also a bad idea! "

"This little Niang Pi is really a white eyed wolf. Even if she can't die, she should let these people leave the scene! If you choose to use this way, the reputation of jade style group will never be too good! " Xiaobao is also Chi nose said.

"You don't understand! What about this? You should not know for a while. What about the future? Look at the future! But what about this? It's my business with Yushi group. You don't need to get involved in it. It's not good for you, and it's easy to come up with other problems. "

"I know, big brother!" Two people said with one voice!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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