Although it is said that this matter is to find Xiaobao, but this matter is absolutely not enough to let Xiaobao come forward. If Xiaobao appears, then this matter will involve him to a certain extent, and even the relationship behind him will be involved. In that case, it will be really not beautiful!

So Ding Yu also told Chen Feng, what about this? You need to get the face above. Since Yu Mingyue wants to "use" herself, she also needs to give her face, right? Hello, Hello, everyone!

What about Chen Feng? To a certain extent, it also represents itself. How about doing this? It also creates a certain illusion to the outside, the contradiction between oneself and Mingyu is deepening! Have begun to close the shares of jade style group! This is a pretty obvious signal already!

But Ding Yu's heart is very clear, this share? Even if it is held in the hand, it will never be too long. You only need to replace some valuable things. What about using yourself? At least it needs to pay some price! How can there be such a thing as pie falling in the sky? I'm not a bad guy.

Chen Feng's meeting with these people didn't mean too obscure. Obviously, these people in the jade style group wanted to disgust Yu Mingyue on purpose. Yu Mingyue was the first one to do it. What about Master Yu? Is also indifferent, then don't blame us for such a hand!

Yu Mingyue is also a little annoyed with this matter, but there are not too many ways to deal with it to a certain extent? Is singing double reed with Ding Yu! What about these shares? Temporary will be placed in Ding Yu's hand, but they must be held in their own hands as soon as possible, otherwise they will have serious constraints on themselves!

I don't know what Ding Yu would like to see. Yu Mingyue's heart is full of such sum! Even have quite murmur, because oneself also don't know such to do can play fire self Immolation! It's hard to say!

Ding Yu will never let himself use it for nothing. What about the price? It may be that serious, but what else? Really can't think of a particularly good way to solve these meritorious ministers, their identity? In the jade style group, good really is quite important! And it's quite subtle!

If we don't change them, then we will have a considerable distance from our real control of the jade style group. The two powers harm each other and take the least. So what about ourselves? It's also necessary to test whether Ding Yu is really like what he imagined! What happened? It seems that I didn't expect it!

Chen Feng came forward to talk with those guys, which means Ding Yu allowed this matter! What about the price? Is really let oneself feel a little embarrassed, on the one hand? I don't have enough cash. On the other hand? In the future, even if it is to take these shares back, the price will not be too low!

What about this account? Will eventually fall on their own body, and the price? Is that they can control this part of the stock, is such a situation! But what about attending this meeting? Jade group can rise rapidly, even break through the past calm, from this point, the price is worth it!

Although extremely unwilling, but Yu Mingyue still decided to attend the meeting before? Go to visit Ding Yu and do a whole set of plays, at least for the outside world? A clear signal! Between each other has not yet reached the point of abyss! So what should be done still needs to be done!

For Yu Mingyue to come to Siheyuan, Ding Yu is noncommittal and laughs! Growth is also quite fast! Be able to make this decision quickly, at the same time? There is not much to consider the meaning of face. What about this? It is difficult for many people to do it! What about Yu Mingyue under her own pressure? The metamorphosis is a bit interesting!

And Yu Mingyue came to the quadrangle, there is no way to hide it, even if it is to quietly is not likely to do things, the courtyard even took the initiative to release the news, what does Yu Mingyue mean by coming to the courtyard, is it difficult for us to know? It must be about the previous shares!

Obviously, what about this share? For the jade group has a considerable impact, Ding Yu put this part of the shares? It's all in your hands! Ding Yu's participation in the meeting can be said! If we say that the influence on Yu Mingyue will be huge if we unite with other forces in the board of directors!

"Chairman Yu! Please There is no intention of rejecting people outside the courtyard. However, Ding Yu will not take the initiative to welcome him. It is true that Yu Mingyue has taken over now. But if Master Yu comes, can Ding Yu still welcome him outside, Yu Mingyue? Can not be the level or ability above, there is a considerable gap!

Yu Mingyue looks at Chen Feng, much younger than her own age, but what about her own understanding? She seems to be falling in love with Wu Mingyu. The fight between them is quite hot, and she is not a person who wants to be with. What about earlier years? Is just a student, but these two years by Ding Yu to teach very good!

Why I am more interested in Chen Feng? It is also because of the great concern for the quadrangle, there is no way to not pay attention to it. What about Ding Yu's influence on the surface of the country? This is the quadrangle. What about all the instructions? They all come from this courtyard!But what about Ding Yu's office? It seems that it's not really. It's just a residence of Ding Yu. Originally, it was possible to become a base, but a series of things happened later, and the error was too big! Yu Mingyue is not the first time to come to Siheyuan, but I don't know why, every time she comes? I feel that there are different changes here!

What is the cause, Yu Mingyue is not clear, is it because of the change of her mood?

"Coming?" There is no smile on Ding Yu's face. Out of her understanding of Ding Yu, Yu Mingyue doesn't have any anger. Basically, he is such a "dead face". Of course, what about this? That is to say in the heart, if you mention it in front of Ding Yu, Yu Mingyue really doesn't have such courage.

On the contrary, what about the jade moon? He looked at Ding Yu with a smile, "director Ding, doctor Ding? Brother Ding! I have to learn from it! Is the jade style group to get rid of dust? Or is it waiting for me to continue to grow? "

At this time, Chen Feng was wheeled over and carefully placed the tea and snacks on the table top. However, Ding Yu did not let Chen Feng leave. Instead, he pointed to the position next to him. Chen Feng hesitated for a while, and then he also sat in the next position, but he didn't mean to say anything. Now he can't turn to himself!

Since the gentleman let himself sit, then don't stand there ungratefully, some things Mr. don't like others to ask three to four! So Chen Feng is also sitting there, and Yu Mingyue is squinting his eyes at Chen Feng, the heart is also a guess!

"Ready? Li Fuzhen called me earlier and told me in detail about the situation. What about me? After attending the meeting and fighting at the meeting, I was able to suppress those old guys and fight for the right and time for myself! Do you have this confidence? "

Yu Mingyue stares at Ding Yu's eyes. After a long time, she slowly says, "I haven't heard of it!"

"You haven't heard of it. It's very normal! Even in this world, there won't be too many people who have heard of it. It's not so important to hear or not to hear about it! What matters is what kind of choice you have to make under the circumstances at that time. This is the key point! "

When Ding Yu took two pieces of paper from the top of the bowl, it was very difficult for Ding Yu to take two pieces of paper from the top of the bowl. It was very difficult for Ding Yu to take two pieces of paper out of the bowl!

"This is the way I used it at that time, but there may be some different ways to express it!" Ding Yu also snorted, "my way and method are not applicable to you, and everyone will not buy it. The reason why I tell you this is to prepare you for this aspect!"

"Thank you! I'll be ready

"Well, what about those shares before you come back? I will take control of these shares on behalf of Yushi group. What about the board of directors of Yushi group? I will let Chen Feng be a representative. I don't care when you will take back the shares, but as the price of exchange? Have you decided yet? It seems that my ambition is not small! "

Although Yu Mingyue is a guest and comes to visit Ding Yu deliberately, the initiative to talk with each other is completely controlled by Ding Yu. Yu Mingyue has no time to make any response! This doesn't mean you can fight back if you want to! Yu Mingyue has no such capital and power!

"No idea! Not even ready When talking, I also took a look at Chen Feng, who was sitting in the bottom position. I really didn't expect to let Chen Feng be the director! "However, since you are interested in it, the trouble that you want to come to this matter should not be over so soon. I'll wait and see."

It is true that she is not Ding Yu's opponent, but Yu Mingyue also has a pride in her heart. She can't fight against you now. I admit, but it doesn't mean that you will always have the upper hand. Let's see! I believe this time will not be particularly long!

"I can see that you have a lot of confidence in you!" Ding Yu said disapprovingly. After that, he also took a look at the jade moon and said with a little deep meaning, "I have prepared a gift for you, which may be delivered to you at an interval of time. Hope this accident will happen? It won't surprise you too much! "

Yeah? Yu Mingyue is also frowning. When did Ding Yu say this? With a playful tone, this makes Yu Mingyue feel very bad! But Ding Yu has already picked up the tea bowl on the table at this time. Obviously, everything has been discussed. Now? Even if it's tea!

"Say hello to Mr. Yu for me. If you have time, I'll invite him to tea!"

Yu Mingyue stood up in a stuffy voice and left without looking back. Chen Feng also followed him and sent Yu Mingyue to the door. As for Yu Mingyue's angry appearance, there is a strong intention in it, but is it a woman? Is really the best actor!What about the people outside? It is true that we can not enter the courtyard, or even the periphery of the courtyard? It's hard to stop, but do you want to observe one or two of them? Or is it easy to see that Yu Mingyue's dark face and her hasty steps can tell that she is here? Not only did not achieve the desired results, but also very angry!

"Sir, I'm not as good as I can be! Isn't it a bit of a joke for me to worry about the position of the director? " Chen Feng is really not a refusal. He is not a professional in this field. If he is allowed to hold the post of director, it is easy to have other situations at that time!

"Are you really going to take it for one time?" Ding Yu also jokingly said, "but? I'll give you some experience. How about going to the board of directors over there? It's to pretend and vote against as much as possible. If it's really not possible, you'll abstain! What about things above the surface? It needs to be like that again! "

"I see! Sir Since it does not involve business affairs, it is easier to handle this matter. I am not a talent in this field. What's more, sir? There is also an account, so the remaining things will be better handled!

Yu Mingyue left in the morning. In the afternoon, Yushi group held a board of directors. Chen Feng formally became the leader. The speed was faster than everyone could imagine. Yu Mingyue's face was livid at the meeting, and the people in the conference room had a lot of ideas at this time!

But now Chen Feng is sitting there, that is to say Ding Yu? In the first time to complete the replacement of equity, now what about Ding Yu? Has already entered the interior of jade style group, even a lot of things? Have been open to Ding Yu, in such a situation, how to deal with Yu Mingyue?

In the evening, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan had dinner in Ding Yu's courtyard. After dinner, they also mentioned the matter of joining the jade style group. "I don't know what the process was like, but someone told me about it in my ear. They said that there was something strange about it. What about jade style group? Too much turbulence

"So soon someone came out against it?" Ding Yu slightly disdained, "where is the jade style group? I haven't suffered any so-called blow, even the most basic loss. It's just because my people have settled in, and they can't wait to show up. Isn't it too much? "

"What about jade style group? After all, it still has considerable details, even with the growth of many people! The memory inside is especially deep! Where's your owner? It makes a lot of people feel so abrupt! "

Ding Yu nodded, "I should think about clearing out the so-called" black sheep "in the first place After that, Ding Yu also couldn't help laughing, "it seems that this thing has touched you a little bit so much!" Then Ding Yu also looked at his father!

"What about me today? I visited several veteran cadres and seniors. What about the words? Almost all of them have revealed some meaning in this aspect, which is obviously in their mind? Jade group still played a considerable role, so what about your entry into China? " When Wang Lin talks about his own hands!

The meaning is too obvious, even do not need to chew carefully! What about jade style group? Also began to work, you Ding Yu now suddenly became a director, but also into the jade group's internal, this for the jade group's pressure is really too big, since can't start from the face above, so change a way!

"What about the way to China? It must be quite rugged, which I have expected, but since some people want to fight against each other, they can't stop them from dying, can they? "

What this said was really a little too serious. Su Yuan, who was carrying fruit, took a look at his son with dissatisfaction. How could he talk? Do you have any tutoring?

Looking at the mother sitting down, Ding Yu also changed the topic for the first time, "Wang Li went back, is life still used to it?"

Oh! As soon as he said his daughter, Su Yuan was really helpless, "she's about to become a lazy woman. What about her clothes? I can't wash them. I've seen them before when I moved. There are a lot of clothes already He also shook his head when he spoke, "I knew to use the washing machine. I never knew to rub it with my hands when I put it in the washing machine. However, some clothes were sent to the laundry, but it's not a way to do this for such a long time."

Wang Changlin is also a little worried about this. How could her daughter be educated to this extent? If you really get married in the future, what kind of life do you want? The couple can't be.

Ding Yu is smiling, "it's good to be able to come back. Some things will be as happy as she likes, and excessive coercion will not play a role! Just like Ding Ding Ding, they live a good life now! At the beginning, many people were not good at it, but now many people are quite envious

What about the older son's sudden mention of the other sister? Wang Changlin and Su Yuan have a look. What about their daughter? It seems that there is really no way to compare with other people's daughters. If you look at the children raised by others, and then look at those raised by their own children, why is there a big gap? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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