However, the conversation between each other did not last too long. Wang Li took the lead. What about Wang Yang? I went to pick up Lin Qiuyan, so the time was a little late! It's not intentional procrastination at all!

Why did you come to Ding Yu? The quadrangle is very large, which is really suitable for family gatherings. Why didn't you go to Wang Changlin and Su Yuan's new home? It's nice to live, but do you have family parties? I always feel that some of them are not suitable, so what about the family? All of them are in the courtyard!

As for dinner? Now it's a good time to take care of Lin Qiuyan. After all, her status is different now, but Lin really doesn't mean to pinch her own identity. Her father-in-law and her mother-in-law are all here, as well as the elder brother and the so-called sister-in-law. They are polite, but can't they take it seriously!

The family is now basically in the capital, such a day in the past is not often seen! And now? The atmosphere at home is also quite good, Ding Yu did not peel everyone's face, poured himself a glass of wine, that is, just filled the bottom of the cup!

The only regret in the whole process? Maybe that's it! After dinner, the women in the family also gathered together, and Wang Changlin came to the study with his two sons!

"What about the jade family? It will certainly exert considerable pressure! Boss, you should be prepared for this! " Wang Changlin is still not quite assured of his eldest son, so he is also very admonished.

"What about the matter? It will not slide further into the abyss! " Ding Yu said confidently, "jade group wants to break through the bottleneck in front of you? We need to take a hard road. What happens after the breakthrough? We also need to specify new policies and plans. What about jade style group and me? There are not too many contradictions! "

What about that? Obviously, Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to the jade style group. It is true that the jade style group? There is considerable funding, but what about that? Will you be afraid of it?

What's more, this is already in their own plan. What about the fist? There is no power. If you hide in the dark, you really don't have many ways. So Ding Yu should try his best to attract the enemies behind him, or give them a bait to bite them on their own initiative!

What about these guys hiding behind the enemy? There are also some shrewdness. In the past, the experience and experience may be a little too rich, so he is quite vigilant about the bait. Therefore, Ding Yu needs to be extremely careful in the Bureau. At the same time, what about the bait? It also needs to be quite attractive. Otherwise, how to lure them?

For this aspect of the problem, Wang Changlin vaguely have some feelings, but did not fully understand, and Wang Yang? Now it's still in the drum. I don't know. Therefore, Ding Yu doesn't want to explain to Wang Yang, because his level is not enough. Now stepping into this mire can only harm him!

"No matter how to deal with this matter, you have made a little bit of noise this year! I don't know whether it's good or bad! What about this problem? You can handle it yourself

Wang Yang looked at his father and said such words seemed not to be a father's performance. Obviously, what about his elder brother? There are not too many good ways! Even to a certain extent, it can only be let go! As for Wang Yang himself? Now this time will not say anything!

"Brother, Xiaobao and I have already taken over the UAV project, which is very good, but if the domestic side wants to carry out, it is slightly more difficult." Wang Yang doesn't know whether his head suddenly turns around.

"Well! What about the domestic consumption level? Maybe not yet, but it will be very popular in Europe and America! The potential is also very good! " Looking at his father beside him, Ding Yu simply explained, "judging from the current situation, its development prospects are still very broad."

Wang Yang looked at his father's incomprehensible appearance. He also explained, "Dad, what about our projects? It's a civilian UAV. It's totally different from a military UAV. What about life now? It's colorful, so the opening up of some projects is also changing. It's just like taking some high-altitude photos and scenes. With UAVs, we can greatly reduce the expenses of funds and other aspects! "

Since the father is not so understanding, so a simple explanation! Save to his father caused considerable confusion, father? It's not a generalist. He can't know everything!

The father and son talked for a little longer. However, considering Lin Qiuyan's physical condition, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were the first to let Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan go back. What about them and Wang Li? He stayed in the courtyard, and Su Yuan was picky when he looked at his daughter!

Wang Li seemed to ignore it. She teased her nephew and niece at the end, and saw that Su Yuan was itching. If she was at home, she might have slapped her hands!"I'll be back the day after tomorrow." In the evening, Taixi also mentioned this matter with Ding Yu. The time to come is not short. What's more, what about South Korea? Fu Zhen Ou Ni is also in urge, enjoy a period of time also can, did not see other people have eyes blue? It's really a full man. I don't know how hungry a man is!

Ding Yu's hand is placed in front of Taixi's chest, has been playing with it! What about the anger? Has not been completely dissipated, but Taixi is already unbearable! So it is also in Ding Yu's shoulder to bite hard!

Tai Xi is gone, Siheyuan here is also calm, not because of the departure of Tai Xi how!

What about the jade family? Yu Mingyue dealt with a number of meritorious officials. It is true that this method is slightly fierce, but all aspects are basically acceptable. Some people get benefits and some get equity. What about Yu Mingyue? Also got the development space!

But what about Yu Mingyue's action? It also makes a lot of people can't understand. What about her these days? There is not much action, just in the hesitation of everyone, Yu Mingyue also took people abroad, many people have such a dream! What is the situation?

You know, at home? Yu Mingyue and Ding Yu still have the possibility to compete, but in foreign countries, if Ding Yu wants to make Yu Mingyue difficult, it is really not built! It's true that your jade family has many years of information, but Ding Yu can't stand this guy. It's really an abnormal monster!

What about your attention? It's the first time to put it on Ding Yu's body to see what kind of reaction Ding Yu is going to do. Do you want to embarrass Yu Mingyue? You know, at home? Ding Yu was badly humiliated by Yu Mingyue. Now that he has such a chance, how can Ding Yu deal with it?

But what about the news from abroad? Ding Yu didn't seem to be able to get to the jade moon. Why do you say so? Where is Yu Mingyue abroad? It seems that you have a good time. I attended several dinners one after another, and all of them are dinners of big families. What about the things in this? It's really worth pondering!

Why is this? To know Ding Yu's influence abroad, many people in China are taboo, but now? After Yu Mingyue went abroad, Ding Yu didn't do anything. What about Yu Mingyue? The light is shining! The problem is really unusual! People can't understand it!

But the scenery did not have a few days of time, the jade moon disappeared, disappeared without a trace, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, there are so some vibration, how a thing? Did Ding Yu do it?

And now? Yu Mingyue is also chatting with people in the hall of the castle. However, when she sees the people beside her in the corner of her eyes, she is also slightly lost in her mind, because she is here? I even saw my good friend and best friend. How could she appear here?

After pleading guilty to the public, Yu Mingyue also stood in the opposite position of her best friend. Li Fuzhen raised the champagne in her hand and said, "how do you feel? Is it very special? I don't know if you are ready for this! "

"It gives me the feeling that you are half a master here. Do you know when I come? It's completely misty. I don't even know where I am now? This seems to be a little unfair? "

"What about fairness? It's relative! " Li Fuzhen and Yu Mingyue clinked glasses, "now? It's just a process of getting started. Do you want to come in? It's not overnight. What efforts do you need to make? Maybe a little bit more! Well, I won't disturb you. There must be a lot of time in the future! "

Looking at Li Fu Zhen, Yu Mingyue frowns. Why does Li Fu Zhen appear here? Samsung relies on Ding Yu to break through the bottleneck. Under such circumstances, they no longer need to continue to let Li Fuzhen take risks for the admission ticket like themselves?!

While Yu Mingyue was thinking, a middle-aged white man came to Li Fuzhen and said, "I heard you and Li are very good friends." Looking at the middle-aged man, Yu Mingyue also nodded, "I'm sorry to inform you that we just got the news. What about Li Fuzhen? Who's here? He is the master of Ding Yu's Asian power

Hearing such news, Yu Mingyue felt her head buzzing all of a sudden, just like a heavy hammer hitting her head, which made her look like Venus, and even didn't have time to make any response. The news was so abrupt that she didn't even know what kind of reaction to do!

Five thunder is what kind of feeling, I did not know before, but now it is a taste!

The white people nearby were quite surprised by the news. What happened all the time? Ding Yu didn't expose the controller of the Asian power. He just let everyone guess at random. We thought of countless possibilities, but we really didn't think that the candidate would be Li Fuzhen! How could that be possible?

"We were quite surprised when we got the news, but after careful consideration, she is really a suitable candidate. First of all, she has a good relationship with China. Besides, she is the big Princess of Samsung. No matter in Asia or in other aspects, she has enough influence.""Thank you, Mr. Thomas!" Yu Mingyue also reluctantly smiles at this time, and her smile is extremely bitter. "But I forgot to say congratulations just now. It's really rude!"

At this time, Yu Mingyue also understood why Li Fuzhen had to say that to herself when she went to South Korea. At the same time, she also understood what the gift Ding Yu gave her! What about such a result? Pour also can't say cannot accept, is too much accident!

Soon, Yu Mingyue also entered the conference room. The meeting room was a little big and the lights were extremely dim. Yu Mingyue couldn't see everyone clearly. She didn't even find sun Yingnan's figure. From her own understanding, she also attended the meeting, but it was obvious that where was her distance? Maybe a little bit far away!

However, during the meeting, Yu Mingyue was able to appreciate what the so-called "arena" is! It's in the hall. It's full of blood. Yu Mingyue is still biting her teeth. Her stomach has been convulsed. Even Yu Mingyue has doubts about whether things will come out of her nostrils!

It's not that you don't see? You can do it! It's not that simple! The smell of blood stimulates your sense of smell and makes you feel extremely uncomfortable! But now can only be forbearance, if really spit out, I am afraid someone will immediately find their own, this is not a joke!

Yu Mingyue never knew that it would be so bloody to attend this meeting, but how about looking at the people around? They seem to have been used to such things, everyone's expression is basically indifferent! No matter what happened, it seems that they will not have any so-called changes!

These guys are really indifferent! Are you used to it? What about the people in front of you? You're killing me?! And what about these guys? That's it. Look at it! It really makes people suspect. Are these guys still human? People never seem to be so cold-blooded and heartless!

After a meeting, Yu Mingyue felt exhausted, but it didn't end, because the meeting would continue. However, when she came out, she saw Li Fuzhen not far away. Looking at the wine glass she held up, Yu Mingyue hesitated for a while, and finally walked over!

"Is it too late for me to say congratulations?" When saying this, the expression on Yu Mingyue's face is rather gloomy. What about this matter? I was the last fool. I couldn't tolerate it!

"What's the matter? Very unhappy? " When Li Fuzhen said this, his tone was very gentle, without much sarcasm or condescending meaning, just like when he was getting along with his best friend! Say what you have! Now I can put myself in a good state of mind!

"I feel like a fool and a fool. You have given so many hints and reminders that I didn't wake up!" After saying that, she also couldn't help laughing. "No wonder Ding Yu told me earlier that she prepared a gift for me. This gift is really unexpected, and it's also a great surprise."

"It seems that your understanding is wrong!" Li Fu Zhen smile slightly, "what about my work? It has been started very early. If this is a gift, some are too cheap! From what I know? It seems that you haven't adapted to this meeting yet! But it's better to be quick, because what about the time? Wait for no one! What's more, don't think other people can't see it. Maybe next moment? The bayonet will be on your throat

"How should I understand it?" When saying this, Yu Mingyue is full of provocation!

Li Fu Zhen laughed, "what about here? It's not a vanity fair, it's a arena. What about every step you take? There are white bones under the soles of your feet. Therefore, it is a good friend's point to remind you to hold the knife in your hand and be firm when necessary. Otherwise, the knife will hurt you in turn

In the jade bright moon has not understood is how a time matter, Li Fu Zhen already left!

However, it is also because Li Fu Zhen left, Yu Mingyue's heart is also a little alert, if Li Fu Zhen wants to harm himself, I'm afraid there is no need to wait for today's, more frankly, if Ding Yu wants to clear himself, he doesn't have to think about seeing the sun in the next day!

It is also because of this, the jade bright moon this time is also unusual vigilance! Li Fuzhen will never say such words to himself without any reason. He is absolutely reminding himself that he thinks of the bloody in the previous conference room. What about Yu Mingyue's heart? It's really a bad feeling!

Is it hard for these guys to force themselves to do it? If it is really like that, how should they choose? Do you know where the knife is? Maybe it's in your own hand, or in someone else's hand? Once there is a tangle, I'm afraid I'll pay for it then? Not only themselves, but also the whole jade group! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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