But what about Ding Yu's courtyard? It's a bit troublesome, because what about the students? All of them have come back, let alone they are students! It's much darker than before, but what about the body? It's a lot stronger. What if it depends on their appearance? It's just that there are so many bad things!

Ding Yu can't see everyone, just let Zhang Piao and his cousin come over! Su Chen is not the first time to come to Siheyuan, but Zhang Piao is really the first time to come here, and he doesn't feel how luxurious it is. It's just that the place is a little bit bigger!

Of course, the environment here is very good! What about the two little guys? Not very familiar with the new guests, but what about Suchen? Or some impression, honest to say hello, as for Zhang Piao? I don't mean to pull it down!

Then he ran away with xiaosiyan, but xiaosiyan sniffed them in front of them. He could see that Su Chen and Zhang Piao were both so stupefied. Chen Feng was not free at all at this time, and he was also entertained by the servants at home.

"I don't feel like there's any difference in this?! They say it's extraordinary! I feel so ordinary! "

Suchen took a look. "You! Let me say what is good. It's really a bumpkin. Of course, I'm not as good as that. What if I talk about it? What about the so-called luxury and details? It's all in the details, just like the murals of trees and even the tables, chairs and benches when you come in! If you can see and understand these, you will know what's different here! "

"I thought it was gold and silver!" Zhang Piao did not cover up some of his ideas!

"That's a nouveau riche?" Suchen also ridiculed and said, "but? What about granddad? I've heard about luxury here? It is beyond imagination, but it is also low-key enough, at least not discerning people? I can't see the power of it! But I'm not sure, because I'm just pretending

The two men did not mean to be stiff at all. After seeing Ding Yu all the time, they all got up. Their bodies collapsed a little bit tight. Ding Yu looked them up and down and nodded, "it's a lot dark. What about your hands? It seems that there are cocoons. How are the other students? "

"Everything is OK, everyone is very hard working and United, but at the beginning, they basically don't understand anything, there are always some things that are not important, and there is a little exclusion, after all, there is not too much contact! But after a period of time, everyone's starting is also relatively fast! Great progress

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "it's very nice to say, but what about the actual situation? In the heart is scolding mother What about things like this? Ding Yu is also very clear in his heart. What about these guys? This period of time is also suffering! After all, what are the conditions there? It's very common, and I've also told them, let them suffer a little bit!

"The condition is that there is no way to compare with the capital, which is certain, but there is also a lot of learning there!"

"Yes! Today, there is no need to let them go back to their homes and find their mothers! What about tomorrow night? I'll invite you to dinner, but I'll inform you later! By the way, what do you like to eat

Get it! Just understand what it means! What about Zhang Piao? Alone, but what about Suchen? Really not?! What about the other guys? Now this time is really not reckless meaning, who knows what Ding Yu will have opinions and ideas, so after coming back is also honest to stay!

When getting the news from Zhang Piao and Su Chen, people are also in an uproar. Why? It's not to say that they have to rest, but to put in such a long time of efforts? At last, he saw some effect. Tomorrow, Ding Yu invited them to dinner. This is a rare opportunity for all of us!

People are also holding their own salute, birds and animals scattered, this period of time is really too hard, not only the work is so simple, life is also quite miserable! And how are you doing? It's basically a group life. Everyone is together, and there's no way to do something special!

What's more, what's your identity? There is no way to make the so-called special. What was Ding Yu's opinion about everyone? It is relatively large. If there is any situation, what is involved? Maybe it's your future! No one dares to risk this? What a joke!

What about the people who come home? It's also washing and rinsing. I lie down early and have a rest. No one is exception. I'm used to working for such a long time. But what's the most extravagant thing every day? Still can sleep on alone, no one to interfere, no one to urge!

In fact, there is no other meaning and idea. I just want to relax myself. I don't need any beautiful women's wine and sex, nor any luxurious environment. I just want to be alone! Sometimes I feel lonely? Also very good!

But the next morning, people opened their eyes at six o'clock. Although they didn't want to get up, they couldn't sleep at all? It's quite tolerable to lie over and over on the bed. I got up and took a bath. After a little exercise, it was a feeling of refreshing spirit. It's really cheap!What about on the farm? We all want to have a good time after we come back, but now? Although I don't have to work, I really haven't lost the habit formed on the farm. This makes us feel extremely bad, but there is another taste in my heart!

However, people are still more interested in the return of these people, especially in the family of these guys. What about them? I was particularly concerned about it. What happened after I went to the farm? Basically, he didn't contact with his family. Who knows how Ding Yu "harmed" them!

Can't express the relationship above the surface, but privately ask, this still has no problem!

Until the evening, Ding Yu also went to the banquet site, Siheyuan deliberately arranged place, not that kind of high-level place, is very ordinary place, people? Naturally, there won't be too much attention. What kind of environment have you never experienced in such a long time on the farm?

"All here?" Looking at the people standing up, Ding Yu also pressed his hand, "stand up densely, even if I want to call the roll? Some of them are not suitable! Sit down! Can you come? Already very happy, I also said yesterday, don't scold mother? I've already burned the incense! What about your state of mind? I feel better! "

After all the people sat down, Ding Yu looked at it and then laughed, "under my hand? Mixing time is not short, popular point, the success of the track can be copied? Don't ask me this question, because you are not me, and I am not you. I am only responsible for transmitting my experience to you, rather than letting you go my way. I don't know if you want to understand this question? "

What about Ding Yu's words? People also hesitated for a while. Why? Because it's too popular to say, or to say it? What I said was too direct. It made people feel that some of them could not be accepted.

But what about Ding Yu's self talk? It didn't stop at all. "Where's the road I'm going? It's not suitable for you. At least, it's not suitable for you to copy my path, because what about your family and the present conditions? You are not allowed to make that choice! This must be thought out clearly and clearly! "

"Director, you can do it, we can do the same!"

Looking at the speaker, Ding Yu shook his head, "this has nothing to do with confidence. The road I have taken is relatively remote. Even if I look back at the road I have gone through, I feel a lot of emotion! I don't deny that it has helped me a lot, but I don't want you to take such a road. There are many ways to succeed, not just one! "

"Don't deceive yourself. You all want to succeed, but I'm afraid you haven't considered what kind of success you want to achieve? I'm afraid the so-called success is not clear?! Success at work? Achievements in career or harvest in love?! I'm afraid none of you has thought about it! "

What about some words? It is also to let people fall into meditation, Ding Yu did not want to disturb them, although the time is still short, what about himself? I don't know their advantages and disadvantages, but it's good to stick to them! So Ding Yu didn't mind giving them some material!

"Director, the road we used to take was a little crooked, so you are correcting it now?"

"How flattering Ding Yu shook his head. "Who said that the road you took must be wrong, and who said that I must have taken the right road, just to see it now? I have achieved a little success, so we deliberately ignored my other mistakes, that's all

"It's like reading books. When I read, I often take notes. On the one hand? It's my own perception. On the other hand? It's also for self reflection, knowledge acquisition and mind opening. What about these? It's just above the surface, and in a comprehensive way, this is just temporary for me? I don't know if it's suitable for you. I hope you can find your own way instead of blindly following the same words! "

Don't deny that these guys are still good at heart. At least they can stick to it, which shows that they still have some ambition in their hearts. Ding Yu? I don't mean to impose any brand on them?! On the one hand? I can't do it. On the other hand, I'm not willing to!

I just dredged up for them, so that their consideration would be clearer. Why did they not listen to their elders, but would consider their own words? For them, I am a benchmark and role model, and for them, I am a peer! So they have this sense of identity in their hearts!

"Director?! We feel that we have realized a lot during this period of time, but we don't feel a sudden realization? "

"It's just dawning on me!" Ding Yu also laughed, "do you want me to practice two golden elixirs for you, so that after you eat, immediately eclosion immortal? Don't be kidding. What about the so-called sudden realization? It's not that there is no, but it needs considerable accumulation. No accumulation. Where does the outbreak come from? Don't want to go one step at a time? The consequences will be very serious! "What about the people sitting here? It can also be regarded as the elite of various forces. Naturally, they are aware of the so-called "step by step" and the consequences are serious. What is the matter? You don't have enough information to support yourself. Even if you can make it to the sky one step at a time, the higher you stand, the harder you fall, and even you can't turn over at all!

Just like director Ding Yuding in front of him, how many forces in China want to hold him on the altar? But what about the director? It's too low-key, and what about the so-called fame? I don't have any interest. This also makes people have no place to start. Otherwise, do you think the director will be too easy?

From ancient times to now, I don't know how many people have been killed like this! If not ancient, modern? Even in front of their eyes, I don't know how many times such things have happened?! Even everyone is going to be numb!

"Director, what should we do next?"

"There are three directions, to study for a period of time, where is the political college? And? There is another direction for the military to exercise for a period of time. It is to find a place for you to practice. Which direction is it? I haven't decided yet, so what? I'll leave the choice to you?! You can decide for yourself! Not every time? It's up to me to make this decision, and you should learn to move forward on your own! "

Ah? People are also you look at me, I look at you, what does this mean? Leave the choice to themselves?

However, when everyone hesitated, Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "what should I say? It's all finished. I'll give you a few days to have a good rest. I'll wait until you make this decision. Now? having dinner?! I don't know if you know my habits, but what about me? Don't like to waste too much? "

It's really the first time that we had dinner with Ding Yu. At the beginning, we still couldn't let it go. But after watching the director's performance, people didn't pay much attention to it. When they ate together on the farm, they really didn't pay much attention to it!

This is just a simple meal. Ding Yu doesn't mean to drink at all. Naturally, people don't want to talk about this topic. But in the end? There are no leftovers left on the table. They are basically clean. This is what stunned the waiter who cleaned up later?! The hungry guys are still delicious!

"Zhang Piao, Su Chen, you two come with me?" Let other people leave, but it is deliberately left, these two people, of course, also have a deep meaning, "walk with me!"

What about Zhang Piao and Su Chen? Looking at each other, he immediately followed Ding Yu's position, "Zhang Piao? What about your father? It's my former drillmaster, who is very helpful to me. I once told your father that although your father didn't mean to make a statement, you can see that he was very helpful to you? Still have considerable expectations

"Director, I am so confused now. I don't know what to do?! I want to try everything! " After that, I also scratched my head!

"Your physical fitness is good. What about your major? It's also a good match. I'll send you to the military for further study. If you feel it's appropriate, you can stay. If it's not appropriate, I'll think of other ways? "

Zhang Piao is not too much hesitation, think for a while is also nodding.

"Don't think that going there is a holiday. You are the son of an old drillmaster. I will never be too polite to you. At least your father was not very polite to me at the beginning." Hum a, Ding Yu also seems to remember what, "home? I'll give you a list of plans. You should know what the consequences are if you don't finish them! "

When hearing this, Zhang Piao couldn't help but shiver! Then Ding Yu also looked at Su Chen and said, "what about it? Should we be closer to each other? But all along? I didn't give you any care. I must have many thoughts in my heart

"No, thank you very much." Suchen also said sincerely, "there is such a condition at home. Brother, you can pull me in. Both I and my mother are very grateful! I am a clumsy person and don't know what to say? What's the matter, big brother, you can just say it! "

It's a straight tube, but it's really in line with Ding Yu's appetite.

"What about my uncle? I don't want to comment blindly. It's between the elders, not you and me? It should be mixed. What do I say? I hope you can understand! What do I do to you? Compared with other children in the family? You are more down-to-earth! Also more attentive

"My mother said that I was too honest. In fact, I think I am not honest at all, and sometimes I am still a little weak! So what do you mean, big brother? I feel guilty in my heart! "

"Ha ha, what do you say? Do you think I'm a good man Ding Yu shook his head. "Maybe you think I'm a good man sometimes, but I never evaluate myself like this. In the eyes of many people? I'm a bad head sore, foot pus, just different from person to person! Don't care too much! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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