Zhang Piao has left at this time, so only Ding Yu and Su Chen are left!

"Big brother! Every family has its own difficulties. What about the things in the family? I don't care about it anymore! Something? It's hard to say clearly. What about the younger generation? Who can't be blamed? That's it

Ding Yu is also a noncommittal smile, he also heard the bitterness in his heart, although he did not directly say it. "Some things? It's impossible that I have no idea in my heart. What about such a thing? I don't have much interest. Let me talk about your future consideration?! Do you have any plans? Do you want to work in Beijing? Or do you have any other ideas? "

"It doesn't matter if you work there. It's enough to have a job! What will happen in the future? I don't know, but now? The requirements are still very simple?! You know, I didn't expect to have such an experience in my previous dreams! "

What about my uncle's family affairs? Ding Yu is also quite disgusted. He is his own son anyway! And uncle? I live in a high position, but I don't even have a job for my son?! What do you think is better? What else can my uncle say?

For Suchen, this is really a little cruel. Under such circumstances, there is not much expression of indignation. What about such a disposition? Or rather let Ding Yu value!

"You are not the same as Zhang Piao! What about Zhang Piao? He was influenced by the old drillmaster when he was young, but he was unwilling to admit it in his heart! What about your heart? What do you think? I know that I used to have a housekeeper. Now? I'll arrange you to go there and study more! "

Thank you

"Don't thank me, I don't want to make such an arrangement!" Ding Yu also gave a bitter smile, "I brought you here, but what's the attitude of my grandfather and uncle to this matter? It's another thing to say. Besides, you lack the qualifications and experience in this field. If you take the road of official career in the future, there will be many difficulties. There will be considerable waves! I don't like to make choices for other people's lives, because this is a mistake! I think you can understand! "

"I understand! Thank you, brother

"Well, I won't send you back! Take care of yourself and call me if you have anything to do

But what about Ding Yu? Or did it attract Su bochen's attention? After all, it involved his grandson. Although he didn't like this grandson very much, the question was this grandson? Attracted the attention of Ding Yu, this problem is more crucial!

"I hear it's all back? What are the next arrangements? " Su bochen also called in person, because of the next arrangement? It will involve your grandson. To be more frank, it will involve the next action of the Su family. This is the key!

Ding Yu, who hasn't returned to the courtyard, is also smiling at this time. "I just had dinner with them and gave them some choices. The right to choose is not in my body. I'm afraid that many people have been dissatisfied with having them work on the farm for such a long time. If we continue to let them work like this, I'm afraid it's the threshold of the family It's going to be broken! I prefer quadrangles! "

"I'm telling you something serious?! I don't have time to talk to you! " What about the tone of sobolen? Some are not very happy!

"That's what it was intended to do!" How serious is Ding Yu's tone? How serious is Ding Yu's tone compared with his grandfather? He is a little sparrow, and what about him? It's just the old fox's level. It's very hard to play yourself. In this case, you'd better be careful! Too much is tears.

"Well! What kind of arrangements does Suchen make over there How about playing this trick with your grandson? Obviously, it's useless, so it's better to be direct! "The family is still more concerned about this matter?! What about his knowledge? Very ordinary? It's not so outstanding and outstanding! "

"I see! What about him and Zhang Piao? I'm here to help Since grandfather has said so, how can Ding Yu not understand, exactly? What do you want to stay with? It's hard to say what will happen!

"There are other arrangements. Isn't it too early?" Did Su bochen really not expect his grandson to react so quickly? This is obviously not in line with my plan!

"It's late. The attitude of these guys is still positive, and they always press them like this? There are also many problems. I just give them directions. I'm not sure whether this direction is right or wrong, and I don't know whether it is suitable for them. So let them enter the role as soon as possible. "

"They are all called in together. It seems that his performance is not similar to that of other people. You can open it now, how about it? Your cousin is not a human being! Or do you just look at people with your eyelids? " Su bochen also expressed serious dissatisfaction at this time, because this is not in line with the interests of the Su family!"And Suchen? Too honest, when an old cattle? It's OK, but what else? It's really quite bad, so I temporarily let him out. As for whether he can grow up or not, it depends on his own performance, as for Zhang Piao? I have already communicated with the old drillmaster! "

In fact, Ding Yu's meaning is quite clear. What about Zhang Piao? You can make your own decisions over there, but what about Suchen? The same can be done by themselves, two people are not too different!

If the Su family is really interested in Suchen, they will not let it go for so many years. It is indeed a bit too much to use him as a bargaining chip for this transaction! Although Ding Yu didn't say it clearly, his meaning was very clear. I believe his grandfather can understand it!

There is no sense of human feelings in the family. This is not right. What about myself? One of the main reasons why I'm not willing to contact my grandfather and grandfather all the time? Relations are all performance, there are so some indifference!

From the general direction, they are for many people to consider, sacrifice the ego, is it right or wrong? Ding Yu didn't want to discuss this issue in depth. Maybe he didn't get much better by them when he arrived, but did he do it first? What we can do, we still need to do something! At least I'm comfortable.

If any of the 15 people were expelled, or if any one of them could leave for a reason, it would cause a great disturbance. But if Zhang Piao and Su Chen were to leave, there would be no problem?

So now my grandfather mentioned it to himself? Ding Yu really won't take it as a thing?! What about things at home? It's the most difficult thing to solve. It's hard for honest and upright officials to stop housework, but what about the family affairs? It's the best solution again! Just like now! That's how I deal with it. How do you like it? how!

What about your grandson's hand? Su bochen is really quite helpless. How can I arrange this is my business. I don't need other people to tell me what to do. If you have this idea, you can stand up. I just don't want to undertake such a thing!

What about Suchen? Although it's your grandson, is he listening to you? Just ask him about this. Don't try to pay attention to me. What's more, what about the money I give to other children in the family? It's not for free. Don't try to add it. What about yourself to them? I don't want to see you! this is it!

Su bochen was not so angry about this as he had imagined, although what about Su Chen's arrangement? It's not my own plan, but it doesn't have much impact on the whole! He didn't open any of the fifteen people. That's enough. What about Suchen? It's just a carry on. If there is one, it's fifty-eight. If it's not, it's forty!

"What about Suchen? There are so many hardships in my life. What about my family? There are other arrangements for him, but now that you have made a move, what about my side? It can be a lot easier! "

Ding Yu's heart is also ha ha two, such words? Everyone will say that he is the same, "where is Suchen? Compared with the calm and honest, I look very good, I don't know if I can hold this mind, I hope it is good

What about at this time? Each other has ignored one thing, that is, his uncle, anyway, no one wants to mention the meaning, mentioned how can? What can it do? Anyway, what's your relationship with that uncle? It's not warm all the time!

What's the deal? They don't have much contact and contact with each other. Can't you say that? After the meeting is also uncle and nephew, at least can maintain this superficial relationship, even to a certain extent? It's not as good as the relationship between Ding Yu and his third uncle. Although sometimes they are nervous, they often have contacts with each other!

What about Su bochen? Always thinking about the relationship between the Su family? Can be integrated into Ding Yu's system, but did not play any effect, do not know why, anyway, his eldest son and Ding Yu this grandson? There is no eye margin, the relationship between two people is indifferent to a horse! Let oneself also very headache!

What's more, I'm so old! Can't you always worry about this? It's time to let go, my grandson! Sometimes? It is also quite helpless, although there is no clear confrontation with their own, but soft with thorns, but also let themselves very headache!

When he put down the phone, Su bochen thought about it for a while, and called the attendant around him, "let Su Chen come tomorrow when he is free, and say that I, the old guy, invited him to have a meal, a light meal at home! It's said that he got along with a girlfriend. If he has free time, he will bring it with him. Let me have a look at it. "

What about Suchen at home? Is always a dispensable person, the edge of the people, anyway, at home? What about the relationship that he didn't really put in his heart, even on the surface? But who let Ding Yu look at the right eye? This is a little embarrassing!

What about the Wangs? At least Su Yang has a family? There has always been no talent in this area, and it is not easy to have one. Although it is also a long house grandson, but this identity? They have never been admitted by the Su family. Anyway, what about the family? Never put it in my eyes.But he had a certain relationship with Ding Yu, even if the Su family wanted to ignore it now? Some of them can't do it! But now the painting style is a sudden change. What about the good? And throw it out again!

But as a veteran of the river and lake for many years, Su bochen is very clear about it. How about doing this? To a certain extent, it is the greatest protection for Zhang Piao and Su Chen. After all, they are with those 15 guys? Too obvious!

What about Ding Yu after he came back? Where's the first one for two people? Don't talk about it. What about Su bochen? It was handed over to the housekeeper who once lived in the courtyard. Under the care of the housekeeper, who dares to stretch out his hand! Ding Yu has made it clear that he has added a protective talisman to Su Chen's body!

I am acutely aware of this, but from now on? The time is a little bit short. What about Su Chen, the grandson? But to a certain extent, it is not much different from Ding Yu's grandson, who regards himself as a Buddha and burns paper and incense? Never vague!

But what about emotion? It's not to say that there is any repulsion, it's just a little bit weak!

I want to call Wang Pu, the old relative's home, but I've been thinking about it for a long time? Su bochen also cancelled this plan, big brother don't laugh at second brother! In fact, the situation of the two people is almost the same. Although the Wang family is very beautiful now, what is the relationship between them and Ding Yu? It's not as good as that!

When Ding Yu returned to the courtyard, he found Wang Yang and Wang Li? Already waiting there! "Big brother!" Wang Yang took the lead to stand up, and then looked at Wang Li with dissatisfaction!

Ding Yu looked at his younger brother and sister and nodded, but before he could go into the room to change his clothes, he was pulled aside by Wang Yang. "Brother, second sister talked about the object?" After saying that, is also angry looking at his sister!

Ding Yu didn't feel strange about this. Wang Li had told her about it earlier, but she asked her to keep it secret. What about herself? I'm not a talkative person, so I really don't have many ideas. I'm at this age. What's the big deal when I talk about an object?

But Wang Yang seems to have noticed the expression on the elder brother's face, "elder brother, do you know?"

"I heard Wang Li say a word by chance, but I didn't ask in detail!" Then Ding Yu also looked at Wang Yang strangely, "what does this matter have to do with you? And what about Wang Li? There is not too much concern at home. What do you worry about? What kind of object does she like? This is her business

"Big brother! You don't know who is the second elder sister's value, otherwise you have to be impatient with me! I mean it

"Yes! Let's talk about it! " Ding Yu didn't mean to be upset, "I found that I was a worried life. How could I come here for anything? And it's always been a hassle

"Who told you to be big brother?" Wang Li also snorted!

Wang Yang looked at his elder brother and second sister strangely. After watching for a period of time, he also said angrily, "when I came back from dinner, I saw that the second sister was walking along the street with someone? It's better if you don't look at it. But after reading it, I know that the second sister has found a boyfriend. What kind of bad is it? "

"What? Is there something wrong with people? The sky is broken and the earth is short? " Ding Yu also asked subconsciously. Looking at Wang Li's look at her eyes, she also laughed, "since it's not the lack of heaven and earth, if there's nothing wrong with it, what's the big deal? As long as they're satisfied, that's fine! In modern society, arranged marriage is not popular! "

Obviously, Ding Yu didn't want to meddle in this business. Looking at the elder brother's intention to get up, Wang Yang also said eagerly, "brother, what about the second elder sister? She makes her own decisions, but at least she should find a suitable one? "

"How do you know it's not suitable?" Ding Yu also laughed, "appropriate or inappropriate? This problem should be left to Wang Li, who will decide by herself?! What about us? It's just a reference opinion! What's more, it's still such a thing? There's something wrong with the judgment we've come to make! "

"Well! Then I'll tell you the truth! "Wang Yang also took his heart at this time." what the second elder sister is looking for is to consult the people in my hometown! "

Ding Yu gave a sigh and looked at Wang Li. The expression on her face was slightly surprised, but she soon pressed down and asked tentatively, "which old businessman is it?"

"Besides him? Who else could it be? Otherwise, my reaction would not be so great! "

"Old merchants have been dead for many years!" Ding Yu also sighed, "no wonder you came to the door in person, even if it's from the hometown of Shang? What can we do? So many years have passed, and things can be regarded as understanding. There is not much meaning in mentioning this now! "

"Elder brother, after all, he belongs to the hometown of Shang. What about other people? Maybe not, but what about this? It's really hard to do. I don't know how the second elder sister fooled with him. The two people have some meaning that they don't know the sound of the sky behind their ears. It's very sweet! I don't know what to saywww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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