"Now that you know it, what's the use of looking for me? I don't treat everything Ding Yu is also very dissatisfied to see Wang Yang, the real problem of this matter? It's not on your side anymore. What about your parents? There should not be too many problems and conditions, mainly on the body of the three old people!

What happened then? Ding Yu used the replacement conditions to let the three old people not interfere in Wang Li's marriage, but did not think about Wang Li? Even to find such a boyfriend, this thing is still quite difficult, although things have been known for a long time, but at the beginning of each other can be said to be hit by fire! head broken and bleeding.

Now it's time to change, the power between each other has also slowly melted, but want to combine together? It's really hard to say whether Juliet and Romeo will happen. No one dares to make this guarantee!

What about Wang Li's marriage? You can make your own decisions, but what about this one? It is also in a certain range, or you need to follow the rules of the game! What about Wang Li now? Obviously, it is off track. Who knows which direction it will go?

This is also the main reason why Wang Yang has to drag his sister over? What about the others? Regardless of how to reach out, you can not decisively deal with this problem, only your own big brother? Better! Although I try my best to avoid such a thing, it is really out of the way! Can only come to find their own big brother!

Ding Yu rubbed her brow and took a look at Wang Li. At this time, Wang Li was still careless and dismissive. Although she said that her elder brother looked at her, Wang Li still didn't mean to compromise. Ding Yu immediately put her eyes on Wang Yang.

"What do you want to do about it?" When talking, Ding Yu's attitude is also slightly more serious. "Tell me what you think! Now that they have all come here! "

Wang Yang also said with a smile, "elder brother, where is the second elder sister? It seems that we have been together for a long time. What about this relationship? It's hard to give up?! I think so! "

Looking at Wang Yang who wanted to continue talking, Ding Yu raised his hand and said, "OK, I understand what you mean. Wang Li, if you have time, take him to have a meal! be it so! If there's nothing else, I'll go to change clothes, and I've been busy all day and I haven't got time! "

When Wang Yang and Wang Li are hesitant, Ding Yu has left, so don't stay here. Give them a space to think! What about things like this? In fact, I don't want to get involved. The bigger the family is, the more troublesome things are. What's the matter? It's a bit of a drag!

Wang Li and Wang Yang looked at each other, and Wang Yang sighed, "sister, you are a demon! That is, big brother, I really have some doubts. I don't think that you two just got together recently! "

"What do you say?" Wang Li's eyes also stood up, "what is collusion? If you can speak or not, shut up! " I'm worried about this? He said something cool next to him!

Looking at his second sister some angry meaning, Wang Yang is also a little dissatisfied, "how can this matter blame me? But this matter still let big brother embarrassed! This is the problem. We can't let big brother carry all the things? There's something wrong with it! "

"Say less, no one will think you are dumb!" Then he was carrying his bag and stomping off!

Wang Yang didn't leave immediately. After waiting for his elder brother to come out again, he looked at his elder brother awkwardly, "elder brother, I just knew this thing. I didn't think of the second elder sister? How dare you find such a master

Ding Yu looked at Wang Yang without any expression. Wang Yang's expression was a little uneasy. "Brother, I know this thing will make you very embarrassed, but I didn't expect it to be like this! Now I don't know who to look for to discuss this aspect of the matter, think about it? You are the only one left

"I didn't think about putting this thing on my shoulders?" Ding Yu said something without salt or salt.

"No! Big brother Wang Yang also jumped up, "don't make a joke with me! It's hard for me to carry my own head on this shoulder. Now you let me carry such things! " But what about this? The lower the sound!

"OK, everything has been finished. Go back to take care of Qiu Yan." Ding Yu didn't mean to stay. What could he do if he stayed? I can't help you! "What about Wang Li? I'll talk to mom and dad sometime! What about this? You and Wang Li should not disclose it first! "

"Well, big brother, I'll go back first!"

"Don't be so depressed. What about you now? Not able to bear such a thing, not to say that your ability is not enough, but your inside information is not enough, this needs considerable time, in such a family? There are so many things you need to face. Can you extend your hand when you can? Or a hand? Don't be too cold for fear of trouble! Is this a member of the family? It has nothing to do with it! "Wang Yang is silent. What did he say to himself? If it's absolutely out of my heart, what about brother? There must be a lot of trouble in taking over such a thing. I've heard about it. Earlier, the elder brother took 600 million dollars to his family in exchange for it? It's the security of the home!

Such things for themselves, there are so some can not understand, the home of this behavior can be said to be quite excessive, but one of the depression? I have no way to say, in front of the big brother complain? Big brother itself is hard enough, but what about comforting him? Blame the family? It's not right again!

However, when Wang Yang just left, Chen Feng came over with a strange face. Ding Yu's face was also a little blue. There was no good news today. So when he looked at Chen Feng, he also looked bad and said, "if there is nothing wrong, go and have a rest! I want to be quiet! "

"Sir, there is a message from the school. I don't know if you have this time. There will be a parents' meeting in two days. If it is not convenient for you to attend, then..."

"Parents' meeting?" Ding Yu also feels full of bags! What is this? After a good long time, Ding Yu is also suddenly remembered what, "they two little guys?" Looking at Chen Feng who nodded his head, Ding Yu said with a smile, "is the school going to start so soon? Time is really pressing! "

Nodding to Chen Feng, I know about it. I can tell myself when it comes. The parents of other children are all present, and the Housekeeper on his side is present. What kind of a thing is this? It's not like it! "By the way, didn't you see both of them when you came back? Where did you go again? "

"Madame has been taken away!" What about the lady in here? It doesn't mean Tai Xi, but her mother. She doesn't know what kind of mischief she wants. Now that she is so close to her parents, and she dotes on her two children, Ding Yu is really worried. I hope they can bear it.

At noon the next day, Li Fu Zhen also made a phone call to discuss with jade style group? It's almost done. What about jade group? It is impossible to use money to purchase the shares in Ding Yu's hands, but it is a good choice to have subordinate enterprises replace them. How about both sides? Satisfied with everything!

As for the replacement enterprises? Naturally will not be too leading enterprises, jade group will not let go, but the weight? Naturally, it's not light. Otherwise, Li Fuzhen will never be satisfied with it! What we are talking about is a balance problem!

For the replacement enterprise, Li Fu Zhen has a good idea of it. He has already inspected it for a long time. However, he still needs to take a walk and make this call with Ding Yu? It also shows that this matter has reached a considerable level. What's next? Basically, it's just left to sign!

"Since Yu Mingyue has such courage, we can't stop it, can we?" When he said this, Ding Yu also sorted out the items on his desktop. It can be seen from this that Ding Yu has some obsessive-compulsive disorder. The things on the table are very neat and the position is well ordered.

"Feel like her self-confidence is a little too inflated? You need to warn her when necessary Li Fu really did not care to say, after coming back from that meeting? Yu Mingyue's performance is a little too standard. I feel I should pour cold water on her. If she is overconfident, it is not a good thing, especially if she is in such a position now!

"I won't show up. In her mind, I was originally a big devil, but I'm not a good man. And if I'm such a big boss to appear now, is it a little too frivolous? At the same time, it will make all aspects invisible! And it's not the best time and opportunity

The best sentence is the key, not to say that Ding Yu can't do it now, but now? It's not the best time for Ding Yu to make a move. The bait has just been put down, and it's about to take off the pole. This is also a lot of problems!

"I don't think Yu Mingyue would be too happy to hear that!" However, Li Fu's voice suddenly changed, "but I listen to your voice? It's not as pleasant as you think. What happened? Is there anyone who dares to brush your beard at this time? "

"It's not a good thing to be too thoughtful!" Ding Yu also did not deny that he is not so happy now, "a pair of messy things at home, do not want to pay attention to, but there is no way to ignore it, quite helpless!"

"Oh?" This thing has aroused Li Fu Zhen's interest. What about the matter itself? Not too much interest, but for Ding Yu how to deal with this matter, is very concerned, "you also have confusion, really is not too much, I have always been you will be very calm!"

"This is definitely not something that can be dealt with calmly. Is it more important for interests or family ties? Do you want to control the balance? It's hard to say Ding Yu had a lot of words. After finishing, he also sighed, "forget it, don't say it, it's not so happy!""It's no big deal. Time will wear everything away! You will always feel it!"

"Maybe." Ding Yu said in a dull and tasteless way, "do you have dinner together in the evening? I'm the only one left in my family. My two little guys were picked up by their grandmother. I don't want to be in the courtyard at night! "

It is obvious that Ding Yu's mood is not so comfortable. Now it is necessary to find a person to comfort him. Has it been? Everyone has a high look at Ding Yu, but there are really not many people to care about Ding Yu. Ding Yu also feels a little tired!

What about the others? At this time, we haven't been able to understand Ding Yu, but Li Fu Zhen, as a person who has come over, can understand the depression in Ding Yu's heart. When he was at home, he would find his head in everything, to a certain extent? I am more like a tool than a person!

For two days in a row, Ding Yu didn't go back to the courtyard. What's more, what's the situation? It seems that I have been hanging out with Li Fuzhen all the time, but what about each other? There is really no too much chaos, Ding Yu also wants a little more clean environment! That's it!

Because of the parents' meeting, Ding Yu personally sent the two kids to school, but he didn't mean to drive. He didn't even mean to let Chen Feng prepare the car. He took the subway, and the two kids didn't mean to make a fool of themselves. They just jumped at Ding Yu's side.

Looking at the two of them, Ding Yu also felt that Yisong was in a bad mood. When did he and Ding Ding hold a parents' meeting? There are so many worries in my heart, but what about the two little guys? If you bring the little four eyes, is it just like an outing?

Speaking of Ding Yu really did not how to come to the primary school they went to, with the teacher in charge of the class? It's just a meeting. It's not so familiar. Are the two little guys here? Belongs to a borrowing situation!

Now a careful look at the layout of the school and classroom, the classroom and his impression of the classroom has been completely different, when he was? It's just a blackboard and a podium, but what about the students' classroom now? It's all changed to multimedia! It's really a lot of progress!

However, the parents' meeting is not held on this side of the classroom. The classroom is a little bit small. It is just for parents to have a simple visit to see the children's learning situation. At the same time? It's also a simple description of the children's situation!

But what about the two little guys? I'm a new comer. I joined this new group at the end of last semester. But I don't feel constrained at all when I look at the two little guys who are crazy! What about the kids next to you? Soon it was a mess!

"Hello!" Next to a little girl's father is also very quick to say hello to Ding Yu, two people are also mutual acquaintances, with their own home crazy girl at this time do not know where to go! "It's so lively. The girl in our family seems so dull! I can't let it go at all

What about Ding Yu's praise? For a while, I didn't know what to say. I touched my nose and said, "it's very lively. I hope I can be reserved. How about staying at home? It's also a bustling scene?! People hate dogs Is it good anyway? There are also drawbacks, this problem really do not know where to start!

He said a few words to the father of his classmate, and then he was called to the hall by the head teacher. The two kids also sat in Ding Yu's right and left position. But what about the whole meeting? It seems that there are not too many things about Ding Yu, no criticism, no praise, just like there is nothing to do with the two little guys!

But the two little guys are honest, not too much naughty, but this time? It's just above the surface. In fact? At the bottom, everyone held his father's hand, but he didn't know what he was doing.

When the parents' meeting is over, what about the head teacher? I also talked with every parent for a few words. The conversation with Ding Yu was not very long. I briefly talked about the requirements of the new semester, but also put forward some expectations for the two little guys.

Although I haven't been in contact with the two kids for a long time, can you see the education they received? It's very different. This is definitely not what ordinary families can cultivate. Although education is different, what about two children? Also did not show too unusual! So I am also simple to communicate with parents!

When I came out of the school, there were a little more cars at the door, which was extremely luxurious. But Ding Yu? Take two little guys to do the subway, slightly different! The schoolbags of the two little guys are a little bit heavy, which makes them extremely uncomfortable. Even when Ding Yu carries them in his hand, he feels a little uncomfortable!

If really throw out, can hit the dead, the pupil just, as for so heavy? When I was studying, the schoolbag seemed to be able to be carried by one hand. Is it a child now? I'm afraid I can't carry my back. I need a box! There are so many pitiful!At least from Ding Yu's point of view? This is the way to look at it! Maybe leave them at home? Not the best choice? Ding Yu really had some doubts and thoughts about this!

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