"Mom, I'll have dinner with dad in the evening! I'll say something by the way! "

On the way home, Ding Yu also made a phone call to his mother. Su Yuan was puzzled. His son seldom looked like this. However, since his son made this call, he also asked the old man. There was no problem in going to dinner in the evening! What about yourself? It's also a way to see two children.

What about the two kids? Going to school soon, relatively speaking? The school is also close to where I live. I don't need a few minutes to walk. I also want to discuss with my eldest son to see if it's at noon? Arrange in your own place, don't eat in school!

What kind of delicious food can the school have? The two children are still young and need to ensure their growth. In my opinion? Grandson and granddaughter grow is good, but somehow some thin, there is not much meat on the face!

In the evening, Su Yuan is the first to come to the courtyard. When the old man is off work, the driver will send him over, so there is no need to worry too much! Of course, why did you come earlier? There is another meaning to see what happens to the eldest son. After all, he seldom calls in person!

Ding Yu didn't wait for his mother to ask, but also took the lead to say, "what about Wang Li? Made a friend? "

Yeah? Su Yuan was puzzled to see his eldest son and his daughter making friends. Although he always cared about this, he never thought it would be a difficult thing for his daughter. The emperor's daughter did not worry about getting married, and his daughter was still very good!

But now the eldest son voluntarily mentioned this matter? It also made Su Yuan have some bad feelings. After thinking about it for a while, Su Yuan frowned and said, "whose child? How can you be so nervous? "

"I don't have much tension and prejudice about this. I knew Wang Li talked about a friend before, but she didn't say who it was. I didn't care. Wang Yang came here two days ago and said who? Is it the child of Shang's hometown? I was going to let her talk to you, but I'll tell you later! "

Who? Su Yuan also called out, "who? The old businessman Looking at his eldest son nodding, Su Yuan's face was also suddenly black up, "the relationship between them has not been broken? This son of a bitch

Yeah? It was Ding Yu's turn to have some accidents. However, Ding Yu didn't really mean to go into the investigation. She heard her mother say something in a rage, "I knew that the girl had not forgotten him for so many years. How could she not understand it at all? I.... "

"Mom, I don't have any misunderstanding about this matter. I've already told Wang Li that if I have time, let her take it and have a look. Anyway, it's between them! No one else is involved

"What do you mean?" Su Yuan is also looking at his eldest son!

"It doesn't mean much. Just look at their happiness!" As for Ding Yu, when it comes to this, it's very important for them to combine with each other? It's all over! There's no need to get over it! "

"Well, I'm not dead yet." Su Yuan is also quite angry, this matter has no room for discussion! "I'm calling this fucker. Is her head pinched in the door? Or did you get water in the bath? "

"And me? I'd like to elaborate on my personal opinion. What about this matter? No idea, not too many views! As long as Wang Li is satisfied with herself Ding Yu didn't affect his judgment because of his mother's anger, even his voice? Nothing has changed.

Su Yuan looked at his eldest son and could clearly feel it from his voice. What about him? It's really not on the heart! How to deal with this matter at home, even to a certain extent? He still stands in Wang Li's angle to consider!

But what about this? What about your eldest son? It's really unfair. What about the old businessman? It's the head! It's true that the old businessman has passed away, but if so, he won't be too afraid of what? Is it a decision made by the old businessman? I don't know, but what about this? It has something to do with him!

Is it not intentional that we have to deal with the children in our hometown when we have a bad relationship with them? What's more, isn't it intentional to make yourself and the old man miserable? There is also the eldest son there, if not for that matter, as for today's situation? Why girls don't want to think about it! It's for yourself, and then you don't care about anything?

Su Yuan didn't feel angry. After Wang Changlin came, he also said the matter angrily. Of course, what about it? Also added a lot of material, Wang Changlin is looking at his eldest son, but look at the appearance of his eldest son? Not so enthusiastic about this matter!

"Have you seen it?" Wang Changlin is not as indignant as he imagined. What about this? We need to see what our daughter thinks and the children in our hometown? What is the situation? If they are good between each other, there is no need to be too serious to those things in the past!"No, but what about Wang Li? I'm also worried about this matter, so I found me, and I'll bring it to you if I have the chance. Even if it's an ordinary friend, it's no big deal to have a potluck together, is it? "

Wang Changlin nodded, but looking at the old man's appearance, Su Yuan was quite dissatisfied, "no, nothing to say?! Is there any royal law for this? Anyway, I don't agree! I'll call her now. I told them to cut it off a few years ago. I didn't expect that she would even give me back such a complete set of things! "

What about this thing your wife said? Wang Changlin also knows, at the beginning? They were classmates. At that time, they were busy with their work, and their mother-in-law had just passed away. So Wang Li was sent to the capital. What happened? The school environment and conditions are good. What about the second? With the old man.

At that time, there was not much feeling, that is, the two children might have a little favor. Su Yuan's reaction at that time was slightly fierce. Now? Still the same! Wang Changlin also felt a little headache! It's not easy to do!

"Eat first! Is it OK? This problem is easy to talk about and discuss in our family. After all, it is also a major event in life! " At this time, Ding Yu also slightly frowned on her brow, "it may be so for the family, it is also the case for Wang Li, so consider carefully, it's OK!"

What about this? It's better than it is! Ding Yu doesn't have any other meaning. You can deal with it as you like! And then it's an excuse to see how the food is being prepared? He got up and left directly, which made Su Yuan lose his mind. What happened to the eldest son? Not satisfied?

What about a dinner? The food was a little dull. Ding Yu's appetite was not so good, and he didn't eat so much. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both looked at it. They didn't mean to talk. When they left, Ding Yu didn't send him off, just let Chen Feng arrange for him.

Then Ding Yu also called Wang Li, "just now, when my father and mother had dinner with me, I told you about you. My mother was extremely dissatisfied. She said that you were not connected with each other and your words were not very good. My father didn't have too many opinions and ideas. I respect your personal ideas. When are you free tomorrow, please take them with you He's coming over for a meal

"In such a hurry?" Wang Li was also a little surprised.

"Something will happen in two days, not necessarily this time!" Ding Yu said plainly, "what about my side? You don't need to worry too much, but think about how to deal with your father and mother! As far as the situation is concerned, do you want to survive the robbery? It's not an easy thing

When she put down the phone, Wang Li was also a little confused. Should she go home? What about going home? Criticism is certain, but what about such things? Sooner or later, it's the same thing? There's no use in dodging!

Ding Yu here is also safe and stable in his study, rest, the next day, also did not want to make a phone call to say hello to the meaning, but at noon, Wang Li actually called, she will wait for a while with the so-called boyfriend, listen to the voice of the movement, is full of air!

At the first glance, I feel that the man in front of him is very spiritual, and his appearance may be ordinary, but his eyes are bright and bright. The eyes are the window of the soul. From the eyes, you can still see a person's heart very well, but the skills required may be a little bit more! So it's not for everyone.

What's more, Ding Yu can see that when the man in front of him looks at himself, there is deep curiosity in his eyes, and there is a little guilt and caution in curiosity. After a look, Ding Yu is also the first to extend his hand, "Hello, I'm Wang Li's elder brother, Ding Yu!"

"Hello! Elder brother, I'm Shangnan! " It's disrespectful, but humble! Let people's first feeling is really good, Ding Yu's impression of him is still very good!

When shaking hands with each other, Wang Li, who had been holding Shangnan, released her arm. When she sat down, the service staff also brought tea to her, "big brother! ..。”

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about me? Before, I knew that Wang Li talked about a friend and talked about it. It's no big deal. As long as there's nothing wrong with a person, what's wrong with his character? Other aspects are OK! What about today? There's no other meaning to invite you two to a meal. It's just to see you! "

How about inviting both of them? What about the simple actions, expressions and details? Get to know about it, because what's the first impression given to Ding Yu? It was still very good, so during the following process, Ding Yu did not give any so-called pressure. When he left after dinner, Ding Yu also patted Shangnan's arm, slightly praising.

Wang Li's eyebrows also beat twice. It's obvious that big brother is doing this? Is to own this matter to hold a favorable attitude! Although the whole process did not say anything, there is no other attitude to show, but a small action, enough to explain all the problems!"I'm going home for two days! What are you two going to do

The two little guys who were asked were so stupid. What's the situation? What does it mean to stay at home for a few days, "Dad, how many days back to that house?" They just don't know why now!

"Go back to your hometown and live for a few days. If you want, you can go back with me. If you don't want to, you can stay in the capital, or go to your mother's side!"

"Dad, you want us to go there!" the two little guys puffed their faces Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, Ding Yu is also a little funny, "you can go there, but do you want to stay at home? Yeah. What about me? Want to be alone

After talking to the two little guys, Ding Yu also left by plane on the way to the airport? Ding Yu also saw the phone call above, but Ding Yu didn't mean to answer the phone at all! It was more than eight o'clock in the evening when I came back home! But Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are always waiting for their eldest son!

I don't know why the eldest son came back, but since the eldest son has come back, what about the old couple? It must be waiting! After all, I haven't been back for such a long time. How about looking at his face? Seems to be a little bit tired! The old couple also didn't say anything, and brought up all the things that had been prepared for a long time.

"You look a little bad recently. Are you too tired at work?"

After dinner, Zhao Shuying went to clean up. When sitting in the living room, Ding Lin also asked in a low voice, and Ding Yu also laughed, "the plate is too big, so sometimes there are too many messy things! be pestered beyond endurance! What about this period of time? There are not too many things. Come back and spend two days

In the face of his father, Ding Yu naturally didn't have any taboo. Although he didn't explain the truth, he basically put the problems in it? It's all clear! "I thought about two little bunnies? Come back together, but they will go to school soon, so they did not let them come back with them! Have a look at it

What about Ding Yu's departure? Let you really did not think, when you know the news? Ding Yu has already returned to his hometown. What does this mean? On purpose or what? At the beginning, we thought something was going on in Ding Yu's house, but after inquiring about it, we found that nothing happened!

Since there is nothing to do, what does Ding Yu mean to go back? Everyone wants to know what Ding Yu is up to? It seems that nothing happened recently!

"What the hell is he doing?" The two little guys don't know what's going on? When asked, that is to tell the truth, dad wanted to be quiet, so he went back to his hometown. They didn't go back with him because they went to school.

From the two little guys? Obviously, it can't open any so-called breakthrough, but it should not be for the sake of Wang Li and Shangnan, because before leaving? Also deliberately invited them to have a meal! Obviously, at this time, they are optimistic about them. Do you want to put pressure on the family?

At this time, the three old people also got together, right here in the courtyard. Two little guys went to play, but what about the three old people? Looking at each other, what about the things at home? Basically, they made arrangements and left, but what about this one? There is no reason not to say, and quite abrupt.

"It's not clear what's going on. It's gone now anyway! What's more, when I left, things were arranged quite well, and there was no so-called omission! " What if someone else? It's no big deal, but what about this one? But your grandson? Things can't be considered from the perspective of common sense.

"Or wait and see?" The old lady was also reluctant to say a word.

But wait and see, one wait is a week, Ding Yu is honest and honest to stay in his hometown, it is not as if the main door is not out of the second door, but what about the usual time? That is to go fishing with my father? It seems that there is no other action!

Walking the dog, raising flowers and planting grass usually seem to be dealing with these matters. Even the hospital doesn't mean to go there. They always stay at home. The more silent there is in this aspect? The more people feel worried.

And what about everyone? If you can't contact Ding Yu, you can only contact Jin. Ding Yu's mobile phone has been handed over to Jin for safekeeping. All calls are handled by Jin. What about the phone calls at home? We do know, but who dares to make this call, this diaphragm, no one dares to pierce.

Taixi can contact Ding Yu, but what about Taixi? It is obvious that he has got some news from Li Fu Zhen. Ding Yu went home to cultivate himself because he was impatient with the things at home.

However, the mother called personally, and he was also reluctant to make a call. What is the purpose of the call? It's very clear, but it didn't take long. Ding Yu also told himself that he was very good at home. He opened his mouth after dinner and stretched out his hand in clothes. His mood was very good!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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