"Taixi wanted to come over, but I refused it!"

"I know that Taixi has mentioned this to me, even quite aggrieved!"

"I know!" Ding Yu has his own consideration about this matter, "let her come? It doesn't have any significance. He can't solve such a thing. After coming, it will cause other influences and disadvantages. So it's better to stay in South Korea at this time. At least there is a weight! "

"It's very well considered. Everything is OK in Taixi, but there are some worries about you. In fact, what about you at this time? Are quite worried about you, do not know when you can come out! Although you say it's no big deal, we all know that it's not as simple as you show it! "

"It's not as serious as I thought it would be!" Ding Yu shook his head, "is it in the heart? Maybe I feel a little unbalanced! What about depression? Very divergent, after this period of time? Maybe it would be better! "

"I'm afraid you won't be able to react for a long time!" Li Fu Zhen is quite clear about this. He was born in such a family. For such things at home? It can be said that the experience is too much! What about Ding Yu? It's not the first time, but what about the first outbreak? It's definitely the most painful.

What about Ding Yu now? That is to experience the stage of the first outbreak. In the past, although I was a little unhappy, I didn't put it in my heart. At least it can be tolerated. But now? There are so many who can't help it! So Ding Yu also chose to return to his hometown to recuperate his injury.

"You should know that I am a soldier. Do you know when I am the weakest? It's not on the battlefield. It doesn't matter what injuries or even sacrifices are there. What is the most important mission in that environment? Is to complete their own task, as for others? It's not under consideration at all, but after coming down from the battlefield, it's a different situation. Most people can't get out of this barrier! "

"Battlefield syndrome?" Li Fu Zhen immediately looked at Ding Yu seriously, "do you have any signs of this?"

This is not a good phenomenon. Although Li Fu Zhen does not know much about this, he also has a good understanding of it. After all, what about his own security? They came down from the battlefield. They mentioned this to themselves. What about other things? It's not too scary. It's the syndrome that I'm afraid of.

"There is no such problem. There were some waves in the past, but what about my experience? It is richer than many people, so there won't be too many problems after adjustment! In the past, there were no such conditions. Naturally, we didn't pay much attention to this aspect, but now that the conditions are good, we don't need to worry too much! "

"I didn't expect it to be so serious!"

Although we have felt this problem earlier, what about Li Fu Zhen? I really didn't expect that it would be like this. Although Ding Yu was smiling in front of him, his heart would never be the same as the expression on his face. Even to a certain extent, it was already frozen soil.

But I was very happy, because Ding Yu at least shared such a secret with himself. What about others? It is impossible to know whether it is sun Yingna, Lily or Taixi? They still don't know about this, but what about themselves? I'm not going to tell them for a short time that it's going to take a process.

Ding Yu's problems represent the problems in the engine and steering wheel of the consortium. He is the most important one, and there is no possibility of substitution. Although what about the internal affairs of the group? Not much, but in the general direction? He is unique.

"I didn't realize it until I came back!" Ding Yu naturally did not avoid this problem, "when did he just come out of the army? Maybe there is this problem, but at that time, it was hot blooded and energetic, and had a great yearning for a new world! "

"Stop!" Li Fu Zhen also heavily dunked the coffee cup in his hand, "you should be honest now, although this process? Maybe it's a little bit slow, but you can't challenge those so-called irritants now. Although it can temporarily relieve you, what will happen later? You need to think about that! "

"I didn't think you knew it well!" Ding Yu also smiles. "I really have this idea! But what about small towns? There are not many things to play with! At least I can control myself now

"No, I know you don't like drinking very much, but what about you these days? Absolutely must control, also has the feminine aspect, I said? I felt something was wrong when I was in the capital city. What you want is too cruel Li Fuzhen this time is also so some chagrin, he should have felt the problem at that time!

"I'm not a monk!" Ding Yu said with disapproval, "we must do something earlier! If I don't do anything, I'm very worried. I don't go to the hospital now because I'm afraid I can't control my hands after I go to the hospital! "Li Fu Zhen is also quite hesitant. What about Ding Yu's problem? It's just because I was wronged a little bit, but now it's not like this at all, because of the pressure and injury that I've suffered before? It's not a good thing to let his syndrome break out!

"Doctor? I want to see him

"Resting on the building? He's also quite busy at this time It is true that Ding Yu is also a doctor, but he is not studying psychology. He is a doctor, so he does not mean to avoid doctors!

Li Fuzhen talked with doctors for quite a long time. Although Ding Yu is not the best psychologist, he is a very excellent and excellent doctor. He has a better understanding of the profession of doctors than most of them, because what about his learning environment and teachers? It is a leader in the industry.

Under such circumstances, it is quite difficult for Ding Yu to carry out certain treatment. "Ms. Li, I can't read Mr. Ding's previous information, even his previous time? I can understand this action, but such resistance is not the best way to solve the problem! "

"His previous experience is too special. What about the earth? I want to know what kind of situation he is in now! I need to have accurate control and understanding of my illness! "

"What about his condition? It belongs to the spiritual aspect. Now it has not shown any dependence and addiction, but from my observation, it is not far away! Now we have to keep a fairly relaxed environment! I had a deliberate test earlier. What about alcohol? Not too much sensitivity, but we must pay attention not to abuse alcohol and sedatives! "

After talking to the doctor for a while, Li Fuzhen also met with Jin. When Jin came in, Li Fuzhen also clasped his hands and held his forehead. When he heard the sound, he slowly put his hand down, "you already know?"

"After I came back, I knew that because it was very important, I didn't ask other people to discuss this matter."

"Understand!" Li Fu Zhen sighed, "do you feel any change since you come back?"

"After I came back, I was much better. When I just came back, I was very anxious and even the whole person couldn't control it!" Jin didn't do any hiding. After all, it was related to the health and safety of his husband. "It's a good thing to be able to calm down at least now. If you can, you may have to leave two days."

Li Fu really understood Jin's meaning of keeping himself for two days. He had this leisure, even if he didn't have it? Also want to stay, after all, it's about Ding Yu! "I'll stay here for two days. After that, I'll ask Taixi to come over, but what about Taixi alone? It's hard to bear it! I'll arrange another two people! "

"Sir, I can't agree with you!" As for that aspect of the matter, Jin didn't say that he cared so much. It was mainly the sir? There is a cleanliness addiction in this area. What about this problem? Jin also needs to consider one or two!

"I will arrange this matter, there will not be any situation!" Li Fuzhen also made a decision for this matter at the first time! It's no big deal! After so many years, I'm just worried about other situations? At least what about them? It's the people around me. There won't be any other situation!

Ding Yu's current situation can not be released, and it is absolutely not suitable for other people to know. As for the excuse? There are! What about when you came earlier? Wang Li asked herself some things. Originally, she didn't think there were too many problems, but now it seems that it is extremely inappropriate and can't be put forward now.

"Anyway? You are the Lord and I am the guest. I am the guest naturally. Please let me have a taste of the characteristics here! I can't stay here at the hotel, can I? "

"What about it? I really don't know much about this place. I'm not very good at eating, drinking and playing. However, since I can let you say such words, I will certainly sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman! "

During the two days, Li Fuzhen is careful to accompany Ding Yu. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are more concerned about Ding Yu's not going home these two days. What happens after the eldest son comes back? They can also feel that their son's mood is not high all the time. They also tried to persuade him, but the effect was not good.

It's a good thing to hear that a friend has come. How about a friend? Nature can make the eldest son in a better mood, in addition to a little attention to the eldest son? I didn't say anything! However, Li Fuzhen's sense organs of Ding Yu's parents are very good, much better than Wang Changlin and Su Yuan.

Mainly the location of Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? Some high, this with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people's starting point is not the same! So it is also caused by the feelings between each other a little bit different!

But what about these two days? Li Fuzhen also felt that his body was so much better than before in Beijing, but the problem was that he was alone! But he can't leave Ding Yu at this time. What's more, his body can't bear it if he goes on like this!"It's OK to be together at night, but you need to be restrained!" Li Fuzhen also looked at Ding Yu seriously, "I know you have a situation, but what about this? It's not the way to solve the problem. If you think I'm a piece of dead pork, I don't object! " Then Li Fuzhen also opened his body.

"It's not the best choice to bind me with feelings. You should be very clear about it."

However, Ding Yu also noticed the bruise on Li Fuzhen's chest. His attack in the past two days was also quite cruel. He didn't know what it was because of. What if it was other people? I'm afraid that the time of these two days has already been destroyed, not like human appearance, but Li Fu Zhen still insists.

But what about Li Fu Zhen? It also made Ding Yu's consciousness at least a little sober, and fell on the big bed. "Before, I yearned for such a life, but now I have a little disgust. If you don't say it, I don't even know that these two days have caused such devastation to you!"

For Ding Yu can not pressure on his body, Li Fu is really quite happy, this? It shows that Ding Yu can at least control himself. If he can't control himself now, that is the most troublesome thing!

Then Li Fu Zhen also put half of his body on Ding Yu's body. "Fortunately, it's me. If it's Yingnan, Lily or Taixi, I'm afraid any of them will be difficult to adapt to. Moreover, to a certain extent, they will only obey you and rely on you, and basically won't refuse you!"

This is also the reason why Li Fu Zhen did not tell them the specific situation. Maybe in other aspects? I can't compare with them, but in this respect, I absolutely have a lot of experience than them. After all, I'm from such a big family, and I'm very clear about the situation.

"I had a hard time getting rid of it. Now you are climbing up again. Do you think I can really control myself?"

"It's not the same! What about the previous time? You can't control yourself, but now? You can keep a little bit clean even if you are burning with fire, so give you some reward? It's OK! "

Ding Yu's heart is also a little cold, he is still hesitating, originally only half of the body on his body, Li Fu Zhen, has been riding on his own body, Ding Yu was so pressed under the pressure, there is no resistance, but this night, Ding Yu is very attention!

In the morning, Ding Yu didn't get up for exercise as usual. He simply washed it. When he washed, he was also careless with Li Fuzhen. "I left in the afternoon and stayed too long. I'm afraid many people will find out the problem!"

Ding Yu's hand was originally gently covering Li Fu Zhen's chest, but when he heard Li Fu Zhen say so, he also slightly tightened. Li Fu Zhen's expression was also angry. After turning around, he also took care of Ding Yu's clothes. "I'll arrange for Taixi to come and live for two days. By the way, there are other people!"

"It's OK for Taixi to come and live for two days, but other people just forget it. They don't have much interest!"

"This is not a question of interest. Taixi can't bear it at all!" Li Fu Zhen also did not give Ding Yu any chance to refute at all, "is he in a powerful family? Some things can't be rejected at all. This is not a question of whether you want to admit it or not. We are trying to change it! "

"This seems to be two times. I'm not used to such things!" Ding Yu still expressed a considerable refusal, not physical, but psychological! Especially at a time like this!

"Whatever you want. Anyway, I'll let Tai hee bring people here!" Li Fu Zhen doesn't intend to compare with Ding Yu in this matter, but what about this? It's really quite troublesome. It's just like what I was at that time. If I hadn't taken special measures, I would never have been so intimate with him now.

Ding Yu didn't care too much about this issue, "what about these two days? You are tired! "

Li Fu Zhen chuckled, "when were you? After that difficult time, I didn't need to say such words between each other. It was very tasteless. Although I am a woman, you feel that standing in this position

Don't talk like this. Ding Yu interrupted him directly, which led to Li Fu Zhen coming out? The blush on her face was not eliminated. After sending Li Fu Zhen away, Ding Yu changed her clothes and went back home. Looking at her busy mother, she was also surprised and said, "Mom, what are you doing?"

What about grandma? Let me go back. I have to clean up! "

Ding Yu looked at the dress on his mother's body! This is, even if you go back, you don't have to dress like this! It's an exaggeration

But Zhao Shuying looked at her son and said, "what about you? Is there anything wrong? If you don't have anything, you can go back with me. It's a labor force. I think you are at home? Nothing else? Better go back and help! What about your uncle and them? I'm old enough! ""Mom, I'm your son!" Ding Yu also gave a strange cry.

"Nonsense, of course I know you are my son. If you are not my son, I don't care about you! Why don't I call others? I must let you follow, and when you come back? That is to say, look at your grandmother! Hurry up, I'll find you a suit for work

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