"Doctor, can this body work?" My uncle also made a kind sarcasm. "If you don't do your job, you'll ruin my style again! I have no place to reason! "

Ding Yu is extremely helpless feeling, "there is no way, first don't say whether should be divided, the big stick in the home has been prepared, I still want to stay at home for two days, so I was beaten to pack such a thing or not!"

It's not an outsider. Naturally, there are not too many taboos. There is still a period of time before the autumn harvest, but what should we do? Need to advance, save the time to be in a hurry! Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Shuying hopes to take her son to activities. He has been staying at home for two days!

Come to grandma's house? Ding Yu is still the person standing on the ground. Grandma still doesn't want to see Ding Yu. No matter how old you are, or whether you have children, it has nothing to do with this!

The house is very clean and bright. What about grandma? It's still the old school style. When you see Ding Yu, it's like, um, ah, come. What else? It's like there's no such person! Ding Yu's heart is also very interesting!

The old lady's insistence really makes people feel so incredible. Do you want to know all this at home? Basically, it's brought by Ding Yu. At least you think of Ding Yu's good, don't you? But the old lady was so stubborn that she didn't care whether it was because of you at home. Anyway, if I sat on the Kang, you had to stand under the ground. There was no reason to speak.

Ding Yu made two jokes with his uncle. What about his mother? They said they came back to work, but what about the actual situation? Ding Yu is here! How much work can my mother do? Even cooking? You don't need your mother's hands! Where's aunt? We're going to do it directly!

Living conditions are so much better now. What about the old lady? Don't need to have any burden on his side. Ding Yu has done it all by himself. What about his son? Because of the old lady's sake, Ding Yu's nephew is also in charge of it. They don't even have anything else to do! Just do some farm work and take care of the old lady. That's all!

If you can't take good care of the old lady under such circumstances, there are some things that can't be said. Don't say that the old sister comes back from time to time. Even if she comes back every day, she can do it completely!

Ding Yu was taken to work by his uncle. It was fun, at least quite relaxed! When you come back at noon? The food is very rich, but Ding Yu is really interested in this corn flour cake. After all, it is made in a big iron pan, and it is made on the stove. It has two tastes and feelings!

"What? The craftsmanship is OK! "

What about Ding Yu's thumb? Someone did it? There are many patterns, but how to do it? Can't make such a taste! Anyway, it's the lack of this feeling at home! "

"What about our army? In other words, the food is delicious, but even if it is made at home, how about taking it to the capital? There's no smell of that! " My aunt also said with a smile.

"Absolutely, it's just come out of the pot at home. It's delicious. When the things are taken to the capital, the day lily is also cold! Besides, auntie, it's enough for you to bring some other things to the army. The daughter-in-law has not come to visit yet. " Ding Yu said this also has some joking meaning!

Zhao Shuying also glared at her son, and then she looked at her sister-in-law. "How come things have been settled for a long time in the army? How much time has it been felt? Get married and have a baby! Stop dawdling! What else is not in place? At home, his aunt is responsible for solving the problem, and Xiaoyu is responsible for solving the problem on the other side of the capital! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to refute his mother's "heroic words", but his uncle didn't say anything. He took a sip of the small wine cup. There was not much wine in the glass, which was only about one or two. There was no situation to drink at noon and in the evening, but he absolutely didn't drink much! This is very good!

"Elder sister, don't worry. When you get married, you must be the first one. Originally, if you want to get married this year, you will get married. But after looking at the date, this year is not suitable. Therefore, the date of marriage is generally given to the next year, that is to say, to go through a ceremony! They've been young for so many years! That is to say, it's just a poor red book! "

Anyway, there are not many things that really need to worry about at home. No matter what kind of work or other aspects of the two people, they are basically useless to worry about at home, one year earlier or one year later? Now there's nothing more! And listen to that? When the National Day holiday, two people may come back to get the certificate!

There is no way, when the eldest son account has been left at home, and he wants to apply for a marriage certificate? I have to come back. It's good to take advantage of this time! Save time in the future!

After lunch, my uncle didn't have a long rest, that is to say, he smoked two cigarettes, and then he dragged Ding Yu away! It doesn't matter if you have a good rest. It's time to work anyway!Two days in a row? Ding Yu is living like this. He has been waiting for Taixi to come, and Ding Yu can be regarded as liberation. However, in two days, Ding Yu has already been tanned! Zhao Shuying really did not have too many feelings, with her words, that is, black also more healthy!

Taixi looked at Ding Yu, but he was really out of control. How long did he leave? Fortunately, Fu zhen'oni rushed back. Otherwise, he didn't know what was going to happen? What about Ding Yu? Looking at Tai Xi's appearance, she wiped her eyes with her hand! "No exaggeration? Why are you crying? "

How about the arrival of Taixi? Or let Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people very happy, other aspects? It may be worse, but what about diet? Absolutely high end! Good food, good drink and good service! What else? Let them both happy, anyway, they are not young, know how to do!

What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? Obviously, I can see that, so after dinner, I also took my little lazy to go out to eat, leaving my eldest son and Taixi at home! As for how the couple get bored, it's their own business!

"Don't let me know if something so serious happened?"

"It's not as serious as I thought it would be!" Ding Yu also stretched a big stretch, "if not rich really found out, I am really ready to temporarily hide, know for you and not too much benefit!"

Taixi also cautiously slapped Ding Yu on the chest, and then looked at it with complaint. "Two children are over there in the capital. If you can't, bring them back. I think if you leave them around, you may feel better. It doesn't matter where you study."

"Forget it! What happened? What should we do? Take it out on the two little ones? " Ding Yu also smiles, "let them stay alone in the capital! Anyway, there are people taking care of the courtyard. What about us for the time being? It's a little bit of a situation, for them and for ourselves! "

The arrival of Taixi is not a secret, but there are not many people who want to put it in their hearts. This is not an abnormal thing. It is just to come and have a look at Ding Yu. It's quite normal!

As for Ding Yu? What about his situation during this period? Some people are responsible for it, but Ding Yu is very normal in this period of time. In such a small county, Ding Yu even does mischief? How high can you jump? What's more, Ding Yu is not a person willing to publicize!

What about the photos taken? Ding Yu can really use the hand with the scalpel to hold the pick. It's really exaggerated. But what about the photos taken? You can't fake it! But why do people feel so happy? Is this still Ding Yu? The contrast is too big!

Taixi didn't stay here for a long time. Before going back? I also deliberately went to the capital to take a look at the two children, but that is to say nothing to other people, and left directly.

What about behavior? Some of them are gone! But obviously, there should be other meanings in it. It's hard to say whether Ding Yu asked him to do this intentionally or what other reasons caused it!

Ding Yu didn't mean to come back, nor did he mean to say hello to his family. But when Tai Xi left, he left a message for the two children. What about the 11th? They need to go back to accompany their father, although there is still a period of time, but look at this meaning? Ding Yu will not come back before the 11th!

As time goes on? At home, it seems that there is no more to talk about this aspect of the matter, there is a sentence how to say, time seems to really dilute everything! At the beginning, I tried my best to let Ding Yu come back, but now? This situation is really a little dissipated.

Whether it's the Wang family or the Su family? I never thought that Ding Yu would make a mistake. What do you think? Ding Yu was angry. But what about Ding Yu? Also really hope that the outside world can look at the problem in this way, at least can do quite a disguise, their current situation? It's extremely inappropriate to let the outside world know.

Small county city is not big, the situation here is basically controllable, there is no other situation! Ding Yu is very good here in the small county, watching the ups and downs.

What about the outside world? Now there is no movement at this time. Why not? In our opinion, Ding Yu is now? That is to say, he was stubborn with Wang family and Su family, so he hid in the small county!

Since you are willing to hide, it's good! It doesn't matter. The longer you stay away, the better. What about Ding Yu? There are some, so why? If you can't, what if you don't? Looking at this guy is really upset! Now this guy can't come out easily. Isn't that a good thing?

So now there are really not too many people to disturb Ding Yu. You just stay in the small county. The longer the time, the better. The so-called out of sight and out of mind, right?What's more, what about that place? It's just a small county. All Ding Yu's actions are under everyone's eyes. Don't say what Ding Yu did. Even if Ding Yu went to the toilet once, everyone knew what kind of toilet paper he used and how long he stayed in it! It's so easy!

What about the details? It may make people feel disgusting, but there is no way.

In order to know more about Ding Yu, even if it is disgusting, someone will do it. What about the above arrangement? It can only be hard work! But what's the good news? Here, Ding Yu more or less attention to some details of the problem, there is no real dead hand.

But even if it is like this, there are not many people willing to get close to Ding Yu's side. It is really too dangerous. Maybe it will disappear in the next moment! No one is willing to bear such a situation. What's more, at this time, Ding Yu doesn't make any trouble.

He's back home? On the one hand, it is because of the contradiction with the Wang family and the Su family, on the other hand? Maybe you want to take a rest! So what about now? The more we want to be calm, what about the so-called stability? To sum up, it's good for everyone to stay a little farther away from Ding Yu.

"Sir, Wang Li called. She's getting engaged. Give her a call if you have time!"

Ding Yu rubbed his head. "You can't forget it on purpose." Ding Yu also rubbed his head, "I've been a little bit impatient these two days, and my anger is a little bit too big. Tell her that everything that should be prepared is already ready for her! What about me? If there are other things here, I won't go back! "

"Sir, the second lady said you'd better call the person in person!" Kim also said something insistent.

Ding Yu thought about it and took her mobile phone. When she thought about it, Wang Li was a little dumb. She made a lot of phone calls to her elder brother these days, but all of them were answered by Jin. If Jin wanted to contact herself, she would never use his phone. So when the phone rings, Wang Li was a little excited.

"I hear you are engaged! I asked Chen Feng to prepare for you. What about me? There are some things in my hometown, so I won't go there! When you really get married, let's talk about it! If there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up! "

"Big brother, at home..." However, before finishing this sentence, Ding Yu has already hung up the phone, without any hesitation or any compromise. Wang Li listens to the busy tone in the phone and sighs for a while. At this time, even if it is to call back again, it will not have any effect!

I think there are a lot of words to mention with my brother, but I think it will be such a result, that is, just a word. Obviously, the contradiction between my brother and my family? It's not so big, even some beyond imagination! From the way he talks, we can clearly feel this!

What about your engagement? The elder brother will not come back. It is really a pity. Although it is said that the two families have a meal, the elder brother did not show up? Or let this meal have some color loss.

What about businesses? Certainly there will not be any words, but if people don't say it, it doesn't mean the Wang family and the Su family? You can ignore such things! It's true that there are so many different! Even Wang Li herself has no way to ignore such a thing, but what can it do?

"Whose call is it?" Seeing her daughter's appearance, Su Yuan asked subconsciously when she came out of the room. Maybe she felt something. Su Yuan also immediately said, "your brother's phone number?"

"Yes Wang Li also nodded and threw her mobile phone to one side. "Big brother said, there seems to be some things in his family, and I don't know what is busy. So he won't come when I'm engaged. Let's talk about it when I get married! That's what it looks like

"Ah Su Yuan sighed heavily. What about this? It's quite difficult for me, the eldest son? When I went back to my hometown, there was a lot of noise about this matter at home. It was the same for both the Wang family and the Su family. This also put some things directly on the surface.

What about the face of the Wang and Su families? It's embarrassing. What about this? How about the relationship between them? Covered with a layer of shadow, do you want to be like before? I'm afraid it's impossible! What about the grievances of the eldest son? I am also very clear, but what can I do now? It's really very limited!

What about these things? It's really not that you can change what you want to change. Originally, I wanted to talk to my eldest son, but what about the eldest son? Is also unusual stubborn, between each other as if there is no time and room for relaxation!

How about your daughter's engagement? It's a great opportunity, like the last time my son got engaged, but this time? The boss just made a phone call. That's all. There's nothing else! This is also a good opportunity? It's so wrong, even too much of a pity!This child is not old, why is he so sensitive? No denying it? There are some problems at home, but we can't sit down and have a good communication. Do we have to adopt such a way and method?

I don't mean to resent my eldest son. That is to say, when my eldest son did this, he didn't think too much about it, but he is at home now? Whether it is the old man or the eldest son, there is no way to talk about the topic, and I will not mention that aspect, because there is no way to mention it!

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