"How could he say that? How dare you talk to her like that? You're not going to die? You don't know who he is? "

A girl reading? A little bit of baby fat, I don't know, I thought it was a swollen face! At this time, I threw the book in my hand. When I came earlier? Feel that life is a dark, endless! But after two days? The situation is much better! At least Ding Yu's interest in the two of them is not as great as imagined.

How about sitting and chatting and drinking coffee? Such things have been done, but during the whole process, Ding Yu didn't mean to move his hands and feet. He was very polite. This also made two people confused!

When you come? Someone has told them plainly, what about life after that? Is it Ding Yu's man? Not only the physical, but also the spiritual. Only obedience and no resistance. What about the conditions given to two people? It is also generous enough to make two people, even the family behind them, unable to refute and refuse.

Of course, even if the conditions are not favorable, they have no way to resist, such a high pressure for them, can only be shivering, but what's the good news? Mr. Ding Yuding is not too violent, so that they fall into this pain!

But today, Ding Yu's words are quite touching. They can't leave at this time. As for when to leave? This issue can not be decided by them. From this point of view, they can not help themselves, but from another point of view, it is precisely because of the protection of all aspects that they can be so "free".

When waiting for the national day, the two little guys were also picked up from the capital. The nanny in the family sent them in person. At the same time, they didn't mean to let others follow. When the two little guys saw their father, they also flew to their father's body directly! Dad seems to be a little thin recently!

I haven't seen my father for a long time. Although I can contact him by phone, what about the contact in the phone? What do you feel like? Of course, grandfather and grandmother did not fall behind, the two little guys also let the family suddenly add a lot of vitality.

What about Xiao lazy? Obviously, there are some fears. It's not the same level now, but what about two dogs? I really don't have much serious meaning, but at this time, the two little guys with them are also jumping on the sofa, which really means that the sky is falling apart.

Ding Yu is a little discontented, but before the eyes are up, his mother has already kicked Ding Yu. Ding Yu has already suppressed the big move, and then he has withdrawn. There is no way. His mother has given so much pressure!

However, the two little guys obviously noticed their father's eyes, and then they also gave a smile to their father, comforting the little lazy and the little four eyes. But they were honest for a long time, and then they went through the house by room. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying showed a little indulgence for the liveliness of the two young men.

During the meal, the two little guys didn't use other people's help. Whether it was a spoon or chopsticks, they used it very fluently. But before the meal? Also thanks to my grandfather and grandma, for their rich food! That is a simple sentence, but let Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying happy with what like!

I didn't expect that the two kids were so polite and cultured, their own children? That's good! What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? Also around the two little guys, they did not eat at all!

Have been waiting for the two little guys to eat, let the rest of the family eat slowly, and then also to find small four eyes and small lazy to play! Ding Yu also poured wine for his father. Ding Lin had a delicious drink. "Mom, don't worry about them. It's not the ancestor, and they've all eaten well. You can eat what you want!"

Although Zhao Shuying is eating, but attention is still on the two children's body, the bowl of rice to the mouth, and then also to see the two little guys to go! Only Ding Yu is left to accompany his father!

"The children are well educated! You and Ding Ding Ding are obedient, but when you are so old, you are not so obedient. That's a toss Ding Lin took a sip of the wine and said it with a little emotion. "But how time flies! Where are you two now? Change to these two small ones

"Dad, what if it wasn't for you and my mother, me and Ding Ding? I don't know what to do now? " When Ding Yu said this, he was also filled with emotion, "the same? I just created a condition for them, which is the same as that you created for me and Ding Ding Ding when my mother was the same! "

Ding Lin smile is very proud, the son has been Zhang big, the two little guys in the family? It's also slowly Zhang Da. Watching them grow up, it's really a very praiseworthy thing. In the words of the old guy, it's quite promising, and his face is also quite glorious!

Ding Yu stayed with his father for a long time, but Ding Yu didn't mean to drink. He recovered a little in these two days. At this time, he should put an end to alcohol and drink. Otherwise, he can't tell clearly what will happen. It's better not to take risks!Ding Lin didn't ask his son to drink or not to drink too much? It's not as important as I think. It's good for my son to develop this habit! Wine? It doesn't do much harm to drink less!

After eating, Ding Lin is also childlike, accompanied by two little guys is also a burst of mischievous, but there are so some meaning, rest for a while, but also take two little guys out to show off, for a long time did not come back, just put Ding Yu alone in the home.

Ding Yu also made a phone call to Taixi. There were more contacts between the two people, but it was more convenient. After listening to the situation of the two little guys, Taixi was also overjoyed. The important thing was that he could feel that Ding Yu's situation had improved significantly. This is what he cared about most.

When Ding Yu comes back in the evening, it's not a bad thing for them to imagine that they are not happy when they come back!

But what about bathing? Ding Yu did not help, or even Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying did not help. They could do it by themselves. Although the process was a little slow, such behavior was worth encouraging!

The next morning, the two kids got up on time, but they didn't mean to go out for exercise with their grandfather and father. Instead, they stayed at home. After all, their morning exercise was quite different from that of adults!

Although they can toss about from morning to night, but you let them run 500 meters, directly paralyzed, so it is better to stay at home, and Ding Yu and his father took a small lazy and small four eyes to walk around the circle!

If it was placed in the past, maybe Ding Yu took his parents out for travel and leisure. But this year's situation is really not suitable. He has a situation here, so he is also at home? Stay well! But also very good!

But the rest of the family had a holiday, but what about his father? When necessary, I still need to go to the hospital on duty. I can't help it. Since I am on such a post, let alone rest. From another point of view, Dad's professional ethics is definitely better than his own too much.

What about Zhao Shuying? She took her two children to grandma's house and went back to see her. As for Ding Yu? There is no need to go back. On the one hand? The old lady doesn't want to see you. Anything else? I need a lot of treatment, so I went to the hotel, so I can't delay this.

"Feathers!" Ding Yu just went down at the door of the hotel and saw a familiar fat man. He called Ding Yu louder. Ding Yu also had some doubts. When this guy ran over, whether there was an earthquake or whether the ground was shaken by his tonnage! A little exaggerated!

"When I say" fat man ", although people call you fat, do you have to pay attention to it? You look at your body? I didn't see your horizontal development earlier! What is the matter now? "

What if anyone else? Ding Yu may not say such words, but fat people are different. You don't care if you knead his body? Just like you? "

The fat man also slapped Ding Yu's hand open. "Where do you feel it? What about me? Only my wife and my son can move? " But after that, he also patted his stomach, "it's strange. I also often exercise, play ball, swim, etc., but what about my body? It's like blowing air! There's no way to do it! "

"When I go back to the capital, I'll find it for you. But what about your body? It's really a problem. I can't see anything now, but when I get to a certain age, it's really a big problem! "

When they were talking, they also went to the hotel and said, "what? Run here after the holiday? " When he said this, Ding Yu also had some fun. In the local dialect, he deliberately killed the fat man.

"Don't mention it. There are married people in my family. I heard that it has been arranged here!" After saying that, the fat man also shook his head, "I was suffering. I wanted to have a good rest for two days, but I didn't expect to arrange such a thing early in the morning! But feather, you're a little strange. You don't come back! Where does the sun come from

"Ask less!" Ding Yu also glared, but then he also laughed, "do something else? Not very convenient, but at home? The situation is different! There are two floors above. Let's have tea when you have time! At least it's cheap and you can get it! "

"Damn it!" The fat man also said without any consideration, but then he also nodded, "OK, I'll go to work first. If there is nothing at noon, let's have a meal together! I'll find you a place

The treatment effect in the morning is very good, and the doctor is also glad that Ding Yu can recover so quickly. Is he in a good mood? It's the best medicine for recovery, and what about this? Ding Yu did very well!"Sir, I don't think it will take you long to recover."

Ding Yu also shook his neck, took up the water cup and took a breath, "you are a doctor, I am also a doctor. It seems that my doctor is not qualified! Isn't it? " There's a bit of a joke about this.

"Sir, our division of labor is different. What about me? If I need surgery, I also need to find you. This is not because I am a doctor, so I can do anything. Even if I want to have a simple tooth extraction operation now? I can't do it, not because I don't have a license, but because I'm not in this branch at all! "

"The more advanced the society is? The division of labor will be more obvious! " When Ding Yu put down his glass, "how can you stay here? It's also hard work! "

As soon as Ding Yu said this, the doctor also laughed, "what about the others? There is no problem, just like, life is a little too uncoordinated, I obviously feel that my arms are stronger than before

Ding Yu was stunned at first, and then he understood why he said so, but such a thing? He really can't open this hole, "give me less! As exercise, wrong! This kind of thing is not in the scope of exercise, right

After saying a few jokes, the doctor was suddenly stunned, "Sir, I'd like to talk about something. What about the medical team at home? I'm very concerned about your business. I think it has attracted Tao Jin's attention. I don't know whether it is good or bad, but I need to say something! "

Eh? Ding Yu is also stunned for a moment. What about this matter? He didn't really think of it before, but then Ding Yu was relieved, "it doesn't matter. How about things so far? It's the end of the story, but what about this thing you're talking about? It's a wake-up call for me! Not at noon and at night. I'll treat you tomorrow

"Eat that bar? That thing is really delicious

Ding Yu is really helpless. He is even interested in forks. What can he say? But what about that thing? It seems that there are only a few places, with the special seafood here, not to mention, the taste is really quite good!

When he came out from the doctor's side, the fat man was drinking coffee with the hotel manager, not to mention, what about the fat man now? When he saw Ding Yu, the manager of the hotel also took the lead to stand up, "Mr. Ding!"

The two-story hotel, together with the wedding ceremony before last year, also makes the hotel manager very cautious and careful. What about such a person? Don't say it's yourself. Even the owner of the hotel can't be provoked. Moreover, in such a position, I still have a good understanding of some information about the small county town!

Ding Yu nodded to the manager of the hotel, "fat man, where to eat at noon? Don't tell me to go to the big pot. It's not time yet? No pigs have been killed in the countryside yet! "

The manager of the hotel knew that Ding Yu and fat man were classmates, so he didn't mean to disturb him. Did he come here just now? That is to accompany the fat man, not to appear too lonely, but really did not think that the fat man is waiting for Ding Yu, although the hotel environment is good, but the people have a good, people do not want to eat here, so don't force!

"Go! Just waiting for you! What about things? I've been stewed

Where did the fat man come with Ding Yu? It can be regarded as a farmyard. The place is not so remote, but the environment is very good, and it is also very amorous. "What about the things? It's all from my own family. I've been here twice, and it's really very good. It's thanks to my face. Otherwise, there's no place for you to come! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to refute. He sat on the Kang? It's also very good. It's really a farmhouse flavor. There's still residual temperature on the Kang. "It's pretty good. What about the improvement of living standards? We also began to have other hobbies! "

"Now? It's not the time to come here and kill pigs every day. That feeling is really great! I haven't felt that smell for years! After seeing it, I miss it very much! "

Hearing the fat man say so, Ding Yu also patted the Kang mat, "I said you can be more leisurely, we come here to eat, you can't sit on other people's Kang, that's not fun, anyway, I'm sure I won't lose money, but today you invite me to eat!"

At noon, Ding Yu also accompanied the fat man to eat, but Ding Yu did not eat much, but the taste of the dishes was still very good, "it's really OK. If you have time, bring your parents and two kids to have a taste. By the way, where are your Baobei?"

"Don't mention it. It's just a devil in the world!" The fat man put down the bone in his hand and shook his head. "I doubt it. When my father beat me, it was like hitting a donkey. The belt was almost broken, but our kids would play with me if they touched a finger!"

"About how many, the two kids in my family are going to be lawless now. If we were like this, I'm afraid we would have been black and blue for a long time." Nor do they make complaints about their realization of the situation? Let everyone feel that there are so some imbalance in the heart!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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