"What is this?" Looking at the list that Tao Jin handed over, she frowned. "This doesn't seem to be European intelligence!"

Tao Jin came back to report his work, but what about the one he handed himself? It's not information. It seems to be the names of some drugs?

"I still hang my identity in Ding Yu's family medical group, and I got it from there! Recently, the atmosphere of medical treatment is a little strange! So I paid special attention to it! " Tao Jin is also a positive book.

"What do you want to say to me?" Frank put down the list in the hand, also don't understand to ask.

"These drugs are mainly used for the treatment of mental health, and there is no interception in the courtyard. All of them are transferred to Ding Yu. Besides, Ding Yu has found an expert in psychology. I know this person, but there is not much contact. He is now in Ding Yu's hometown."

The whole person also stood up and said, "do you mean Ding Yu has a condition?"

"I don't know. What I know is very limited! And there is no way to prove it! "

"If it's really what it's supposed to look like, it means a lot, you know?" Geng Zhi is also in his office back and forth, if it is really Tao Jin found the situation, things will be a big trouble!

Because what do you think? Ding Yu was in conflict with the Wang family and the Su family, so he went home. But now? Tao Jin finds out the problem. Ding Yu is likely to go home not because of contradictions, but because of his physical condition.

If it is a common problem, Ding Yu should not need to go home, it is absolutely a big problem! This also makes Geng Zhi feel that there are so many thorny things. If this thing is really exposed, what kind of impact will it cause? For this issue, it is really difficult to judge this aspect.

"Don't let this matter out for the time being. Bring me Suquan!"

When Su Quan came over, there were still some unknowns. So, was it a joke to ask Tao Jin to find himself? Tao Jin was Ding Yu's man, at least his identity on the surface? That's true!

"Here you are Geng Zhi also frowned and handed the list inside to Su Quan. After he had read it, he took it back again. Then he took the lighter and lit it directly. Then he poured some water into the ashtray, which was very clean! This also makes Su Quan a little confused. "What do you mean! Is this? "

"This may be Ding Yu's medicine for treatment. Ding Yu may have a physical condition?"

"What?" Su Quan is also shocked, "what is the treatment?" When talking, Su Quan also lost his cool. Ding Yu is not only his nephew, but also his existence is of great significance!

"The specific situation is still under investigation. I have no way to determine whether it is true or not. Even now, I haven't paid attention to this aspect. Should I pierce the window paper?" Geng Zhi also had some difficulties in this regard, "he has experienced a lot of things during this period of time."

"Let me go! In an official capacity, it might be better! "

Why not have a personal relationship, because there? After all, it is Ding Yu's hometown. If we use personal relationship, we are not sure whether Ding Yu will have any other ideas on this issue? It really needs to be very careful and careful.

Su Quan left on the same day, although he said that he would travel on the 11th? There are quite a lot of problems, but for Suquan, it is not so troublesome. This time, Suquan didn't come by himself, but also came with Tao Jin!

"Are you sure those are psychoactive drugs?" Su Quan is also rubbing his eyebrows. When his nephew came out of the army, although there were other reasons, he was injured? It was also one of the reasons. At that time, I was shocked on the battlefield and my head was quite shocked.

And what about his unit? It's secret forces and elite forces. What about the people who come out of them? It's really difficult to adapt to the life of the society. Although I don't pay much attention to it, I'm a member of the same kind, so I still have some understanding!

It's like stepping into the society like your own business? If you can't find any so-called energy in your work, you need to find other stimulation, otherwise your whole life will be dark!

But it's not easy to find your own position! It's even a very difficult thing. What about your nephew? He did quite a lot, but did he find his own position? I'm afraid there are not too many people to care about this problem!

What's more, his growth is also a tragedy to a certain extent, and there is no way to be ignored for this problem! But for a long time? Whether it is the Wang family or the Su family, what about this problem? Have not been able to discuss with Ding Yu, but in his body? A considerable amount of pressure was applied."Yes, it has been confirmed!" Tao Jin also said seriously, "but it's hard to determine whether this is the director or not? Because the information disclosed is very limited, there are many people around the director! But what about ordinary people? The director should not bring it back, and not at this level! "

Regarding European affairs, Su Quan really does not have any intention to ask. He does not belong to his own field and does his own work? It's taboo for such things to happen!

"It should be Xiaoyu!" Why do you make such a decision all the time? His nephew is carrying all aspects of the pressure given, home? Not only did not relieve the pressure in this respect, but also added fuel to the fire. What if it was external pressure? Maybe it's better!

Oh! When thinking about this, Su Quan can't help but close his eyes. If it is true, then the relationship between Ding Yu and his family after each other is really complicated! Even yourself? Dare not imagine!

What about Tao Jin? How much do you know about Ding Yu's family situation? But just because of knowing some, what about this matter? There are not too many opinions expressed, involving the Wang family and the Su family. We absolutely need to be careful.

"Sir! People are coming from Beijing! " Jin is very calm standing beside Ding Yu.

There was no change in the expression on Ding Yu's face. That is to say, Jin left the room immediately. The doctor took a careful look at Ding Yu. Ding Yu also shook his head. "It's no big deal. Let's start treatment."

When Jin came out of the room, he also came to the office downstairs. After seeing Su Quan and Tao Jin, he nodded, saying, "Sir, you are busy. It will take some time."

"I heard something happened to Xiaoyu?" When he spoke, Su Quan's attitude was very serious, and his eyes were also staring at Jin's face, but it was quite disappointing because there was no change in the expression on his face. He just stood there like a wooden man!

"Sir, I'm a little tired recently, so I'll come back and have a rest for a while." Jin also thought about it, and then he looked at Tao Jin. He knew the situation of this matter. He didn't think of a small flaw. Tao Jin could catch it. He was really not an ordinary person! No wonder you can always stay in the position of Mr. Zhang. You can't underestimate it.

"Even if you come back for a rest, it won't take so long, and you deliberately bring back so many drugs through special channels. Don't tell me that these drugs are for you?"

Jin blinked his eyes and sat opposite Su Quan, "I feed the fish! It's boring anyway! "

For Kim, why should I tell you what the so-called situation is? I am only responsible for my husband, not for you and the intelligence department. It is meaningless for me to ask such a question! So forget it!

"It seems that something has happened to Xiaoyu." Su Quan's face was also a little dark, and when he spoke, he said with deep emotion, "although I don't know much about it, I've seen his briefing. Was he injured for the last time? That is to say, they have suffered considerable impact and even retired for this reason! "

The expression on the golden face still has no change. How can you say that this is your business, which has nothing to do with me, but as long as the husband doesn't mean to spit out, then what about yourself? You need to follow the arrangement of your husband. It's so simple.

Ding Yu, who finished the treatment, still took a sip of the water cup. Then he slowly and leisurely came downstairs. When he heard the sound of the door moving, Jin stood up at the first time. He even deliberately walked two steps. Looking at the pushed door, he also gave way to his position. Ding Yu also laughed at Jin.

"Uncle, you are so flattered when you come to my remote place in a poor town instead of the capital." When Ding Yu talks, how does the expression on his face say? People feel a little bit strange, it seems to be welcome, but it is very targeted.

"You know I will never come here for no reason!" Speaking, Su Quan also took a deep breath, "how about this time I come? On the body is the official identity! I heard that you are sick. You know, those drugs are not the best choice to feed fish! Everyone knows that! "

"Kim said so, it seems that someone has provoked him!" Ding Yu is also a look that does not care at all, looking for the sofa to sit down alone, the whole person is a little bit casual and uninhibited!

Tao Jin didn't stay in the room at this time. He bowed to Ding Yu and left the room quickly. Although Ding Yu didn't look at himself, he put a little bit of pressure on himself.

"What about this? She found it. She came back from Europe to report some information! It's just a discovery! " Su Quan also simply explained the reasons for this, "I've found someone to see it. How about taking these things at this stage? It won't be a simple condition. I need to know the details! "Ding Yu's arm pointed to the armrest of the sofa, clenched into a fist, holding his chin, and with a slight smile, "it seems that I don't need to report my affairs! When did I become a member of the intelligence department? What's more, my third uncle, are you looking for me? What does this mean? I still have some doubts about it. "

"I'm in such a hurry!" Su Quan took a long breath. "Now who knows this? Including Tao Jin and I? There were only three people who didn't let the news spread. When Geng got to know the news, he found me. Although I came here in an official capacity, this matter has nothing to do with the intelligence and governance department. "

"It seems that I haven't provoked anyone even when I go home to have a rest! As for such concern? " Ding Yu shook his neck for a moment, and then changed his posture for himself. "Third uncle, there is a bottom line for everything. No matter the third uncle's personal identity or official identity, it seems that he has stepped on the red line now!"

What about here after all? It's Ding Yu's hometown. It's not anywhere else. Other people can come. But when people from the Wang family and Su family come here, it's obviously taboo! Such a thing, to a certain extent, has broken Ding Yu's psychological bottom line, and even nearly to the point of intolerable.

The tone is not too fierce, but this attitude is too resolute. What about Su Quan? It's obvious! "I'll leave in a moment! Xiaoyu, what about this? The family has the right to know. I also know what's going on at home? I don't know how to do some things! ..。”

"Uncle, if there is nothing else, I'll go first. There are other things to deal with here!" Ding Yu is not polite at all. What about Su Quan? Come all the way from the capital, whether it's private or business, you don't need to be so indifferent and indifferent, but Ding Yu did it!

Jin has always been standing at the door. After su Quan and Tao Jin come out of the room, they are always following each other's side. There is a sense of monitoring!

"Kim, tell me, how serious is his condition?" In the elevator, Su Quan also bit his teeth and said, "I know you are Xiaoyu's personal security, but don't presumptuously say, I may not be able to give you how? But don't you stay in China? At most, it's just a little bit of trouble! "

"I'm only in charge, sir. The so-called threat doesn't mean anything to me!" Jin also said a word without salt and salt, but Jin did not keep silent for a long time, "where is the arrival of the director general of the Communist Party of China? It's not a good thing. Sir's recovery is good, but it's just a good recovery! "

In this way, to a certain extent, it also admitted and even revealed the current situation of Ding Yu, which is just in the recovery period, "what's the situation, sir? There will not be too many people to know, now everyone is very restrained, afraid of what situation and problems, I think the intelligence department is not willing to see such a thing happen! This is not a threat. Director general Su can regard it as a warning! My ability is not big, but if I want to do this, it is just a little bit of trouble! "

"Big trouble!" Su Quan and Tao Jin, on their way back, are also helpless to say, what about Ding Yu's problem? Absolutely will not be what small problem, now this time is still in the recovery! You can imagine how big the problem will be when you come back!

Back in the Department, Su Quan was also sitting in the upright office. "The problem is big. My nephew is not only ill, but also very serious. I asked Tao Jin to inquire about it. The doctor is a specialist in this field, and the treatment is not one day or two days now."

Geng Zhi also clenched his fist in his hand, "what about this matter? Don't go out for the time being, and don't let other people know. What about the people in the Department? Not to mention, I have already informed Tao Jin, as for your family? You can deal with this problem, I can't say anything! "

What about this problem? I don't know what you can do here, but what about the Wang family and the Su family? How to deal with, their own really not very good to ask what! After all, this is a family affair, isn't it?

Is there any responsibility of the emotion management department? It should be, but it will never be as big as the Wang family and the Su family. What about this time? What about the blame? Still need to shirk some time, can't take this responsibility to own body.

What's more, what will Ding Yu's condition look like this time and what changes will happen in the future? I really don't have any confidence in my heart!

And Su Quan is also staggering back to his office, do you want to tell home? For this problem, Su Quan really doesn't know how to make a decision and tell the family? It's a rather troublesome thing, but don't you tell it to your family? It is also a very troublesome thing!

After thinking for a long time, Su Quan also made a phone call to Wang Changlin. What's the tone of his speech? It's not so nice, "when I get off work, I'll talk to you about something!"When Wang Changlin received the phone call, he felt very puzzled. What was his uncle looking for and why he spoke in such a tone? As if I had offended him!

And what about the phone? They didn't explain it clearly. What is the matter! He and I belong to different departments, and they don't seem to have much contact with each other! What exactly do you want to do?

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