"Don't go back to your room first!" Su Yuan was also looking at her husband with a positive look. "Your situation these two days is very wrong. I've learned from Xiao Xue that there's nothing wrong with your work. How can you make things clear today?"

"What nonsense?" Wang Changlin looked at his wife and shook his head, but before he took two steps, he was pulled to the sofa by Su Yuan, which was also a stagger. Wang Changlin also frowned on his brow, his wife seems to feel something, may also be his state of the past two days? There are some things that are not right.

But that is his own son after all! If you say that you can still do nothing, you are really not a person!

"Don't give me this kind of thing. I don't know that you have lived together for so many years. What if it's about work? I just ask, I am also a party member, I know the party spirit, but obviously, it is not a matter of work! Go ahead, please. I think I can bear it

Wang Changlin hesitated, "what happened after the National Day? Xiaoyu may not come back. Will the two children come back? This matter is still unknown! Now what about this? Not so many people know! I don't know what kind of impact it will cause, and I don't know how my family will think about it! "

"Not back after October 1?" Su Yuan's eyebrows are also wrinkled up. This matter has a great influence on the family. Now what about the people in the family? There are all kinds of things to say. There are those who stand on the side of Xiaoyu, but most of them? All did not stand by Xiaoyu's side! It's on the side of three old people!

If said that October 1 still does not come back, this matter is noisy may have so some too big! How about the old three? How about not giving Ding Yu this child? But the relationship between them will really deteriorate to the extreme.

Wang Changlin's heart is also a long sigh, "where is Xiaoyu? There are quite a lot of problems, so he didn't plan to come back. What about the family? You may also know that there are quite a lot of opinions on Xiaoyu now. In such a situation, how to deal with it? "

"Do you think Xiaoyu might give up the capital?" Su Quan is also mumbling to himself.

Wang Changlin was stunned for a while, and shook his head after half a day, "I don't know, but I don't know whether there will be possibility in this respect. After all, what about here for him? It's just a place to live! You know, this is the capital city, but in those years, when they said to give up and give up, there was no nostalgia at all. Now? It's hard to say

What about this? It really reminds Wang Changlin that other things are easy to say, but what about this one? It's really hard to say, not to mention his body now? There are also abnormal conditions. What about Wang Changlin? I feel that I need to make the corresponding decision to a certain extent!

You should know that your eldest son is about to be abolished, but what about those who speak sarcastic remarks in the family? Now I'm still watching jokes and watching the fun with my son's sweat and blood. This kind of thing really makes me feel very angry.

What about Su Yuan? It's not good to express too many opinions and opinions. What can I say? However, I can feel why my husband is in this state these two days! If it's your own, I'm afraid it will be the same depressing. It's not like you think too much!

"What are you going to do?" Do you want to know where it's in the middle? Is it the most difficult and painful thing to stand on the side of the son or on the side of the elderly? What about my son? It is quite a debt, but the old people are so old, can they still withstand such impact?

"I didn't think about it, but That's what I'm talking about? Wang Changlin again shrinks back, this time? I'm ready to support my son. What happened in the past? I don't have a lot of words, but at this moment? I am not ready to continue silence.

Did Su Yuan also learn from this discourse? Feel, this time is also silent, do not want to say what, home these years? There are really so some too shameful, that is their own son, you do not cherish it? That's all, but don't blame your son!

"My son won't come. What about this? How about it? It's still a problem. If it doesn't work, it's going to be... "

"It's no use. I used to call him when he was alone at home, but he didn't mean to answer. I used my mobile phone, didn't he know the phone number? Obviously, what about the success of his family? It's also quite big. It's not something that can be comforted by saying a few words! "

What about Wang Changlin? That is to say, there is no way, he can not directly tell his wife that the eldest son is sick, and the disease is more special and serious, and even can not be stabilized now?! Don't talk about coming back. Can we raise it now? It's all about two things.

Where's your brother-in-law? I have already been there. Although he said it better, what is the actual situation? It's definitely worse than you think! This doesn't even need to be stated too much! What about Su Yuan? She was a woman. What about her now? Have never been able to bear such a thing! It will be very big for her!"What about the family? I can't say too much, but what about this? Or do you need a breath to save your family? There's not much preparation. I'll tell you. "

"Don't do anything for the moment!" Wang Changlin also calmed down at this time, "what happened? It will cause quite a shock. There is not much love for Xiaoyu at home, but more for everyone? Or jealousy. I'm afraid it's hard to change it for a moment and a half! "

When he said this, Wang Changlin also sighed, and the whole person sat on his back on the sofa. What about inside? When it comes to one's parents, if the son does not speak of his father's fault, he is not too good to say anything. And on the other hand? My eldest son never mentioned this to himself.

Even after the problems and conditions? However, the relationship between his father and his mother was not so close to him, but his relationship with his mother was not so good? He was so poor that he really let people feel that some can not bear!

Even if Wang Changlin and Su Yuan didn't have any news, but how many days' holiday is it? Almost in a flash, not only did Ding Yu not mean to come back, even two little guys? It doesn't seem to mean to come back. What about Ding Yu? Directly arrange two kids to go to school here!

Just say hello to the school. It's just a loan. What about the two kids? Now that I've been cheated back, it's not so easy to leave again! But what about the two little guys? There's nothing to be dissatisfied with. Is it in this home? It's also very good! Dad is here too!

But what about Ding Yu and his two children? Let the Wang family and the Su family get angry. What do you want to do? Is it hard to come true? It's all right if you don't come back, even if you have two children left! Is it hard not to think about the future of children at all?

"What on earth did he do?" Wang Pu is also beating the crutches in his hands, even if the heart is angry, this has been so long, it should not be so stubborn! It is hard to come true to give you a so-called step down, to know now, how many people are watching the jokes of the Wang family and the Su family! You can't just think about yourself, don't you think about the face of the two families?

"I feel this thing is not normal!" The old lady was also worried and said, "is it because something happened to him that this arrangement has been made?"

But what about this thing? It's true that some of them don't make sense. If there's anything serious, it won't take two children? All of them have been left there, which makes it clear that they don't want to go back to the capital, even to a certain extent? It's embarrassing for the Wang and Su families!

"Call or not?" Looking at the old woman who didn't mean to speak, Wang Pu knocked the crutches in her hand heavily again. "Let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao come here. They have been hiding for such a long time. Let them go and ask the bastard Wang Bayang, is it that I use eight to carry the big sedan chair back?"

And at the same time? Wu Mingyu is also reporting to the middle-aged people about the situation, "the director not only didn't mean to come back, but also left the two children behind. It seems that the matter has been intensified! The director's phone can't get through. The only person who answers the phone is Kim. No one else can get close to him! "

"No Middle aged people also feel quite surprised. What about Ding Yu? Sometimes there may be a little bit stubborn, even if the heart is angry? He will never be so angry that he is still a man who takes the overall situation into consideration and will not do so recklessly without looking at the faces of monks and Buddhists.

"Is there anything else?"

Wu Mingyu shook his head. "Where's that? It's a small county, and it's the home of the director. If it's really a big show, the director may have other ideas and opinions. Where is he? The two floors of the hotel are covered. Basically, they will pass by every day, and there are no other staff! "

"That's a little puzzling!" The middle-aged and Ding Yu have made many contacts, and the feelings between them are quite good. What about the previous European affairs? I know that, the relevant layout has been launched. If Ding Yu rushed back earlier, one month is enough!

You should know that Ding Yu has always been dealing with things above the general direction, as for the details? Basically not so concerned about his personal details of life? Sometimes I don't care too much about things for more than a month. What's the problem? It's absolutely abnormal.

"Is there something wrong with Ding Yu?" Wu Mingyu couldn't find out any information. What about Ding Yu? I don't want to let the outside world know about any situation, but what is the situation? Ding Yu is so conservative. However, I can conclude that it will never be a business matter!

"This thing is very strange!" The middle-aged man murmured, what about the Wang family and the Su family? Now, although there is no action, what about the movement below? It's really not small. I also have some worries about it."Mingyu, you go! Where are the others? I'm not so relieved. Go to see Ding Yu. If it's not convenient, let him talk to me on the phone. I'll tell him in person! "

Wu Mingyu went to the airport in person, but when he got to the airport, he looked at the two people in the waiting room. First, he was stunned, then he also laughed. When Wang Yang and Xiao Bao saw Wu Mingyu, they were both stunned. Then they also came over and said, "where is my elder brother?"

Shaking hands with each other, the relationship between each other is already quite familiar, so there is not much outside meaning, but what is the identity of each other now? It is true that there are so many different!

Wang family and Su family let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao go together. To a certain extent, it can be said that they are trampling on Ding Yu's bottom line. This has some meaning of playing with fire. But what is the identity of Wu Mingyu at this time? It's not the same, anyway? He is the Secretary of director Ding Yuding, the official identity is more useful!

"At home, I don't know what happened to my elder brother. The holiday of the National Day has passed. My nephew and niece have not come back. The school has already asked about it, so Xiaobao and I went to have a look."

What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? They are extremely reluctant to go, because they also know that this is a taboo, but what about this thing? How many families? They were strict and said to two people, and the posture followed up the white tiger hall! It's really that some people can't bear it!

What happened after we got on the plane? The words between each other is really not much, but after getting off the plane, just to turn on the phone, Wang Yang's phone rang, is directly chasing his own butt?! Looking at his father's call, Wang Yang thought that his father was to entrust himself?

But did not want to just answer the phone, Wang Changlin said angrily, "who let you go, are you bold?"? You know where that is, you just swagger in the past?! Come back to me

Ah? Wang Yang is also a little confused. Is this his father? How do you mean that you asked yourself to come before? It's my grandfather and grandmother. What about them now? It's the father who let himself go back. What is the matter? It's just a time to come by plane. What's going on here?

"Dad, this thing

"What do you mean? I can't control you, can I?" Wang Changlin also heavily hummed, "if you dare to go forward one step, don't blame me. I let you enter the house, I see your courage is really long hair! I'm not even in my eyes! "

After that, Wang Changlin also hung up the phone. What about Wang Yang's face? It's all twisted together. What's the matter? Wu Mingyu over there has already contacted the vehicles. After all, director Ding Yuding is in a county-level city, and there is no airport. What's more, what about the high-speed railway? It hasn't been built yet, so we can only take a bus.

Wu Mingyu was also surprised that Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't want to go with the same bus, but he didn't have any intention to ask. This may involve the Wang family and the Su family. What about this? It's really not something you can care about.

If Wang Yang doesn't go, what about Xiaobao? I don't dare to go. What if it's something else? There is really no problem, but in order to see the elder brother for such a thing, I really don't have much confidence in my heart, let alone my uncle? It seems to be very angry.

"Is there any misunderstanding?"

Two people out of the airport, and then also find a hotel to stay, away from the big brother there? It's not very far away. It's not more than two hours' drive at most. But his father is so angry that Wang Yang's heart is quite a total. His father's reaction to this is a little too intense!

There is an attitude at home. What about father? It's another attitude. There seems to be some opposition between them. Is it on the father's side or on the side of the family? This is where Wang Yang feels confused and embarrassed, and why is his father's reaction this time?

However, Wang Yang did not really call to inquire about the meaning of the father to see how to solve this matter! What about now? Don't add fuel to the fire, just wait patiently!

Wang Changlin also called his father and mother at this time, "Dad, I'm Changlin! Why let Wang Yang and Xiao Bao pass When his father answered the phone, Wang Changlin was also very impolite to mention this issue.

Yeah? Wang Pu, who took the phone call from the service staff, also had some silly eyes. After a careful look at the phone, he also took out his ears with his hand. Is it that he is confused or the old man in the phone is confused? What is he trying to do? Is it a riot?

"Are you awake?" After confirming that it was his son, Wang Changlin was also reluctant to say, "what? I have to report it to you, too? "

"I don't agree with it!" Wang Changlin also said with a strong attitude, "when I let Wang Yang get off the plane, please stay well for me. If he dares to make any action, I dare to drive him out of the house!""Are you going to heaven?" Wang Pu at this time is also so some gas confused! "If you're not awake, wash your face first and wake up!" www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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