"I'm awake. What about this? It can't continue! " Wang Changlin spoke slowly, but his voice was very low and powerful, and his attitude was firm!

Wang Pu was angry at the beginning. What about his son? He still has some understanding. He is not under the impulse to make such a decision, is it true? He is not satisfied with the things in his home, but what about it for a long time? There is no too much to show what you mean.

Of course, let Wang Yang and Xiaobao go to Dingyu's hometown? There are so many problems related to the bottom line. Wang Changlin has responded. This is right, but this response should not be so big!

This is not only provocation, but also against the whole family! He can not not know the reason, nor can he ignore the overall situation at all. There must be something that he doesn't know about, and it is still a big problem.

After a while, Wang Pu also said in a deep voice, "come back to dinner at night!" I hung up the phone immediately. What about this? The explanation in the phone is useless, so I will wait for him to come back at night!

Then Wang Pu also called Wang Yang, "wait a moment!"

But before Wang Pu put down the phone, Wang Yang also shouted quickly, "Grandpa, what about the plane? Met secretary Wu Mingyu Wu, who was supposed to go with the car, but Xiao Bao and I were delayed because of the delay, so what about secretary Wu? The first time! What about this? "

It's important or not. What about this? Or need to tell me, anyway? I have said that the rest of the things with me have not too much to do with! When he put down the phone, Wang Yang also gave a long breath, and then fell on the bed.

And sitting on the sofa, Xiao Bao looks at Wang Yang, and frowns his eyebrows. "I feel like this thing is so strange! What about uncle two? Never! Is there anything in this? Why don't we know

Wang Yang did not mean to speak, so straight lying on the bed, eyes straight at the roof of the shed, even Wang Yang himself? I don't know what to think about now!

"I want to see the director!" Even before any so-called check-in procedures have been handled, wumingyu found Jin. Jin looked at wumingyu, and also considered a moment of time. "It is a long time for the guest, secretary Wu or one night off. Generally, Mr. Wu is not in the hotel at this time. If there is time tomorrow, I will inform you!"

Then also let people to Wu Mingyu to check-in procedures, where? It is not the two floors that are wrapped down, but other rooms. Wumingyu has no other requirements, but the director is not on the hotel side, but it makes me feel very strange.

Especially when I was just talking to myself, I had a rest for a night. If it was really busy with European affairs, then I had nothing to do at night. By the way, I would be fine. But what do you mean? The director doesn't seem to come to the hotel at night! Obviously Dingyu is not working for such a long time here!

But Wu Mingyu also took up the phone and reported the situation. Of course, what about the process? Also add their own judgment and understanding, there are problems in it, but what kind of problems, really not to say!

At night, Wang Changlin came to his parents after work. Wang Pu was so unhappy. The old lady also knew the news. She was also quite suspicious about this matter, but from her own point of view? Son chose to stand on the side of the grandson? Let yourself have such a little less wonderful feeling.

If the internal of the family is unstable, what about the whole force in the family? What kind of test will be faced, there are really some difficulties to say, and son? Now he is the leader of his family. He suddenly shows such attitude. Even Wang Yang and Xiaobao, the third generation of leaders, exert such influence strongly, which is difficult.

"Eat first!" The old lady looked at her son, and she said a simple word. What is the matter? After dinner, I talked about it. When I was eating, the old lady felt something, "your spirit seems to be a little bad?"

Wang Changlin was stunned, shaking his head, and said nothing. His pressure in this period of time is a little bit big, and so far? Things seem to be so many can not hold fire, was taken to the surface, Wang Changlin spirit is not really so good as imagined!

After eating, the old lady asked the service staff to do some preparation work, and she also asked them to leave. She took a water ghost and handed it to her son. "I don't know why you said that, but you should consider the position and condition of a family!"

Wang Changlin also put down the fruit in his hand at this time. "How do you think it is not so important now, first stage? Let Xiaoyu clean a bit better! " Hesitated for a moment, Wang Changlin exclaimed, "his body has appeared condition!""What?" The old lady didn't hear clearly, so she asked subconsciously. "What do you say?"

"Su Quan came to me earlier, and he basically confirmed that Xiaoyu's body was in some condition, and the problem was relatively big. Now it seems that he is still in the process of treatment. There are not too many people who know about this, and the information management department has closed the file! It has not been circulated to the outside world! "

"When did this happen? Before he goes back?! What is the problem? " Wang Pu's face also changed. What about this? It's really something he didn't think of, or even completely unprepared for. What about an old guy like himself? It's normal to be ready to run to 301 or 306 all the time, but the grandson suddenly has problems. What's the situation?

"I don't know. There's no news there either!" Wang Changlin is also low his head, if not to the time of last resort, he really will not say such words, because such things for parents, is also quite a blow, but it is now, do not say also have to say!

"What's wrong? Why don't you stay in the capital? The medical standard here is better than staying there! " Wang Pu's tone is also a little bit relaxed, what about this? Is the sincere hope!

"I can't tell you the specific situation, but Su Quan revealed it to me, as if it had something to do with the illness that came out of the army at the beginning! If there are other problems, I don't know! "

"How on earth did you find out?" Before Wang Changlin finished, the old lady also said very seriously that it was her grandson. Although the relationship with the family was a little awkward and tense, the relationship between them was still there. If there was any problem or situation, it would be a serious blow to the whole family! Even devastating.

"When Tao Jin came back to report her work, she still kept her identity as a quadrangle. During the inspection, she accidentally found some drugs. She was a doctor, so she was very concerned about this problem. She also investigated it. Then Suquan went to Xiaoyu's place in person, and Xiaoyu was expelled directly. However, Xiaoyu's security personnel mentioned this matter , Xiaoyu's condition is more serious, and is still being treated now! "

Wang Pu and the old lady are silent at this time. What about this matter? There is not much need to lie, but Ding Yu's grandson has such a situation, which is totally unexpected at home. It is a bit of a thunderbolt.

The old lady also took a look at her son and said, "when do you know, why don't you discuss with the family earlier? That's true! How can such a thing be concealed? "

"It was just known before the National Day!" How can I tell such things at home? If it's not the last resort, such things can be concealed. "If the outside world knows such things, who knows what will happen? This is probably the reason why Xiaoyu has not disclosed all along!"

"It's no wonder that the last time Tai Xi came back, she left after seeing two children. She should have known about this situation at that time, but it's also true. Why didn't she stay for such a big thing?" The old lady is also so incoherent at this time, because things are really so serious!

Wang Pu is also holding the crutches with his hands, and his fingers are so white. If he said that his grandson was really in conflict with his family? I don't feel that there is any problem with this matter, but my grandson is ill, and it depends on the situation? It seems that it is still very serious. I can't accept it!

What about yourself? It seems to be the mainstay of the family, but to a certain extent? The handover has been completed, and the role played is not as big as expected. What about Ding Yu, the great grandson? With the family there are so some not very deal with, but his role in the home, is beyond imagination!

Who is missing at home? Yes, but you can't miss him. You should know that the Wang family and the Su family have just made some progress. If Ding Yu really has any problems and conditions, it's hard to imagine what kind of situation it will be at that time! Think about it, there are so many shudders.

"I heard that Wu Mingyu has also gone. It's the same plane with Yangyang!" Wang Pu at this time also remembered what, Wang Changlin also looked up, and then lowered his head, now know how this thing can be? If there is anything, I will call you!

"Call Wu Mingyu and ask him something about it!" The old lady said in a firm voice.

Immediately, it is indisputable to take up the landline, but what about the home? I really don't know the phone number of Xiaowu Mingyu, after all, is just a small secretary, but this is not so difficult.

But when Wu Mingyu received the call, he felt quite confused. He was alone in the room, watching the news! When I hear the phone call, I feel strange. What about Wang Changlin? He also reported his family, and Wu Mingyu's spirit was also raised all of a sudden.It's weird?! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't come to the upper level city. What about minister Wang? Actually personally called to listen to the voice of the voice? It's also warm and makes people feel unclear, so! But Wu Mingyu is very good to sort out his attitude!

"Hello, Minister Wang!" Then what about Wu Mingyu? It is also a simple description of the situation. There is not much difference from the previous narration, "what is the general situation? That's it

"I see. You're alone there now. What about everything? We should handle it carefully and do not have any influence on the outside world! " What else? I don't have much feeling, but what about the last sentence? The smell of warning is very strong, which also makes Wu Mingyu worried.

But Wang Changlin put down the phone not long time, the phone rang up, "how a thing? Just now, Mingyu made a phone call. Is he still young? He can't stand the shock at all, but you make him a little scared! "

"Xiaoyu is sick!" Wang Changlin sighed heavily.

"What?" The middle-aged man on the other side of the phone also exclaimed, "wait a minute!" Not long ago, the middle-aged also changed a phone, "what's the situation?"

"I was ill when I went home, but what's the matter now? I don't know. He kept this matter in secret, so he didn't let others know! "

"Isn't that nonsense?" Middle aged people are also a little nervous. From their own point of view, Ding Yu's contribution to the whole country is unparalleled. "The capital should be the most convenient. What kind of thing is going home? The medical conditions over there and so on

"He also has his consideration! Nobody knows about it! I also know that the news is not long, just like this for the time being! Wait till Mingyu sees Xiaoyu! We will make a concrete study of the specific situation! "

After putting down the phone, Wang Changlin also sat there with a wooden look. What should I say? I've already said, "Dad, mom, if there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first! Su Yuan doesn't know about it yet. It's better to hide it at this time! It won't do her any good to know that! "

The old lady gave her son a present, and when she came back, she looked at the old man who was still sitting there and sighed, "what about this matter? We didn't expect it to look like this! "

Wang Pu also said, what about other things at this time? It's not very useful. I thought it was Qi, but I really didn't think much about it. What do you think now? There are so many difficulties. Can't this bastard say it? There are so many people in panic now.

"It's still in the process of recovery." The old lady murmured to herself, "I don't know when it's the beginning. He retired because of injury at the beginning. If there is any problem, it will be troublesome!"

The old lady's heart is also quite uneasy, there are always some bad ideas! I'm so old, and there's nothing wrong with it. But Ding Yu's grandson is still so young. How can it happen?

"Wait till tomorrow." Wang Pu is also a deep voice said, although the voice is very calm, but what about Wang Pu? Is it really not the calm in the imagination? What about his hands? Still clinging to crutches, the blue veins on them burst.

The next morning, what about the people who almost know the news? They all started early. Although they didn't have any effect at all, they couldn't sleep on the bed! What about everyone's heart? There are also some restlessness and uneasiness!

Wu Mingyu and the driver sat in the car, carefully recording director Ding Yuding's day's journey and conditions. From the surface? I really can't see anything, but I can feel it. If I didn't report it in advance, I'm afraid it would have been eliminated!

Don't think the security guards around the director are vegetarian! I have a lot of experience in this, just like the driver around me, who is in this business. Even after he saw it, he was amazed!

In the morning, the director came to the hotel, but what about Wu Mingyu? I haven't seen it all the time. I can only wait downstairs. There is no way. Ding Yu doesn't mean to be summoned. Wu Mingyu can only look like this. What's in his heart? How much is really so anxious!

"Come on! The director is looking for you But before entering the room? Jin also waved to let Wu Mingyu stop first, and then he also took a bag and handed it to Wu Mingyu. The meaning is very clear. What should not be carried? Put them all in it!

Wu Mingyu felt that there were some differences in this. What was the situation of the director? However, when he hesitated, Wu Mingyu really put everything in the bag!

The gold instrument checked, but still did not let Wu Mingyu into the room, "Sir's situation? It's not very good, so you need to be prepared! What's more, this is what happened? Control as much as possible in a certain range, do not spread to the outside! "Hearing this, Wu Mingyu suddenly felt that his scalp was numb. Or Jin pushed, Wu Mingyu just walked into the room! The head is a little dizzy, there is not much reaction at all.

Ding Yu is not the only one in the room. When he sees Wu Mingyu coming in, Ding Yu doesn't turn back. The doctor doesn't mean to look back. However, when a servant sees Wu Mingyu, he puts his finger to his mouth, indicating that Wu Mingyu should be quiet. Don't disturb him!

Wu Mingyu is also standing next to the position, terrified to watch! I expected a lot of possibilities, but I really didn't expect such a situation! No wonder the director did not show up for such a long time, and such a situation happened. It is really so terrible!

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