"Director!" After Ding Yu's side settled down, Wu Mingyu also stepped forward carefully and yelled in a low voice. Ding Yu opened his eyes slightly, that is to say, he took a look at Wu Mingyu, and then he closed his eyes. Besides, someone was careful to wipe the sweat on Ding Yu's forehead.

"Third uncle asked you to come?" Ding Yu's voice is so low, compared with the past, there is a considerable gap, Wu Mingyu can clearly feel it! The middle Qi is obviously insufficient.

"I don't know what happened, so let me see, director, what's wrong with you?" Wu Mingyu is also quite worried, because all along? Ding Yu's impression on himself is that he is young and strong, natural and unrestrained.

And now? You can't see much luster on your face, and what about your hair? Vaguely can also see a little white hair, although not so obvious, I have seen the director before, is the difference between heaven and earth!

What's more, there are lots of drops hanging there!

"Not for the time being!" Ding Yu also said without salt and salt! "Well, you can see the situation. It's just like this. You can breathe, so the problem is not so big."

"Director, what's the matter with you? How long has it been since I saw you? " It may also be that he felt a little bit more nonsense. Wu Mingyu reflected on himself for the first time, "director, do you feel better now? Are the medical conditions here too simple? If you can

"I can't die for the time being. Take care of it." Ding Yu's answer is not slow, and the doctor beside him shakes his head to Wu Mingyu. What's the situation now? It seems that there are so many sick, but more than the previous two born dragon tiger? Too much better. What about the condition? It's basically under control!

If the excitement goes on all the time, I'm afraid the whole person will be finished. What's the good news? Although it seems that there are some problems and conditions, what about the actual situation? The most dangerous time has passed!

As for why there seems to be some weakness at this time, it is not Ding Yu's deliberate affectation, but after crossing a hill? It's impossible for her face not to be red and out of breath. As for when she can recover, there are really some things that are hard to say. What about Ding Yu's heart? I don't have much assurance.

Take your time! When you see Wu Mingyu? It's really a little bit excited, now want to do the so-called heart if water stop? It's really not possible. The more time is like this, the less peaceful the mood will be! It seems that their own energy cultivation skills are still quite poor.

"Director, everyone is more worried about your situation. No one thought it would be like this..."

"Third uncle, please tell me that there are not too many problems. It's just to rest at home for a period of time. As for other aspects? Don't need too much attention! " Standing in the back of the doctor is also waving to Wu Mingyu, can meet for such a long time, also can!

What about the patients now? It is not suitable to have too much contact with the outside world. Otherwise, why would Mr. Zhang choose to stay in his hometown, at least from the perspective of feeling? Where are the people from my hometown? More intimate, and not as complex as imagined, with the outside? It's quite different.

Seeing the doctor waving his hand, Wu Mingyu went out carefully. Jin outside the door took a look inside and then walked in front of him. "It's better than the previous situation, but what about sir? At present, I don't want anyone to disturb you. Your situation is special, but it's not another case! "

"I see. Don't worry about it." Wu Mingyu is very clear. Why does the director see himself? It's not because you have this face, but because you let yourself come here? This is the reason why Ding Yu gives face. Otherwise, wait outside the door!

When he came down from upstairs, Wu Mingyu also sighed a long sigh. He didn't make close contact in the morning, so he didn't find so many discoveries. However, after careful consideration, it seems that walking the dog doesn't have any other sports, even walking? It seems to be very slow.

I didn't have a lot of feelings before. Now? This aspect of the feeling is more and more profound!

After seeing the first time, director Wu took out his mobile phone The phone has just been connected, Wu Mingyu has so many impatient said.

"I heard that Ding Yu's condition is serious! Is that so? Very serious? " From Wu Mingyu's tone, you can still feel it. His tone is very urgent! Even some of them are not cool!

Wu Mingyu also said, "I just saw it and talked to the director's security. Where are the director and the doctor? All said, it is still in the process of recovery, but the director is much thinner than before, and there is not much look on his face, and even some white hair can be seen on his head! As far as I'm concerned, it's terrible! "

"So serious!" The voice of middle-aged people is also some high! With a little excitement, "what is the problem? What did the doctor say? ""The doctor couldn't say anything, that is to say a few words to the director's security. If I had a chance in the afternoon, I would ask to see if I couldn't get some information from the doctor. However, the director's situation was not so optimistic, and when I spoke to me, I didn't have much spirit."

"I see. What about minister Wang? Make a phone call, need to pay attention to, do not too much to stimulate Minister Wang, there is this thing? Don't publicize it. I'll ask Dr. Dou to have a look. You are responsible for reception. "

Call Minister Wang! Let Wu Mingyu also have some worries and worries. How should he organize this speech? After all, what about minister Wang? It's director Ding Yuding's biological father! How could you meet such a thing? Recalling the situation of director Ding Yuding just now, Wu Mingyu also sighed.

To ease his mood, Wu Mingyu also called Minister Wang, almost at the first time? Wang Changlin answered the phone, "I'm wang Changlin!"

"Minister Wang, Hello, I'm Wu Mingyu!" When Wu Mingyu heard the voice on the phone, he spoke at the first time, but he could feel that minister Wang was still very anxious. But what about such a thing? Also belongs to the normal, who encountered such a thing, I am afraid will not be too calm.

"I just went to see the director. I'm still in the process of recovery. I'm a little thin. The overall situation is OK." What about this? He can only be so to say, the total can not go to deliberately stimulate Minister Wang! "I have already reported to the chief executive just now, and the chief said to ask Dr. Dou to come and have a review!"

"So, Xiaoyu's situation is very general?" What about Wu Mingyu? Wang Changlin naturally has his own judgment, "some people went to see him in the past, and his spirit is pretty good. Now he hasn't seen him for a few days, has it become like this? Is the medical condition very general? "

"More people! As for the information about the equipment, I don't know very well. I just met with the director. I'm looking for an opportunity to have a detailed chat with the doctor! "

After talking about it, Wu Mingyu also put down his mobile phone which had started to burn. He really needed to find a time to talk with the doctor carefully. But what about this matter? Jin is the only one who has the right to make arrangements. What else? No one else has that right.

What's more, is the director involved in this matter? Attitude is very important. No one knows what he thinks now. What is his contact with the outside world? There seems to be some sensitivity.

After a break, Wu Mingyu is looking for Jin. After all, it is not a simple thing to see a doctor. It requires the consent of the director's security head to take the lead! "Mr. king, the chief has arranged for a doctor for the director. If he doesn't arrive tonight, he will be back tomorrow. But what about me now? We need to know more about it! "

Jin looked at Wu Mingyu and nodded his head slightly after looking at him for a long time. "It seems that you are still the Secretary of Mr. Wu. The request is reasonable. I will talk to Mr. Wu at an appropriate time, but what kind of decision will be made depends on the arrangement of Mr. Wu! You and I can't make this decision unilaterally! "

"I know, but what is the problem with the director and why is the impact so great this time?" What about Wu Mingyu? I'm really curious.

There is a strange expression on his golden face. Wu Mingyu seems to have realized something. He also smiles in embarrassment. This question is too stupid!

Towards the end of the night, the director had already left the hotel. Wu Mingyu asked the driver to follow him to have a look. What about himself? It was not easy to see the doctor. The chief attending doctor seemed to have stayed here with the whole medical team since the director was ill! Very attentive!

"Doctor, I'd like to have a look at the director's medical records. I don't know if it's OK!"

The doctor also took a look, and then pushed his eyes. "What about the things, sir? It's confidential. Do you want to see this information? It's not impossible, but certain documents need to be signed. I think you should know the problems in them! "

Obviously, Ding Yu's situation needs to be kept secret. It can't be known to the outside world. It's true that Wu Mingyu is Mr. Wu's secretary, but what should I pay attention to? Still need to pay attention to, absolutely can't be too relaxed!

In the evening, Wu Mingyu also received a notice. He himself also went to pick up an old man. Mr. Dou really had some dreamy feeling. When he came, he even became the head of the Wang family and the Su family? They all called in person.

I have been a doctor for a long time. When I can attract so much attention, I really don't think so much. As for the identity of the patient? I really know some of the problems and conditions of going in and out of the rich and powerful courtyard all the year round? Although they do not say, but does not mean that they do not know.

Maybe it is because of this aspect that I come here! "Mr. Dou, you have worked hard, and you have to go there in person for such a long distance!" Wu Mingyu also helped Mr. Dou personally.The hotel did not know the situation, and Jin didn't ask the hotel to make specific arrangements. What about everything? It's all arranged by the people below. What about yourself? Although Dou was not used to it, a foreigner followed him, but he didn't show any so-called disgust.

But what about the eldest son of the Wang family? It's really strange. What about home? Use such a foreigner, but what about such a thing? It's really not up to you to judge. How about coming here? It's just to see what happened to him? This is the most important thing!

"The patient is not in?"

"I went home to have a rest in the evening and never stayed at the hotel." Wu Mingyu also explained carefully, "what about the director's home? There are two children and parents! "

He helped Mr. Dou to the room, and then he took out the records of his illness. "Master, the director's situation is quite special. When he came, the chief executive and Minister Wang entrusted him. No matter what the reason is, things need to be kept secret! I hope you can understand! "

Mr. Dou also slightly nodded his head, and then he took the disease records, but after reading them? I also took a breath of air conditioner. If it's really a complicated disease, it's better. But what about this one? Involved in the aspect of more trouble, so I also feel a little tricky.

Just medical records? Not all the problems can be solved. We need to see the patients! But you can talk to Ding Yu's attending doctor. What about western medicine? It's not exclusive. The way they take is not the same!

Soon, the two doctors also chatted together, each other at this time did not show any so-called sense of superiority, also do not need to contend for what so-called length! Let's forget it! Don't make trouble for yourself at this time! Can Ding Yu be cured? Is the most appropriate!

In the morning, Wu Mingyu just got up and didn't have a long time. Wang Changlin made a phone call to catch up with him. The reason is very simple. Last night, master Dou arrived. What did he say, himself? After all, he is a father, and he is particularly sensitive to this aspect of things!

"Mr. Dou discussed with the chief physician. Last night, it was a little bit late, so the discussion on some situations was not so profound! Minister Wang, what's the latest situation? I'll contact you at any time

What about last night's discussion? I asked Dou Lao. What's the situation? It's not as optimistic as you think, even Dou Lao? Also feel a lot of problems! Although we haven't seen the patient yet, what about the previous understanding? Also let Wu Mingyu feel, director's illness? It's not that simple.

In the morning, Ding Yu came early. What about the people coming from the capital? I didn't know it until I came here. I didn't speak too much. I met with Mr. Dou. What about each other? It's not very familiar. Ding Yu's mood is not as high as expected, but it doesn't mean to be taboo at this time.

Seeing Ding Yu as a patient, Mr. Dou carefully examined Ding Yu, not in the way of Western medicine, but in the way of traditional Chinese medicine? Also a long sigh! There are so many mysteries! If the conditions at home were not OK, I'm afraid it would have been over!

Now? Little life is not too many problems, but the follow-up conditioning? You really need to keep up with him. After seeing this, Mr. Dou also prescribed two pairs of medicine for Ding Yu, which can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan. There are still some problems, but now? Good recuperation is that, during the period do not over stimulate, temporary adaptation to a good!

Mr. Dou also explained something to Wu Mingyu. What about some words? Mr. Dou is not very convenient to say, but Wu Mingyu is not the same. He is Ding Yu's secretary, and he is the link between each other. What about this? Maybe more convenient!

However, what Mr. Dou didn't expect was that when he just got back to the capital city, that is, just after getting off the plane, someone made a special trip to the airport, and Wang's family came. Obviously, what about Ding Yu's situation? There are some who are not at ease, but what about themselves? I just came back from Ding Yu, and I know something more practical.

"Director Wang, sister-in-law!" What about Wang Pu and the old lady? It is true that there is not too much contact, but still know some, this kind of address? There are not too many taboos and inappropriate!

Let Mr. Dou sit down, the old lady is also slightly anxious to say, "let you personally run a trip, hard!"

"It's nothing. The patient matters!" People are polite, but it doesn't mean that they can be proud of themselves. "I went to have a look, and the situation is not so optimistic. Now it's still in the recovery period. Can't we rule it out? In this process, there will be other problems and conditions, so now, rest is the best! Don't stimulate, and it's better not to disturb! "

"Are the conditions over there suitable?"

"The medical staff and the doctors over there have no problem! Very cutting-edge! " What about Mr. Dou? Everything is true. Don't add your own opinions and ideas. This is your way of doing things. "What's the good thing? The patient's physical quality is good, so it's not easy to survive! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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