In the evening, Wang Changlin was very excited when he looked at the two little guys. He asked a lot about their father. Looking at the image on the mobile phone, he also sighed for a long time. How long did it take for the eldest son to be so thin that he was not fat at first. Now? It's almost out of phase!

May be slightly exaggerated, but their own heart can be said to be quite not taste!

It took a long time for Wang Changlin to feel relieved, but what about the two little guys? It was the first time I picked up the phone. When I left? My father hasn't come back, so I'm calling now to report my father's safety. What about Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? Listen carefully, too.

Zhao Shuying answered the phone. When she spoke, she also had a little warning. The voice was very simple. Although the two little guys said that they were thousands of miles apart, they were like chickens eating rice and nodding. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other.

What about the family for their two children? Is really holding in the palm, afraid to fall, in the mouth afraid of melting, when will talk like this, but their grandmother? Reprimand, there is no pity, no matter you are a child, I am such a way of education, you must get used to it!

However, the two finally heard the voice of their eldest son. After such a long time, they finally heard the voice of their eldest son. Su Yuan's eyes were also red, "be honest at home. What about after checking your body? Bring some presents for your grandparents. Don't leave your hands empty

"We know, Dad! Take your medicine at home! Take a good rest

"I see. Where's your sister-in-law? You may go to Siheyuan tomorrow and bring your little sister-in-law what you have brought with you! "

Ding Yu also asked the two little guys. Their voice was a little dull, and the middle spirit seemed to be a little inadequate. After saying a few words, they also put down the phone. The two little guys also looked at their grandfathers and grandmothers. They were both hungry and hungry. They should have dinner now!

Hear your eldest son's voice? Wang Changlin and Su Yuan felt comfortable, but they still went to the bathroom and wiped their faces. Then they went back to the dining table again. Looking at Wang Yang who appeared from there, he was also curious, "when did you come here? Why don't you stay at home with Qiuyan?"

"Previously, I went to the courtyard to get some medicine for her. Just now Chen Feng asked her to send the two children back tomorrow. They still need to do the corresponding examination. I wonder if Ding Ding will accompany her! So I'll come and have a look

Wang Yang is afraid of being exposed or having other problems, so Wang Yang has some worries, but what about the actual situation? I came to find two little guys to discuss things. What about the two little guys? But it is not a leak of color, people small ghost big!

"I see!" Su Yuan also accompanies his grandson and granddaughter to dinner. The two children are young, but they don't have to help at all. Moreover, when they eat, they don't bother to eat. They know that their grandparents and uncles can enjoy it together. It's sensible!

Looking at these two kids? Even Su Yuan had thought about whether to leave the two children behind, but this idea? It really didn't stay for a long time. The eldest son has already had problems. If the two children are left behind, the problem is really too big!

Now? Can't take care of themselves, and not to consider the family boss! That's the top priority!

I really can't give up, but what about the other side? Even more reluctant to give up their eldest son, after eating, the two little guys also simply cleaned up, and then they had a rest. In the afternoon, they were both cars and airplanes. Basically, they didn't stop all the way. Now it's time for them to go to bed!

After eating, Wang Yang didn't leave immediately. After waiting for the two little guys to leave, he also said tentatively, "Dad and mom, listen to me, big brother's situation is also a little better. Can you let him come back and raise him? After all, what are the conditions in Beijing? It's still excellent! "

Wang Changlin took a look at his wife, and then shook his head to his son. "Now don't say whether he is willing or not to come back. If he comes back, there are some things in the family that are not easy to deal with."

Now what about the Wang family and the Su family? Ding Yu is very passive. If Ding Yu comes back now, it is really provocative. "And your elder brother's condition may have just stabilized. You'd better choose to recuperate there for a period of time! There are not too many things and no entanglement at the same time! "

This is out of consideration of all aspects. I also hope that Ding Yu can come back, but I hope to come back. Whether he can come back or not is two questions! Absolutely can't mix up!

Now Ding Yu is in his hometown? Not only can you take a good rest, but also let a lot of people? I feel a little relieved in my heart, because what about Ding Yu now? Even if he wants to be angry, he doesn't have the spirit and physical strength, so he doesn't need to pay too much attention to him.Without Ding Yu, we really feel the sky blue. What about Ding Yu? It's just a stick that stirs excrement. It's really disgusting and uncomfortable. But it's also a pity. Why doesn't this guy die? It's true that good people don't live long and harm lives for thousands of years!

Now don't need to put too much attention on Ding Yu's body, there is no need at all. What about his appearance of illness? We can all see in the eye, originally thought is with the Wang family and the Su family angry cause, this bastard also played a trick.

If it's not true that we can't hide it, I'm afraid we're still hiding in the drum. We have to say, what about this guy? We are really good at some problems. Although we are said to be out of a hostile relationship, what about some things? There is really not much need to deny, the fact is the fact!

As for how the Wang family and the Su family are going to deal with this matter, although we don't have much to care about, who mentioned this matter is not mocking? As expected, they couldn't be on the stage. What a good thing was that they were in such a situation. I don't know if there was water in their heads?

But this is also very good, although Wang Pu and Su bochen? They are all old foxes, but in some aspects, they are not good enough, especially Wang Pu, who does not know how to mix up. After so many years, he is still so impulsive. A good trump card is almost useless!

Put it on anyone's hand? I'm afraid they won't have such an effect, but what about Wang Pu's hands? The effect is extremely limited, not to say. Forget it, don't say that grapes are sour without eating grapes. It's a pity that there is no such trump card in your hand. However, Ding Yu didn't play an effective role in the Wang family and the Su family.

In the morning, the two little guys went to the courtyard. After a short time, Ding Ding Ding walked in with her big belly. The two little guys were also careful to touch their aunt's eldest sister-in-law. Seeing their cautious appearance, Ding Ding Ding was also funny. This was not their usual style and performance.

"Just the two of you, didn't you make trouble when you came yesterday?"

"It's moving, it's moving!" Two little guys are also a burst of joy, for the aunt's stomach inside the child? Obviously, there is a kind of excitement, because it can't be too lively, so it's just clapping around.

Ding Ding is also carefully sitting on the chair, the side of Chen Feng is also helped her to do down, originally did not need such trouble, but Zhao Shuying has so many not to worry about, deliberately called her daughter, "here has been arranged, but because last night when I was a little hungry, so I ate some things, check What about blood? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter in other aspects! "

"It doesn't matter! It's the two of them who let you suffer from it

"Auntie, grandfather and grandmother let us bring you a lot of things!" The two little guys are still very interested in their aunt's big stomach. How about touching their aunt's stomach? It's like touching a balloon. I'm very cautious and careful. What about this balloon? It's going to explode in the next minute!

"You two little naughty, did not light Siheyuan, I was very lucky, but look at you brought me something above, at noon aunt treat you to eat delicious, how about?"

Ding Ding has a special nanny car. It's better to say it's a quadrangle car. But Ding Ding doesn't have any scruples when it's used. There's no difference between Ding Ding Ding and her own! Go to the hospital to have a physical examination, the two little guys are also abnormal cooperation, but at that time, the results will not appear, the time is too short, the test also needs time.

However, there is no need to worry about these. The quadrangle will end up personally. Ding Ding takes two little guys to enjoy the delicious food. "Auntie, you can go back in the afternoon! You look very tired. Let's go back and find someone to play with. "

Ding Ding is looking at the two little guys with suspicious eyes. The meaning is very clear. Are you two little guys OK? But looking at the two of them, I also explained to the nanny and the attendant. I was so tired, and my body was really heavy. The inspection has been completed, and I think there is no problem.

"Are you going to eat with my aunt in the evening?"

"No, the two of us are going to a special place to eat something!" Said, two people also looked at each other, as if it is true what the situation, Ding Ding Ding is also a smile, and not too much care about the place, anyway by the nanny and the two people to take care of it, there will be no problems and conditions!

"Well! After dinner in the evening, I'll give my aunt a peace report. When will I leave tomorrow? Tell my aunt that she has prepared some things for my grandfather and grandma, and also give them back to your father? Bought a few clothes, you are also on the way back, do not forget! Of course, it's not without you. "

After eating, Ding Ding Ding sent the two of them to the courtyard and went back. The two little guys washed and rinsed for a while, and then they put forward the idea of thinking about Zuzu. They also called Zuzu. Even when the phone was just put down, the car at the door came. The speed was beyond imagination."What?" Su Yuan, who was at home, had a black expression on his face when he received the call.

But what about this thing? It's really not easy to say anything. The two little guys took the initiative to put forward the idea of ancestors, so they deliberately took a look at it. It seems that this thing is very reasonable. But I don't know why, Su Yuan just feels very strange and weird. Do the two little guys have so many thoughts?

In Su Yuan's opinion, this is an impossible thing. It is true that his grandsons and granddaughters are very smart and smart. But if no one actively reminds them of such a thing, they will never think of it. So who gives the reminder?

My eldest son? It's impossible. He doesn't even have any connection with her husband now. How can he contact the old man and the old woman? Can he be the husband? It seems impossible. He may have the meaning of this aspect, but he will never do so. At most, he will open one eye and close one eye.

What about the main people in the family? Don't do it like this. What about the old man and the old lady? There may be some ideas in this aspect, but they need to start to arrange! After thinking about it, Su Yuan also called his little son.

Wang Yang is sitting in the office. When he sees a mobile phone call, his face is about to turn into chrysanthemum. Xiaobao beside him is also in a daze. However, he is obviously aware of something, but before he gets up, he presses Wang Yang there. At this time, you run there? Brother, you can't just watch, can't you?

"Mom? I have a meeting on my side? " Immediately also is to the nearby small treasure indicated a tidy up, Xiaobao also intentionally coughed twice, deliberately cooperated, but let the office there? The sound is more noisy.

"You have a lot of guts Su Yuan also said, "don't tell me about the mess. Think about how to solve this problem! If you don't give me a statement today, you know what the consequences will be! "

How can my mother suddenly become so smart? It is impossible for this matter to reveal any information, but think carefully, what about those who dare to do it now? It seems that there is no such thing as myself.

"Mom, what about the house? Now the atmosphere is too embarrassing. The two little guys are smart and cute. They are the most able to activate the atmosphere. It's just that they will come. Let's go to eat with my grandfather in the evening! I heard my grandfather is here too! I haven't been eating together for a long time

Hearing his son say so, Su Yuan also snorted, "ask your father!" Then he also made a phone call. Since he has admitted it, then it is OK. As for how to deal with this matter, is this problem? Although I am not satisfied, I still need to take care of my husband's idea.

Su Bing doesn't really care about this, but she doesn't really care about it? He used his eldest son again. May he have no idea about this?

What about Ding Yu? He didn't mean to care at all. He didn't mean to ask. Now he just stayed at home. Is this the time? It's better to recuperate. I really didn't expect that this time the noise would be so big!

Originally I felt that I was very strong, and there was no big problem, but I didn't want to fall ill like a mountain. I suddenly got sick, and the whole process even made me unexpected!

What did you expect? It is their own spiritual aspect unexpectedly appeared such a situation, hiding is really not general deep ah! Now Ding Yu thinks that there are some sorrows. If there is no such condition, then what is the consequence of waiting for himself? Ding Yu seems to have remembered something!

Whether it's real or unreal, I've experienced it at least, so now what happens after the body reappears like this? Ding Yu really has quite a feeling!

"Mom, don't be tired if you cook so many dishes in the evening? What do I think of my father's face is round these two days? "

When eating, Ding Yu is also some funny said, Ding Lin also touched his chin, "is it? Don't you? I really don't have much feeling, but when I shave in the morning, I feel my chin is more round and round! "

"Dad, you need to exercise for two days? You can't even catch up with the little lazy. Look at the dejected look of the little lazy, you can't run comfortably! "

When he heard the name of Xiao lazy, he ran over and tilted his head to look at the three members of the family with a smile, while the little four eyes continued to lie down there. Basically, he didn't pay much attention to it. When the two little masters were absent, what about it? It seems that there is not too much interest!

Zhao Shuying and xiaolazy also praised him. Then she pointed the spearhead at Ding Lin. in front of her son, Ding Lin also took a deep look at her wife. Two people said this thing on the bed. Why mention it in front of her son? Are there some that are too embarrassing? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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