Ding Yu didn't really mean to have a relationship with each other. He didn't ask any questions about what they had experienced in the capital. They were also quite disappointed, but they didn't show it in front of their grandparents.

While waiting for Ding Yu to send them to school, he was also making mushrooms by Ding Yu's side. A good deal of entanglement also made Ding Yu have so many complaints. As for? But looking at the two little guys like this, is also a person to reward a big bang beans, let you so ungrateful!

Two little guys pretended to cover their heads and looked at their father pitifully, "OK! Come and have dinner with dad at noon! There's a new chef. I heard it's very good! I'll give you two desserts at noon. Is that all right? "

The two little guys clapped their hands happily. They didn't care what they ate. As long as they could beat their father, it was victory for them, which was the most happy thing!

Although he stayed in his hometown, what about Ding Yu's life? It's true that there are not too many changes, that is, the time spent may be a little bit longer! Besides, there is really no other situation. What about the consortium? Some people are in charge, and Ding Yu doesn't even need much care.

But what about the Wang family and the Su family? Now it's really a little bit of a constraint at this time. Ding Yu didn't have too many troubles and situations when he was in existence. Even if there were troubles and conditions, Ding Yu was supporting him behind his back. Who dares to stab him? But now, after Ding Yu's problems and conditions, we all carefully folded up their hands and feet.

But the problem is that if you don't ask for trouble from others, it doesn't mean that trouble won't come to you. Anyway, what about Ding Yu? Even if he wants to get out of the mountain, for a moment and a half? I'm afraid not. Some things should also be done. Even if it's a trial, there seems to be no problem or situation, is it?

Who knows what Ding Yu thinks in his heart. Maybe he is very happy at this time!

This combination of fists also makes the Wang family and the Su family feel overwhelmed, although the relationship between Ding Yu and the Wang and Su families in the past? It's very ordinary, but he stands there, which is a God. It's true that there are people below who stretch their paws to him from time to time, but they are basically lost.

Who will be free to have a real time with Ding Yu? It's not killing me! What about the competition with Ding Yu in the past? When did you take advantage of it? Even if he has the upper hand, Ding Yu may have deliberately let it out. What about this guy? It's really extremely difficult to deal with. Now that you Wang family and Su family take the initiative to abolish Ding Yu, it's really "universal celebration"!

Now that you have set up the stage, if you can't sing two voices on stage at this time, will there be some people who are too sorry for the audience! So what about the Wang family and the Su family? It's a very normal and natural thing!

On the surface, Wang Pu and Su bochen didn't treat this matter as a test for the next generation in the family, but they also knew that as long as Ding Yu didn't come back for a day, he could only be oppressed, relying on the power of the family? Want to solve these, impossible things! Or because there is not too much inside information!

Even if Ding Yu came back, would his attitude still be the same as before? For this problem? Whether it is Wang Pu or Su bochen, there is not much assurance! Even in the heart there are so some uneasy, this time play too big, even play off-line!

Even trying to turn this around? There are also so some difficult to do, at least now this time do not know how to deal with! Ding Yu, the great grandson, was so miserable that he almost finished his life.

What about this problem? Dr. Dou has said that if the conditions there are not excellent, then whether he can survive or not is really what the two said. Although it can be regarded as a sequela left by the army, it has not been committed for so many years. Why did it happen at this time?

Previously, the two children came to the house, but they opened a breakthrough point. What about the second and daughter-in-law? This is very important. At least what are the problems at home? To a certain extent, it has been hidden, which can alleviate some problems, but the core problem has not been solved.

If you can, it's better to dare before Ding Yu comes back? Let this matter enter the stage of negotiation. Even if it is not possible to negotiate, we need to let the matter enter a period of calm. But how can we discuss this matter? Ding Yu is staying in his hometown now? The Wang family and the Su family were not given any chance at all.

So we need a more suitable person to deal with this problem, but what is the best candidate at any time? And what about Ding Yu? Home is not so much to understand, who is not clear about his physical condition now how!

Two kids coming here? This is an excuse, and also a very good excuse, but how to apply it? For this reason, Wang Pu and Su bochen sat together at this time."In addition to Su Quan's visit, the rest of the family didn't even get close to the side. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? I was stopped by the sophomore. Even if I didn't stop, I'm afraid I haven't been able to pass! Ding Yu, the child, attaches great importance to the situation there, so it really can't make him angry. "

When he said this, Su bochen also frowned, and Wang Pu and the old lady on one side had the same body and brow, which was obviously a headache for this matter.

"What about the family? This is not a very realistic thing. No matter whether it is a sophomore or Su Quan, or Wang Yang, they are either unwilling or have no such weight! "

"Why don't you let the three of us go? Are you sure you won't roll over? " When she said this, the old lady did not want to take a look at him. She did not say whether the three of them could go. Even if they could, what would happen after they went? To get everything out of the way?

At that time, Ding Yu, the great grandson, will not be able to fry the frying pan! This matter can't be dealt with like this absolutely, need to take the road of other respect is the most appropriate! But which way? The three people are at a loss at this time. They really can't find the direction to start, and of course, they can't find the person to start.

"It's hard to find the right person at home. I've thought about it carefully. It's not suitable!" Wang Pu is also holding the crutch in his hand, gnashing his teeth and saying, "as for the candidates of the outside world? It seems that there are not too many suitable! The third is good, but he has never been able to do it! "

The relationship between the third and Ding Yu is very good, but what about this one? It is the family affairs of the Wang family and the Su family. The so-called honest and upright officials are hard to break the housework. It is true that they have a good relationship with Ding Yu, but it does not mean that they should stretch out their hands on this matter! Even in the future, there are some that are not clear.

What's more, this time, the third brother's heart has not seen how happy, Ding Yu is also a very important arm of him, but it was almost destroyed by the Wang family and the Su family. On such a problem, the third brother will still choose to stand on the side of the Wang family and the Su family? So it's not appropriate to find him for this matter!

So now is also into an endless circle, find people in the family! None of us can step into Ding Yu's taboo. Even the three of them are the same. They look like a layer of window paper, but no one dares to pierce it!

Find someone else! At present, there are not many people willing to deal with this matter. Or is it hard for honest and upright officials to cut off housework? This is your own business, isn't it? If we join in, how can it be? What's more, what about the people involved? Or Ding Yu!

But this matter does not do any solution, so horizontal here, for the Wang family and the Su family, is really too uncomfortable! The discussion of the three old people did not get any results, we are silent at this time!

"What about the things we did before? Some of them are too much. Otherwise, how could such a result appear? " The old lady almost covered her face and said that it was really hard to say.

Su bochen and Wang Pu did not mean to speak at this time. What did they say? What about things like this? It's what they do. Is it really Ding Yu who has any opinions and ideas about his family? No, it's just your idea? There are so many different! It's just like this.

But in the process of processing? I and my parents are too eager to show that they don't care much about their grandson's ideas and opinions, or they have no experience and details! If we can say that we can do it again, we will never adopt such means and methods. We can really describe it as "losing both sides".

"How about Li Fu?" When the old lady thought for a moment, she suddenly said a name. When she heard the name, both Wang Pu and Su bochen were stunned! Then I fell into a little meditation.

What about Li Fu Zhen? He is the master of Ding Yu's Asian power. From this point of view? What about the relationship with Ding Yu? Really is not what other people can compare! Do you want to know the masters of Ding Yu's major forces? It can be said that it is Ding Yu's arm.

But is it sun Yingnan or Lily? There are so many people at home who can't get in touch with each other. They are too far away! What about Li Fu Zhen? She is a member of the three luggage family, and her relationship with China is quite good. If she is willing to stand up, there may be room for relaxation.

How to contact Li Fuzhen? This is not a difficult problem. She will come to China in the end. What matters is how to talk to her about this aspect. This is the most important point.

"It's a good candidate and a more suitable candidate. But what's the relationship between her and Xiaoyu? It seems that there are some unusual people who can be appointed by Ding Yu to be the person in charge and controller of Asian forces. This is a kind of trust in itself, but it is very difficult for her to take over this matter! ""Not necessarily not!" Wang Pu also said, "what about the jade moon between her and the jade family? The relationship has gone from intimacy to opposition, although at home? There is some support, but what about the one she left before? It's all about Samsung. We'll establish a certain relationship with her by the way! Break away from Samsung

"Li Fu Zhen may be a little interested in this, but are you sure Xiaoyu is interested in it?"

What about the relationship at home? To Li Fuzhen, Li Fuzhen may be more interested, but to Xiaoyu? He didn't seem to be interested in it. What about his own power? We can't underestimate it. What about the relationship? Even the icing on the cake may not be counted, so naturally he will not be too excited.

Wang Pu pauses for a while, "what about Li Fu Zhen? As a power controller in Asia, she can not continue to stay in Samsung. Naturally, the relationship between Samsung and Samsung can not be allowed to use freely, which is certain! And it's impossible for her to be a new official without a fire! "

"She doesn't seem to be in China now. Do you want to do this in two ways? I heard that Chen Feng of siheyuan seems to be in love with Wu Mingyu. Wu Mingyu seems to have been so diligent recently and has run to Xiaoyu many times. Obviously, she can still get into Ding Yu's eye! It's a good one too

At present, the three old people are still uncertain about whether they will succeed in the end, because they can't say clearly what the outcome will be, but at least they have put in some efforts, and maybe there will be good results! What about now? It can only be so expected!

Looking for Li Fuzhen? It is not a difficult thing, but how to convince her, on the test of comparison! There is also Chen Feng's side, three old people let Chen Feng come, it is not a trouble, but Chen Feng can become the housekeeper of Ding Yu's courtyard. Do you think she will listen to Ding Yu or the three old people.

So how to deal with this matter, to some extent? There are some wishful thinking, or from another perspective to analyze it? At this time, the three old people also have the meaning of bowing to Ding Yu. Since we are going to find Li Fuzhen and Chen Feng, we are conveying this information to Ding Yu.

When did Li Fuzhen and Chen Feng know about this? There are so many frowns. Li Fu is in a better condition. After all, the distance is far away. How about making a phone call? Between each other is simply familiar with feelings, but for Chen Feng, it is really quite difficult.

What's the situation, sir? Although there is a little recovery, but not very good. If it is something else, I have no words, but what about this thing? To a certain extent, it is to betray your husband!

After graduation? I've been working in the courtyard house all the time. To say I'm tired, I have some, but it's not what I imagined. I can even describe it very easily. In the whole process, I learned a lot of things. This is the cultivation of my husband.

If there is no gentleman, I still don't know where to fish and dry the net! So it's impossible to let yourself do such a thing! Chen Feng did not promise three old, but the first time to call gold in the past, a detailed description of the situation!

To inform or not to tell sir? Need to let Jin take the lead in knowing this matter, considering Mr. Zhang's condition? I may tell you later, but I can't let him know! This is a matter of one's own attitude, which can never be underestimated.

Kim didn't say anything about it. What about this? I don't know if I should tell my husband whether I should tell him. It's true that Mr. Wang's body has recovered a little, but he hasn't recovered completely. However, Jin obviously thought of something. The Wang family and Su family also went to Li Fuzhen.

In this case, then contact Li Fuzhen! Take a look at her views and opinions on this matter. After all, what about Li Fu Zhen? With Chen Feng, there are so many different! She is not only the master of Asian power, but also the man's woman.

We all know this point in front of us, but the people who know about the latter thing are not as many as they think. What about themselves? Because it is the personal security of Mr. Zhang, I know a lot about this aspect. However, it is nothing from other people's mouth, but I can't spread the news from my own side.

When Li Fuzhen received the phone call from Jin, he was still worried about something happened to Ding Yu. But after hearing what Jin said, he also laughed. It seemed that he just made a phone call with Ding Yu in the morning!

As for what Kim said? He really knew that Wang's family had called him, and Jin asked himself to discuss this matter. Obviously? I don't want to fall any handle on Ding Yu's side!

He is very cautious and careful. What about this matter? I also have my own understanding and ideas. "What do I mean? Don't inform him at this time. After all, he has just recovered. This matter may have a considerable impact on him. You can slow down for a while. I'll discuss it with Yingnan and let him know later. "What if we have this? Kim doesn't worry about anything else!

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