Ding Yu was about to arrive at the new year's day when he knew about it. Tai Xi and Li Fu Zhen came together. During this period, Tai Xi picked up the topic, and Li Fu Zhen also added two words along with him! When they speak, their hearts are about to go up to their voices, because they are not so sure about it!

However, what people didn't think of was that Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter was quite indifferent. Even if Taixi and Li Fuzhen said something, Ding Yu seemed not to have heard it! No response at all!

Because it's winter now. Although the room is warm as spring, what about Ding Yu's clothes? It seems that there are so many, this is also considering that his body is still in the recovery period, there will still be some weakness, although not like baby bear, but the whole person seems to be a little bit unbearable.

But the whole person can see a little look, from this point can feel that his illness is recovering, and the effect of recovery? It's really good!

Since Ding Yu didn't mean to talk, Li Fuzhen and Taixi didn't continue to talk about this topic. Obviously, Ding Yu was not very cold about it. In this case, don't stimulate his mood. What good or bad words are not enough for them to regret!

Ding Yu doesn't mean this. What about Li Fu Zhen? It's not good to respond to this. At the same time, I didn't give any reply to the Wang family and the Su family. It's not that I didn't mention this aspect, but Ding Yu, as the party concerned? What about this? Obviously, there are not too many meanings and ideas!

But Ding Yu didn't reply, which also made Wang Pu and Su bochen more anxious. Li Fuzhen and Taixi went to Ding Yu at the same time. It has been such a long time. There was no contact before because Li Fuzhen and Taixi didn't go. It's understandable. But now they go, there is still no reaction. This problem is big!

From a certain point of view, it is not that Li Fuzhen and Taixi did not mention this topic. Obviously, what about Ding Yu, the great grandson? What about home? The disappointment was so great that there was no response at all. What about under such circumstances? No matter Li Fu Zhen or Tai Xi, I'm afraid it can only end in vain.

New year's day, it's going to be a new year soon! What about Ding Yu's return to his hometown? It's been half a year! During this period, Ding Yu has been staying in his hometown. What about his situation and other people? I also have a good understanding, not to say what is deliberately evaded, but the actual situation? Ding Yu is not allowed to come out!

What about the half a year? Although the Wang family and the Su family can not be said to have suffered heavy losses, the pressure they feel is really great. We can see it at this time. Without Ding Yu, what about the Wang family and the Su family? A tiger without teeth can scare people. If you want to eat people, you can't do it.

Under such circumstances, everyone doesn't mean to be too restrained. Anyway, Ding Yu has never shown any attitude. In the past two years, the Wang family and the Su family have risen a little faster, which also infringes on the interests of other people. Now it seems that there is no problem to charge interest at this time.

What if Ding Yu came back? I will talk about it at approriate time. Anyway, he didn't come back at this time, and what's more? They didn't violate his interests. What about each other? Basically, well water does not invade the river.

But Wang Pu and Su bochen are really too miserable. There is no response from the grandson. Even there is no news about this aspect. What happened in the past years? There may be another call, but this year? Nothing happened!

But two kids called, that's all! Is this really a knot, there is no way to untie it? But if you don't untie it, the impact is really too big to be accepted.

"What's the situation with Chen Feng?"

"Send some new year's things to me! But I didn't say anything superfluous! " The old lady also feels quite headache. What about Chen Feng? For this matter is not able to decide, she can only convey the news, but grandson did not have any reaction, what can Chen Feng do? She is just a housekeeper of the courtyard, not the owner there!

"No, it seems that he is really disappointed this time!" What about Wang Pu's exclamation in this period of time? There are so many things in the family? It is impossible to say that it is not smooth, but if this goes on for a long time, what about the constraints on the family? It will get bigger and bigger!

Wang Pu and the old lady feel quite upset, but what about Su bochen? It's not too good. My grandson has made trouble. It's not small. It's not Suchen. What about Suchen? I don't even have a status in the whole Su family.

"What happened to Su Yu?" Although Su bochen's voice is not so severe, but familiar people all know, what about this old man? No matter who is in such a situation, I'm afraid he will not be very happy!

Hua Xiaoqing looked at her father-in-law, but also sat there with a low eyebrow. What about this matter caused by her son? There are really so some not very decent, this problem I did not say, but now the husband is not at home, so I can only come to look for father-in-law!"Dad, I didn't think about Xiaoyu either!" When the father-in-law asked about this matter, Hua Xiaoqing was also very careful to say, "he is at home now, and he is also aware of his mistake. Next, it depends on how to deal with this matter, no matter what? He will take the responsibility! "

If Su bochen does not bear the responsibility now, he will not bear the responsibility!

It's really sad to think of it. What about Ding Yu's great grandson? What about children at home? It is true that there are so many despised, the only one in the Su family who can take a fancy to it? It should be Suchen! But what about the last person in the family? I'm afraid it's Suchen.

What's more, Su Chen is no longer in China now. Even if he wants to lose his temper, he has no way to start. Can he catch up with foreign countries? How could it be! Of course, Su bochen understood that Ding Yu, the great grandson, did this? That's to say, he gave Su Chen a lot of protection.

What about this? It also shows that he is quite optimistic about Suchen. Otherwise, he would never make such an arrangement, but what about such an arrangement? It's really to let the nerves of the Su family beat, especially the eldest and his daughter-in-law. It's true that they didn't mention this, but how could they not know?

What about the relationship between the eldest brother and Ding Yu, the great grandson? If it's not good, it's not near, it's not far, but it's always? There are so some do not call, also don't know what is the cause, even if they have the intention to match, but also did not have any effect, is really let people feel too strange!

On the contrary, Suquan? The relationship with Ding Yu is really extraordinary. From what he knows, when Su Quan goes to find Ding Yu, the great grandson, there is basically nothing good, but the relationship between them is not indifferent! On the contrary, we are getting closer!

It's really that some people can't say clearly. How can this be? But what about the relationship between the two? It's really unpredictable. Although it's because of work, what can't be denied is that this time? Su Quan went to Ding Yu's hometown in person.

Although he didn't stay for a long time, he went in person and even stepped on Ding Yu's red line to a certain extent, but there were still not many problems, which could explain quite a lot of problems! If the rest of the family to do so, even if there are sufficient reasons, Ding Yu will not be light Rao!

But what about the soon to be son? Also shaking his head, "you can deal with this matter with the boss." And then he waved. What happened? It's really that I feel a little disappointed. All of them are grandchildren. How about one? What about the other one? Ding Yu didn't like it at all.

Is it valued by Ding Yu? But the future is really bright, just like Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, ah! What about Su bochen? I really don't know what to say. There are a lot of children in the family. How can there be no Ding Yu like this, even if it's the same as Su Chen!

Even if you are all iron, how many nails can you make? And I have been so old, even if I can live again, when can I live? And this one? His grandson up to now have no any movement, this is also let Su bochen's heart, there is quite a bad feeling.

What about Su Yu? Su bochen's heart is quite alert. After his daughter-in-law left, Su bochen also called Wang Pu. After Ding Yu was ill, they had more contact, but did not get any good news. What about Ding Yu? There have been no calls.

"It's just stuck here?" Su bochen was also a little dissatisfied and said, "or is Xiaoyu's condition not fully recovered? So Li Fu Zhen and Tai Xi dare not mention too much? " What about now? It is only to find such reasons to appease themselves!

"I don't know!" Wang Pu is also very impatient to say, "if there is anything, I will call you!" However, Wang Pu immediately thought of something, "I heard that your family Su Yu seems to have caused something. When is it, can't these bastards stop?"

"Don't mention it!" What do my parents say? It's not ridicule. I can still hear the words. Although he said something a little more direct, "we all look at Su Chen's situation. The boss won't say anything in his heart, but what about his daughter-in-law? It can't be too balanced in my heart! The other people in the family are not very balanced! "

"You should not be so dazed! What do you think? "

"The eldest daughter-in-law is unbalanced. What about Su Yu? It's even more unbalanced. What about a hot head? Doing things is also quite impulsive! There are some reckless things to do Su bochen was too clear about such things. "Now I want to let them live too much. Sometimes they don't see any good things."What about the children at home? If you don't succeed, what can you do even if you prepare Jinshan and Yinshan for them? And how did Jinshan and Yinshan come from? It was knocked out from Ding Yu's hand, which made the relationship between each other extremely awkward. At the same time, what about the children in the family? I didn't try to win too much.

Although life is not as good as nine out of ten, it should not be like this! If you don't have a good environment at home, you can be forgiven, but the problem is that the home provides such a superior environment, but if you still look like this, some of them can't be forgiven!

Wang Pu is speechless, things have come to such a point, what can be said? Now what about the others? There is so much nonsense! Can you save Ding Yu's heart? Even if Ding Yu comes back, can they still return to the past? The broken mirror is reunited, but after all, there are quite cracks.

Want to mend this crack? It's not as easy as you can imagine, nor can it be done in one sentence or two sentences! Now what can be expected? It seems that there is not too much to rely on!

Said no two words, each other is also put down the phone.

At the same time, Taixi and Li Fuzhen sat in the cafe of the hotel, "what? I'm still obsessed with it? " Li Fu Zhen is also ridiculed said, it is clear that she did not put the previous things in mind, Wang and Su family things? There's no need for such entanglement.

"I don't want such things to happen in my home. Although I have some anger, I can't let such things indulge." What about Taixi? Don't want to be at home? In such a situation, what about yourself now? Can not indulge a, although their own is also quite angry and angry.

"He has insight and ideas. It seems that he chose you at the beginning? There is really no wrong choice! " Li Fu Zhen was also highly praised and said, "what about women? What happened after this? Can not deliberately indulge, this is not to help, believe in smart men? You will not choose such a woman, you have done a very right thing

"Fu Zhen Ou Ni, don't praise me, I don't know how to deal with myself now! Even if the relationship between each other can not be restored to the previous situation, but at least can not let everyone see jokes! What about the back? It doesn't matter, but what about the surface? It shouldn't be like this! "

"What about it? Don't make public the domestic scandal. What about this? He can't be here all the time. In a way, what about him now? It's not the right person to do it, but what about the right person now? It's you

"Let me go?" Taixi also slightly frowned. The last time he passed by, he didn't pay any attention to it. He didn't pay a simple visit. He left directly!

"You must go, take two children with you! Why? It doesn't matter. Trust him? I don't think it's too much against it. Even if it's against it, I think we can still entangle him! " Speaking of this, Li Fu Zhen also laughed, "but what about this period of time? He belongs to me! You're not jealous, are you? "

Taixi also gave a smile, "well, let me tell him about this matter. As for whether he agrees or disagrees with it? Another word for this one This matter is always a stone in everyone's mind, or need to be removed.

When Ding Xitai comes back to the room, he will discuss with himself what things he wants to do?

"What about Eugene? Tell me about the things at home. You are not fit now. What about me? Take your two children with you! What about the future? talk later! You can't just leave this thing there! It will make the outside world laugh. You need to maintain your face! "

Ding Yu, lying on the bed, was stunned for a moment and then sneered. However, he sighed and didn't mean to speak. Taixi also pushed carefully. Judging from his expression, what about this matter? There is still considerable rejection, but there is no special objection.

Just in silence, two little guys came in with little lazy and little four eyes, and they wanted to occupy the whole bed. Fortunately, xiaolazy and xiaosiyan didn't mean to run up. Otherwise, there would be some trouble. Even if the bed was bigger, it could not accommodate four people and two dogs, right?

Although Ding Yu did not agree, what about the same? There was no objection, so Taixi took advantage of the holiday to take two little guys back to the capital. This time, the situation was different from the previous one. What about the last time? Two little guys came back, but this time? But Tai hee came back with them!

When Wang Pu and Su bochen knew the news, they were really overjoyed. Although Ding Yu did not come back, Tai Xi came back with two children? It's also an expression of attitude, isn't it?

What about the three old people? It was really waiting for Taixi to come with two children. After returning to the courtyard with two children, Taixi didn't stay for a long time. After a simple cleaning up, he took the two children to visit Wang Pu and the old lady. This is a very important attitude to show.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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