Tai Xi brought two little guys to visit, and the courtesy was beyond imagination. Taixi did not deliberately take anything. He saluted the three old people respectfully, and the little guy next to him was also the same. Then he presented the gift in his hand.

Don't say that Tai Xi was waiting for something. Even if she didn't bring anything, as long as she had this idea, the three old people would be very happy! After all, what about Taixi? Even the daughter-in-law of the great grandson!

The grandson didn't come back? There are some regrets, but the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law has come, and she brought two children with her. It really eased the embarrassment of the Wang family and the Su family. It's really timely. If Tai Xi didn't come here with two children, what about this year? I'm afraid it's going to be bad, though it's just the Spring Festival, not the lunar new year.

After the two little guys saluted respectfully, they were also held by the old lady one by one hand. They were really reluctant to let go! I haven't seen you for a period of time. I really miss you so much. I can't tell what the reason is. I like it!

"Tired enough all the way? Are they still obedient? "

"Good! Experts are arranged at home, and their two children are also more obedient, that is, sometimes there are some funny things, but they are still good children! " Taixi should be careful.

After saying a few words, the topic also shifted to Ding Yu's body, "his condition still has some changes, so he still stays at home to recuperate. The recent weather is also relatively cold. His body has been so weak, and he is worried that he may feel a little uncomfortable after coming out! Let me bring my two children to celebrate the new year for you

Is it true? It's not important at all. Anyway, at this time, no one will deliberately confirm this point. What I'm saying now is nothing. It's just to ease the family relationship.

The three old people really feel a little different about this, but anyway, the relationship has eased down, which is a good thing. At least now, I can breathe a sigh of relief!

"It's been nearly half a year? Should things get better? " The old lady was also worried and asked, "the family has always been unaware of the situation, nor do they know what kind of situation Xiaoyu is! They are also very worried, but they are afraid to affect him, and they dare not ask questions

"The recovery is not bad, but sometimes it is quite willful. How about taking medicine? They don't eat well. They need to be supervised by two children. There are some children who have a good temperament, but they are much better than before. Their bodies are also recovering a little bit. But when they want to return to normal, we still need to observe! "

When speaking, Su Yuan also followed, Tai Xi came with two children, this is not a small matter, two children come? It doesn't mean anything, but Tai Xi came with two children, and still came from Ding Yu. Who knows this? Understand what this represents!

Although it has not been completely thawed, it is at least a very good signal that no one dares to ignore.

Su Yuan also made a phone call to Wang Changlin, but his work is relatively busy. I'm afraid he doesn't have the time to come back. What about himself? We are the first to take a look at the two little guys.

But the two children were still very happy. Su Yuan didn't mean to drag the two children from her mother-in-law's hands, but she also sat beside the two children and teased them from time to time!

In the evening, Taixi also took two children to eat here. The clouds all over the sky dissipated at this time. It was really just a matter of dancing. Wang Pu and Su bochen also sighed deeply when Tai Xi left with his children. If not, their face would be lost.

"Is that what he meant?" When the old lady was sitting there, she also said, "I don't think this is the character of the grandson. If you really have this kind of mind, should Li Fuzhen or Chen Feng bring a message? It's not so abrupt that Tai hee comes with two children! "

Wang Pu is also very clear about this, but also hummed, "if he really has this idea, he will let Li Fuzhen bring this sentence, at least will let Li Fuzhen get satisfactory results, but Taixi with two children to show that although he does not agree, but for this matter is not so opposed, Taixi is still a good child!"

"Yes! A comparative understanding of the general! " Wang Pu also nodded, "but what does it mean that she has been staying in Korea? Since Li Fuzhen took up this position, she seems to have gone back, worried about the instability of the rear? There are other reasons? "

"Who knows? The situation in South Korea is quite stable. If you are worried about the instability of the rear, it is better to worry about what other issues may arise from Samsung's primary election! But since Li Fu Zhen has stepped into this position, she should at least make a decision with Samsung. Otherwise, she can sit there safelyWang Pu and the old lady discussed with each other so late. Anyway, they couldn't go to bed so early. It was regarded as chatting. But anyway, today's Taixi with two children is also an ice breaking trip. This side of the house is a breath of relief. It won't be as passive as before! So the atmosphere is also relieved a lot!

"When will he be able to come back? It will be the lunar new year in a while. Will you come back? "

"I don't know." Maybe she also felt that she was uncomfortable. The old lady also turned over and said, "come back or not? How to deal with the relationship with him? After this incident, how could he have no idea about this aspect in his heart? This problem has never been solved! "

The old lady didn't mean to say that? What about the plan? What about the younger generation at home? In other words, the next generation of Wang Yang will basically be educated by Ding Yu, the child. Judging from the performance of the two little guys, they are really smart and smart. Although they are young, what about the family and society? Have a considerable understanding!

What about the kids at home? It's not required to be the same as the two of them, but what about the average level? It's time to snigger, but now something like this will Ding Yu agree? Wang Yang's child will be born in a period of time, and Ding Ding's baby seems to be born.

The same are children, if this difference really shows up, how to do? I don't want to take care of it, but what about it? There is a feeling in the heart can not bear, after all, are their own children! What about the family background? It was not deep enough, or in other words, the first half was basically blank. Later, because of Ding Yu's reason, he accumulated some family background.

But the question now? Ding Yu quit. In such a situation, some things should not be exposed to the public, but if the truth is not explained clearly, what will happen after the two old men really lie down? I'm afraid no one will worry about this in the future!

"Let's just let it go! We don't know if we can live to that time yet Wang Pu also said coldly, "and Ding Ding's children are much more in the morning than Qiuyan. Let's have a look at the situation."

The old lady said so with a little spirit, "where will Ding Ding Ding give birth? Looks like it's in the capital? He can't come over for other things, but what about this one? Even if he doesn't want to come back, I'm afraid he has to come back? "

"That's what happened after the new year, and we'll talk about it later! Go to bed

The story of Tai Xi's return with two children spread out in the evening. It really raised a certain amount of waves. What about the invasion of the Wang family and the Su family in this small half year? It is really more, but the Wang family and the Su family have always been passive to bear, there are not too many ways.

Now Tai hee comes back with two children. What does that mean? Have you reconciled with each other? If this is really the case, we really need to think about how to deal with the next thing. After all, that guy is Ding Yu, not any other ordinary person.

The time for Tai Xi to come back with the two children was a little short. He went out to visit the relevant personnel, and then he went back. The reason is very good. The two children have not had a holiday, and they are still in school. That is to say, they come to have a look on Sunday. That's all!

"So soon? Yes? Are you worried about my eating? " Li Fu Zhen is still with the tone of molestation with Tai Xi said, after finishing, even deliberately wiped his lips with his fingers, abnormal temptation.

Tai Xi is also drum up his face, so tease himself really good?

"I am very happy at home, but I can see some worries, but what can I do? That's all it is! " Taixi also has some exclamations, because from this time home? Obviously, what about the Wang family and the Su family? There is no sense of guilt!

That is to say, they did not have any so-called burden and worry about Ding Yu's illness? Still, is the interests of the Wang family and the Su family damaged? This also makes Taixi obviously feel that there are some dissatisfaction, but he did not put this dissatisfaction? Just let it out! At least not on the surface!

"There is nothing abnormal. Do you want to feel the so-called warmth in such a family? We need to realize it by ourselves. It's totally different from ordinary families. It's a kind of luck for us to meet Ding Yu, but it doesn't mean that all forces will be the same. Cherish it! "

Li Fu Zhen was born from such a family. What about the whole family? What is substantial are naked interests. Only with interests can we have everything. There is no so-called kinship. In front of interests, everything is so illusory and illusory. I have already seen some strange things about myself!

"I still feel quite unaccustomed to it. It's all a family!" Maybe he felt that there was something wrong with the words, so Taixi also bit his lips, which seemed to touch the pain of Fu zhen'oni."It may also be because of different ways of education, or because of other reasons! What about the so-called family? Sometimes it's not as good as outsiders. Forget it, let's not leave crocodile tears here. What is the effect of this matter? It can only be external factors, and ultimately he needs to make this decision! "

After saying that, he also snorted, "I found that he was lazy recently, so he took himself as a master, and then we women ran around him!"

"Is it?" Tai Xi also pursed his mouth a smile, "I think some people still like it very much! But speaking of it, I really enjoy some feelings, but I don't know if Fu zhen'ou'ni also feels it! "

Li Fu's face is a little ruddy. It's strange to say that he is with Ding Yu? It doesn't have to be love. It's just embracing each other. You feel comfortable in your heart, but you really don't feel it from other people's bodies!

In this regard, I really admire Taixi, and even have some small jealousy. However, due to Ding Yu's physical reasons, I really haven't given him any more in the past two days? Of course, not only himself, but also Taixi this period of time is also the same! We are all in a process of forbearance.

After the new year, Taixi took the lead in leaving, while Li Fuzhen continued to stay. Today's time is mixed with Ding Yu. The work in Asia is so stagnant. I need to report the situation with Ding Yu again. I need to explain that this is not stealing.

Not only Li Fuzhen, but also sun Yingnan and Shasha also need to report to Ding Yu about the situation. The new year has already begun. What about the consortium? We need to make a considerable plan and arrangement, and make a summary of the previous year. What about Ding Yu as the leader? Nature needs to come forward.

In the whole process, sun Yingnan and Sasha looked at Li Fu Zhen with very different eyes. Why? Li Fuzhen sat next to Ding Yu. They were a little closer, which made sun Yingnan and Shasha very angry.

But Li Fu Zhen at this time is so blind to some of the meaning, is completely deliberately in show, but the meeting between each other chat? It's just a simple plan, and it will be published. What about the confidential content? Also need to believe that the interview, not mentioned in the video conference.

After the meeting, Ding Yu didn't leave the hotel either. During this period of time, he spent the night in the hotel because of his work. Sometimes, Taixi was also there, but there was not much worry about this aspect at home. As for the two little guys, they also stayed for the whole night.

But later by Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to mandatory take back, adults at work, you two little guys mess up? Ding Lin didn't have much time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But Zhao Shuying came here because she needed to know her son's condition.

Naturally, I also noticed some situations of the meeting. It was really not for fun. The material was thicker than my original student's homework, which made me feel like a headache! So forget it! Don't disturb me!

However, before leaving, he also told Jin and other service personnel not to let his eldest son work too hard. After all, what about him? Just recover, can't immediately put into the hard work, need to be "reserved", otherwise the body may not be able to bear.

At night, Li Fu Zhen was lying beside Ding Yu, and their clothes were quite neat. "But I heard that there are some opinions about you in the capital city! No matter what the reason is, the article on the surface still needs to be done! "

"How can you be more interested in this?" Although Ding Yu didn't have too many movements, his hands didn't mean to stop. Li Fu Zhen also gave a gentle hum and then slapped him, "your body hasn't recovered completely. Be honest with me!"

Although he said that, he didn't stop Ding Yu, but he also bit his lips. Half of his body was leaning against Ding Yu's body at this time, "what about talking to you? Are you just ruining me

"What about the family? Put it aside first! Not much interest now! I'm afraid I won't have too much interest in the future! " Ding Yu also closed his eyes, "don't want to discuss the Wang family and the Su family, this time there are so some injuries!"

"Injured or uninjured? This is a private matter, but the relationship above the surface still needs to be maintained. After Taixi discussed with me, did it go? She still has the bearing of being a housewife

Ding Yu's hand also slightly pauses for a moment, "how can I feel some sour gas in this discourse?"

"What sour gas? I'm normal. Say yes or no? "

"I can't give you the position of the eldest woman. Only when Tai Xi sits on that position can he be stable." Then Ding Yu also suddenly turned around, and then whispered a word in her ear. This word also made Li Fu Zhen's body suddenly straight. For a long time, he didn't slow down. Then he directly covered his head, which was too embarrassing!Although their own experience is more, but such a thing to say, but also let oneself feel very ashamed!

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