"He didn't come back?" The old lady was the first to know the news. She knew something about the quadrangle. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back with their two children. Ding Yu and Tai Xi were still nestled in the house without any movement. "There is still a period of time before Ding Ding's due date of delivery!"

"If you don't come back, you won't come back, and there's no big deal! There's no such worry! "

Wang Pu in the end or can sit, so-called can sit? It's also because it's not necessary to say anything now. During the Spring Festival, my grandson called. In fact, when I heard him speak, I was still very happy, but when I put down the phone? My heart has been half cold!

Why do you say that? What if Ding Yu never made this call? So, it means that he has been to his home for a long time. But now? He made a direct call to the Wang family and the Su family? It is to maintain an article on the surface, so that everyone can live it!

In the past, no matter what happened, what happened in Wang Pu's heart? But now? I really don't have this confidence. Without knowing how to solve the problem, Wang Pu really doesn't want his grandson to come back so early!

Can delay a day is a day! This is Wang Pu's most direct idea now, so what about the old lady? Also is not so puts in the heart above, oneself now is still did not think out any method! I don't know how to deal with it!

Because what about your grandson? All the things to the surface, the original time there were some emotions, but now really is not a bit of this mood, how about you? I'm just doing a superficial article!

In other words, what about me? It's just to make some superficial things for you to see. As for whether the Wang family and the Su family are satisfied, it has nothing to do with me. Would you like to? It's like this. Don't you want to? It's the same way. It won't make any difference.

"What does old Sue say? I've heard it's been a little hot these two days? "

"It's not Su Yu's business. The trouble hasn't been solved yet, and it's also a sign of more and more trouble!" The old lady was also very dissatisfied and said, what is the situation of the two families? There are so some special, do not help the family also even if, also make such a thing! It's really hard to see!

Wang Pu also snorted, what about the Su family? I know something about it. Su Chen came back for the Spring Festival. It was almost the same as before. I just came to have a look. It was better for Su bochen.

But what about going to his father's house? It's not as pleasant as you think. What about Su Yu? It's direct. My grandfather is too biased. I just made some things. It's no big deal. But? I can only reflect at home.

What about Suchen? In foreign countries, Su Yu could not help but take a look at his clothes and look at his appearance! Su Chen didn't say anything. If the atmosphere was not suitable, she said two scene words, put down the things and left!

There's no point in staying under such circumstances. Why don't you come by yourself? It's not about fighting for anything or showing off. It's a process that needs to go through every year. After all, it's your father. As for whether Su Yu is satisfied or not, does this question have anything to do with me? You don't want to see me, and I don't want to see you!

Su Chen is gone, but Su Yu is still indomitable. The matter is a little noisy. Fortunately, there are no serious consequences. Suchen doesn't want to investigate anything, even doesn't say anything, so he leaves directly.

Originally, his own affairs had not been solved, and now such things have come out. Su bochen's two days are not so popular. If it is said that such conditions have not been created at home? That's all. But the family created such conditions for them, and even in order to create such conditions, they almost destroyed the great grandson.

But what about the children at home? Is that how to repay yourself? What's the point of doing so many things? Even the children at home? Still quite dissatisfied, feel that they have prejudice, what is their prejudice? So what about Su bochen these two days? I feel like I've seen people all over my face.

Otherwise, I would have come to see Wang Pu for a long time. After all, the matter of the great grandson's phone call is still quite serious. If it is really just to maintain the superficial things, the future life at home will be very sad after all.

But these two days is really no mood, this is not said to come to apologize can solve the problem, why the home education will be so missing? Is it your own reason? Was he really wrong before? What's more, it's the wrong kind. Otherwise, how could it be the current situation?

But anyway? Ding Yu should all come back. I heard that her condition has recovered. The reason why she didn't rush back immediately may be due to other considerations! But now what about old Sue? Lying at home, basically not in consideration! Let's see what we're going to do at home!After dealing with his relatives and friends in his hometown, Ding Yu also cleaned up and was ready to leave. Before leaving, he also followed his mother's instructions, and carefully checked the water, electricity and gas. If there is any problem and situation, I believe his mother will pick his skin!

For this problem, Ding Yu really has some sad feelings. If mother really comes up with this temper, no matter who you are, no matter how much achievements you have made, you are my son, dare to challenge me? Two slaps to let you know, what is called southeast northwest! What is a flower? Why is it so red!

Ding Yu's return is not very dynamic. Since he got on the plane, all the forces, big and small, have been informed of the news. After nearly half a year's absence, Ding Yu came back again, and he did not know how his body recovered? It should be all right! Otherwise, it will not come back!

As for what kind of actions and reactions Ding Yu will have after coming back, we still need to observe. After all, Ding Yu left for a long time, and during this time, Ding Yu didn't make any trouble and didn't see his power? What's going on! Quietly, people feel overwhelmed.

Ding Yu on the plane is looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and sighs slightly. Taixi next to him is holding Ding Yu's hand tightly. He is also worried. However, Ding Yu may feel the tension of Taixi and smile at him when he turns his head.

As for "so no exaggeration!"

Ding Yu's smile was still very sincere, which made Taixi a little infected. Smiling at Ding Yu, the speed of the plane was still very fast. When they returned to the capital, it was just noon. Because they took care of Taixi, they simply ate a little food at the airport, and they didn't eat much, which was to ease their appetite.

Back in the courtyard, two little guys are with little four eyes and small lazy in the monkey? Running head is all sweat, suddenly saw his father and mother, is also a voice, directly toward his father and mother, they are better, but also followed by small four eyes and small lazy?

Fortunately, Ding Yu's physical fitness is very good. He takes a step forward slightly and holds up two little guys one by one. As for Xiao Siyan and Xiao lazy? They are holding Ding Yu's legs separately, and they are all ready to go up!

Tai Xi looked at the excited look of the two little guys. He also pointed to the two little guys' heads with his finger. He wiped the sweat on their forehead with his handkerchief. Ding Yu took them to the next seat step by step and sat down.

Originally, they wanted to go to the airport, but Ding Yu and Tai Xi didn't let them come. They just came back. It's not a great situation. Why do we have to let the two little guys go there? It's too formalized.

"What about granddad and grandma?" Ding Yu also asked casually.

"My sister-in-law dislikes us for being too noisy. In addition, my father and mother come back today, so we have no past." When she said this, the little girl seemed to have some bad intentions, but looking at her bulging face, Ding Yu pinched her hands twice, which was a certain punishment to them!

After a while of uproar, Ding Yu went to wash and gargle for a while and then came out again. What about Taixi? It's time to teach two kids? It was so dirty that he stood there with his little four eyes and little lazy, just like a pupil who was punished for standing. After seeing it, Ding Yu felt a little funny.

I dragged two little guys to wash and gargle, along with Xiao lazy and Xiao Siyan. After finishing up, I was ready to take them to Ding Ding Ding. When Tai Xi had a child, he didn't seem to have such a big temper! I don't know what happened to Ding Ding Ding?

When he came out of the courtyard, Ding Yu also took a look with the rest of his eyes, but he didn't have any foot to stop. Soon, he took Tai Xi and two little guys to get on the bus. He didn't have so much free time to pay attention to them. Now it's the most important time to see Ding Ding. Everything else can be put down.

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao look at the big brother's family leaving. They are all serious. What about the big brother's coming back? They all know that they are much thinner than before. After all, they used to see video data, but what do you see now? It's the real person! It's not exaggeration!

"I feel that big brother has noticed us, but he didn't even say hello!" Xiaobao also rubbed his hands, and now I really feel that things are quite difficult!

"Be content! You just! What if not? " Wang Yang also feels that things have so many troubles. His grandfather and grandmother let him come here, but what does big brother mean? It seems that there is no breath, otherwise you won't even say hello, when you look at your side, it's cold.

"What about this time? We also have a considerable responsibility, this is no way to avoid, big brother sad! But anyway? I can now have today's achievements, is the big brother's support, I can't be ungrateful! You are too careless"Get out of here Wang Yang also laughed and scolded, "when is your turn! I haven't said anything yet! "

But both of them know, what about such a thing? It's really not that they can solve it in one sentence or two sentences. It's not such a thing at all. There are too many problems involved in it!

Come to Ding Ding's house and see Ding Ding's appearance. Ding Yu's expression is a little bit dull. Taixi next to her can be better. Ding Ding looks at her elder brother's appearance and hums heavily. Taixi also touches her gently in the back. She should know how to do something, but you can't do it!

Ding Yu felt so happy at this time. It was Zhao Shuying who saw her son's family. However, when she saw her son's appearance, she was also dissatisfied and slapped her son on the arm. What was Ding Ding Ding's mood? It's not so good. You're still laughing at her! Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

Although she was slapped, Ding Yu also had a smile on her face. Then she looked at Tai Xi. When she was pregnant, she didn't seem to be so fat. What about Ding Ding Ding? It's like blowing a balloon!

Looking at the elder brother sitting down, Ding Ding Ding doesn't look very angry. If it's not physically inconvenient, he really wants to give him a foot. As a big brother? I didn't look at all. I even laughed at myself! What's more, he is pregnant, not because of other things!

"Dad, I said why she is in a bad mood recently. Isn't this quite normal?" Since Ding Ding Ding is not willing, Ding Yu is also far away. Now, don't look for any discomfort for herself at this time. What's the trouble of saving her? It's really not very beautiful!

Ding Lin is also, er, obviously for such a thing is not so concerned, with their own words, is affectation, home? She was not the only one who was pregnant. When she was about to give birth to her, Zhao Shuying was still cooking? Not the same, there is no problem, is now a good life, so just get used to the problem!

After Zhao Shuying came, Ding Ding was relieved. After all, she was pregnant for the first time. Although she said that she didn't need to worry about anything at home, what about her own heart? Is quite uneasy, also can't say exactly is because of what, so this period of time's temper is also so some big!

Brought the fruit to come over, and then also called the two little guys to his side position, the fruit in the home? Many of them are provided by farms. They can't be bought outside. Ding Ding Ding's food can be said to be a package of joy, which makes Zhao Shuying stare.

They all know that they are fat and can't live to eat, but what about themselves? It's hard to say anything. What's in her stomach? Now they are two children! Really can't underestimate, wait until the birth of children again!

Where are the two little guys? At home may not be so greedy, but see Aunt holding fruit basket, this time is also very greedy, and then also with the aunt began to grab food, and eat when also not live provocation, see also make people have so some funny, finally the small stomach to prop up!

Even dinner? The two little guys didn't eat either, because they ate too much fruit. Ding Ding didn't feel that way. She still ate a lot of dinner. She saw that the two little guys were gnashing their teeth, but there was no way. Zhao Shuying also patted Ding Ding gently, which was to vent her anger on the two little guys!

At such a big age, you are still playing with two children. Now you are almost a child's mother. Cao Zhen is really speechless at this time. It's like a pug circling around Ding Ding Ding, which makes people feel dizzy. Even Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying can't look down.

In the evening, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't go back to the courtyard. After all, their sons have come back, and they don't need them to take care of them. So we'd better stay here to take care of their daughter! Is it care? In fact, I still worry that Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen have no experience, which is just a kind of care of the elderly!

"When you were pregnant, I didn't seem to care a little bit about it." On the way back, Ding Yu didn't know how he thought of it, and then he said it.

Yeah! What are you talking about? Taixi also took a look at the two children and turned with his elbow. How could they say such a thing? But Ding Yu looked at the two little guys and laughed.

"I have some doubts. They eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of juice in the afternoon, and whether they will wet the bed at night!" This word is also a sudden poke over the hornet's nest, the two little guys are really so unhappy, directly holding their own father up.

Taixi also felt helpless. They had already gone to school and even said something like bed wetting. What is good for him to say? How did you suddenly become like this after you got well? Let oneself have so some do not understand!

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