When he got up in the morning, Ding Yu also deliberately asked if the two little guys had wet their beds, and there were still some confused children, just like angry kittens, chasing Ding Yu and starting to bite!

Even when they finished their exercise and had breakfast, the two little guys didn't mean to let go of Ding Yu. They looked at their father with covetous eyes. Even the little four eyes and the little lazy beside them were also ready to act as accomplices, but there was no place to talk about it!

When Tai Xi knew the reason, he didn't know what to say. Was it really good that the two childish Dudu looks like? Even if I promised to take them to the amusement park, I didn't seem to have much relief. It's obvious that I'm so worried about what my father said before! Dad is so bad!

In the morning, Taixi went out with the two children. Ding Yu stayed at home without any action. However, it was obvious that there was no time to stop. Wang Yang was the first to come. When he came, he deliberately brought some gifts. This was what Chen Feng told Ding Yu!

Ding Yu rubbed the string of hands in his hands, but his eyes were placed on the potted plants next to him. When he saw Wang Yang, he nodded his head to say hello. There was no other action. The expression on his face did not change! Come also come, not the first time, there is nothing different!

"Big brother, you've lost a lot of weight!" This is absolutely true! "It's been a long time since I knew you were ill, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity to have a look. My family is also very worried! I heard you've recovered! "

Ding Yu nodded in response? Yes Then he nodded to Wang Yang, "sit down!" Then he was the first to sit down and said, "it's no big deal. It's just a little bit of a situation. Now it's recovered!"

"It's better to see how big brother is getting better! But I don't know what the actual situation is

What about the relevant things? I have asked a lot of people. I am not so optimistic about this issue. First of all, what about this question? It's the most tricky head. What else? It's Ding Yu's body.

For example! If it is a piece of wood, even if there is a crack, it can be recovered slowly by other methods, but if it is a piece of jade, if there is a crack, it is not so simple to repair it! Where's your big brother? Is the best explanation!

If other people, although the disease may be a little special, but will not recuperate for such a long time, but what about brother? A raise is almost half a year, but even if it is like this, it is still not restored to the previous state! It can be seen that the general! I am also very worried.

"No problem! Let's worry about it! " Ding Yu's tone is not salty and light, and his voice is not high or low. People can't feel the emotional changes. It also makes Wang Yang take a few breaths. It shouldn't be such a state.

"Brother, dad and mom are also very worried about you. They also know that it is not convenient to come here now. Let me ask you when you have time and go back to have a meal together! You see? "

"Have time these two days! Ding Ding's situation is not so stable. My parents will stay here for a period of time, which may last until Ding Ding Ding has a baby! It's not so convenient for me When Ding Yu said this, he didn't have any good meaning or was embarrassed. He said it frankly!

The underlying meaning is quite clear. What about my side? It's not so convenient, so don't come here! In any case, everyone's faces are not so good-looking, as for the Wangs and Sujia? I'll talk about it when I have time! I'm not so sure, that's it!

What about the whole conversation? There is no emotion at all. It gives people a cold feeling, which makes Wang Yang very uncomfortable. However, Wang Yang can understand why the elder brother is in such a state. It can be said that his illness this time? Most of the reasons are caused at home! This problem cannot be avoided!

Therefore, the elder brother's attitude towards the family is a little colder. This is also a common sense. There is nothing that can't be understood. But I don't know when the elder brother's anger will dissipate.

What about your own trial? There is really no effect. In the past, when big brother saw himself, he had a cold face, but at least he could see a little smile. But now? There is no so-called cold face, but in terms of attitude, it is better than that of an outsider. It is also a headache for me to feel abnormal!

Said two words, even Wang Yang feel so embarrassed, because do not know should say a point is good! What about elder brother's attitude? Always is such a look, let oneself feel extremely uncomfortable! Even when he left the courtyard, Wang Yang felt that he was a little confused and stiff. He didn't know what to do!

That is, Wang Yang just got on the door of the car, the phone also rang, it is obvious that the waiting at home is also a little anxious, all know that they came to the courtyard, but do not know what the situation is!"How's your brother doing?" When Su Yuan was talking, he was holding a handkerchief in his hand! The heart can be said to be abnormal tension!

"I'm in a good mood, just a little cold!" Wang Yang also scratched his head. What about this problem? It's really not very good to express. I can't say frankly that big brother's opinions on home are a little bit big! It is true that each other is very clear, but said it is not good!

"Did you tell him?"

"I told my elder brother that he was busy at this time, because his adoptive father and mother also lived in the courtyard, so it's not so convenient. Sometimes I go back to see you and my father! This is almost the same situation! "

When talking about this, Su Yuan basically understood. What about the eldest son? Now although it is not in the top of the gas head, but in the heart of this tone? There is still no past, so now the performance of extremely cold!

"I see. Do you have time? You go to your big brother to talk more about something? It's not what he thinks

Hang up the phone, Wang Yang also to his grandfather and grandfather respectively called in the past, said about the relevant situation, he has come over, some of the situation? It's all said. What about brother? Maybe there are some other ideas! So at this time, it can only be like this!

What about Ding Yu? It also blocked some roads. Now the courtyard is extremely inconvenient. Don't come here. Although this is said through Wang Yang, it actually represents Ding Yu's meaning.

But at noon, Chen Feng also came in from the outside with a different color on his face, "Sir, Mingyu is here!"

"Director!" Wu Mingyu doesn't know if he can knock on the gate of the courtyard. Can he come by himself? It doesn't mean you.

During the director's illness, he ran and lay down a lot, and his relationship with the director was very good, but this does not mean that he can freely step into the courtyard, even if his girlfriend is the housekeeper here.

"It's said that you and the third uncle went down to inspect. When did you come back?"

Listening to the director's tone of voice, although ordinary, but there is no cold meaning, Wu Mingyu knew there was a door, and after sitting down, he also looked at the director, "the chief has gone back, but he is very concerned about your physical condition. I came directly from the airport, and I don't know if you have this time!"

"Uncle, this is a general." Ding Yu also laughed, "in this case, let Chen Feng go shopping in the afternoon! You're free anyway, follow me The reason why I said this is to give them a chance to say, "by the way, how are the two of you discussing things?"

It's Wu Mingyu's turn. It's not so funny. He also smiles at Ding Yu.

In the afternoon, Wu Mingyue and Chen Feng went out together. Ding Yu was alone at home and dealt with his official business. When the two little guys came back, they also rushed into Ding Yu's study. There seemed to be so much food and play in their hands that they couldn't hold any more!

Ding Yu also shared today's fun with two little guys. Anyway, he didn't have anything to do. What about Xiao lazy and Xiao Siyan? It seems that they are also very tired. At this time, they are lying on the mat and sticking out their big tongue. It is obvious that the time of this day has made them toss and turn.

It's not good for Taixi to go there. If it's Taixi himself, he can't take care of him. Fortunately, the nannies and attendants at home follow him. When he comes back, Taixi has already begun to pinch his legs!

"Guests come in at night!" Finally, the two little guys were comforted. Ding Yu also whispered to Taixi, "in the afternoon, I asked Mingyu and Tao Jin to go out, but they haven't come back yet. It seems that the relationship between them is really hot."

Taixi also gently pushed Ding Yu. Although he already knew who was coming at night, he didn't mean to ask, "they get along very well! But is Chen Feng not suitable to stay in this position in the future? You need to be prepared for this

"When will Mingyu leave his present position! In my opinion, it should be fast. He is very young. He can't let Chen Feng wait like that! " Ding Yu didn't give a clear answer.

Taixi is also smiling, but after the two little guys have cleaned up and run in again, I really don't know where their energy comes from. Anyway, Taixi already has a feeling of "being impatient with it"! I also go to clean up, I want to come to the guests in the evening, can't I do this? As for the two children? Let Ding Yu take it with you! Anyway, he has the energy and experience in this area!

In the evening, the third uncle came a little late. The two little guys had already rested, and even went to sleep with little four eyes and little lazy. I really don't know what kind of trouble it is? Even small four eyes and small lazy can not bear!Taixi there is not good to go there, after the third uncle came, it is also able to reluctantly support, fortunately, do not need to stay on their own, so after a greeting, also quickly left!

"I heard that the two children have been there all the time, and your discipline is so strict? That's too much

"Don't mention it!" Ding Yu also shook his head. "Tai Xi took the two of them out to play in the daytime. When he came back, their little four eyes and my parents' lazy kids were all tired. They even didn't know to retract their tongues. Now they are sleeping in the room! How about in my hometown for half a year? There may be a lot of discipline, but there are not many opportunities for release. Now that we have such an opportunity, we will not let it go! "

The middle-aged man also laughed. Ding Yu spent half a year in his hometown. Why did he take his two children back? I believe it was at that time? The situation is already quite in crisis. Ding Yu should have done other preparations at that time. Otherwise, how could he have lain there with his two children?

Even when I think about it now, I still have some chills. If I could not hold on at that time, I could only cry at the grave now! What is the importance of Ding Yu? It's self-evident!

What about the Wang family and the Su family? He didn't realize this problem at all. Maybe it was because Ding Yu didn't disclose the relevant information? There is a considerable relationship, it can be said that Ding Yu alone to carry the pressure.

Originally there are quite a lot of physical problems, and bear such a big pressure inside and outside, now still able to jump around? It's really not easy! Think of it also has a considerable sigh!

"Much thinner than before! The spirit and spirit are not so good! " The middle-aged man said with a sigh, "what's the arrangement after you come back? If there's nothing else, you should take a rest for a while. After all, the body is the capital of revolution. What about you now? You're still young. Don't worry too much! "

"There's nothing urgent about the consortium? Basically, I don't care much. Some people deal with the big problems now? At most, I would like to give some advice, that is, at home? There may be some waves! "

Ding Yu did not evade this problem. The middle-aged man also laughed at Ding Yu. He had already heard what Ding Yu wanted to express, and sighed at him, "how can you think it's all right? How can I do today? Just come to see you and have a meal by the way. I haven't eaten with you for a long time! "

"I haven't eaten well in the past half a year. I'm afraid there are several water tanks after drinking the medicine soup, even now it's still going on, which makes me feel abnormal headache when I see it! Sometimes even two children are needed to supervise, and they are about to have no perseverance and patience! "

"Your boy's children are about to grow up, and they are still like children now." The middle-aged also took up chopsticks at this time, in front of Ding Yu's face? Do not need to deliberately hide what, it is really not necessary.

"If only I could be as carefree as the two of them! My sister is going to have a baby soon. I don't know what kind of situation it will be! Anyway, my parents are quite nervous now! "

"Children are the hope of tomorrow!"

When they had dinner, they didn't talk about their work or Ding Yu's illness. They just said a few words. After dinner, the middle-aged people didn't stay for too long and left. They needed to come over and have a look at Ding Yu's condition. Before, they could only understand it through video and influence.

Although it is a simple observation, it can be seen that Ding Yu's recovery is still very slow. It has been such a long time, and has not yet fully recovered. From then on, it can be seen how serious it was when he was ill before!

But what about the Wang family and the Su family? I can't mention too much, after all, it's a family problem. I can only mention it one-sided, that's all! I hope Ding Yu will not be affected by this aspect too much, but this is just to say. If it is really not affected, how could problems and situations occur at the beginning?

"Mingyu! If you have time these two days, go and see Mr. Wang and Mr. Su! "

Wu Mingyu, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, was stunned for a moment, and then turned around, "chief! I got it! If Mr. Wang and Mr. Su ask about the director's situation, am I... "

"If Mr. Wang and Mr. Su ask about the situation, they can tell the truth. What is Xiaoyu's current situation? It's not so stable. It needs some time to recuperate. What about now? It's better not to disturb or not to disturb! "

It is obvious that the middle-aged have already revealed their attitude. Ding Yu has paid a lot to the whole Wang family and the Su family. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu is still squeezing Ding Yu, even an outsider like himself? There are so many can't see!

Ding Yu is not from the Wang family or the Su family. To a large extent, he belongs to the state.Although the middle-aged people go to the quadrangle later, what about all aspects? Have already known this news, just came back from the field, went directly to the courtyard, the relationship between this and Ding Yu is also visible general!

When the Wangs and Sujia knew about this news, Wang Pu and Su bochen's faces were also embarrassed, and even felt that they were beaten! But for a moment? Can't say anything! What is to be said at this time! So keep silent, right! After all, what happened to Ding Yu? The Wang family and the Su family need to take a great deal of responsibility!

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