"This is no joke!" Looking around, someone looked at him in the distance. Wu Mingyu also replied with an apologetic smile. Then he quickly covered his phone and said in a low voice, "16 gold bricks don't say, there are millions more? Did he take the wrong medicine? Or did you forget to take the medicine? "

"Sixteen pieces of gold, one of 400 ounces each, is worth about 50 million yuan! In addition to money, there are other things. Sir, I don't mean to be angry now. I'm so calm that I can't understand. I dare not call my wife, although Su Yu is her nephew

Wu Mingyu is also walking back and forth. There are so many anxieties in his heart. What about this matter since he was a child? It's a matter of the family, but what about the big one? It can rise to a certain height. The chief just came out of the courtyard, but then? The courtyard was smashed and robbed! This?

"How is the director feeling?"

"I can't tell whether I'm happy or not, but it's obvious that there's some intentional indulgence in it!" Chen Feng also means to point out, "quadrangle security personnel or a lot."

"I see!" Wu Mingyu also understood, "originally I was going to visit Mr. Su and Mr. Wang. It was a good opportunity, but I should inform my wife about this matter! After all, what about Su Yu? It's her nephew. I'm going to Mr. Su right now

He should inform his wife, but when to do so, there is a lot of knowledge. Wu Mingyu originally planned to visit Mr. Wang first and then Mr. Su. But now, what's the order? It needs to be reversed!

What about the arrival of Wu Mingyu? Expressing a certain environment and thanks, he naturally knew who Wu Mingyu represented. Wu Mingyu also deliberately sat with him for a period of time, but what about this time? It's a little bit longer.

"Mr. Su, what about me? It's director Ding's secretary. I shouldn't have talked too much about some things. What's wrong? You need more understanding Wu Mingyu also hesitated for a while before he said such a thing. But what about this hesitation? More or less there are some intentional elements in it!

This words let Su bochen slightly a Leng, immediately also is squint to see Wu Mingyu, what meaning? The meaning has been made clear before, but it is just to inform the courtyard over there? It's better not to pass. I'm not satisfied with it. Now I can say such words again at this time. Why? Think of yourself as a dead dog? Right?

Wu Mingyu looks at Su Lao's appearance, also reluctantly smile, this word says directly to have no meaning really, so still wait a moment! What happened anyway? Your grandson has already done it. What will happen next? You don't have to worry about it yourself!

After leaving the Su family, Wu Mingyu also rushed to the Wang family, similar to the previous routine.

But the old lady looked at Wu Mingyu who left, and she was also quite suspicious. "Old man, how can I feel that there are some things that are not right? The third one just went to the courtyard to see Xiaoyu. Before anything happened, Mingyu followed him. Was it too hasty? "

Wang Pu also slightly nodded, this thing is really so some not quite reasonable, but they do not know what happened, they two? I'm so old. I don't care about everything.

"It's strange!" Wang Pu also murmured, "but it seems that I haven't heard anything!"

At the same time, Su Yuan, sitting in the car, can really be described as furious. The quadrangle was smashed, not to mention, even robbed. What about the person who started the operation? It's my nephew. I also went to the courtyard to have a look at the situation and the scene inside. I really can't describe it with anger.

Did not see his son, also did not see his grandson and granddaughter, went there, Chen Feng also did not say, but the home has been like this, went there are not so important! I'm afraid I don't have too much mind to stay at home at this time!

"Why are you here? Is it all right today? " Looking at his angry daughter, Su bochen, who was sitting there, subconsciously asked how old his daughter was. How could he still look like this? He even had grandsons and granddaughters.

Su Yuan looked at his father and tried to calm down his anger. "Dad, don't you know?"

"What do you know or don't know?" After putting down the fish food in his hand, he also sat down and said, "what's the matter? Is it burning? "

Su Yuan shook his head and laughed bitterly, "where's your grandson? Earlier, I ran to the courtyard, and I don't know who inspired it. Anyway, I kicked the door and went in! "

Yeah? Su bochen also looked at his daughter differently. Even if it was in the past, it was no big deal. Su Yuan looked at his father and then said, "he kicked open the gate of the courtyard and asked Xiaoyu for 30 million yuan. Xiaoyu didn't make a statement, so he smashed the siheyuan!""What?" After hearing this, Su bochen was also furious. If he only went to the quadrangle, it would not be a big deal. However, he had to open his mouth for 30 million yuan and smashed the quadrangle, which would be intolerable! What kind of behavior is this, bandit?

"Not yet!" Su Yuan also snorted, "smashed the vault and safe in the courtyard, robbed 50 million gold bricks, millions of money, and other things, all of which were good things done by your grandson! Chen Feng stealthily called me, I went to see it! "

Su bochen's hair has been erect at this time. What if he went to the courtyard? It's no big deal. Even if you're not welcome, can you still fight? What about Su bochen? That's what I think.

But after you go there, you smash the quadrangle and even rob it. The nature of the matter is completely changed. Tens of millions of gold bricks and money, and other things. Is this still a child from your own family? It seems that I have never taught them this way!

"Call the eldest and the eldest, now!" What about time? It was already at night. Su Yuan nodded to the attendant nearby. Before long, Sujiang and his wife came over. Looking at his father and sister, the expression on his face seemed to be so strange!

"I don't know yet?" Su bochen also snorted coldly. "The baby son of your family has put a big health satellite this time. You are their parents. Let's talk about it! How to deal with it? "

Su Jiang looks at his father and sister. When he comes, the housekeeper tells him that his father is very angry, but he doesn't say anything. Su Yuan looks at his elder brother, and his face is also very cold. Then he simply tells the story again. This really makes the Sujiang couple dumbfounded.

He smashed the quadrangle, robbed more than 50 million worth of gold bricks, and millions of funds and other objects. The son of the family is a bit of mischief, but now it is not lawless enough to describe.

"Is this your good son? Ah? " At this time, Su bochen also felt that he was incoherent. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. "You promised me in the previous time. This is the person who has been changed, who will go to other people's home to beat, smash and rob?"

"Dad Su Jiang didn't know what to say for a while. His son was very mischievous, but how could he describe the current situation? Is there any royal law for this?

What's more, the meaning of siheyuan is not the same. Ding Yu has just been recuperating in his hometown, and has not been back for a long time. But just back, what about his own son? The quadrangle was smashed, which made the outside world treat it like this? What's more, what will Ding Yu do to deal with this?

"Do you want to go to heaven because you can't leave him in your family?" Su bochen also swung the crutches in his hand and smashed the teapot on the table to a thin piece. "Can you damn you discipline your son? If you can't, don't raise him. Strangle him quickly. I can't afford to lose this man!"

Hua Xiaoqing didn't dare to say a word at this time. She knew that her son was so bold and reckless, but this also needs to be divided! What about Su Chen? It's no big deal. Although the old man was not very happy, he didn't say anything, but he put the target on Ding Yu's body, and he still acted like this. Isn't this a typical death?

"Dad, don't be angry!" Su Jiang also comforted his father and said, "I'll take a look first! I'm sure I'll get it out of the water tonight! " After saying that, he also stood up, "fourth, I'm not so clear about the matter, but if it's true, I won't give up the child lightly!"

Su Yuan looked at his father and then sighed, "big brother, where is Xiaoyu? It's my son and your nephew. Where's Xiaoyu? It's your son and my nephew. I don't want to make other troubles in my family, especially at this time! I think he should be more sensible! "

At this moment, Su Jiang is really afraid to see his sister. This thing is really embarrassing. His son is not sensible or confused! He is no longer a child. At this time, he smashed Ding Yu's courtyard and robbed so much property. What do you want to do?

"Lao Jiang!" When Hua Xiaoqing got on the bus, she was also worried and looked at her husband. She did not think that her son would make such a thing. What if it was a matter of the family? It doesn't matter, but it involves other issues, so Hua Xiaoqing is worried about it.

Su Jiang took a look at his wife and sat in the car with a black complexion. He didn't say anything. When they came to the courtyard, there was no rest, but Ding Yu was not at home, and the two children were not.

Su Jiang came at a bad time. Wu Mingyu was also there. Looking at the situation in the living room and the Treasury, he twisted his mouth and robbed him? Is this the situation? What exactly do you want to do? Is there any royal law in the Su family?When he saw Su Jiang and his wife, Wu Mingyu was the first to say hello. Su Jiang's face also changed. Wu Mingyu came, indicating that the matter had begun to ferment. Looking at the situation in the living room and warehouse, Su Jiang felt dizzy. He thought that things might be very bad, but he didn't think it would be so bad!

"He did it all?" This remark is also directed at Chen Feng!

Chen Feng hesitated for a while, and then also did an invitation to clean up, "home has its own monitoring facilities, you can have a look!" After turning on the computer, he also released the video data. Without the dialogue in front of him, he only looked at the follow-up actions. Su Yu seemed to be crazy and smashed it there!

The movements and expressions when he rushed to the Treasury also made Su Jiang's mouth twitch and his face crackled. After reading all of them, Chen Feng also explained that, "Sir, you don't have any attitude on this matter, and the outside world doesn't know too much about it. That's what it looks like."

After thinking about it, Chen Feng explained, "Mingyu would have invited me to dinner in the evening, but such a thing happened here in the quadrangle, which is more inconvenient." What about this? It seems to have thrown Wu Mingyu out, but what is the actual meaning? I also told the two in front of me.

This matter Mr. is very unhappy, at the same time, some people are also very unhappy, even if it is a slap in the face, do not need to take such a way! That's too much! It's also too much!

When they didn't see the scene, the Sujiang couple also imagined that their sister might be exaggerating, that is, pediatrics. But after seeing the scene and the video data, both of them didn't know what to say. They even doubted that it was their own son?

After he came out of the courtyard, Su Jiang also wanted to suppress his anger, but he couldn't hold it. He turned to his wife and said, "call him, I want to see how he explains this matter. If he doesn't come back, then tell him he won't have to come back in this lifetime."

Next to Hua Xiaoqing this time is also with shaking hands to take out the mobile phone, although said that he has so many spoiled for his son, but never let him look like this! The phone rang, but no one answered at all. Hua Xiaoqing also looked at the Secretary of the co pilot's seat and nodded slightly.

The Secretary got out of the car very quickly, and his wife's meaning was very clear. No matter what method he used to bring him back, Su Jiang drove back to his father again. When he came back, he looked at people inside and outside, which made him feel very bad! And then it's a quick step out.

"How's dad?" Seeing his sister, Su Jiang is also eager to ask.

"Lie down!" Su Yuan is also very dissatisfied with looking at his elder brother, "blood pressure is very high, has been unable to fall down, just used medicine, now it is not stable, how is the situation there?"

Su Jiang also has some language jams for a while. He has just visited the courtyard. How can I say it? "I just passed by. Where is Wu Mingyu? The situation is not very good, I sent people to find him! I should be able to bring it back later! "

After explaining the service and medical work, the three people also went to the sitting room and sat down, "big brother, what about Xiaoyu's illness? Both of us are quite passive. My father and my father-in-law are quite passive. They are looking at all aspects. If this matter is not solved well, what are the external problems involved? It will be big! "

"What about Xiaoyu? It's not easy to solve, but it's a matter of the family. I think there should be a chance! "

Can Su Yuan say such a thing? Obviously, it also eliminated a lot of anger. It is true that he is aiming at his eldest son, but what about this matter? After all, it's a family affair. If it can be solved at home, don't make trouble to the outside world.

Su Jiang nodded to this, but what can be done at home? Don't make trouble to the outside world, but even if it is like this, Su Jiang also knows that this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. What about the condition of Ding Yu's nephew? It was caused by the Wang family and the Su family, and the two families had quite a black pot about it.

But the reason why the three old people do this is that Su Jiang is very clear. It's just because of the next generation. But Su Yu's performance is really not enough to be described as failing. It's too exaggerated. He exaggerates so much that he doesn't know how to deal with it!

I don't even know what to say for a while. I haven't faced my nephew yet? Just facing his sister, if his nephew stood in front of him, what did he say?

There is also the follow-up effect of this incident. Even now, Su Jiang has some doubts about what kind of evil he has made. He really wants to knock on his head and have a look at what's in it. Even if he goes to his own home, he can't do so!

What's more, it's not his own home. He smashed his living room and robbed his own safe. What's more, Ding Yu didn't mean to do anything in the whole process. Did he really dare not do it? no, it isn't!Those servants at home are experienced in many battles. If they do, they will lie down and come out. Sujiang really hopes that. What was the time? It's better to do it and save so much trouble.

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