Su Yu was arrested in a bar. When he was arrested, the situation in the box was so ugly. Su Jiang's secretary took a look at it, and Su Yuan was bewildered. He even regarded himself as a waiter coming in from outside! What about the others in the room? It is sober, but this time is also staggering, staggering.

He motioned to the security guard nearby, and they also pulled Su Yu up. But Su Yu really quit. Today, he was quite in the limelight. Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to act against themselves and don't want to live, right?

The secretary looked at Su Yuan, who was waving his teeth. He also took up the ice bucket beside him. He poured some mineral water into the ice bucket, put a towel on Su Yu's neck, and then put the ice bucket directly on Su Yu's head! This will make him quickly sober up, the means may be extreme, but now has not taken into account!

At this time, we need to use the fastest speed to sober him up and bring him back. As for the process? As long as nothing happens, it doesn't matter! The chief and his wife will not give themselves any more for this!

When Su Yu was just put on the ice bucket, it was not so good? Because consciousness is still quite confused! However, all the lights have been turned on, so we can see exactly what happened, so there is no obstruction. But soon Su Yuan began to struggle violently. When the ice bucket was taken down, Su Yuan also began to vomit.

Looking at Su Yu, who was sober up, the Secretary didn't say anything. He just asked the guard to help him, and then left the private room. How to deal with the next situation? This is what the chief should worry about. Why did he do this? There is also a hint from the leader!

Believe the news? It will be passed on soon. Now, don't talk about the problem of "face without face". It is not so important. The question now is whether we can solve the problem by calming down. This is the most important thing. It is for Su Yu's good!

"Uncle Liu, my father asked you to come?" When sitting in the car, Su Yu was still in low spirits, and soon had not been able to wake up from the alcohol anesthesia. His head was still stiff! But what about consciousness? There seems to be no problem!

The Secretary sitting next to him also took a look and nodded his head slightly, "the chief said, if you won't go today, then don't go back in the future. The things that come out are too big. The blood pressure of the old man is suddenly high and hasn't dropped down all the time." I've already said what should be said. As for the rest? Don't talk to yourself!

Su Yu's face was so abnormal that he could see that he was a little nervous. As for whether he was afraid, it was not so clear. The Secretary sitting next to him also sighed. The chief executive was already quite upset, but he didn't expect that there were more disturbing things at home!

Also did not ask you to add bricks and tiles to the home, but you can't tear down the foundation! What Su Yu is doing now is not tearing down the foundation of his family? I really doubt that he was thinking about something at that time. He was so old. How could he be so immature?

When the car stopped, Su Yu also lingered on the car for a while. Obviously, he didn't want to get off the bus. He was still resistant to such things, but dallying didn't work. Finally, he walked in with the help of the secretary next to him!

When Hua Xiaoqing saw her son, her face changed a lot. How could she be wet and cold? How could I do if I caught a cold? Su Yuan obviously noticed the expression change on his sister-in-law's face. There were some regrets in his heart. His nephew! It's really spoiled.

When Su Yuan was still sighing, Su Jiang stood up quickly and quickly came to Su Yu. It was needless to say that pa pa pa was a slap in the face of Su Yu. Su Yuan was also beaten and confused. Then the whole person was paralyzed. Hua Xiaoqing wanted to say something about it, but he also knew that it was definitely not the time!

"Who told you to go to the courtyard? If you don't say it, you smashed the courtyard and even robbed so many things. What about the BRICs? What about the money? Where are they? " Su Jiang also pressed his own voice to say, but it is obvious that he is angry at this time, and even pulled out his belt.

Su Yu, who was already sitting on the floor, also covered his face. At this time, he did not dare to look at his father's face. He only said, "take it to pay off the debt! I don't know how to do it! At that time, my head was impulsive at that time

"I make you fuckin 'impulsive!" Su Jiang also swung the leather belt in his hand. No matter whether it was head or tail, it was a violent beating to Su Yu. Now, he is really angry, and his attack is not light and light. He also barks at Su Yu, and the more he looks like this, the heavier he is.

When she looked at her sister-in-law and looked at herself, Su Yuan originally wanted to put her eyes aside, but after thinking about it, she said aloud, "brother, my father has already laid down. Don't wake up my father again!"Other reasons are not so appropriate, but this one? Maybe it's better! Su Jiang still does not hate to draw two belts, and then glared at his son sitting not far away.

"Fourth, he's the one who caused the trouble. Anyway? Say something Su Jiang was furious at this time, but he didn't lose his calmness. "I'll go to Xiaoyu in person tomorrow. I'll kill and repay my life and debt before it's too late."

It was Su Yuan's turn to smile bitterly. He waved to the servants in the house next to him, and took Su Yu down to wash himself! The appearance is really quite miserable, I also see some of them are so bad, and he is still quite inappropriate to stay, this matter is caused by him!

After Su Yu left, Su Yuan sighed, "if you and I can solve this problem, I won't come to my father today. Why should I let my father go through such a thing at such an old age? It involves the problems between the two families. My father and father-in-law must go to Xiaoyu tomorrow."

A mouse excrement can damage a pot of soup, which is Su Yu's! It was a lot of trouble before, but anyway? Ding Yu was not involved, but some of his own affairs. But what about now? Not only the two old men were pulled out, but also the Wang family and the Su family.

What about the forefoot? Ding Yu is seriously ill because of the affairs of the Wang family and the Su family. He has just come back, but his heel has not been stabilized yet? Su Yu smashed the courtyard. What do you mean! If there is no other person's inspiration, I am afraid that Su Jiang himself can not believe some.

Su Jiang is very clear, for the sake of the descendants of the family? The two old men's performance in dealing with Ding Yu's problems is quite unsophisticated. But now that such things happen in front and back feet, we must give Ding Yu an explanation. We really think that Ding Yu is a vegetarian, right? The thought is too simple!

So what about this thing? Even if Su Jiang went to find his nephew, there would be no excuse, still need two old men to stand up, but the two old men are already so old! Also need to eat such melons for future generations, Su Jiang's heart can be said to be quite not taste.

One night, a few people basically didn't have much rest, but the nursing and medical staff came with some good news. What about the old man's blood pressure? Is also down, but the old man is old after all, encountered such a thing, for the old man, there are so some unfriendly!

What the medical staff said was extremely obscure, and did not reveal the meaning too clearly. Anyway, it's your own business. You can handle it yourself. What about us? It's just the exercise of our obligations, that's all! Understand or do not understand the words, anyway, we have said what should be said, that is it!

In the morning, the old man got up a little bit early. What happened last night, Su bochen didn't care much about what happened last night. What matters is how to deal with this matter today. Wang Pu, the old relative's family, just called. It was very early, but what happened between them? There is no need to have too many words to communicate, a phone call to understand what it means.

Su Yu was also very nervous to look at his grandfather, but Su bochen did not look at his grandson with a straight eye. He created such good conditions for the children in the family. What about the children in the family? That's how you repay yourself? There is nothing more sad than death of heart. At this time, Su bochen really feels like this.

Although Su Yu cleaned up, he was still black and blue. It was obvious that the experience last night was not as pleasant as expected. After dinner, Su bochen also took out the phone, and immediately handed the phone to his daughter. Let her make this call!

"Xiaoyu, I'm mom. Where are you now?" It didn't take a long time to get through the phone. Ding Yu came out with two children in the early morning. Was it so casual? "What about your grandfather and your grandfather? I may want to see you, but I don't know if it's convenient for you! "

After putting down the phone, Su bochen put his eyes on Su Jiang and his wife, "OK, go back! What should I do, what should I do? As for Su Yu? I'll borrow it for a while. What about when I go back? Do you pack up by yourself, and you're ashamed to see people? Don't put it out in disgrace

After that, he waved his hand and left quickly! It's hard for me to stay here!

Su Jiang and Su Yuan looked at each other and said, "Dad, I'll accompany you! Where's the courtyard? I am also familiar with Su Yu. Su Yu is still a child after all! Some things? Maybe not so thoughtful! "

"No you, it's more difficult for you to get involved! Go back

Other people can be involved in this matter, but Su Yuan is really inappropriate. After all, she is Ding Yu's mother. What are the problems involved? When the time comes, Su Yuan will have so many things to think about. How much more affection is there? Even Su bochen himself has so many bad words, he really does not have this assurance!"Is this your family thing?" When Wang Pu saw Su Yu, he snorted with his nose. Originally, the relationship between him and Ding Yu, the great grandson, was quite embarrassing. Now, such a thing happened, which made all the contradictions go forward and intensify directly!

And what about all this? It's the bastard in front of me. Although I scold Ding Yu as the son of a king, the son of a bitch in front of me is not even as good as Wang ba. What about my own family? There are also some who are not successful, but they are always hiding very well, do not let them show up!

"It's like you don't have one in your family!" Su bochen also did not have any good words to meet, "boss? Don't talk about the second. Let's see how to solve the problem today! As far as the situation is concerned, compared with the imagined? Even more embarrassing, just walk and see

When walking inside, Wang Pu was also side by side with Su bochen, "with such a thing, do you still want to break your leg and break your arm? Just me! It's too spoiled. When something goes wrong, it should be strangled directly. There won't be so many problems and situations, right? "

"Don't add fuel to the fire. My mood can be said to be extremely irritable. If you have a crutch in your hand, what I have in my hand is not rubbish, or try it!"

Su Yu, who followed him, was really surprised by the attitude of the two old people. What did he want to do? Fight? When Su bochen and Wang Pu came into the courtyard, they also took a look. The room was not cleaned up. What was it like? What is it like at this time? It seems that both Wang Pu and Su bochen gouged out Su Yu's eyes.

Ding Yu is a person back, is still a little lazy, after seeing his grandfather and grandfather? He also said hello, and then sat down beside him. As for Su Yu? It's great that he can stand there now!

"At home? I didn't expect such a thing would come out! " He knocked on the ground with his crutch and made a dull voice, "what about this? There is always an explanation and explanation, but I don't know what you think? Some things? It might be better to get it above the surface! "

Ding Yu's sitting posture is very lazy, not like two old people. Although he is so old, his waist is still upright and straight. Although he is questioned, Ding Yu does not mean to answer. He just takes a look at Su Yu standing there and smiles. That's all.

Looking at Ding Yu did not mean to speak, Wang Pu and Su bochen also looked at each other, "do not deny it? Some things have been done at home, which has hurt you a lot! We two old guys are not good in this! Now, there are some problems? It's irretrievable! But it's still a family after all

Ding Yu took a look at Su Yu beside him, nodded slightly and said with emotion, "yes! After all, it's a family. It's young. It's true The voice of speaking is still not salty, from the speech, really can not hear any emotional change!

But whether it's Wang Pu or Su bochen? All of them are frowning. The most unacceptable thing is Ding Yu. What do you say? He didn't have any reaction. He felt as if he was dealing with it, but he couldn't say anything else at this time, so he felt quite depressed and depressed.

"Your brother-in-law is busy with his work, so he is careless about Su Yu. What about me today? Also brought him here, how to deal with it? It's your business! We will never

Ding Yu's expression is still not smiling, "you two old people face to face, how about me? How dare you say such a thing Then he also looked at Su Yu. No matter on his face or on his movements, he didn't feel angry. "I've just said that. What about Su Yu? Maybe it's the social experience is relatively low, so what about some things? I think the lesson he has received is enough! "

If you do it, it's education. If I do it, how about it? Vent the so-called private anger? forget it! What's more, Ding Yu didn't look at this with a straight eye. Naturally, he couldn't care too much! So at this time, Ding Yu doesn't even mean to move a finger!

However, Su Yu standing next to him didn't have much sympathy. If it wasn't for him, would he have been beaten so much that his parents didn't know him? Now I finally know why peach blossom is so red? If it is not for the support of two old people, you Ding Yu is something.

Ding Yu saw everything in his eyes, but it was just like this!

What about the way to do it? There are two kinds. One is open and close. White knife goes in and red knife comes out. What about the other? It's quiet and secret, the so-called soft knife cutting meat, won't let you fall at once, but it will definitely make you miserable.

Ding Yu really didn't mean to take up the knife and gun in his hand immediately. What could he do with it? In front of two old men? Can you shoot him? It's impossible at all. In this case, sit down calmly and say what you have! It's good for everyone, isn't it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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