Ding Yu doesn't mean to investigate at all. His words, deeds and behaviors are just to make the two old people's deeds a little worse. Is this what we all know about Ding Yu? Why does it feel so weird?

Abnormal, quite abnormal! But what kind of problems are involved? There are some problems that the two old people can't say. What are their previous worries? It seems that it's all gone!

If according to Ding Yu's character in the past, Su Yu would never be spared even if he didn't get beaten. But now? Ding Yu not only didn't do it, but even helped to take the initiative to get rid of it, which made people have so many problems, but also looked at Ding Yu more and more suspiciously.

"If you smash it, you will smash it. As for the things you took away? That's it! It's not something special! " When talking, Ding Yu also stood up, "I will not accompany my grandfather and grandfather, two little guys are out alone, I am not so relieved, go and have a look!"

Come back by yourself? It's for Su Yu's business. Now Su Yu's business has been explained. He is young and impulsive. OK! Ding Yu has forgiven him for what he did. Originally, the sky was full of dark clouds. Now the clouds have dissipated and the clouds are blooming and the sky is clear. There is no better news than this!

When the two old people react, Ding Yu has left first. From the perspective of the situation, Ding Yu is not so concerned about it. However, the two old people are left here. To a certain extent, it also shows that there is still some anger in his heart, but there is nothing to show!

"I feel that things are not right. If we say in the past, his reaction may be like this, but he will never ignore it. It doesn't matter how I feel! And there is no mention of the previous illness! " Wang Pu is also feeling his head of fog, what is with what? Isn't it true what happened right now?

Now that Ding Yu has left, it seems that there is no sense for the two old guys to stay here. As for Su Yu? Although he said that the matter had been solved, he didn't give him any so-called good face. Now it's too much of an eyesore. Go where it's cool! Don't stay in front of yourself!

Originally, I felt that this would be a great difficulty, but I never thought it would be such a result. Ding Yu didn't tangle with this matter. Since the two masters have already seen it, so it is! The quadrangle there should be cleaned up, and when it should be sorted out, everything seems to be back to normal.

Su Yuan and Hua Xiaoqing are both at retirement age, so they are not so busy. They have been waiting at home all the time. When they see the old man bringing Su Yu back, they are also surprised and puzzled. What about Su Yu? No change at all. What about the old man? It was normal.

How could that be possible? Is Xiaoyu convinced?


Su bochen also looked at his daughter-in-law coldly, "where is Xiaoyu? If you didn't investigate this matter, just forget it. The matter has been smoothed down. Although Xiaoyu doesn't pursue this matter, I, an old fellow, really want to ask, what kind of explanation do you want to give? "

Su Yuan stood up at this time. Since there was nothing else at home, he didn't need to worry about himself. But what happened to his eldest son? No one cares about this problem at this time!

When she saw Su Yuan standing up, Hua Xiaoqing also stood up with her. What was the expression on her face? It's also an abnormal guilt. Su bochen wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say! Now it's a good time to let the old man say something! Do you want to be shameless?

Previously, because of the Wang family and the Su family, Ding Yu was ill. Even now, he has not recovered. But he just came back and his home was smashed again! What kind of mood are you talking about! No matter how broad-minded you are, you can't stand it!

But Ding Yu didn't say anything. It seems that he let the matter go directly. Judging from the current situation, it will not cause too much direct impact, but in private? There will certainly be some hearsay, which is absolutely inevitable, because there are quite a lot of people on the spot!

I can understand why my daughter left at this time? It's really for the sake of the overall situation, but what about doing this? It's also the relationship between mother and son? There will be quite a wave, even if Su Yuan catches up now? It can only play a very small role.

It's for the sake of the overall situation, but the question is: is it really worthwhile for a Su Yu to do so? In the past, I would never consider this issue, but now? Su Yu's blow to himself is really too big, and even the big one makes him feel a little suspicious of life! Is this a typical case of picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon?

Su Yu at home is a typical ah Dou who can't afford it. To say that he is a Dou is to praise him!

Get rid of it! Don't talk about him now, even listen to his name? I feel angry all over the place! The farther away, the better. In this way, I may live two more days! This is the truth!Su Yuan made a phone call to his son, "come home for dinner in the evening! What about your father and me? I'm worried about your situation. I haven't found this opportunity since you came back! "

"Today is not the end of the day. I have promised to go to see you and my father when I am free in two days." Ding Yu's tone was slightly indifferent, "what about Su Yu? Now that it's over, it's over! It's not too much of a big deal. It's not so easy to keep the pressure on. It's good to burst out! "

The son did not agree, or let Su Yuan feel quite sad, "Xiaoyu, do I know this matter? It will definitely make you feel very uncomfortable, I will not say more! I don't care about other things, but you must pay attention to your body, you know

"Well, I see!" Ding Yu's speech is very simple, "you and my father pay more attention to the body!"

What about Su Yuan, who's done with the phone? I feel more sad, and I don't know what kind of situation my son is now. I'm really worried!

Wang Li looked at her mother's appearance when she came back. She poured a cup of hot tea in person, and then delivered it to her mother's hand, "Ma!" Su Yuan was also distracted. He took a look at his daughter and the hot tea in his hand. He didn't even know when his daughter would come back!

"So early off work?"

Wang Li looked at her mother and shook her head. "I heard a little bit of news before. It's going to blow up the sky outside. Wang Yang and they also know the news. I asked them to come here first, otherwise?" The next words didn't say, but according to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao's temper, it's strange that Su Yu can be lightly spared!

"The news outside is spreading fast?" Su Yuan was also worried.

"I can't say it's very fast, but what about the circle? It's very broad. After smashing the courtyard, Su Yu was careless. At that time, there were so many people! " Speaking of here, Wang Li is also quite dissatisfied, "I used to feel quite normal when I saw Su Yu. How come I am so short of line now?"

Seeing her mother looking at her eyes, Wang Li is also disdainful to smile, is this the case? Elder brother's condition is not so good originally, the recuperation just came back, has not even sat down yet? Also did not say let you coax, but at least should maintain the quite respect! But this guy is good! The big brother's courtyard was smashed directly!

Brain disabled people have no medicine to cure, this is really too much to say, in the past, the distance may be relatively far, there is no in-depth understanding, but now, it is really too water! Both IQ and EQ are serious. Forget it, what about him? Can only let oneself not happy, the important or big brother there!

"Mom, what about big brother? He didn't answer my call When saying this, Wang Li is also very careful and cautious, because of the lack of considerable judgment for the situation!

"I called him earlier, ready to let him come to dinner, your brother he did not mean to come over!" Su Yuan sighed helplessly. Why is this always happening at home? With their own boss is bullied, you do not help a also even, net is in the back of trouble!

From the process and result of this matter, it is really unfriendly for the boss! But from Su Yuan's point of view, even if the boss is not satisfied, how can he make trouble? Finally, it can only be such a result. Is it difficult to lock Su Yu in? It seems that my father can't accept this.

"Mother! I heard that tens of millions of people have been taken away from the quadrangle. What about this? There are still so many! " It's the truth! Although it's the grapevine, it's still very accurate. Who went? BRICs move to the car one by one!

It's not that you can't take more. It's because the gold bricks are too heavy. At least one piece is more than 20 jin, and two pieces are nearly 50 Jin. It's really so heavy! It's not a joke. It is well-known that his elder brother is a soft egg. He has been robbed of his home. Does he dare not fart?

On the other hand? It also proves that Ding Yu is in the eyes of Wang family and Su family? It's not worth mentioning at all. Why do you say that you smashed the quadrangle and then robbed it again? What's the consequence? Besides being beaten, there seems to be no other action and reaction!

There is no so-called punishment, there is no so-called punishment, just like a person who has nothing to do, just walk on the street in a swagger! Anyway, so far, there has been no news from Ding Yu, but what about the Su family? Similarly, there was no movement, and everyone completely stopped.

When Wang Li is talking to Su Yuan, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also angry and come in from outside.



Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are basically not different in terms of address. They get along with each other like a family. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also quite angry. Why, the baseball bats of both of them are ready, but Su Yu, the grandson, is hiding in his home.This guy has no education, and you can't let yourself follow him! Of course, there is another reason, that is, my aunt is at home. If my aunt is not at home, I have to smash the door and beat this guy. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how good he is!

But my aunt is at home. If you call on me, it's really outrageous! However, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are also specially reserved. They don't believe that this bastard will not go out all his life. He can always seize this opportunity!

Seeing the second elder sister's searching eyes, Xiaobao also whispered a few words. For Wang Li, it's a good thing that she didn't fight. Now the matter has stopped. What about other waves? It seems that there are so many inappropriate! But what about your own heart? Always feel a little uncomfortable, if you can smoke Su Yu, is the best.

When Wang Changlin came back, he saw all the people in the family, that is, nodding. The expression on his face didn't change. He called his son, but they didn't say anything. At this time, what they said seemed to be tasteless, but what was in Wang Changlin's heart? Extremely unhappy.

So far, the Wang family has not made any action, and the Su family has not made any action. What about the victims? It's his own son, but everyone seems to have ignored it. It's OK to pacify Ding Yu. As for whether there is any harm to Ding Yu in this process, no one pays attention to it!

After dinner, Wang Yang and Wang Li, together with Xiao Bao, left, Wang Changlin was sitting there with a cup of water! There's nothing to say! Su Yuan looked at her husband and could feel that her husband was very unhappy! "This is the problem of Su Yu's child, but since everything has been solved, let it go first!"

Hum! Wang Changlin is also a cold hum, "his son is a son, my son is not a son?" After saying that, he also stood up and said, "I really don't know how I was educated. I'm not a son of man!" This remark is quite heavy, but it is also a strong expression of Wang Changlin's dissatisfaction.

Su Yuan is really not very good to take up this topic. Su Yu is his nephew. There is no way to deny this relationship. He also knows how to deal with this matter? It will hurt your son, but why do you do it yourself? It's because my father is older!

Obviously, what about her husband's behavior? He also expressed certain opinions and ideas, not to say that he was completely against himself, but he also felt quite embarrassed because of Su Yu's incident? The noisy family are quite unhappy!

"Why don't you beat him up? If you don't beat him for a hemiplegia, you need to let him stay in the hospital for a year and a half!" When she came out of the house, Wang Li was also very angry.

"Elder sister, you think me and Xiaobao don't want to!" After opening the door, he also swung the baseball bat, "the guys are ready! But this guy is now like a turtle and grandson, honest and honest hiding in the home, we can't go in at all! What do you say? "

"Sister, I think now! It's no longer necessary to mention that grandson. The problem is still to find the elder brother. Who is it? He will be very upset when he encounters such a thing. The elder brother has done so many things for his family, but is it coming? I can't bear to get such a result, if I were the elder brother

This words also let Wang Li and Wang Yang fall into silence, even a little embarrassed, for anyone? For such things will be quite sad, even angry, but their big brother? There is no movement in this area, as if nothing has happened!

"Mom, I'm going to England tomorrow with their two little bunnies. There's something going on there!"

Yeah? Zhao Shuying, who is busy carrying the fruits, is also stunned. She goes to England. Now is this time? "What's the matter? And when will you be back, and your sister will be born in a while? "

"I need to sit down there. By the way, because I have to deal with some academic matters, my tutor is very dissatisfied with my lack of appearance in this year, so I need to coax that old man, two little guys? It's like a trip. The manor there hasn't been for a long time! "

"Get busy!" Ding Ding also paid more attention to her eldest brother's study. "Things at home don't need to be so worried about. It's just having a child. It's not a big deal. I haven't put it in my heart."

Zhao Shuying for such things naturally can not have any objection, but Ding Ding Ding's words also let her eyes stand, scared Ding Ding Ding Ding also deliberately patted her stomach twice, the meaning is very obvious, mom, you are so strict, don't scare the baby in my stomach!

Ding Yu took a look at her sister. "Things in Britain will not take too long. If my uncle is not present when the baby is born, I will be very sorry!""Will people come? It doesn't matter. Just give the gift to me Ding Ding also said happily.

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