Ding Yu left quietly. He took two little guys to the airport early in the morning. When everyone knew the news, Ding Yu's plane had already flown out of the country! You can't stop it if you want to intercept it!

Wang Changlin is put down the hands of the bowl and chopsticks, he now has not much mood to eat! don 't get around much anymore! Wang Li at this time is also down their own head, almost put the head into their own rice bowl, this time or do not say anything good! Otherwise, there will be big problems! The goal will be directly on your own body.

"All right, if you leave, you will go out and have a rest." Wang Changlin didn't take up the chopsticks in his hands again. He didn't mean to eat any more! "I went to work!"

"Mom, I have nothing to do today! Listen to Qiu Yan, recently opened a new cheap shop, the things in it are still very good, you can't always idle at home, right! Call on Qiuyan

Su Yu, the unfortunate child, made this thing happen, but he made his home restless. He could not leave his mother at home alone! No matter what elder brother didn't care, but Su Yu is his mother's nephew? It can't be denied!

He does not matter now, but his home is really very tired, think about it is really worthless thing! Su Yuan looked at her daughter and shook her head, "I don't have anything to do? What about this little thing? It won't hurt me. It's just that I'm worried about your brother! "

"My brother still needs to worry, if there is any situation, he will not run outside at this time!" Wang Li also said carelessly, "it's no big deal. If something goes wrong, I'll give it to the top!" You can also speak, clap your chest twice!

Su Yuan is also smiling, his own daughter! It seems that she is not much older than Su Yu. Why are they all children and the gap between them is so big? My elder brother seems to be too lax about Su Yu's discipline!

Wang Pu and the old lady originally wanted to go to the quadrangle to see their two children, but before they went out, they were told that Ding Yu had gone abroad with their children. This made Wang Pu and the old lady look at each other in such a way that they left? Are some of them too embarrassed?

The quadrangle just made such a big thing, and then you left, just like all the things? Nothing happened! The news spread around the 49 cities is still very fast, even in the Wang family? You're gone before you've made any moves? Are you really not going to find this place?

It's true that Wang Pu and Su bochen went to find Ding Yu, but what's the meaning? Just don't let Ding Yu make a scene. What if it does? Both families will be very embarrassed, but it's not to say that this is the end of the matter. But now that Ding Yu is gone, there are so many subtleties in this matter. It seems that there is no significance to investigate it!

Ding Yu has already left. The longer it takes? The more things will fade down and it should come back. Ding Ding is going to have a baby, and he will certainly come back. But when he comes back, the day lily is already cold and has no effect!

That's one night, but what about his changes? Too fast! It seems that he has left, or even left the problem to the Wang family and the Su family, but to a certain extent, he has let Su Yu go. Now, even if he is attacking Su Yu, what can we do to him? Ding Yu doesn't investigate!

Or Ding Yu didn't put Su Yu in his eyes at all. What about this? It also highlights the embarrassment of the Wang family and the Su family. Originally, because of Ding Yu's illness, he has been estranged from him. Now such a thing has happened. Ding Yu, the great grandson, does not even ask for any explanation! Floating past.

Why not what so-called explanation, because he has no idea of this aspect! To put it more bluntly, I'm disappointed with my family! I can't afford to get involved in it. You can try your best to make trouble! It depends on what you can do!

"Is he really sad this time?" When the old lady sat down, she also motioned to the attendant next to her. OK, you won't be needed here. After the steward left, she said, "when you and Lao Su went to find him, I felt that something was wrong. What happened in the past? Although he said that he might not be too obvious, he would never be so laissez faire! "

Although I didn't know when I took off, I can still find out where Ding Yu went after investigation. After all, such a big plane is not a small ant, so the news is also relatively fast. He even went to England, which is quite unexpected. I thought he had gone to the United States!

What about the arrival of Ding Yu in Britain? To or more happy, Ding Yu has not moved out for a period of time, especially recently also sick, although there are so some quiet, but we really can't pretend not to know, right?The house far from the school has been left to Tao Jin, so Ding Yu didn't mean to rush there. It's very easy to find a place to live! I'm not such a house here in England! Usually, the housekeeper is taking care of some houses, not to mention the base of Shasha!

"Sir Seeing Ding Yu, William also said respectfully. Ding Yu also nodded his head and showed a little smile on his face. And the two little guys also said hello to William, which was very familiar. The only thing that bothered him was that William was a little old-fashioned and British people's unique obstinacy!

Accompanied by William, Ding Yu came to the new house, next to Hyde Park, "I feel the protection is pretty good." Ding Yu nodded and praised him as he walked. William also nodded, "the opening time here is not very long, but the other apartments in the house are a little far away from here, and they have not been completely rectified. The security here is still trustworthy, so I chose here deliberately!"

The two little guys don't have so much feeling. For them, they don't have so much appreciation. Some of them don't meet their standards. What about their backs? It is a park, but the parks in Britain are quite different from those in China. However, the two little guys will not be very picky.

What's more interesting to them? Maybe it's a castle, where there's play and rest, and the space is very large. That's what they like. As for here? It may be luxurious, but for two little guys, it's just a place to live. What else? Not considered.

Ding Yu sleeps late at night, but he feels a hot body lying on his body with a little cold air. The taste is very familiar. You don't need to open your eyes to see who it is!

Ding Yu also put the man in his arms, "as for so late? I need to stay here for a while! "

The man in his arms twisted and didn't give Ding Yu any response at all. When Ding Yu got up, he was a little better, but the two little guys didn't get up. The jet lag still took quite a while, so Ding Yu didn't deliberately ask the two little guys to get up for exercise. After all, is it here? It won't stay too long.

After Shasha wakes up in the morning, she is like a beautiful snake around Ding Yu. She doesn't give Ding Yu any chance and her eyes don't open. Anyway, the whole person is clinging to Ding Yu. If she is not satisfied, she can't get out of bed!

Ding Yu also grinned grimly, and pressed Shasha under his body. It was almost eight o'clock when they had breakfast. If it was Taixi and Fuchen, they would only be lying on the bed at this time, and Sasha was radiant. It seemed that there was something strange when walking That's all.

While eating breakfast, Ding Yu looked at Shasha, who was rocking her head in front of her in her nightdress. "Are the two children still here? You don't pay attention to it! "

"I just went to see it, two little guys sleeping that called a fragrant, very cute, I began to be interested in!" Having said that, she also licked her lips. Ding Yu shook her head and was unable to eat. She was still acceptable, but for Sasha, it was a little bit destructive! Delicious food can't be used for many purposes!

When the two were together, they didn't talk about anything about Greece. Ding Yu came under the banner, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu must pay attention to this aspect of the matter. Shasha wanted to say something about it, but Ding Yu didn't succeed at all!

"I heard that your body is so strange!" When she was tidying Ding Yu's clothes, Shasha also asked seriously, "if it's not possible, it's better to come to England to have a rest for a while. Anyway, there has been no one living in the manor for a period of time!"

Ding Yu wants to go to the professor there, which takes quite a long time. Although he often contacts with the professor, it involves a lot of problems. It happens that Professor Hopkins came to the medical school to teach here, to test whether Ding Yu's techniques and techniques are backward! It is true that there is a cooperative relationship of interest between each other, but we still hope that Ding Yu can make further progress in medicine.

So what about this requirement? Maybe it's a little bit strict. Charlie doesn't mean that he's not such a material, but he's a waste in this respect. He can be a good doctor, but he's dragged down by his identity! So now there are so many people who can't go up or down at this time!

Ding Yu stayed in the school for a little longer, but this performance was really excellent. Otherwise, Hopkins would never let Ding Yu leave! When Ding Yu comes back, the two little guys have already arrived at the manor. William takes them with them! I can't pull it!

"Come back so late, it seems that your professor is very interested in you!"

Standing behind Ding Yu conveniently, he took over his clothes, hat and leather bag. Ding Yu washed and rinsed, and then changed his clothes again. "Fortunately, there has been no relaxation for nearly a year. Otherwise, today's level will be very sad! But everything is OK! "Ding Yu went to England. What about Su Yu? There are really not many ways to investigate. Su bochen looks down on Su Yu's grandson, but he is his own grandson. What's the matter? Can't always be in there! It seems that there are many problems for him to stay in Beijing.

Things can't always drag! In the past two days, the wind in Beijing has become increasingly fierce. If we don't deal with it again, who knows what kind of problems and conditions will appear. The family really can't bear it.

Therefore, Su bochen also forced his body to come to Wang Pu's old relative's home. "It's quite difficult to do what's going on today. It's not right to continue to let Su Yu stay here."

Su bochen also knows that Wang Pu and the old lady are very dissatisfied with Su Yu, but things have already happened, and now it is the result. What about dissatisfaction? Can't solve any problem and situation! I can only say that my grandson is too careless!

"Ah The old lady sighed, "where's the second? Wang Li and Wang Yang did not show up these two days. What about Xiao ER and Su Yuan? I'm very unhappy. Su Yuan is your daughter, and the second is your son-in-law! "

This is actually a little heavy, but what about the old lady? It's not that Su Yu was not punished, but that Ding Yu, the great grandson, was not punished? Another step away from! What about the gap between feelings? Also more and more deep, basically there is no possibility of closure!

"I called Su Quan. He happened to be in England. He was so angry when he heard about this. If you have a chance, talk to Xiaoyu." There is no good way for him.

Originally it was a blood sparkling wound, and now I sprinkled a layer of sesame salt on it. Ding Yu didn't say if it hurt or not. Anyway, he felt abnormal heartache here! This is really hard to tear the wound between each other is already tattered! Is there anything more extreme than this?

Suquan went to the British side to check the work. What about his nephew's illness? I know, and even deliberately catch up with the past, but I really don't know what my nephew makes out. After all, my work is quite complicated and cumbersome. I really don't have so much mind to care about the things in my family!

But after hearing this, I was really furious. What the hell is this? Even if there are opinions on Ding Yu, there are other people's share, but there is no family member's share! What's more, after this source is opened, how can it be blocked in the future?

Even if he went to find Ding Yu's nephew, what did he say? His father's idea is very good, but it is not so practical, what's more, Ding Yu came to the UK, it is obviously also for the family to make such a thing? He has obvious antipathy. If he shows up, his disgust will be even stronger.

But anyway? This call should have been called. Fortunately, Ding Yu's nephew finally left some face for himself, and did not refuse the call! "Uncle, why do you want to call me? I'm a little busy!" After receiving the phone call from Shasha's hand, Ding Yu is very insipid.

"I heard that you have come to the UK, and I am also working in the UK. I have heard about the family affairs before!" Su Quan also organized his own words, "I'll see you if you have time."

"Let's talk about it after we go back! Third uncle, you are busy with your work. I didn't come here to take a vacation. I lost a year. I spent the whole day around Professor Hopkins. I'm tired like my third grandson! "

"On purpose, isn't it?" Su Quan did not have so many scruples, "it's not to let you go out to fight and know your mood? It's not that pleasant. What about me? The work here is almost checked, but it also needs to go back in two days. It's not convenient for you now. Please give me a ride when you go back. There should be no problem! "

"The itinerary has not been decided yet!" If placed in the past, not to mention a ride, even if it is sent back by special plane, there are not too many problems, but now? If you can refuse, you can't be provoked. Then we don't greet you. What can you do? Is it hard to keep coming?

"Really, isn't it? Don't talk to me Su Quan is also very angry, but has not yet waited for himself to continue to speak. Ding Yu over there also suddenly said something happened to him. He said sorry, and then hung up the phone.

It can be said that it is extremely impolite to do so, but Ding Yu did so! Su Quan listened to the busy tone in the phone and sighed heartily. How big is this opinion? Even directly hung up their own phone!

What about your previous words? A little sincere, but the same? There are also some temptations to see what kind of state Ding Yu has experienced in his heart. It is obvious that this trial has already seen some effect, and he directly buttoned up the phone, and there was no other mention at all!

What a mess at home! Su Quan felt quite speechless. He called his father, but his father didn't answer it. The housekeeper answered. Su Quan simply said a few words and then hung up. Ding Yu was in a good mood. What about his side? You can't see it at all! That's how it looks!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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