Ding Yu's stay in the UK is a little bit longer, even Su Quan has returned home. Ding Yu is still quiet, but he really does not have much leisure, because there are so many things to be busy, not only hospitals and schools, but also the relationship between Sasha and him is quite close.

But as we all know, what is the relationship between Ding Yu and Shasha? Isn't it because she's a woman, the main reason? Maybe it's because of Greece. Didn't you see sun Yingnan coming? Isn't that enough?

What about the domestic side? Su Yu was taught a lesson. Su Jiang took him to make an apology to Wang Pu and the old lady. He was blue and blue than before? It's more serious, but there's really nothing else.

In other words, I was beaten twice, but in exchange? He smashed the courtyard and robbed tens of millions of things. In the end, it was a result of nothing. Because no one came to investigate, Ding Yu of the party was not in China at all! It's also a very indifferent attitude towards this matter.

Su Yu was expelled from the capital, but what? When I came to the Wangs' house, I felt pitiful, even in front of my grandfather. But when I left the capital, I didn't mean to be arrogant.

You just smashed the courtyard? What can be done? Does Ding Yu dare to fart? Without the support of Wang and Su, he is a stray dog. What about this? That's what Su Yu said when he left. Su Jiang's secretary turned his mouth subconsciously, but he didn't say anything!

It's not clear why Su Yu's mother is here. From his own point of view, there are some people who don't know the height of heaven and earth. It's not clear what caused Su Yu's success. But if we really want to investigate, it will be a superficial article now? You have to peel off the skin if you don't die, and at least.

Now that you're gone, don't talk about it! Right? In this way, all aspects may not be so angry! Who on earth are you showing such a show? What kind of feeling will the chief executive feel after hearing it? What's more, if the Wangs knew about it, what would it be like.

You should know that the people who come here to see off are not themselves and the chief's wife, but also other people's? Certainly will be revealed, so the secretary is two ears do not hear things out of the window, looking down at the instep, deliberately as did not hear it! Anyway, the position of their distance is also so far! Don't carry the black pot by yourself!

When Hua Xiaoqing heard his son say this, his face changed a lot. At this time, he didn't care about his son's greeting with the people around him. He also slapped him on his back. How could he say such a thing on such an occasion? How many white eyes did you eat for his sake! Why are you still like this?

It's true that Su Yu has left, but what about his words? Or did it spread to some people's ears. When we heard about this, we were also a little confused. How did the Wang family and the Su family do things?

Even if you really give up Ding Yu, you don't have to be so blatant, right? What's more, it's Ding Yu! Not a small role, do not like it doesn't matter, but also can not be so slandered!

What's more, Ding Yu has done so many things for the Wang family and the Su family. There is no merit but also hard work? In exchange for such a result? It really makes people feel chilly! If there is only one Su Yu, dare you say so? At this time, we are all thinking about this problem?

If Su Yu didn't say this, who said it?! Su Yu made such a big thing, and finally he left! None of the hairs fell off, but what about Ding Yu? Home was smashed, robbed do not say, and finally was buried out of a meal, who can swallow this tone?!

Su bochen was admitted to the hospital on the same day. He was really going to be angry. How could he have never thought that his grandson had put such a big satellite when he left. Now he is really shameless! As for Su Jiang, when the couple came, they were directly kicked out.

Su Jiang's face is also a black, the blue veins on his forehead are also collapsing, there is a risk of cracking at any time, he also has some doubts, why did not the previous time be directly killed? Then there will not be the current problems and the situation, what the hell, he is his own birth!

Nowadays, the word "pit father" is popular. This time, not only did he get trapped, but also the whole Wang family and Su family. What about him? It's also shameless!

Su Yuan came with Wang Li and Wang Yang. Looking at the elder brother and sister-in-law standing outside, she even went into the ward without even calling. Wang Li and Wang Yang called out. What's the extra? Obviously there is no need to say more meaning, your family is a person, our family is not a person?

However, for the sake of etiquette, we still need to say hello. Mother can be forgiven for not saying hello. But if Wang Yang and Wang Li don't say hello, there will be some things that are not very decent. At most, we will not communicate with each other in the future. We are a little far away from you, but after meeting each other? There is something that needs to be revealed.When I came, I saw my grandfather lying on the bed with my eyes closed. When I saw Su Yuan, I opened my eyes slightly and then closed them again!

Wang Li and Wang Yang are not far away from each other. Looking at their grandfather's appearance, they feel that they are not very comfortable. They are all so old. They are still suffering for such things. What is good to say? Very speechless!

There are many dandies in 49 cities, but what about such unfilial children? It's really quite rare, but such people are their own, which is really a little embarrassing!

"Go back! What is it like to accompany my old man? " The voice of speaking is a little vague, and it is also a weak look! After speaking, he was also silent.

Su Yuan stayed in the room for a period of time, and then was called out by the doctor. Together with the Sujiang couple standing outside, they also came to their own office, "since they have all come, I'll say a few more words!" Seeing the doctor's appearance, no matter Su Jiang and his wife or Su Yuan, as well as Wang Li and Wang Yang who were standing, felt a little bad.

"Old Su's maintenance is very good, but after all, he is old, and his body's resistance is still poor." The doctor also organized his own words, "I don't know what causes Su Lao's current situation, but at present? We should avoid the strong stimulation that Su Lao continues to receive

This speech did not say too direct, but the meaning revealed is quite clear! Su Lao's situation is very crisis, now it is in danger! Even the critical notice under the doctor's hand? Just sign it! Although it is ambiguous, but considering this age, still need to do quite preparation!

Su Yuan wanted to say two words, but when it came to his mouth, he felt his lips trembling and couldn't say it at all! There are also some feelings that can not be accepted! "Dr. Qu, my father's condition can still

Su Jiang also has no way to accept such things, if his father really had any accident and situation, he really has no face to be a man! In other words, his father's life was lost because of his son's son! What should I do?

After looking at the people in the room, the doctor also pondered for some time, "look at the willpower of the old man! What about his speech now? Has begun to have so some fuzzy, the home needs to do considerable preparation! We will certainly try our best to help old Su! "

After coming out of the doctor's room, Su Yuan also felt that his legs were weak, or Wang Yang was holding him in the back. Otherwise, he might be paralyzed on the ground. Anyway, he was his father. His father suddenly became like this!

Wang Changlin and Su Quan came a little late, not on purpose, but because of the needs of their work, and even didn't change their casual clothes, they came to the hospital directly! The doctor was impatient to explain again, Wang Changlin and Su Quan's faces were also so embarrassed!

What about now? It's not about Su Yu anymore. He's not so important now. What's important is the condition of the old people. Maybe he closed his eyes? Can't open it any more! This is the most terrible!

Because we don't want to disturb the rest of the elderly, we all stand outside at this time. Wang Changlin also made a phone call to his parents and simply said about the relevant situation. Although Wang Pu and the old lady are so angry, they can't take care of them at this time, because their situation is not that It's good.

"Well, it's already so late, so don't all gather here! Wang Yang, you stay with me at night to take care of your grandfather! Where's Qiuyan? Let the nanny and the attendants take care of them! " Su Yuan also slowed down at this time and made quite arrangements!

Su Jiang and his wife are also slightly embarrassed at this time. It should have been his eldest son who stood up, but think about it? What about this? It seems that his son caused it. Otherwise, how could such a situation happen? So it's not popular right now? It's natural!

When he came out, Su Jiang also pulled Wang Changlin, "second, what about me at this time? I didn't expect that I gave birth to such a son of a bitch. If I knew this, I would be killed at that time! "

Looking at Su Jiang's appearance, Wang Changlin also took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to him, "after listening to the previous things, I am really quite angry. On the one hand? Ding Yu is my son after all. What's more? Su Yu didn't worry about any consequences. He would make the family very passive. But now that the old man is ill, let's put these things on! The old man's body is the most important thing, and the others are not so concerned about it any more! "

Wang Changlin also said the meaning clearly and clearly. Your son is a son, and my son is also a son. What about this matter? You have to give me an explanation, but now? There is no chance and no time to mention these problems and situations. At this time, we should put them down temporarily!Su Jiang received the cigarette, this time the hand is still shaking, received the cigarette also two or three, already to the root! "I'll go back first. I always have an account for this matter, whether it's for you or at home."

"Lao Jiang! It's my fault. I didn't expect such a result! " When she got on the bus, Hua Xiaoqing also looked at her husband. She was afraid and said that she could see the change of her husband. It was abnormal, very abnormal!

Su Jiang did not look at his wife, all the problems attributed to his wife, this is too one-sided, there is no responsibility for it? Even their own responsibility is very big, I always want to be able to save their eldest son, but did not think that it is to harm him, also hurt everyone!

However, Su Jiang also had some doubts. If he had smashed the courtyard, what would have been the result if his nephew had made a move? Could his nephew not have done it on purpose? The more you think about this aspect, the more likely Su Jiang thinks it is!

If you do it, you can relieve your anger for a while, but what can you do? Home was smashed, out of breath can play what role and effect, so deliberately indulge! Can't you toss about? Let you toss a enough, anyway, no matter how to toss, also toss to his head to come!

And bad luck for the guy who cleans his ass! You can even use blood mold to describe it! You clean up or not! If you don't clean up, the dog skin plaster has been pasted on your body, but if you clean it up, it can't be cleaned up at all, because the consequences are too serious!

If it is true, his nephew is really cruel and heartless, and he also felt a burst of fear in his heart. If he does, he will definitely make you hard to say, because everything is just his own guess, and no evidence can be found.

Even to a certain extent, we still need to talk to Ding Yu, because after the incident, he did not have any action or attitude. He just took his tail and ran away like a dog! Not even a cry, in such a case, who can blame him?!

I contacted him several times before. What about my father? I've also arranged the relationship between myself and him, but I always feel him? Hairy boy, there may be some forces in his hand, but he is not good for Tao. What's his style of dealing with people? For their own do not like, too soft!

But now it's not like this at all. The so-called soft knife killing is more painful! It's just the kind of pain! Let oneself have so some not to slow down! What about the problem now? It's not to say do it yourself or not, it's Ding Yu. Do you want to do it?!

Even if he started now, not only others had nothing to say, but also clapped his hands and praised him. This thing made him do absolutely! No matter before or after people, no one can say that he is not at all! Its means to use is also perfect, and I am ashamed of this! Let's face it!

It's no wonder that at this age, he can roam the rivers and lakes. His rise is definitely not a lucky thing. He needs to clap his hands to praise him for this method. It's so powerful, but it's just so powerful? It's not known to outsiders!

When seeing her husband's hesitation, Hua Xiaoqing also withdrew two of her own husbands. Her father-in-law has already had problems. If her husband has any problems again, the family will really be destroyed!

Seeing his wife's appearance, Su Jiang's eyes finally turned twice. It took him a long time to get back to his senses again. His eyes felt so sour. Then Su Jiang also sighed, "what about Su Yu's education? I have a problem, also have responsibility, deal with it! Otherwise, it will only be the white haired and the black haired! "

Ah? Can't! Hua Xiaoqing is also a frown, but think about it carefully? It seems that there is a considerable possibility of this matter. Why is it that the old man has fallen, and now it can be said that his life and death are uncertain, and this responsibility? It's all to blame on your son!

If the old man really has that time, all the responsibilities will be attributed to his own family, and then not only the son, but also the husband? There is no way to be a man! But when I think about the way my son was beaten, I still feel unbearable!

But before waiting for himself to speak, Su Jiang sighed, "I've made a decision on this matter, and let him make a good transformation. Since he enjoys more happiness, he should have a bit of hardship! And I said in advance, don't let me know that you have any so-called contact with him. You love your son. I know that if you don't want him to die in front of you, you'd better be more careful! "

"Lao Jiang, what do you mean? He's not your son!"

"Just because he is my son, I say so!" Su Jiang waved, "you don't understand! His life is now a matter between one thought, even if he takes the wrong step, it is really the eternal separation of heaven and man! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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