Ding Yu only learned that his grandfather was in the hospital after he came back. He took his grandfather to the hospital. He didn't think about this problem. There are some meanings of accidental injury! But from another point of view, their indulgence seems to have played a little role!

Also did not take two little guys, took them to his mother's place, then Ding Yu just went to the hospital side, came a little bit late, after all, when he came back, it was already at night! When Ding Yu came in, only Wang Yang was here alone, as if there were medical staff!

"Brother Wang Yang really didn't know his big brother was back! Ding Yu put down the fruit basket in his hand. Su bochen came back half a day later. Someone helped him to go out and slip around. When he saw his grandson, he was so happy, "back?"

Ding Yu also took his grandfather from the hands of medical staff, "how can you still be so angry?" There was a certain sarcasm in this remark, "it's all old guys, take it easy!"

This said that the medical staff nearby is also a shiver, is really dare to say! Wang Yang also had some worries, but Su bochen snorted, and a rare smile appeared on his face at this time, "I'm not afraid of death, are you afraid of a ball?" After finishing saying that, also is intentionally swung own arm, anyway already went to bed, pours also does not worry will fall.

"Does it still seem powerful?" Ding Yu is also very disdainful to say, the voice is a little bit loud, with the usual time has quite different, "but also is the old arm old leg, you are really not afraid to break? It's better to spoil your body! Time is not forgiving! Isn't it? "

Hum! Su bochen also disdained to take a look, and the years have nothing to do with, at least now he can stand up, "don't look at my age, you! At my age, if you can walk and eat as much as I do, I'd like to burn high incense! I have serious doubts about it, even though I can't see this day! "

Ding Yu also found a seat and sat down, "what? Did you stay here at night? "

"Although the situation is good these two days, we still need to stay in the hospital for observation. After all, the conditions and facilities at home can't catch up with the hospital!" Wang Yang is also very cautious to say, I can see that the big brother's mood seems to be very good!

Ding Yu turned to look at his grandfather, "what do you want to eat recently? The food made at home is still very good. Although the food in the hospital is said to be more healthy, there is a great difference in nutrition and taste. I don't know what you like to eat, so there is no need to mention wine! "

"I know that there must be hidden words in your words!" After saying this, Su bochen also waved to Wang Yang, "go out and breathe!" The meaning of speaking is very obvious. If you have something to say to Ding Yu alone, it's not convenient for other people here!

When there were only two people left in the room, Su bochen also sat on the bed. "During this period of time, I thought a lot. At that time, you were deliberately older, so thinking was slower, so I didn't think too clearly!"

Ding Yu was silent at this time, looking at his grandfather, even with a little smile on his face. What do you want to say, master? That's your business, I don't admit it, I don't deny it, although I have already guessed it!

"What about the kids at home? None of them, like you, come out of life and death and blood and fire. They don't have the experience and the decision. They may even have a fight? No real forward rush! There are more than ten boasters, but what about other aspects? Give you shoes, there are so some do not deserve! "

"How do you feel that you are not praising me, but deliberately killing me?"

"Do you still have that idea?" "In front of me? Don't be a good boy! Su Yu that bastard, smashed your courtyard, robbed a lot of things, the problem is him. But you didn't do any reaction in the follow-up, not to say you can't, you little bastard is completely deliberately indulgent! If you could understand at that time, maybe you would not have to come to the hospital. This trip is really worthless! "

"I dare not do it!" Ding Yu shook his head without hesitation. "You know that's the great grandson of the Su family. Who dares to be presumptuous? Anyway, I don't have the ability to do this. If there is any problem, I will be the one who will have bad luck in the end. So I'd better not do anything. Anyway, this responsibility can't be shifted to my head? "

"Yes! You're not going to take the responsibility anyway Speaking of this, Su bochen also shook his head, "but you deliberately indulge, also let Su Yu that bastard? There's no preparation at all. The blood in my head is surging up, and finally it's a big mistake! "

Ding Yu is smiling, "in the end, no one said to compensate me for the guy who was smashed, or the gold and money I was robbed! Isn't it? " It's also about the old man on the bed.

Su bochen was also speechless by this word! Yes! What happened after that? No one paid for the smashed Siheyuan, nor the gold and money that Ding Yu was robbed, because in many people's eyes, you are rich anyway, and if you rob, you will be robbed. It's not a big deal that you don't need so much money!If you don't have the problem of your grandson, you can't even feel it! What can I say about this!

"All right." Su bochen also nodded, "this matter is confused? It seems inappropriate, but it is too clear. What about my old face? There's no place to put it. Where's my old guy? Unconsciously, such a situation has been created. I don't know what kind of consequences will be in the future, but you have to do this? "

"Grandfather, why do you have to decide that I started? Even if I'm full of mouth, I don't seem to be able to say it clearly! " Ding Yu also patted his hand, as if it was stained with dust. "If I really want to do it, I believe Su Yu should not be able to get out of the capital. It's not a big deal, but I really don't have any interest in him."

Su bochen also chewed on the meaning revealed in the words. If Ding Yu doesn't start, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have any practical ability. What about this matter? Although there are so many embarrassments on his face, he has not touched the bottom line of Ding Yu, so Ding Yu has chosen to use this way. If he really touches Ding Yu's bottom line, he will feel that his back has some chills after thinking about it! Dare not think!

They have already talked with each other very much. If there is no one to ask for Ding Yu's trouble, then Ding Yu will basically not trouble other people. But if someone is itchy, Su Yu is an example. Do you know that Ding Yu didn't choose to start? If we do it, who can carry it?

"Ready to go home and raise it!" He murmured to himself, "it's too restrictive here! But there are rules? It's not a bad thing. It's the right choice to act within the scope of constraints! "

"Understand!" Ding Yu also responded by saying that it is possible to do things within the scope allowed by the rules. Is it possible to do things outside the scope allowed by the rules? It's another thing!

However, in a word, this has no binding force on him. I never want to take care of these guys. It seems that every time they come to the door on their own initiative, and now mentioning the so-called rules to himself also makes Ding Yu feel so overjoyed. Is he looking for the wrong person!

Talk to someone else! The fact that he did not mention this matter with his grandfather face to face is not to say that Ding Yu gives face to anyone, but because there is no need for it! What about the rules? Man made rules are more important than heaven. Does that mean that the people's Congress should pass the heaven? If people are already bigger than the sky? Is there any awe?

After Wang Yang came out from his grandfather, he also called his grandfather and grandmother first. He didn't say what happened to his grandfather, but his elder brother came. This is a very strange thing. I don't know when he will come back. Anyway, he is here!

What about brother's mental state? It's better. It seems that there is a lot of flesh on the face than I saw before. As for what I want to talk about with my grandfather, I really don't want to ask. Even if I want to ask, there is no way, because in the room, only grandfather and elder brother, and even medical staff have been expelled!

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. Ding Yu even joked with Su bochen. Why did it sound so strange? Don't say the identity above is appropriate, want to know Ding Yu this child? After seeing, it has always been a pair of cold face holes, now suddenly exposed a small face, people feel not very adapted to it!

Then Wang Yang also called his parents. If Wang Yang didn't try to dissuade him, maybe they would have rushed to the hospital. Unexpectedly, the eldest son came back and went to the hospital. What are the problems and conditions? It seems to be solved easily!

When Wang Yang returned to his room, his grandfather and elder brother seemed to have finished speaking. The medical staff were already in the room at this time. Although she was a little strange to Ding Yu, it did not hinder her prudence and care at this time. It is absolutely not an ordinary person to be able to talk with Su Lao in this way.

"Since I just came back, go home and have a rest! Don't bring two little guys here. After all, this is a hospital, not other places. If you have time, take them to my place and I have prepared a lot of good things for them! "

When Ding Yu stood up, he said goodbye to his grandfather, and then he also expressed his thanks to the medical staff. What about a simple gesture? It also made the medical staff have a little excitement, and Su bochen looked at all these things in his eyes. What about the children at home? It is true that there has never been such behavior!

Because in their opinion, this is a very normal thing, but for Ding Yu, it is quite thoughtful to pay attention to the details. It may be useful or useless, but at least it leaves a considerable sense in the heart of the medical staff. The details determine the success or failure. But why does only Ding Yu notice, while other children do not?"Brother, mother said if you have time, go home to eat!"

Ding Yu waved, "I know, go back to take care of my grandfather! Don't sleep alone at night After that, he got on the bus and left directly. Originally, Wang Yang wanted to talk to his brother more, but he didn't find such an opportunity!

However, Su bochen looked back at his grandson Wang Yang, looking at his dejected look, but also some funny, "how? I didn't get your big brother's horse, didn't you feel very comfortable? "

"Grandfather, you are a little more active this evening. I'm glad to see my elder brother. You know, I've given up my wife and children, and I've been with you for so many days. I don't have any credit or hard work?" At this time, Wang Yang also began to complain incessantly, are you too eccentric?

"You boy! Still too young, although said that now slightly has so many active, but the difference is too far! Fortunately, where's your brother? It has never meant to be revealed. Otherwise, I don't think you can support it. Such pressure is beyond imagination! "

Wang Yang was also stunned. Why did the grandfather say so? Looking at the medical staff going out to fetch water, Wang Yang also couldn't help smelling, "grandfather, I don't deny that I'm always chasing big brother's steps, but I really don't feel too much pressure in this respect. I mean the positive pressure from my elder brother! Not only me, but also Xiao Bao didn't feel it! "

"And your brother? It's really not a mortal. We can't say that he didn't give you pressure. If there was no pressure, there would be no motivation. But what about the pressure he gave? It's just right. What about you and Xiaobao? At least he has the ambition to make progress, which is totally different from Su Yu's situation! "

"Grandfather, shall we not mention him?" Wang Yang also shook his head, "let this matter go!"

"It's OK. I've already looked at the problem. What about it? Or was your elder brother to play with, only recently want to understand this problem, I'm afraid your grandfather? Now, he is still confused. After all, he is not one of the parties! Of course. After today? He may also want to understand this problem! After all, your big brother is here

Instead of letting Wang Yang go on, Su bochen said slowly, "if it were you, someone would have smashed your home and robbed so much money from home. What kind of reaction would you have at that time? I mean you stand on your elder brother's position!"

Yeah? Wang Yang thought for a moment, "if I was in that position, I would throw it out directly. Isn't this a problem I'm used to? Not that I have a bad temper, at least in this matter, there will not be too much patience! I don't know what big brother thinks. I think it's so weak and weak! "

"It's too easy to think about it!" He also shook his head, "you! Is really did not see clearly your big brother, so say! If your elder brother beat Su Yu out, what about the accused? Maybe it's Su Yu, but after this, the spearhead will all point at your big brother! Even at home? There will be a lot of complaints

"Why?" Wang Yang is also so some do not understand! "Is it reasonable to do so?"

"It has nothing to do with rationality or irrationality." Su bochen also pointed out his grandson patiently, "what about Su Chen? It's known at home that Su Yu is going to have a bad temper. Your elder brother can see why he doesn't act at all. If you want to know that there are so many gold and funds in the house, they will be put there without any reason. Won't the financial affairs of your family be put in the safe? "

"Grandfather, you mean the elder brother did it on purpose, but why?"

Speaking of this, Su Bo Chen also sighed, "he was deliberately indulgent Su Yu. Under the circumstances at that time, could he really start to beat him? They are not disgraceful enough, and scold him. If you don't get angry or hate, you can easily attract other criticisms. Why bother? "

Wang Yang felt that some of his head was not enough. If all this was true, there would be some too cruel. For big brother, what about gold and money? May not be very concerned about it, but use this thing? Give the whole family a lesson! Even active division of the relationship!

I don't need to start, and even take the initiative to retreat. Isn't this what you want to see? Yes, there are no problems, but whether the result and cost can be borne by you? This problem is not what I need to care about. If you do what you want to do, then I will do what I want to do!

"If Su Yu doesn't do anything, then what big brother has done will all his previous achievements be wasted?"

"Stupid!" Su bochen also did not have a good temper and scolded, "if it is your words, can you still control your mood and mood at that time? What is impossible has long been forgotten! You know, it's smashed the courtyard, even robbed tens of millions of things! And it is Ding Yu who has been disgraced! "Yes! If it's your own, I'm afraid it's hard for me to say nothing and do nothing, even what I do next needs to be publicized! My big brother is really different from others!

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