When Ding Yu was busy, Ou Zhihao saw a middle-aged man coming in from outside. When he saw Ou Zhihao, he also nodded his head, which was a kind of greeting. His attitude was very peaceful. Ou Zhihao is also a Leng, the heart can not help is a shiver, feel legs a little bit soft, is really some soft! Almost won't stand! Fortunately, there are handrails nearby.

Ding Yu obviously also heard some news, "third uncle, is this inspection work?"

"You little monkey, you have smart ears The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu's dress and nodded, "it's OK. It looks like a chef. What about the meal today? You have a mind! What about the two little monkey cubs? You've been sent abroad. Where are Mr. Wang and Mr. Su? But you've been complaining to me for a long time

"Uncle, you're a lobbyist, but you're a bit out of line!" While talking, Ding Yu is also ready to finish cooking. Then Ding Yu shakes his head at Ou Zhihao. What about the third uncle coming in? Obviously, I have something to say with myself, so don't stay here. It's really not so convenient.

Seeing that Ou Zhihao left, the middle-aged man also looked at Ding Yu, "what's the matter? Have you come here? Very serious? " What if there's nothing special? Ding Yu should not make such a choice!

"What about it? Things are not so big. What about the great emperor of Russia? We have a certain negotiation with me. What about this matter? I just want to make a preliminary exploration, but I haven't started to have any action yet! For the time being, there is no big problem with what is involved! "

Yeah? The middle-aged man also held his chest in his hands and thought for a while before he suddenly said, "I remember that he suddenly released a news on the news about agriculture, which is related to you?"

"What about natural gas? We have a very good foundation for cooperation, but what about the price of oil now? The pressure is a little bit lower. For Russia, there are so many troubles, so we have put forward some cooperation agreements with us! "

"It seems that there are quite a lot of scruples between each other! But can he give you this response on the TV news? It seems that you have made a lot of determination. What's your plan? It must not be too small! "

Ding Yu also took off his apron and put it in good place. "Start with agriculture. What about wheat? It is Russia's main grain export, but what about vegetables and fruits? We don't have so many resources. The farm is doing quite well. Lao maozi is still interested in it. What's more, he has cooperated with us for so many years? We also have a good understanding of it! "

"Understanding is not enough. Are you going to make a big fuss about this? What about natural gas cooperation? We didn't say anything because it involved all aspects? They are very taboo, but you are not sure if you step in like this now. You hairy monkey needs to be careful

"What about agricultural cooperation? It's just a means of mutual exploration. I've said hello to Mr. Qi in this respect. What about the consortium? I won't show up for the time being. I'll show up in the name of the farm, and let people go and have a look at the specific situation! " Ding Yu did not hide anything, "what about agriculture? It's basic, and then it could be mechanical and informational! "

"Is it a little too big a step? What about the domestic side? Yes, but what about this? It's not just Russia and us. Now? What about the international situation? It's a wave! On the surface, it is not so calm, but what about the bottom? It's also turbulent. Can you, the "big crocodile," be able to hold up

However, this remark has some ironic flavor. It is not intended to ridicule Ding Yu, but it involves this matter? It's not a simple matter. What about Ding Yu's group? Although it is said that it is not in China, it is absolutely impossible to fall down after doing too many things for China.

"It's not something I can do alone!" Ding Yu also laughed, "what about the establishment of the farm? What about some interest groups? I feel quite dissatisfied, not only at home, but also abroad, but the interests? Always need a fulcrum, depend on how to pry

"It seems that the preparation is really good!" When talking, he also pointed to the things on the table, and Ding Yu also laughed, "it's always me who cooks, but I don't make all of them. What about Lao Ou? That is to say, I gave you a small platter, the two monkey cubs in the house. I'm afraid they've been waiting for a hurry at this time! "

However, when people standing outside saw Ou Zhihao coming out, their eyes were all the same. What about the provincial government? He's been investigated! There is no problem with his identity, but he can come here today. What's more? It seems that the relationship with them is really different. Ou Zhihao, who was seen by the provincial people, also shook hands!

What about before? It can't be said that he didn't say hello, but what about him? I really don't know. I'm a rich man! But it's relatively stable. It doesn't show that the mountain is watertight. I didn't expect to build a line with the farms here. What's the meaning? The relationship between each other is really extraordinary!What's more, what about the leader who went in? It's even more unusual. How long has this been? Some people said earlier that a young man with two children did not find out the specific situation, but this one seems to be really extraordinary. No wonder this farm? From the beginning to the end, it has a special flavor.

But what about this farm? It's really strange, you said there was a problem! All aspects have been investigated. What about the farm? There is neither land occupation nor demolition. What about the contract with the common people? It also makes people speechless. Is the benefit given too kind?

It is not to say that no one wants to reach out. There are many people up and down in the province, but what about those who reach out? What about this hand? Some people have shrunk, but more? Even people were pulled out, but what happened afterwards? We haven't found any clues. Now, what about you in the future? It's better to offer!

People invest a lot, and there is no illegal place, and there is no so-called contradiction between each other. What's more important? The background behind this is also big! Under such circumstances, we have to collide. This is a typical death seeking. What about the previous people? It has taught you a profound lesson!

What about dinner at night? There was no one else. Ding Yu didn't eat as much as he thought. The middle-aged man took a worried look and said, "what? The illness has not recovered, this is not your appetite! "

"A lot of changes have been made, and the condition has been basically recovered. Now the problem is not so big!" Ding Yu also explained, "originally, you need this amount of food, but now? In terms of body, it's not so necessary. In addition, if you eat too much at night, it's not so good for your health! "

"You Middle aged people also put down their chopsticks. In fact, they have almost eaten, "what's going on at home? I heard about it too, you! To deal with this matter well is not to be a loner! What about my uncle? I don't want too many changes in your relationship with your family! "

Ding Yu shook his head helplessly? Third uncle, tell me the truth! What about all the previous ones? Forget it. What about me? 600 million dollars to the family

"How much?" Some middle-aged people even took out their ears in disbelief, "I said you really don't take money, do you?"? You have the money to support the construction of some countries, such as schools, poverty and so on

"Don't you want to buy a clean one?" Ding Yu is also very helpless to say, "600 million US dollars is spent, how to use eggs are not, at that time is really hair, I almost direct hand, and then think about it, I can't afford, I still can't hide? What's more, uncle, what you said is a little irresponsible! "

The middle-aged also sighed. He understood what Ding Yu was talking about. Ding Yu didn't say that he didn't support the construction of the country. What about all the assets on the surface? It's all cleared up! They have also given support to construction, but how much of it is really supporting construction? I'm afraid it is only a fraction!

What about the problem? Although Ding Yu didn't go to investigate, Ding Yu knew that his third uncle? However, what has been investigated is only a secret investigation. After all, it involves many problems, but it does not mean that what is called Ding Yu's unfairness is not the problem.

After all, what about Ding Yu's money? It's not a red envelope for everyone, but for the construction of the country. Otherwise, why was Ding Yu so happy at that time? We should know that it was not hundreds of thousands of yuan, but it was obvious that a small number of people were there? Think of this as your ATM!

"Some questions? It will be solved in the end. What about this problem? If you want to believe in the country and the party, you may come back later, but you can't miss it! " When saying this, the middle-aged people's attitude is very serious. Obviously, what about the things they said? It also has considerable preparation and consideration.

"What about this? I really don't have much intention to investigate. I'll leave the matter to the state and the party. " Ding Yu was also bored and said, "what about the things at home? I don't want to. I don't care. Let's make fun of them! Do it! What if they want to die on their own? No one can stop it, can it? "

"You can't say that!" The middle-aged man also sighed, "after all? Under the restriction of Mr. Wang and Mr. Su, what about these children at home? The performance is still good, there is no violation of the law and discipline, there may be a little mischievous, some jumping, everyone's eyes are still bright! "

"I may be wrong! What about the third uncle? You don't persuade me, I know you are for my good, but what is the right and wrong in this? It's just like this. It's hard for you to come here today and try my craft! "

For Ding Yu's attitude, it really makes people very confused. Why say so? Ding Yu has been so depressed. This is a kind of expression of disappointment. Do you want to turn it around? It seems that there are some unlikely things!What about the Wang family and the Su family? I don't know. What about the children at home? What about the outstanding ones? There are really not many, but it's ok? Family discipline is pretty good, at least according to the current wind review, there are no too many problems.

But after taking over Ding Yu's 600 million US dollars, is it still possible to maintain the original tradition? This question? It is really open to discussion. Although I said that I was an outsider, I still had more respect for Mr. Wang and Mr. Su? I can't say it too directly.

When Ding Yu came out? Although the people outside said they saw it, there was really not much contact between them. What about this childe like character? We all remember his impression in his own head. Who knows what this young master came from?

Ding Yu personally sent his third uncle out of the farm. After everyone left, Ou Zhihao didn't know where to go. When he saw Ding Yu, he also stretched out his hands and tightly held Ding Yu's right hand. "Doctor Ding, I won't say much about other words, brother. I understand!"

Ding Yu looked at the shaking hands, but also smile, "walk with me, the night is cool, in fact, it is not a taste!"

"Hi, where's your doctor? How dare I disobey orders? "

The two men walked on the edge of the field. Ding Yu also took a look at the sky, but it was not completely darkened. "What about me? It's really a doctor, my father's wish, exactly? It's my adoptive father's expectation. I was adopted by my father, and my son has never been able to reach that level! "

Ah? Ou Zhihao was also quite puzzled, looking at his father, "what is my growth trajectory? I don't have much relationship with my biological parents. Even now I haven't disclosed the relationship between the two families. My parents know about this, but what about my adoptive father and adoptive mother? I may feel it, but I never mentioned it! "

"I'm sorry, Yu Shao. How can I think of such a sad thing?"

"Ha ha, you are still as careful as ever!" Ding Yu also looked back and said with a smile, "I heard that you made some things in those years. At that time, you directly shut down the two stores below. This is not my collection. What's the third uncle coming here? Some things must be known! "

"Understand!" Ou Zhihao also patted his chest, "where is my old Ou? I can't say anything else, but I'm absolutely clean. What about this business? Pay attention to is a clean family, although it is contaminated with copper, but the heart is clean, so where to go? Just be careful. You're not afraid of anything else

"I regard you as an old brother. At least I have the same temper! Do anything with awe? It's all limited. There's a scale. What about me? I won't stay here for a long time, but I hope to come in the future? If you can find a fly restaurant to have a meal together with the old brother, there's nothing to be particular about and nothing to say about it. It's enough! "

"Dr. Ding, I see what you mean! What Lao Ou didn't say, you see, if you say me Lao Ou is disgraced, you give me a big mouth and smash our front door! I swear in my mother's name For ou Zhihao, this is really a poison oath, because his mother? More important than yourself!

"Don't talk about it. Look at these farms. I've put a lot of effort into it? It's just established. Do you want to make a profit? There's a bit of bullshit about this, but what about talking? Also want to do something, from now on, the effect is still very good! People! Sometimes you can't just do it for yourself

"Dr. Ding, what do you say? I may be so ashamed! Speaking of it? I really don't have that high consciousness. Maybe it's because I'm too careful! So look at anything? With a little vigilant eyes, but within the scope of my ability, I am duty bound

"Your old brother is slippery enough With this, Ding Yu also laughed, "I didn't ask you to donate money and goods. You do your business, I do my doctor, not to mention your shop? It looks like a lot, but what about the real profits? There is no farm with a big profit! "

"I really don't know that!" Ou Zhihao also agreed.

"What about the farm profits? I don't want much. I support the construction of the school, the investment in the farm, and so on. Basically, I'm spending money. What about the people who offend me? Maybe a little bit more, because black eyes can't see white silver? I think about that? Your brother should feel something, too

Get it! Ou Zhihao also laughed at this time, "Dr. Ding, I understand. You are asking me to make a report! Although I don't go to school much, I have never been a class cadre! "

"After all, this is a big province. What about the above? Good solution, do not think too biased leadership, but the following problems? There are so many a little bit, since elder brother, you come to the door? I won't bother others, brother, do me a favor! What do I need your elder brother to do? Your elder brother is a local resident here. When do I need convenience? I hope you can help me with this"Your doctor is talking like this. I'd better recognize it! Isn't it? "

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