After leaving from Ding Yu, what about Ou Zhihao's mobile phone? It didn't stop. Until there was no electricity, it was a sigh of relief. Ou Zhihao also shook his head. Obviously, what happened this evening? It's been passed on.

What about the actual situation? I don't seem to get anything. What's wrong with that? I really can't say that. Before, I really mentioned a little request with Yu Shao. What about the vegetables and fruits at home? In terms of the farm, it's done! You can't work for nothing, can you? You have to make a profit for yourself!

But what about this little feather? He is really a very interesting person, you say he is unattainable! I can't really say that I didn't have contact with him for the first time. Whether it was for his mother at the beginning or later rescued his relatives on the train, this is not a fake!

But it's a little bit cold. I don't know it's occupational disease? In my opinion, it is possible to have both of them! Anyway, it's not bad for you, and you don't even need to show up?

What about the local owner? Maybe that's the advantage, because it's born and bred here. What's more, it's dry? It's this business again, so I'll know all kinds of news. Under such circumstances, it's not difficult to disclose the news to Yu Shao. At the same time, there won't be too much risk!

What about Ding Yu's banquet for middle-aged people here? It was known by the relevant personnel at the first time. We all knew that the relationship between them was so extraordinary. What's more, after Ding Yu returned home? It is also the second stop on his body, it is obviously what kind of things!

But besides Ding Yu and middle-aged people? It seems that no one really knows what they have been talking about. They just know that they have been in the kitchen for a little longer, and in the meantime? What about the security work? It can be said that it has done too much in place! No one can get close to it!

But as we all know, what's the matter? Certainly not because of the interests, because there is no such need. What about Ding Yu in China? Basically, they don't reach out, even if it's the blinding benefit of the farm? Ding Yu didn't even put it in his pocket!

After all, where is that account? What about auditing? For many aspects, it is still an easy thing. What is the great part of Ding Yu's interests? They are continuing to invest in farms and schools. In our opinion, it is unnecessary. It's a waste of money!

But what about the farm? Ding Yu can make the decision, others can only watch helplessly, there is no way, who dares to reach out? Don't talk about Ding Yu. I'm afraid even the middle-aged man behind him won't let him. Besides, the provincial leaders here will never watch the farm happen.

We have solved the problems of land, some farmers, pollution, and schools. These problems add up, and there are no so-called disputes and contradictions. Under such circumstances, if anyone acts on the farm, it is clear that it is necessary to discredit the province?

People have solved many problems in the province. If the province can not guarantee some basic conditions, how can we cooperate with each other in the future? What's more, will other people come here again? It's very simple and popular.

The next day, Ding Yu went to Ou Zhihao to have a meal with two little guys. It was just a simple meal. The two little guys and the little four eyes could be said to be smiling. The food was delicious. What's more, it was a good time to have a good time. This is the reason for the most happiness!

Ou Zhihao also made up his own gifts for the two little guys. What about the gifts? It's two pieces of jade, which are hung on their wrists respectively for two little guys, not to mention, with their wrists? It's a lovely sight!

Ding Yu looked at the gift and laughed, "is the gift a little expensive? Do you want to know the two little guys? Don't you really understand this? What about them? What about jade and glass? There may not be much difference! "

"No, never, what do you say? That's your business. What about me as an uncle? It's such a small mind, no other meaning! If you don't accept it, you're hitting me in the face. What's more, you've saved people without saying anything. What are the two small gifts I gave my child? "

After leaving from here, Ding Yu also went back to his hometown. What about this little half a year? The two children are both in foreign countries, although it is said that the family is also a child, but whether it is Ding Lin or Zhao Shuying? For the eldest son and two children, as always!

"How long can I stay this time?" Ding Lin also asked casually. What about grandsons and granddaughters? This time is also holding a little lazy over there! What about the little four eyes on one side? But there are so some disdainful taste, say a presumptuous word, a slap? Can let small lazy lie there directly! No second!"Look at them two bastards! This time I come back mainly to talk about something, and then both of them have a holiday Hearing Ding Yu's address to the two children as bunnies, Zhao Shuying's eyes are also staring up. Obviously, she is extremely dissatisfied. It's not that there is no name. As for such randomness?

Ding Yu changed his mouth immediately, even the first time. "They have holiday homework, but it's not the same as the situation in China. What about holiday homework? It's just to write some so-called experience and feelings, but it's no big deal! "

"How are you doing recently? It's good to see your spirit! " As for how many days they stay at home, where do the two children go to play? What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? I haven't paid much attention to them, but what about the physical condition of the eldest son? That's the most important thing.

Don't those who live all their lives hope that the whole family is happy and healthy? What about the current situation and conditions at home? That is to say, there is no other idea besides this.

"There's nothing wrong with the body! In fact, there is no big problem. You and my mother can rest assured that it is! "

Ding Lin also pointed to his son with his finger, and at this time, the little lazy is also a little impatient, what about the two little masters? Are there really some impressions that can be tossed and left on it? Is really not good enough! So this time is also to help Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people!

"When I came back, I went to see Ding Ding Ding and her two children. Although they said they didn't grow into Michelin, they seemed to be so fat!" When Ding Yu thinks of it, he also feels funny. Looking at the two children who have stolen it, he hugs them and tries to bully him!

After staying at home for almost a week, Ding Yucai left with two children, but what about the holiday homework of the two children? It has been basically completed. As for the follow-up? Just give it to Taixi! I would like to continue with them, but the two little guys quit!

I don't know what kind of agreement has been reached with their mother. Ding Yu really doesn't mean to ask. This is also a small secret between them. If they are destroyed, it will be bad!

The two little guys did not transfer to the capital, but directly left by private plane. What about Ding Yu's behavior? Once again, the Wang family and the Su family were disappointed. The two children had already had a holiday. At such a moment, Ding Yu still did not have any action and attitude, and even did not have a phone call. Too much!

"I heard that the old three met with him earlier, and they talked for a long time!"

Wang Pu shook his head. "It's useless. The third one just came two days ago. When did he come? In addition to asking about our bodies, and Ding Yu's things, that is to say, don't you understand? The third one must have said it, but he was also rejected by that bastard! "

It's obvious. What about the third? I'm very worried about this, but anyway? He is an outsider. What about his words? There is no way to say too clear, too clear words, for each other, it is really too embarrassing!

What about the current situation of grandson? Wang Pu couldn't say that he was dissatisfied with anything. How could he say that there was something wrong that could be done by heaven, and that he could not live if he had done evil by himself? It supports a leg in the family, but now? This leg has been broken. I still discount it myself.

Wang Pu doesn't like his grandson very much, or his feelings for this grandson? Quite complex, but never thought that each other will go to this step today, inflated! It's like a balloon. Ding Yu, the grandson, didn't stab himself with a needle. He didn't think it was necessary.

Someone will come to poke the balloon. Why should he be such a bad man? He just needs to sit in the distance and watch leisurely. He doesn't need to do it by himself, because he knows very well that he doesn't need to do it. Naturally, someone in the Wang family will do it. Now? It seems that the balloon is about to explode, because I have already seen the shining light on the tip of the needle.

"Anyway, it's the children of the family. What about the family now? There are many problems in all aspects. What about sophomore? He has his own work to deal with, and what about these things? I don't think it's special to put it in my heart! "

"It's not that we don't pay attention to it, but we have some willful indulgence!" Wang Pu took a breath from his cup and then shook his head, "what about this move? It's true that there is inheritance. Just like Ding Yu, I don't do anything. I just sit by and watch to see how much mischief can be achieved in the end! "

"No way!" In fact, when you say that? Some of the old lady's words are sincere.

"No, it's just the three of us? I don't want to admit it! " Wang Pu is also very practical and realistic, saying, "we always say that we have handed over the power, but what about the actual situation? What about this right? Those who are caught dead and dead are already dead old. How can they suddenly become like this? "Wang Pu can be said to be quite puzzled about this. At that time, he was not like this. In addition, his great grandson's side, his industry was quite large. No matter in the United States, Europe or Asia, they all have their own offices. You can say that he will seize power! It doesn't seem like that.

It's not to say that he's been fooling around every day. It's really not like this. What's his favorite? He ran to the hospital when he had nothing to do. It was like his second home. He indulged in power? Also let a lot of people see feel incredible!

Anyway, what about the old guy? There are some who can't understand. Under such circumstances, how can his decision be implemented? But that's what happened to Ding Yu, all the staff? It's like someone is whipping them forward with a whip. That's a good time!

Can they exert their supervisory initiative just because their grandsons delegate power? But why do you feel so incredible? Or is there any other way for your grandson?

"Like after the grandson comes back? The situation at home has become so different! "

"Yes! What about when he comes back? The situation at home is different, but the question is what about the three old guys? We didn't realize the problems and conditions, which led to the present situation? How about the transfer of power? It's not. Don't you hand in the power? It's not! "

"Yes The old lady also responded by saying, "how about handing over power? It seems that the above-mentioned rights have already been handed over to the second grader for a long time. However, some rights have never been given. They are always afraid of problems and situations like this or that. They are worried about gains and losses, but do not hand in the rights? The house is almost rotten

"Then call back the boy! How about the problems and conditions in the family after a thorough negotiation with him? It's the erosion on our hands. What's the problem? I'll leave it to the sophomore! We cling to it, can we finally play it? I'm afraid it's not a positive side, but a reaction! "

"What about the complete transfer of power? It doesn't matter. There's no big deal. What about the waiter? It should make sense, but what about grandson? What about inside? Is also a stubborn species, two children were sent away, Wang Yang's children? After he was born, he didn't even look at it. That's his nephew, too

"Don't be jealous, envious and hateful. The situation of Wang Yang and Ding Ding is different!" Wang Pu also played with the teacup in his hand, and then he put it on the side of the table, "Ding Ding? It seems that he has more reckless capital. What happened before Ding Yu left? All the domestic assets are transferred to Ding Ding Ding! We all know that! "

"Yes! All the assets are transferred to Ding Ding Ding, but what about Ding Ding Ding these years? Really there is no movement, busy with the so-called design, the whole person is very quiet, even in the Ding family? There is also quiet and calm, there is no sense of impetuousness, on the contrary, look at the home, all impetuous will soon float up! "

The old lady is also pondering over this issue. What about the truth? The Ding family should be more floating, but the problem is that over the years, the Ding family can't even hear anything, except when Ding Ding gets married? There is no news beyond a little bit of information!

Ding Lin is still in that county-level city hospital in front of his doctor, Zhao Shuying? After retirement, I also stayed at home. There was no arrogance or arrogance. There was no difference between my family and my relatives? No action!

Why is it that people do not change? Ding Yu, after all, is a child of the Wang family! Can the environment really change a person so thoroughly? Why can't you be a little more calm and learn from Ding family?

If Ding Ding Ding didn't have arrogant capital, it really can't be said that when Ding Yu left, he left not only assets, but also contacts. Although it is said that this is the capital, Ding Ding Ding wants to hop around. There is no problem. All aspects will be given this face.

But what about Ding Ding Ding? Is it true that there is no such thing to do, or even make huge profits every year? They don't pay so much attention to it. They donate money and goods every year. They don't mean to pity at all. They are also children. Why can the Ding family educate such two children.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. After I left home, there was no news. The security work was in place. Now, there is no obvious goal of two children, so what about him? It's really not easy. He has quite a security team around him. What's more, he is now in China, and there are not many people willing to go near him! "

"What do you think is the reason for his return to China this time?" Wang Pu also suddenly changed a topic, "judging from the previous situation, if he had nothing to do, he would never come back for no reason, even if his two children had a holiday? He won't bring his children back to see the old man. What's his disposition? " When he spoke, he snorted on purpose."The third one didn't say it when he came, but something must have happened!" The old lady is well aware of such things. The third will never come to the house for no reason. How about greeting them? It's just a surface! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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