"Sir, is there some danger in our coming here?"

"And here? After all, it's domestic. It's not as exaggerated as imagined. What's more, we come here quietly. It's just like a drill. But I haven't been out for a while! " Then Ding Yu also looked at the surrounding security, as if their weapons and equipment? It's also a little exaggeration!

There will be no problem in fighting two so-called encounter battles, even on Ding Yu's body? It is also carrying a huge package, which is equipped with a variety of things!

What about Kim? Only responsible for Ding Yu's safety, as for other aspects? I really don't have too many rigid requirements. As for why I come here? Kim still knows something about it. It doesn't mean that he values domestic forest farms because of the cooperation with Russia? So Mr. Li is more interested in the forest farm over there!

What about this kind of work? I didn't need to finish it in person, but now that you are interested in this aspect? It's really hard for other people to say anything. After all, Mr. Zhang has his own ideas and practices, but is he worried about his security situation? Home for this aspect of the situation can be said to be particularly attention.

"What about the protection here? Still relatively good! Because of the distance inland? It's a little bit far away. In addition to the road and other reasons, of course, what about the national protection? There are quite a few reasons, so the vegetation here is relatively good! "

Kim shook his head slightly. "I've been trained in such an environment, but what about the conditions? It's really quite different, but if there is a encounter here, there will be considerable problems and situations! "

"I don't want to encounter such a thing, let alone the so-called encounter war here? It's basically impossible, and where are we going? It's not a deep mountain and old forest. What about here? After all, it's China

Kim needs to correct the position on the map from time to time. What about the other people? They are distributed around Ding Yu, but they are not completely gathered around Ding Yu. "What about the investment in the forest farm? It's not a big problem, but the effect is too slow. This is really a problem! "

Hearing his murmur, Jin also laughed, "Sir, what about the investment in the forest farm? Although there is not much timeliness, it has a great impact on the environment. Whether it is China, the United States or other countries, what about this? Are very important, but can do some guarantee for our future! After we die, we can't ignore the flood! "

Oh? Ding Yu also turned to look at Jin, and then nodded, "from your words? Hearing a little exhortation, what about this question? Really need to find the old maozi to have a good talk, if the time is too short, there will be no effect, but the time is too long? I haven't seen a promise there. What's more, we don't have much experience. "

What about this problem? Is it really not the will of the people to transfer, domestic? There are experiments on farms, but they will not have any effect in the short term. No matter who is looking at this issue very clearly.

While Ding Yu was investigating here, he heard two dull voices coming from afar. What about the people who were very alert? At this time, it was also very quick to deal with it. Some people occupied the high point, some people had already taken out their weapons and equipment, and Jin and a security guard also put Ding Yu in the middle one after another.

Ding Yu patted Jin on the shoulder, "the sound of the shotgun! Listen to the sound? There seems to be such a distance from us

It didn't take long for someone to report the situation through the earphone. It was not aimed at them. I think someone was hunting here, but it was a little bit far away. "Sir, it seems that it is not so safe here! Why don't we change the line! If we go on like this, we may meet each other! "

"Just be careful! There's no need to be so nervous! I said it. What about here? It's China's land. "

Look at the sky outside, people also find a suitable place to start camp, can follow Ding Yu's side? Basically, they have experienced many battles. What about such a settlement? It's as simple as holding hands. It's not only about comfort, but also about safety!

Of course, they were in a special situation, and even left behind bright and secret whistles. That is to say, during the dinner time, a signal had been sent to Jin's ears. Jin also came to Ding Yu's side immediately. "Sir, someone came close, a line of 26 people, equipped with weapons and equipment."

"When the guests come, there is good wine; when the wolf comes, there is a shotgun. There is not so much worry!" Jin also made a lot of arrangements for security, but saw the fire? Is also in the distance of a period of time when suddenly stopped, why? Among the mountains and mountains, who knows what is the situation?

Just as they were moving forward, they suddenly heard the whistle. Then someone came out from afar and said, "Hello, everyone, what about here? It's not so convenient for someone to stay overnight. If there is nothing, I don't want to be disturbed! Please forgive meWhen I saw someone standing out, some of them were sitting on the ground. I was really tired. In the past, I thought I would go hunting? It's a delicious thing, but now, it's not like this at all.

When I met two wild boars, almost all the equipment was thrown away. At that time, I was in a panic, and even the personnel almost lost. Even a few people had problems and conditions. What happened after seeing the fire? Is also the first time to rush over, but did not think, unexpectedly was refused outside the door.

"I'm sorry!" At this time, someone also stood out, slightly tall, and behind him? There are also offensive weapons. What about the firelight? Still can see these very well! "I'm the Ranger here, and this is my work permit. We have contacted the relevant units earlier, and the helicopter will arrive tomorrow morning. What's the relevant personnel? It was there when we were in danger, but our personnel were injured! So

At this time, Jin also came out from the inside. He took a deep look at the tall man standing in front of him. Then he took his work permit and took a closer look. When people around him saw Jin, they were all stunned. This is a foreigner. Who are they?

"The wounded can enter, but what about the others? Not allowed to enter temporarily! You can rest on this field outside. You can help yourself! Just don't cross the cordon! " Jin also took a deep look at the people in front of him, "if you can, it's better to separate the guns and bullets! In case of other problems and situations! Are there any other requirements? "

"What about our goods and supplies? They have been lost, even for a period of time have not drunk water! What's more, we have several ladies here, if it's convenient? Let them take care of the wounded! "

"Water can be provided, but it's not convenient for women to go in."

"What are you talking about?" A clear and angry voice came out, "do you know who I am? And have you got permission to enter here? "

Kim took a look at the woman who was talking. The brim of her hat was slightly lower than before. What about the fire? It's not particularly bright, so there are some people who can't see her face clearly, but I don't care so much about her. After a simple look at her dress and dressing, she also whispered to the security guard next to her, then turned and left.

I have already said the specific requirements, but if you are not willing, then I am sorry! Seeing that Jin left, the people behind him also quit, especially the girl who was talking. She also stood up her chest, and the security guard also stretched out her hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, please stay here to avoid other misunderstandings."

"I broke in today. I don't believe it." Just after finishing this sentence, a few red lights have been nailed to her and the people beside her. The security guard also raised his arm at the first time. The meaning is very clear and simple. If someone goes forward one step further, then I'm sorry!

The players who carried shotguns on their bodies were the first to pull the talking girl to their back position, laser sight, and even some of them? Or from the trees down, all aspects of the aim, to give their own feelings? All the people are under control!

I have some doubts. If I have any big moves, will there be other situations? I feel that there are some things wrong with me all over my body. Who are these guys? What on earth are they here for? I didn't seem to get any notice.

You know, what about here? But what about carrying firearms in China? There are extremely strict regulations. Although they say they have a group of people on their side, only a few of them carry weapons, because they are forest rangers. And this is it? There are foreigners, too weird!

But what I don't understand is that if you want to do something to yourself, you really don't need to refuse them to enter. After entering here? If we carry out the encirclement and suppression again, what about our own people? They're not rivals at all, but obviously what about these people? There is no meaning in this respect.

This judgment doesn't even require too much brain work. What about the previous people? He still stood there, looked at it, and then said to the woman behind him, "Miss, they seem to have something wrong with the situation. These guys have guys in their hands, and they are big guys. To them, our shotguns may be firesticks. If something goes wrong, it's not good Do it

The girl in the back felt that her legs were so soft when she was aiming at her body with the laser sight. She didn't mean that she had never seen such a big guy. It was just because she had seen these things, what about her heart? It's true that there are so many people who are afraid. What is the origin of these guys?

You know you're here? It's just that these guys who protect mountains and cultivate forests have shotguns in their hands. What about the people around them? I brought some bows and crossbows. That's all. I begged my father, but it has no effect. Weapons and equipment can't be taken out. This is a matter of principle.But what about the guys in there? The big guy in the hand seems to have gone too far! I'm afraid that if you don't reach the top of the mountain, if you don't see the sun at the top of the mountain now, don't see anything! Don't try to be brave at this time.

If there's anything wrong with it, we'll talk about it tomorrow. But what about these guys in front of you? It seems that there are so some fearless appearance, so that people can not understand some!

"Let the wounded go first, and then what about our people? Watch out! Don't make dumplings here. The plane will come tomorrow Since the lady behind didn't speak, the forest ranger who took the lead also made arrangements at the first time!

At this time, all the people in the back can't walk. Although some of them are not satisfied, there is really nothing to say at this time. Can we find a safe and reliable place? For them, they are already satisfied!

After seeing that these guys are honest, the security guard also brought some firewood and looked at the person carrying the gun, "pay attention to the separation of guns and bullets. Since they are forest rangers, what about fire prevention measures? You should also know in your mind, restrain your people and don't make any other noise

Of course, in addition to firewood, there is also some water. The amount of water is very limited, so it is impossible to guarantee that everyone can drink freely. However, there is no problem to let them get rid of hunger and thirst. After the bonfire is born, people will also take off their tiredness. When they were chased by wild boars, it was really chicken feather and duck blood!

After the wounded were simply treated, they were sent out at the first time, which made Zhou Lin feel strange. Why? If it is really detained in it, what about your own side? It seems that there is nothing to say, but what about the people inside? It seems that there is no such meaning at all!

But one thing? It also makes the staff feel helpless, that is, although there is water, we are hungry at this time, and there is no way to lose everything. Now what about drinking water? Even if they give alms and ask for food from others, let's forget such shameless things!

After enduring a night's time, Zhou Lin woke up in the morning and shivered. Seeing the people lying around him, he immediately grabbed the gun in his hand and looked around carefully. Everyone was asleep. He didn't live up to last night. Some of them should not have.

Just when there was some activity, I saw that someone was on guard not far away. I just looked at myself. There was no other action. Because there was something blocking, I really couldn't see what was inside, but it was a leaky tent corner? Or I was seen by myself!

However, it may be because of hunger or other reasons. The people nearby are also slowly relieved. The campfire has already been extinguished. Zhou Lin looks at the surrounding situation and makes an inventory. There is no one missing. What's more, what about the wounded? It seems that there are not too many problems and situations!

"What about these people outside, sir? There's no big problem! " Ding Yu also shakes his head. "Although the weather looks good today, I can still see some dark clouds! Pack up and get ready to eat something. We should not stay here to work hard before our investigation is completed. "

Although Ding Yu is the head, he doesn't mean to stand idly by when he is packing up his things. He has to know that he did not come here for the sake of happiness. In such a mountain forest? We should share weal and woe, do not put out the authority and style, that can only make people more and more alienated!

Although people say that they are earning a salary, they don't earn such a salary there? So what about normal times? Although Ding Yu's requirements are quite strict, he is still quite warm to the people around him. What is the result of this? Naturally, it is also very good, security can be said to be dead to protect Ding Yu from any harm and danger.

Ding Yu and others quickly packed up their tents. What about breakfast? They are ready soon. In fact, many of them are fast food. If they are prepared, it will be too much trouble. But Ding Yu really doesn't pay much attention to this aspect. What about his own situation? Not without experience!

However, when eating, there was a lot of noise outside. Why? The people inside eat, drink and drink. What about the people outside? It's Just smelling the smell and gasping for breath. How can I bear it? What about the people outside? I boast of my extraordinary identity. What's more, the sky is already bright. Can the people inside dare to do something?

What about yesterday's exhaustion? At this time, it was all changed. The stomach was rebellious, so everyone was very angry. Zhou Lin paid attention to the forest ranger and gave a wink to the forest ranger. What about the people inside? Although it is not clear how many, but it is obvious that the origin is extraordinary.

What about last night? Although not all of them are separated from each other, they are almost the same. They don't want to cause anything in such a place. But what about these young men and young ladies? It's obviously spoiled. It's a little bad!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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