But no matter what these guys are yelling at outside, what about the people inside? There is really no action. As long as you don't cross the warning line, there will be no problem. You can't make a quarrel with them! What about all the people outside? I feel so annoyed. These guys are dead! Come out a squeaky one!

"Captain Zhou, ask what happened?" Last night when the feeling of humiliated girls, this time is also temper up, tense their small face, a face serious said, taste? May not be so fragrant, but their stomach has been about to twitch!

Zhou Lin looks at the people inside? There are so many people in it. Obviously, what about the people inside? It's not in the minority, but how many people are there? It's not clear. But obviously, what about the people inside? I didn't mean to take care of my side at all. Last night, I was in danger, so what about my side? There is no action, but now it's daybreak, and you are still pretending there. This is really something that people can't see!

Zhou Lin took a look at it, but he didn't go there. Some people reached out and stopped it the first time. It's different from yesterday's foreigner. What about this one? The mask on his face didn't mean to be taken off at all, and with sunglasses, he couldn't see clearly the eyes of this one. He looked up and down, and he really didn't give in to his clothes more than the childe and the eldest lady.

What's more, they didn't find out last night that they still had horses. What are these guys like? "Hello, here it is. Where are our staff? We didn't eat anything yesterday afternoon. We had already sent out a contact signal earlier. When the food and personnel arrived, we would double the amount of return! "

But what about this negotiation? It didn't work. What about Zhou Lin? Also did not show too much meaning, but the people behind did not do it? Just when it was boiling, I heard a burst of roar. The sound of the helicopter was still quite loud. Ding Yu also took a look at the outside at this time.

It is impossible for the plane to land in such a place. There are dense trees and basically no landing place. What can we do? Maybe it was the airdrop. The girl in the back also stood up at this time, "I suspect that you are of unknown origin and carry dangerous weapons!" When talking, I also raise my chin on purpose!

Until this time, Ding Yu came out from inside, but he didn't mean to look at the girl. He helped his sunglasses and looked at the helicopter above the sky. The helicopter circled in the sky, and it was obvious that he was also choosing the location. It was not long before he could see the cabin door opened and the rope thrown down.

"Sir! The people of the military When Kim said this, his voice was relatively low. What about everyone? I know that this guy is a foreigner, but what is his appearance? Still really can't see clearly, the face on the colorful do not say, this mask and glasses after wearing, it is more difficult to distinguish!

Ding Yu didn't speak. He just looked at the helicopter above the sky. Three people came down from the rope, and then there were some things. However, the helicopter did not leave, but continued to stay in the position in the air, but the rope has been taken down, and the height of the plane has also been greatly improved.

"The action is not very standard, and the speed is not very fast, so basic skills are OK!"

Ding Yu looks at Jin from the side of his head. His training intensity is different from each other, and their experience is also different, so he can't make other requirements. What's more, he once belonged to one of them. When he sees such a scene, he will inevitably have some feelings!

That is to say, if you want to have a look at these, otherwise Ding Yu has already left, and soon the three people came to the position in front of everyone. When they came to the front, they were stunned. What about the announcement last night? They did, but what about the situation? There are many differences with their imagination!

There is also the opposite person. What about this time? Looking at them unscrupulously, what about the body? I don't see too many weapons, but where are these guys standing? The feeling that gives a person is really a few hair cool back back!

"Uncle Wang, they bullied us!" The girl also looked forward to people, and then she looked at Ding Yu and several of them. "And Uncle Wang, they threatened us with laser sight last night! Be careful! They haven't revealed their identity until now. It's very dangerous! "

The mouth of the leading soldier also twitched slightly. You know the danger. You still say that, how many people are there in the opposite? I can't be sure, but what about my side? Look at the number of people, but if you really start, who knows what kind of situation it will be.

They didn't do anything last night. Even when they arrived, they didn't react too much. They felt more or less fearless, which shows that they have a lot of confidence in their hearts. However, you are adding fuel to the fire at this time, which also makes the leading soldier feel a little angry."By the way, Uncle Wang, there is a foreigner among them, that guy!" Then this finger also pointed to Ding Yu's side of Jin, when talking? There are also some elation!

"Identify yourself!" When talking, he also slightly lifted his muzzle! "Here it is."

Kim took a step forward, but he didn't mean to take off his glasses. Looking at the gun on the officer in front of him, he nodded slightly, "we are here to investigate. What do you want to check? And we have already reported it to the provincial government! You can check it out! "

"I want to check your real identity, please take off your masks! Bring out your valid proof

"If a dog bites LV Dongbin, he doesn't know the good heart!" Jin also shook his head, "you want to flatter, or to prove something, I don't care, but for this you affect our entire investigation, will pay a very serious price! Remember, what about this? I said it

After that, Jin also took off his mask and his eyes. He didn't care whether he was exposed in front of them. At this time, Ding Yu came forward, and a security guard was also following Ding Yu. Ding Yu just took off his sunglasses and looked at the officer in front of him!

Then he patted Jin on the shoulder, and Jin gave way to one side. Ding Yu looked up and down at the former officer, and then looked at the girl who had spoken earlier. After half a quarter of a second, he also shook his head slightly. However, before he could speak, the security guard behind him also covered his earphone with his hand.

Then he was close to Ding Yu's side and said in a low voice, "Sir, their men are coming. There are about 50 people with weapons and equipment! We'll be close in half an hour! "

"So our investigation was delayed?" Ding Yu also hummed and laughed, then looked at the gold beside him and tilted his head, "why do you feel like you are happy about this matter?" After that, he also gave a heavy kick to the gold, which scared the officer in front of him.

When Jin fell down, he also cracked his mouth and laughed. With so many people coming, how about your investigation? In spite of the fact that there is no way to continue to turn back, no matter how unsatisfactory it is? For the safety of Sir, there is a considerable guarantee!

The officer also took a look at his watch. After half an hour, the personnel finally arrived. You know, there were only three of them in the previous time. What about the pressure? It's not so big, but what about the people on the other side? Always did not want to start the meaning, so look at!

The support has already arrived, and people still have no intention to leave. What's more, what happened before? There is also a faint irony, which actually represents what meaning, it is self-evident, the officer in charge of the team also took a look at the young lady behind him and sighed slightly in his heart!

What does this sigh mean? It's self-evident, but what I didn't think of was this lady? After seeing the so-called support, she even wanted to surround these guys as soon as possible. The situation last night made this lady extremely unhappy, so now she will not let these guys too happy!

"Captain Zhou, disarm them all. Now I suspect that they are engaged in illegal activities in the forest!"

The officer in charge of the team shakes his head to the forest rangers at the first time. What's the range of action? It's not very big. What happened after they came? There is no action, and just now I learned about the situation last night. Even if you are arrogant, you should have a bottom line?!

Seeing that Zhou Lin didn't do anything, the girl felt that there was something on her face that couldn't hang. Then she pushed Zhou Lin directly, and then stretched the shotgun on his back. However, before the gun was put on his hand, the officer in charge heard a few noises in his ears.

"Jiang ran, don't move!" The voice of shouting is very loud, "don't move!"

The cry scared all the people around her. The girl was stunned for a moment. Then she felt something. Then she saw two people fall down on their heads. What happened in their hands? Also carrying a long gun, the officer in charge looked very clearly, the insurance had been opened!

And what about the first time? All of them are aimed at Jiang Ran's head. If Jiang Ran has any action, her head may blossom in the next moment. She has been here for quite a long time, but she really didn't find that there was an ambush on the tree, and the weapons and guns on their hands were really so shocking.

Standard weapons, and not only the arms on the hands, even can be described as fully armed, chest, thigh, back can not be seen clearly, but also absolutely not too few!

"Jiang ran, don't be impulsive, don't move!" Then he took a careful look at the foreigner behind him, and walked step by step towards Jiang ran. Every step was very careful, just like Jiang ran in front of him was a grenade about to explode!The intention of the other side is quite obvious! As long as Jiang Ran has the next move, he may be killed directly. There is no need to say any so-called truth. There is no need to say that! Why did he come here? If Jiang ran died, the consequences would be too serious. All the people present would not be buried with them!

What about Zhou Lin? After that, the officers who did not dare to take care of the guns were called out to the open space, and then the officers who did not dare to take care of them came to the open space, and then they took care of them

King looked at the officer who stood up and came back again. There was a sarcastic smell in his smile. "Major, I don't want to hand over your guns, but obviously your people have expressed serious provocation. For safety consideration, please separate your guns and bullets, and we need to keep your bullets!"

As he spoke, Kim shook his finger, and then the crowd gathered around him? At this time, I also noticed that some people came out one after another, all of them were fully armed, and the muzzle of the black hole was all aimed at the people!

"You don't have to think about it. In five minutes, if you can't do it, then we will forcibly disarm. What about the casualties? We will not bear any consequences! " After that, he also looked at his watch. Would you like it or not? I've said what I want!

No five minutes. What about all the guns? They were all gathered together, and all the bullets were taken out and placed in a package. Kim also took a look at the officer in charge. "You made a correct choice! If there is nothing else, you can leave! "

"There is also a hint of friendship. That lady, remember to bring your brain when you do something next time, otherwise you may not have such good luck!" And then wave!

People around me also feel a little scared, why? If you really did it last night, how long can you hold on to it with a few broken guns in your hand? By then, all of them will be sudden!

How about a group of people waiting? After taking a nap for a while, he ran out like a swarm of bees. But what about Ding Yu? Walking is very leisurely, as for the following group of guys, there is no meaning to put in mind.

"Captain Zhou, look at Jiang ran. Her mood is a little unstable. Don't have other problems and situations!"

What about the officer in charge? You can clearly see the movement of the team ahead through the telescope. What about their actions? It's really very fast. What about the people on your side? It is also true that there are so many can not keep up with!

When they catch up with each other again, they are surrounded by a group of people. The people around them are also armed with guns. What about each other? It's a confrontation, but what about Ding Yu? What about the weapons and equipment? All of them are installed, which seems a little strange!

Jin stood in the front position, and looked at it for a period of time. Seeing the officer on the opposite side, he felt that there was some hair in his heart. The paint on his face had not been removed. What about it? I didn't give myself any explanation, but obviously you want to disarm these guys? It doesn't seem to be possible.

"Tell your leader or boss what kind of documents and certificates he wants! What's more, what about this matter that we have already reported in the provincial department? You can investigate on your own. Finally, I would like to remind you that your people have interfered with our investigation and action. What about this responsibility? It's better to find the so-called scapegoat! At least you can't! "

"I remind you

"Don't remind me, where are the people from the provincial government? Should have been on the way to here, I know the provincial department for you? Maybe it doesn't have much effect. It doesn't matter! What about military divisions and provincial military regions? This order may be slower. It doesn't matter. So I said, ask your leaders and superiors what kind of documents they want! "

What about this? It's too big to be accepted. Do you want to be so crazy! But before they had a response, the provincial staff had already arrived, and they had brought the documents. What about the previous time? It has been reported!

But what about the provincial documents? The role played by the military side is not as big as imagined. After all, what about this matter? It was the military who took over first. Are these people being detained now? There is no way for the provincial department!

What about the military? It's not to say that they deliberately embarrass the personnel of the provincial department. What about the provincial department? For this aspect of the attitude is really not so strong, is to bring the document, that's all!

But it didn't take long for another vehicle to come by. The same thing happened to the Security Bureau? That is to say, I came to be a guest, and there was no other action or change. I just drove a car to come here, and what's more? He was also dressed in casual clothes, but also showed his identity to the military, that's all.

But what about the military? There are so many people who can't sit still. Why? What about the provincial department and the security bureau? They were in two different directions. They got the news, but what about the military side? There is no movement. Is this really strange? Why is there no news in this respect!And these guys? Even the military didn't put it in their eyes, and the provincial government came to hand over the documents? What's more, they are supportive. What about the security sector? There is so much fun to watch!

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