"Ye Zhan, you pig brain!" The person on the other side of the phone was also very angry and said, "if you don't let the people from the provincial department come, the people of the Security Bureau are watching the fun on purpose. What do you mean, you have to see us fight, right?"

"Chief, I suspect that their identities are not simple, and what about them? Not only are they fully armed and equipped with standard weapons and equipment, but also personnel? It's a foreigner! Even up to now, there is no meaning of revealing identity! If these people leave without clear investigation, it will have an indescribable impact on our national security! "

"Don't you come with me! I know you are brave, but this matter is not trivial. The provincial government has directly called me. What about Jiang ran? Don't worry about it After saying that, the person inside the phone also heavily sighed, "Ye Zhan, you are an old man, can't you restrain your own temper? How many times have you received awards for meritorious service in recent years, but how many disasters have you made? "

However, this word has not finished, the phone there is already busy tone, in fact, when talking, he is also a low voice scolding up, this stubborn donkey, how do not listen to advice at all? You know something? I have no way to say it. What's the phone number for myself? It's a red line. Things can't be revealed.

Ye Zhan angrily came to the spot, looking at the gold standing in front of it? He also rolled his arms and sleeves, but Ding Yu, who had been sitting in the back, did squint his eyes a little when he saw Ye Zhan. Especially when he saw the scar on the corner of his eyes, he seemed to suddenly think of something!

Ding Yu is also holding a coffee cup in his hand. Listening to the noise over there, he also said something to the security guard. The security guard came to Jin's side at the first time. After hearing this, Jin was quite surprised to look at the officer in front of him, "you are ye Zhan. You don't see that there are so many famous people!"

Yeah? Ye Zhan's eyebrows are also raised twice. What about the whole process? They are all under close monitoring. How do they know their names! Then king also said to his hand, "Sir, please! But only you

Ye Zhan looked around. Facing Jin who gave up his body, ye Zhan didn't have any hesitation. He walked inside and looked at Ding Yu sitting on the pony. Ding Yu also looked at Ye Zhan standing there, and suddenly burst into a smile. "Ye Zhan, it's only 20 cents a day. It's only 20 cents a day Come on, your progress is not very big, even a little backward

Looking at Ding Yu sitting there, ye Zhan also narrowed his eyes. Haven't seen each other for ten years? What about the man in front of you? With air force sunglasses, it's really hard to find anything from his face, most of his face? It's covered.

"Excuse me, are you?"

"Who am I? It doesn't matter. " When talking, Ding Yu also deliberately looked at Ye Zhan's eyebrows, and suddenly laughed, "what do I know? Your qualifications are quite good. You have studied in military academy and received special training. At least you should not mix in such an occasion now! Injured? "

"Sorry, military secret, no comment!"

"Is it? Even eyebrows have been shaved off. It's a military secret, isn't it? " After saying that, Ding Yu also laughed, "this should be considered that some people are not careful! Didn't you get your eyes off? It's really your luck, it's just a scratch

After saying that, Ding Yu also let go of the coffee pot inside and put it down, "how about here? It seems that there are so many talents, those are the soldiers under your hand? It's still good. Do you want to recommend another unit to you? "

"Sorry, please take off your sunglasses, I need to file it!"

"What about filing? There's not much need. What's your level? Let's show you my material. It's hurting you! " Ding Yu also laughed, "some people may pass on the information, or they may not pass it on. Finally, they are acquainted with each other and let you carry this black pot? It seems a little too much! Say it! Whose child is Jiang ran? "

"Sorry, no comment!"

"Anyway, I'm idle now. Some people want to see my jokes. It doesn't matter. What happened to them? Then take it easy and face it! It's going to work out, sooner or later. " After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at the time on his watch, "but it can't be more than two hours. Everyone needs a tolerance time!"

"I don't know what you're here for? On China's land, no matter who is allowed to carry such weapons and equipment! And what about it? There are also foreign personnel. I don't care who you are. Please tell me what you are doing here? But I hope you can take the initiative to explain the problem! "

"I've already said, what about this? I don't need you to care. This is not so simple as carrying a black pot. What are the problems involved? It's not something you can carry on your shoulders. Say something else"I'm sorry, but what about business now? I won't talk about anything else, if nothing else? I have other things to deal with, and I remind you that I hope you can hand over your weapons and equipment

"Ye madman, you haven't been changed for so many years. No wonder you are still 20 cents. I don't know what to say about you! Even if you want to arrest people? There is no need for such a public! Are some of them too much? This is not a good thing

Why is this person so familiar with himself, knowing his name and his nickname? Is there anything else he doesn't know? I seriously doubt it. What about the people who know their names? Many, but what about people who know their nicknames? Not so much!

But even if it is not many, there is no way to exclude this. What about the young man in front of him? It's like fishing. You throw out your bait and swallow it? No, it's not? It seems not! Don't say, it's really a bit of a hook!

"What about your screening training? I really don't know who did it, but I've read your assessment report. What do you say? It's a little common! Now, there is not much progress! No wonder it's still twenty-one cents. What about me? Now he left the army, but what happened? It's your old instructor! Let's see! Push up 300 people on the ground to see how much power you still have. I think I'll spare you this time? "

What? Ye Zhan's brow is also wrinkled up, let oneself push up 300, why does this word say so relaxed? What's more, this is in public, let yourself do push up 300! What do you represent now? It's not myself, but the whole military. I can't lose my face!

He said he was his own instructor. What about this? I don't seem to have much feeling from him? Really can't feel what so-called drillmaster flavor, their own career instructors? It's not as many as you can imagine, but how about each one? I have the impression that the young man in front of me seems to have some wrong numbers!

"I'm sorry, I'm on a mission, not a housekeeper!"

Just after finishing this sentence, the person sitting behind Ding Yu also laughed, "Sir, I'll compare it with him! Let's also see how many times your students have your skills. In any case, they are idle

Ding Yu also had a funny look, "how? You want to make a fool of me? But it's OK. What about this time? I was set up by you for success. How about adding some difficulty to you? How about 140 push ups in two minutes? It's a standard, let's call it a standard! What about me? Five minutes for you! If you win, I have nothing to say. If you lose, you know the consequences! "

The speaker also slowly stood up and walked to the front of Ye Zhan. Although he didn't carry any weapons and equipment on his body, he didn't mean to take off his backpack. "I'll come first. You can do whatever you want! Although you are a student of my husband, it doesn't mean that you will win me. I hope you won't lose your face! "

After that, he also found his own position. The backpack on his body didn't mean to be taken off at all. He was also doing extreme push ups there. Ye Zhan saw his eyes burning. Although he said that doing push ups, he was really not empty, but after all, he now represents a different identity!

But looking at this guy on the ground, I don't even need to look at the wrist watch, just look at his performance. For him, there is no problem with 300 high-speed push ups in five minutes. What's more important is what's on his shoulder? Still carrying a backpack, this is slightly different!

After five minutes, the man on the ground also stood up and patted his palm, looking at Ye Zhan slightly provocatively, "well, since no one is willing to come, I'll give you a little show! I hope you can like it. Of course, if you want to, you can come out and have a try! "

After a look at the people around him, it seems that there is no response. This one also walked back and sat on his position just now, as if nothing had happened. But Ding Yu looked at Ye Zhan, and the expression on his face was not very clear.

"When did you become so concerned about your identity? This is really not the Ye Zhan Ye maniac in my imagination! " Ding Yu shook his head. "Maybe you have your own way of dealing with people, but what about now? What about this style of dealing with people? There may be some that are not so good, at least for you personally, not so beneficial! "

"If everything is based on an individual's way, is the state still the state? I believe that you will understand this truth, and also understand this truth, so please hand in your weapons and equipment, and we have the right to

Hearing the noise of the helicopter, Ding Yu didn't even want to look up at the past, but looked at Ye Zhan with his eyes, "what about me from the beginning to the end? They all want to change your views and practices, and even try to get close to each other's relationship with you. But what about your will? It seems that there are so many too firm! This is a definite refusal"I don't think it has anything to do with will, but also with the so-called subjectivity? There are not too many relationships! " Ding Yu smiles, "I don't believe your leadership? They didn't tell you about it. What's their attitude? I'm afraid it's better to stay away! But what about what you did? It's tricky for everyone! "

After that, Ding Yu also pointed to the helicopter on the top of his finger, "what about the plane above? I came here on purpose. If you wait a little longer, it may be dark. Why do you say that there is such a big noise? Just for a statement? "

Ye Zhan looked at Ding Yu. "It's not for a statement, but because it's my duty."

"Well! It's all right to say that! " Ding Yu smiles, and by this time the helicopter has landed. Two people carrying Venus have come down from the plane, followed by two senior colonel and a colonel.

Ding Yu just sat on the top of Ma Zha. He didn't mean to stand up at all, and he didn't even have a little interest in it. At this time, Jin also came to the position behind Ding Yu, standing there honestly, without much action!

Ye Zhan looks at Ding Yu's performance and frowns slightly. What about the people who come down from the plane? Most of them? It's something I don't know. But at the first time, ye Zhan also trotted all the way. The visitor also said hello to Ye Zhan, but he didn't stay for too long!

When the visitor saw Ding Yu sitting there, he also walked over. However, when he came to Ding Yu, he deliberately turned around Ding Yu for two times. "Oh, isn't this our doctor Ding? Today's sun is actually from that side, unexpectedly had the honor to meet you here! It seems that today's ride is still very interesting

Ding Yu still didn't mean to stand up. However, he was shocked by the people who were carrying Venus. What was the origin of this young man? What about the people from the provincial department and the security bureau? I've been watching over there, and I don't mean to come here. But what about the one I'm accompanying? But from the other side of the capital!

What about your shoulders? They all carry Venus, but their identities are different. What about a star? It's so much heavier than your own star!

Ding Yu also immediately raised the coffee cup in his hand. Jin took the coffee cup into his own hand. Ding Yu did not know where to light a cigarette from, but he thanked Jin and lit the cigarette by himself!

"It's so frightening! It's guns and guns! " Ding Yu deliberately patted his pants, which seemed to be stained with some soot. Although Ding Yu's movements seem to be so casual, the wanton behavior of Ding Yu at this time is really very annoying.

"Xiaoding, what about your coming here? It has been spread out. If it continues, it will cause considerable trouble! Now back to Beijing? That's a good idea

"No trouble for you Ding Yu also stood up when he said, "how can I do things? It's my business, but thank you for your attention. If there's nothing else, I'm off! "

"Xiaoding, are you carrying these things? It's very dangerous! " What's the attitude of visitors to Ding Yu? Also feel a little strange, ordinary time Ding Yu may not be very happy, but will not directly refuse people thousands of miles away, but after Ding Yu is sick? This character has also undergone considerable changes! This is not a good thing!

"I dare to put it down, but does anyone dare to accept it?" Ding Yu immediately raised his hand, "how about it? Is anyone really interested in this? "

Someone looks at Ding Yu. What about his face? There is not too much laughter. If Ding Yu hands over all these things, what will be the situation? This problem is that he dare not make any guarantee. Ding Yu doesn't like people to follow him. What about this matter? The world knows it!

If the people around Ding Yu are to be disarmed, then what will happen to the capital again? This thing really does not have anyone to dare to do this aspect guarantee, this thing? It's easy to collect, but if you want to solve all the problems and troubles thoroughly, no one dares to make this guarantee!

He is just a little trial of Ding Yu, but did not think it will be such a consequence, there are really so some embarrassment. "Xiaoding, there is no need to be so serious! After I came back, there was something wrong with my temper! " A little bit Ding Yu, and then he waved his arm.

The meaning is very simple, all right, withdraw it! Isn't the noise big enough? Don't you think it's disgraceful? Ding Yu didn't mean to leave with these people at all. Instead, he called Ye Zhan to his side. What about ye Zhan's identity? I also took it in my hand the first time!

"Ding Yu is your instructor. Do you still have an impression of this

Ye Zhan was so confused that he shook his head and said, "I don't have much impression.""If you think about it carefully, you will have no impression at all!" But Geng Zhi immediately thought of something, "you don't know his name? However, he could not find it under the circumstances at that time? Will reveal their own name, give you a little reminder, when? You should have been trained in a military region in the south, less than half a year! "

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